

(third person)

People danced ceaselessly inside the club. A girl approached the bar for a drink, only to find it deserted. Perplexed, she wandered towards a door marked "employees only" and knocked several times, receiving no response. Driven by curiosity, she cautiously pushed the door open, revealing darkness beyond.

"Hello...?" she called tentatively into the darkness, but there was no answer. Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind her, startling her. Whirling around, she saw a figure standing there, head bowed, obscuring their face.

"Um... excuse me? I thought there was no one here, no staff at the bar..." she stammered nervously. As the figure slowly raised their head, the girl's fear intensified. Their eyes were an unnerving white, their skin deathly pale, and blood dripped from their mouth. She began to back away, her voice trembling, "Um... Sir...?"

The pale-faced man lunged at the girl with a growl, prompting her to swiftly dodge out of the way. As he crashed to the ground, she made a desperate dash for the door, but her escape was thwarted when something grabbed hold of her leg. She cried out in terror as she felt a vice-like grip tighten around her ankle, threatening to pull her back.

Frantically, she looked down to see a figure with a deathly pale face and blood streaming from empty eye sockets. Before she could react, the ghastly assailant sank his teeth into her leg, eliciting a piercing scream of agony from the girl. Meanwhile, the fallen man rose to his feet and lurched towards her, his intention clear as he aimed to sink his teeth into her nose.

The girl's screams echoed through the darkened hallway, but they went unheard as the zombies mercilessly tore into her flesh, consuming her with savage ferocity. Her cries of agony grew weaker as the creatures gnawed at her limbs, rending muscle and sinew until only bone remained. Blood pooled around her lifeless form as the zombies continued their gruesome feast, their insatiable hunger driving them to devour every last scrap of her flesh.

As the girl's life ebbed away, her gaze fell upon the monstrous figure looming in the shadows. Towering over her with an aura of dread, the colossal being watched with empty eyes as her final moments slipped away. In that moment of terror and despair.

The giant's movements were deliberate, his massive form casting a sinister silhouette against the dimly lit hallway. With a gesture of his hand, a tentacle emerged from his arm, snaking its way toward the lifeless body of the woman. Slithering into her chest, the tentacle deposited something within her before withdrawing once more.

As the giant loomed over the dead girl, a sense of dread hung heavy in the air. The stillness was broken only by the faint sound of his heavy footsteps echoing through the corridor. With another commanding gesture, the giant brought the zombies under his control, halting their grisly feast.

The undead creatures obeyed without question, rising from their feasting to follow their master into the shadows. With the girl's body left behind, they shuffled silently after the towering figure, disappearing into the darkness of the room.

The girl began to convulse; blood flowed ceaselessly from her wounds. Slowly, she opened her empty, lifeless eyes, her skin beginning to burn. Blood poured from every orifice of her body. Unsteadily, she rose to her feet, fixing her gaze on the giant before walking into the darkness behind him.

"Not bad... I can control them..." echoed a hoarse, inhuman voice in the room; it was the giant who had spoken.

"Although I can only create simple zombies... I can't produce Crimson Heads or more mutations... but it's not bad at all..." echoed the hoarse, inhuman voice of the giant in the dark room.

"Well... it's time..." murmured the giant.

"I've already managed to lock the exit doors of the nightclub. It's fortunate that I used Jeff's card for this... Now comes the main event," murmured the imposing giant.

The giant walked with heavy steps towards the door and said, "Come... it's time for the feast..." As he spoke, dozens of zombies emerged from the deep darkness behind him.

The giant slowly opened the door, stepping out followed by the zombies.


"Ha... how boring this place is..." muttered a guy while sipping his beer. He had been watching the people dance, expecting some excitement, but everything turned dull quickly.

"What's that...?" The guy's gaze shifted to the open "employees only" door. Suddenly, a giant, standing over 2 meters tall, emerged from the door. He stood paralyzed, the giant resembling a monstrous figure with a haggard face. People streamed out of the door alongside him.

The giant pointed at the crowd, and suddenly the zombies trailing behind him lunged toward the people. Chaos erupted as screams pierced the air. Zombies bit into flesh, devouring their victims in a frenzy. Some tore at necks, while others engaged in gruesome acts, one even appearing to kiss a human, only to devour their mouth.

People attempted to flee through the entrance, but found it blocked. Panic surged as the giant approached a girl cowering on the ground. Gripping her head, he squeezed until she exploded.

"S.T.A.R.S..." The giant's voice echoed ominously through the club. Meanwhile, the DJ met a grisly end as a zombie devoured him, abruptly halting the music. Terror engulfed the crowd; some tried to fight back but were swiftly overwhelmed by the zombies' onslaught. The metallic tang of blood saturated the air.

