
Ogre, Pretty Funny

The bridge was crossed in three long strides, and at the end I turned and left. I pointed myself in the direction of the smoke in the distance.

Then I ran into the forest, but this time not following the path; I was hoping to meet someone on the way. It would be a real shame not to use all this barely contained power from Lidy.

I really hoped that this wasn't going to be an ongoing thing with her. I could understand why she was angry, but this was taking things way too far.

The forest was blurring by me as I ran, but nothing seemed to want to fight with me this time, even though I was glowing within red lines of power. I was probably over twenty feet tall, but I still knew that this wouldn't scare the creature away.

I could feel the monsters around me, and there were some of the hyena creatures that had attacked me, but they stayed far from me now. I searched as I ran, and then I felt the pulse of power enter my range of sense.