

As the jet carrying Sun Wukong descended toward the school for gifted children, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The world that he had been thrust into was unlike anything he's ever seen before, with towering skyscrapers and strange contraptions that moved without the aid of horses or other beasts of burden.

The air was thick with pollution, and the sound of car horns and people shouting assaulted his ears. It was a far cry from the forests and mountains of his own world, where he spent centuries living in peace and solitude. But he knew he had no choice but to adapt to this world if he was ever going to find his way back home.

As the jet touched down, Sun Wukong stepped out onto the tarmac and was immediately greeted by a man in a wheelchair. The man was bald, with a kind face and gentle smile. Sun Wukong could sense the superiority of this man. It didn't help that he was accompanied by a giant blue ape wearing a suit.

"Welcome to Xavier's School for Gifted Children. My name is Charles Xavier, and I am the founder of this school."

Sun Wukong answered him wearily. "I am Su… Illian Hale." He corrected himself as he almost slipped up.

Before Sun Wukong could continue, he felt a familiar, yet foreign sensation. Xavier stared at the child with a judging gaze as Sun Wukong felt anger boiling inside him.

"What do you think you're doing geezer?" The others were taken aback by this sudden rudeness from him. He had only been here for 5 minutes and yet he was disrespecting their saviour.

"Illian, how dare you! Apologise, this instant!" Shouted Ororo as she stepped in.

Xavier had tried to pry into the mind of Sun Wukong. However, was unable to. Although Wukong was in the body of a human, his consciousness was still that of a god, and a mere human wouldn't be able to mind-read a god.

"No Ororo, it was my fault. Perhaps I should have asked before I did that. I merely trying to get a sense of who you are and what you can do," he said calmly. "I assure you, I mean no harm."

Sun Wukong grunted in response. He was used to being revered and respected, not treated like a lab rat to be prodded and tested.

As they prepared to leave, Sun Wukong stared at the giant blue ape, who he learnt was called Hank McCoy.

"Nice look," Wukong said genuinely. Although apes were a common type of being where he was from, he had yet to see a blue one with pointy ears and large fangs. Wearing a suit even.

Hank's ears twitched as he thought the comment was sarcastic and was actually an insult. However, due to the child's body language and tone, it didn't seem that way.

"Thank you." He said simply.

As they walked away, Xavier turned to his blue companion.

"Be sure to keep an eye on that boy. He's strange." Said Xavier with a face of indifference.

Hank was slightly confused. Other than the rude and rebellious attitude of the child, he didn't see why he had caught the professor's attention. He decided not to ask too many questions and simply said, "Yes, professor."

As the three newly arrived mutants walked through the field, Colossus started to make small talk.

"Hello. I don't believe we've talked much on our way here. My name is Piotr. Feel free to call me Peter if you want." The man of steel faced Wukong as he spoke in a thick Russian accent.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your mutation?" He asked in a deep voice. He couldn't help but wonder what the significance of the pole was.

Sun Wukong thought about this for a while. "My ability is this staff. I can Expand it to a tremendous size and retract it whenever I want."

"Ah, fascinating. Can I see?" In any other situation, Sun Wukong would feel angered by this constant pestering.

However, he's been carrying a lot of stress today, therefore he could use a little mischief. Like the good old days.

As Wukong plastered a bland smile on his face, he answered. "Sure. Catch." As he said this he tossed the staff at the tin man.

Peter saw no threat in this. He patiently waited for the staff. Due to his nonchalant attitude, Peter thought nothing of the staff as he finally caught it with both hands.

With a small tremor in the ground, Peter who had caught the staff was quickly jolted to the ground as his finger was stuck under the weight of the staff and he, as well as Ororo, were left dumbfounded.

"Peter, are you okay!?" Said Ororo, with worry in her voice.

Sun Wukong smiled at this spectacle. "Don't be nosy next time." He thought.

"It's alright. Wow, this thing is heavy." After saying this he took a deep breath and straightened his back.

With a single heave, he lifted the staff and held it in his hands.

Sun Wukong looked at this scene slightly shocked. That staff weighed 8 tons. It's seemed that he had underestimated the tin man's strength. He handed back the staff to the teen as he rubbed his metallic fingers together, making loud clanks of metal.

As they continued to talk, Ororo started to speak. "Illian, you should watch your tone with the professor. Professor Xavier has dedicated his life to helping mutants, and his wisdom and guidance have been instrumental in the development and training of many young mutants at the school. He deserves our respect and gratitude for all that he's done for us." She said in an authoritative tone. Almost how a teacher would speak to a student.

Sun Wukong showed little to no interest as he said, "Yeah alright."

It seemed that she had picked up on this as she stared at him with sharp eyes.