Amidst the chaos, a man drew a gun and fired at the giant, possibly a guard who had managed to survive. However, the shots seemed futile as the giant advanced steadily, impervious to the bullets striking his body.

The giant attempted something sinister; a tentacle emerged from his arm with unreal speed. The guard couldn't react in time as the tentacle struck, severing his arm in a gruesome display. Blood splattered across the ground as the guard let out a gut-wrenching scream, collapsing in agony. The piercing scream echoed through the club, intensifying the unbearable fear that gripped everyone, where death had become tragically commonplace.

The giant seized the guard by the head, and with a horrifying display, a tentacle snaked its way into the guard's mouth, forcing its passage down his throat and into his stomach. The guard could only writhe in agony as he felt the repulsive and burning intrusion invading his stomach. Moments later, the giant released him, and the guard began to retch violently. Initially, only bile spewed forth, but within seconds, a torrent of blood followed, gushing from his mouth. Collapsing to the ground, the guard convulsed uncontrollably as blood poured from his eyes, nose, and every orifice of his body. 

Witnesses stood frozen in horror as the convulsions ceased, leaving behind a lifeless shell. Suddenly, the guard rose, his eyes devoid of life, transformed into a zombie. With an eerie determination, he lunged toward a bystander, sinking his teeth into their neck with a gruesome fervor.

As the people continued to scream in fear, the giant observed with keen interest as a man slipped through the "employees only" door. An idea sparked in the giant's mind, and he moved purposefully toward the entrance. His intent clear: to instill fear and terror by claiming another victim.

A man dashed through the dark hallway, his vision obscured by shadows, but a faint light guided his way. Hastily, he entered a room where a security guard monitored the surveillance cameras. Seeking refuge, he barricaded the door with a piece of furniture to prevent anyone from entering. Collapsing to the ground, fear gripped him, tears streaming down his face as the reality of his best friend's demise sank in. Anguish and terror welled up within him, evident in the way he bit his lips in frustration and fear.

He glanced at the security guard, who remained motionless in his chair. As he approached, terror washed over him at the sight of half of the guard's face mangled beyond recognition. Reacting swiftly, the man spotted a gun nearby and seized it, finding some solace in the feeling of security it offered, however slight.

Turning his attention to the security cameras, he witnessed the horrifying scenes unfolding on the screens: people being devoured alive by the ravenous zombies. His heart pounded with fear anew as he caught sight of the giant's ominous figure appearing on one of the monitors, sending shivers down his spine.

As he watched in horror, the man's blood ran cold at the sight of the giant's approach down the hallway where he had recently sought refuge. Panic surged through him, his mind racing with desperate thoughts of escape. The realization that the giant was closing in on him sent a chill down his spine, leaving him paralyzed with fear.

Then, his terror heightened as he observed the giant entering a chamber cloaked in darkness. With a sense of dread, he witnessed the giant raise his arm, something indiscernible emerging with terrifying speed to obliterate the security camera. Cold sweat broke out on the man's brow as he realized the extent of the danger he was in, his heart pounding with frantic urgency.

With trembling hands, the man discovered an empty locker and crawled inside, clutching the gun tightly for what little protection it offered. Fear gripped him as he listened to the ominous sound of something heavy drawing nearer.

Suddenly, the door of the room was ripped from its hinges, hurtling through the air with a deafening crash. The security cameras and the guard were obliterated in an instant, the guard's body torn asunder, blood splattering across the floor in a gruesome spectacle. The screens shattered like fragile glass, leaving the room in eerie silence save for the man's ragged breaths as he cowered in the darkness of the locker, consumed by terror.

Through the bars of the locker, the man watched in dread as the towering giant of over 2 meters slowly made its way down the room. With trembling hands, he grasped the door and tossed it aside, his heart pounding with fear.

Ignoring the lifeless form of the guard on the floor, his gaze shifted to a small wooden table nearby, but he pushed aside any thoughts of it. Suddenly, the giant's gaze locked onto the locker, sending a shiver of terror down the man's spine. Sweat beaded on his brow as panic threatened to overwhelm him, yet fear held him in its grip, rendering him paralyzed.

With each deliberate step the monstrous figure took closer, the man's anxiety mounted, his mind racing with desperate prayers for escape.

Suddenly, the monster's attention was diverted elsewhere. With a hoarse and inhuman voice, it uttered "S.T.A.R.S..." before leaving the room. The man let out a sigh of relief, feeling as though he had narrowly escaped death. Though shaken to his core, he was grateful to have survived the encounter, at least for the moment.

After waiting a while and mustering his courage, the man cautiously emerged from the locker. Surveying the wreckage around him, he let out a heavy sigh. Peering outside, all he could see was darkness, enveloping the area in an eerie shroud.

