

She was standing there by the gate with a clipboard in her hands and hair tied in a bun up, some strands came loose and she put it behind her ear.

She took a pair of glasses from her back pocket and placed it on her face, the frame was thin and black and the windows were square.

No doubt it was the complete kit of a secretary, the only thing missing was the skirt, but the slacks gave her a sexual appeal that no normal housewife would have.

She took out a pen and wrote on the clipboard, after only two seconds of writing she placed the pen against her mouth and increased her sexual appeal to one more level.

Some boys by my side were already swallowing their saliva by force, and their eyes were half shaded.

She looked in our direction and i felt my heart racing, my palms they stayed sweaty and i felt a tightness in the heart.

A voice ran through my head "Do not be stupid, could resist to Sefiroth and yet fell into an illusion of such a low level no doubt an waste"

Suddenly my whole being trembled, and when I woke up I realized what had happened, the woman in front of me used some method to get everyone under control and if it were not for this voice I would have been stuck here until she wanted to.

"Very well Jake, the second to wake up."

The voice was that of the leader of the guards, and besides me a relatively pale, thin boy was staring at the leader.

"The first boy is called Azra, you two may be the only ones to get out of such a trap".

According to the leader, this would be the second test and passers-by demonstrate mental potential to awaken traits.

I tried to ask if there would be more tests, or what the potential of awakening traits meant, even though i already had my suspicions the meaning, i wanted to be sure.

And every question was answered with "wait that all awakenead, it would be inefficient to answer just the two of you".

Not even his name he wanted to answer me, he said that if i wanted to know i would have to join his squadron.

We took exactly 3 hours and in that time only three more people awoke being all women.

After the three hours passed and everyone was awake and they did not know what happened.

The leader ordered us to follow him again, this time some Russian boys said they would not follow and they were adrift on the street.

I think they thought the leader would stop and try to persuade them to keep walking, unfortunately for them we never stop and just leave them behind.

Minutes after we walked, we arrived at the place the secretary (housewife) had pointed out, and I was imagining it would be a barracks and everyone here could hear where we are or where we should go from here.

But it was actually a warehouse with countless guns strewn who went from metal swords to rods with nails in it.

"Go, will choose one that pleases them".

I was going to move, but my body stoped and the voice spoke again "Because I chose you ?, change direction".

I stopped and looked to the left "not in this direction his animal" the voice was extremely irritated and made me enter an arms shop that was near.

Here all the weapons were of a higher rank than were being given for free.

After I looked at the guns around I went to the counter and the salesman was an old man in casual clothes and with a sharp look.

I positioned myself in front of the old man and he took a bag from under the counter, he opened it and spread and over the counter.

he placed five items on the table: a sword, a stick, a pair of daggers, a pair of gloves, and a bow.

All weapons had a purple stone inlaid, sword and daggers were on the handle, the staff had a large purple stone being held by a wooden base, and the bow was completely black with the stone inlaid in the place of support.

The gloves had six small stones placed in the vacant places between the bones of the fingers.

He ran his hand from left to right over the items as if he were saying "choice."

The voice in my head said, "take it all", I went out and got the sword first, I realized it was firm and heavy, I rocked twice and then he gave me the hem and I wore it on the waist.

Shortly after I took the gloves, he looked like he was going to say something, and for some reason turned away with a frightened face.

Perspective of the old man.

Since a long time ago they did this test and as always, no idiot came into my store.

I'm just a retired warrior and I got such humiliating work, I was told I had to go out and give tips on this place for the spoiled brats, but I never did.

For years, this test of choice of weapons was made and no one could ever understand that those are the weapons used by the military and that, after a few cuts, they would collapse, but the guns here are all newly made and made of the best metal the Pangerian metal.

Pangerian metal is a magical metal found only on a frozen mountain. The metal there has to be heated to a crazy temperature to be able to take shape, but all the work is rewarded because the weapon made of this material is not only robust, but also very durable and lighter.

Today, for some reason, a boy who looked like a child and with fine arms came in here, I was afraid that he would be the first in many years to unravel the mystery of guns.

But I do not expect much of that, medium body if you can hold a sword is already going to be a lot.

I did my duty and took the guns and put them on the counter and asked them that he choose.

I was surprised to see him lift the steel sword Pangerian as if it was nothing, it may be against the rules but I took the sword scabbard and handed it to him.

After putting the gun in the scabbard he raised his hand and was going to get another gun, I had already opened my mouth to scold him when all around me went dark.

My body was hard on the spot, an intense pain spread in the veins of my arms, I felt my blood flowing backwards, the sweat covered my forehead and to complete, in the dark where I stood two menacing red eyes faced me.


The voice echoed in my head without stopping i thought it would go crazy, I lost track of time the pain of my arms spread all over my body, my blood was going against the current and even with all this I could not scream or ask help.

I do not know how much time passed, it seemed an eternity until I was awakened by a human voice saying "Thank you sir".

It was the boy, the light returned, the pain disappeared and it was as if nothing had happened, in that moment of contemplation the boy turned and It appeared as if he would leave.

I got scared and shouted, "wait, there's one more thing," I remembered what the voice said and ran to my room and got the magic armor given to me by the army chief of the capital and brought it to the boy .

"Please accept this pectoral, it is made of Pangerian reinforced steel and has magical properties that reinforce the hardness and decrease the weight of steel pangerian leaving it so light that even a child can use it."

The boy did not seem to want to accept it, so I shoved him against his chest and also handed him a quiver full of arrows and two more hems for him to put the knives in, I kicked him out of the store and also locked him so he would not could go back.

As soon as I locked the door with the key the voice sounded again close to my ear "was really good human, and if you talk about me to some living being, your head will explode."

That same day, the retired soldier closed his shop and moved with his family to the neighboring village without telling anyone and settled there.

And if you wanted to tell me if you liked the change of perspective, I thought it was really cool to do that, and there could be more changes.

Jakscrzcreators' thoughts
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