
Monster’s Reprieve - Live Another Day

Going against the corrupted world, the General had succeeded in what he’d set out to do. With every enemy beaten, all obstacles cleared, and his soul drenched in blood, he stared at the blue sky and sighed. He regretted it all. Everything. It wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t happy. Staring at the corpses of everyone he’d killed in the recent battle. He only felt deathly emptiness. Why did I kill them… I could’ve just let some live… He thought he was tired before the battle, but now he was truly drained. None of it meant anything. It was over though. The war over. The battle finished. And his time was done. If he had tried as hard as he could in the earlier battle, maybe he could’ve survived this, if he decided to, maybe he could stay alive. But it was too late. There was no point. He had done it before. He’s survived against all odds and even against greater things, he’s powered through it all. But no. It wasn’t worth it. He was better off dead. So he allowed it. And it was over. The fool was dead, but someone nameless into another world would not be. Authors Note: Not a wish fulfillment story. I just wanna make something half decent at this point.

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11 Chs


Name: n/a

Description: The main character. Died after decimating an army with only his physical prowess. Likely could've survived, but chose not to. A very happy person, even if he doesn't show it. In his past life, he was cold and nearly unreadable. His personality seems to have been altered by dying.

Likes: Feeling alright, blue, the blue eyed lady, and sleep.

Dislikes: His eyes, death, and bitter foods.


Name: ???

Description: A beautiful lady who the reincarnate met after he reincarnated. Her blue eyes resemble a galaxy of stars. The two seem to have a relationship with each other.

Likes: The reincarnate, chaos, and mint.

Dislikes: Nothing in particular.


Name: Vill

Description: A talented magic user. Related to dragons in some way, but it doesn't seem to be by blood. While he seems to be the opposite of Aven, he's pretty similar. They're best friends.

Likes: Fighting, hanging with Aven, working, and eating.

Dislikes: Getting struck by lightning, dragonfruit, and cleaning.


Name: Aven

Description: A talented magic user. Raised by a lightning elemental. Creates chaos everywhere he goes. Best friends with Vill.

Likes: Fighting, hanging with Vill, interesting people, and cooking.

Dislikes: Being struck by lightning, being set on fire, and getting vanished, in that order.