Deciding to search the room for anything useful, Spotting another locker, he approached and discovered a flashlight nestled within, a valuable asset in the dim confines of the place. With his newfound tools, he felt slightly more prepared to navigate the perilous unknown ahead.

As he switched on the flashlight, its beam illuminated the surroundings, revealing a well-powered battery. "Perfect..." he murmured, a glimmer of hope flickering within him.

"I need to contact the police quickly..." he muttered, clinging to the slim possibility of rescue. Recalling his phone, he realized it had been left behind in the chaos of the nightclub's main room. "Shit... I'm screwed," he cursed under his breath, grappling with the grim reality of his situation.

With a heavy sigh, he resolved to venture out. Guided by the steady glow of the flashlight, he navigated the dark and ominous hallway. The silence was unsettling, broken only by occasional screams that faded into nothingness. Despite his trembling, he pressed on, steeling himself for whatever horrors lay ahead.

Steeling himself against the revulsion that threatened to overwhelm him, the man cautiously pushed open the door leading to the main room of the nightclub. The scene that greeted him was a nightmare come to life. Broken furniture littered the floor, amidst pools of blood and scattered corpses. The stench of death hung heavy in the air, nauseating and suffocating.

His stomach churned at the sight of the grotesque carnage before him. Averting his eyes from the grisly tableau, he spotted figures resembling zombies, feasting on the remains of the dead. Fear clenched at his heart, but he knew he had to retrieve his phone, regardless of the horrors he might encounter.

Biting his lips to suppress the rising panic, he steeled himself for what lay ahead. With grim determination, he stepped into the chaos, his only hope of salvation resting in the device that lay somewhere amidst the macabre scene.

With measured steps and bated breath, the man advanced cautiously, careful not to make any sudden noise that might draw unwanted attention. Moving stealthily, he covered a few meters before finding refuge behind an almost intact table. Holding his breath, he watched as a zombie passed by, thankfully oblivious to his presence.

Crouching low, he continued his stealthy approach, his eyes fixed on the area where he spotted his phone lying on the ground. With utmost care, he reached out and retrieved it, relief flooding through him as he whispered, "Okay, I have it..."

The man's blood ran cold as he heard the shatter of glass reverberate through the nightclub. Panic surged within him as he realized he had been discovered; the gazes of the zombies fixated on him sent a chill down his spine. Without a moment's hesitation, he bolted toward the safety of the "employees only" door, his heart pounding with terror.

Frantically, he jammed the door shut with a chair and piled furniture against it in a desperate attempt to barricade himself inside. "Damn, this won't last long," he muttered, his breath quickening as panic threatened to overwhelm him. With trembling hands, he reached for his cell phone and dialed 911, praying for a lifeline amidst the chaos.

"911, what's your emergency?" came the voice on the other end, a beacon of hope in the darkness that surrounded him.

The man wasted no time in providing the location and address of the nightclub to the operator on the other end. However, his urgency was met with disbelief as the woman's voice questioned, "Sir, is this a joke...?"

"NO! IT'S NOT A DAMN JOKE! MY FRIEND WAS FUCKING EATEN BY ZOMBIES!! COME NOW!!" he screamed into the phone, his voice cracking with anger and despair. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him as he pleaded for help, his desperation palpable through the receiver.

"Ok, we will send patrols to the place. It will take half an hour to arrive, but they will go as fast as they can," came the response from the operator. The man's face drained of color at the realization. Half an hour felt like an eternity in the face of imminent danger. The flimsy barrier he had hastily constructed with furniture wouldn't hold out for that long, especially with the memory of the giant effortlessly demolishing a metal door fresh in his mind. He knew he was in deep trouble.

As the call abruptly cut off, panic surged within the man. Frantically, he glanced at his phone's screen, his worst fears confirmed by the lack of signal. "No no no NO NO!!" he exclaimed desperately, his voice trembling with fear and despair. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized the gravity of his situation.

A chill ran down his spine as he sensed the heavy footsteps behind him, dread consuming him entirely. "S.T.A.R.S...." The chilling voice of the giant echoed through the room, causing the man to bite his lip in a futile attempt to suppress his terror. Tears streamed down his face as he whispered, "I'm sorry mom... I'm sorry I can't go to your birthday tomorrow..."

Before he could comprehend what was happening, the giant seized him by the head and mercilessly slammed it against the wall. In an instant, blood and brain matter splattered across the room as the man's life was abruptly snuffed out.

"S.T.A.R.S..." The giant uttered the ominous phrase once more, relishing in the terror it instilled.

"Perfect... more people..." The giant's hoarse and imposing voice resonated through the darkness, a harbinger of doom for any unfortunate souls who dared to cross its path.

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