"She's right. The professor has done many good deeds for not only us three but hundreds of young mutants." As he said this he presented the school. It was a giant mansion made of brick and had a classic colonial-style architecture, with white pillars and a large, sweeping lawn.

The mansion was surrounded by countless kids and teens playing and chatting while some were even reading and carrying books.

As they approached the Mansion, the two that accompanied Sun Wukong seemed to be quite popular as kids started to rush them, shouting their names.

The most notable would be 3 teenagers who towered above the children.

"Ororo, you're back. How was the trip?" Asked a boy with sunglasses and black hair.

"It was fine. Everyone, this is Illian. He's new here so please welcome him."

"Hi, my name is Scott. This is Bobby and Jean." Said the teen with the sunglasses as he pointed at a blond boy to his right and a red-haired girl to his left.

Sun Wukong had recognised the girl. He enjoyed watching her journey and how she had a future recurring problem with the so-called "Phoenix Force". Although, knowing that things power, it was best to stay away from her. At his current stage, he would die if she lost control.

Wukong looked at the blond boy and stared at him. This man was also interesting. His most notable moment, which hadn't happened yet, was when he froze all of hell. Sun Wukong burst into laughter the first time he witnessed it. Although this boy's ice powers had a slow start, and some may argue that he wasted the ability in his younger years, seeing as how he's an Omega-level mutant, he does learn the full extent of his powers. In due time.

"Shall we keep going?" Said Ororo as she proceeded. However, before Wukong could follow her, he felt a slight burning sensation on his leg.

As he turned around he was met with his leg partially on fire. However, he did not panic. Fire was a normal thing for him. Being one of the things he could control with his magic in the past, he felt very comfortable with fire.

He slightly bent over with a calm face and patted the flames, making them die quickly. He then looked around the surroundings. This flame didn't spontaneously combust. Someone was behind it. And he was right.

As he looked around he was met with a tall muscular teen with short red hair, flicking a lighter in his hand. While the other was a large teen with a muscular build and dark hair. They laughed and chuckled as they watched the flames being extinguished by the new kid.

"Hey Pyro, your precision's gotten better. I think this kid's a worthy training dummy." Said the brute with black hair as he laughed.

"I think you're right." Agreed the other as he flicked his lighter closed.

Sun Wukong couldn't help but feel rage bubble up inside him. Not only has he, a god, been called names multiple times today, but he also had to deal with the geezer who thought he could mind rape him. He couldn't take it anymore.

He kicked off the floor as he bolted to the so-called "Pyro", carrying his staff in his hand, ready to expand it at any given moment.

Just as he was a few feet away from him, he attempted to kick the floor harder, boosting his speed. Only this time, his foot was met with nothing but air.

He tripped as he ate the dirt, his staff flying out of his hand. Everyone watched this with an unflinching face. This new kid had run so slowly at Pyro, attempting to fight, but couldn't even run properly as he tripped on the floor, embarrassing himself.

Sun Wukong looked at himself, but nothing was wrong. So why was he, a trained fighter, tripping on air?

The two bullies watched this, and after staring for a couple of seconds, burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, this guy is a joke! You see how he ran so slowly with that comical face." Said Pyro as he held his stomach and wiped the tears off his face.

"Enough!" shouted Ororo, as she stood in between the two parties.

As Scott and the other two helped up Wukong, Ororo continued to speak.

"What did I just say?! Apologise to him this instant!" She said as she reprimanded them.

"Yeah yeah. Hey look dude we're sorry." He said as he held back another laugh, walking away with his partner.

"Are you ok?" Asked Bobby as he helped Wukong up.

Wukong said nothing as he slapped away Bobby's hand and got up by himself.

"Let's continue with the tour." Said Colossus, seeing the angered Illian.

Sun Wukong followed them for the rest of the day, as they showed him the classrooms, danger room and dormitories. However, this all fell on deaf ears, as Wukong followed them silently.

After the tour was done, he was shown to his dorm room. He would be sharing a room with Bobby.

"This is our room. Make yourself at home. I'll be going out for a bit so you can relax in peace." Seeing that he was ignored once again, Bobby closed the door and left the room with a sympathetic face.

Sun Wukong was alone in the room, and after standing for a couple of minutes, he raised his hand and slammed it into the wall.

"This damned body! I can't even run in it let alone fight! It's small, weak and fragile! How the hell am I supposed to fight the gods with this!" He shouted as he kept striking the wall with his fist. However, this did nothing. After hitting the wall multiple times, his fists started to bleed, and the wall was as undamaged as ever.

After a few more minutes he stared at his fist. Because of all the rage and adrenaline, he couldn't feel the searing pain one would after damaging their fists like that.

"Never again." He declared.

With a new goal driven by revenge and rage, Sun Wukong wipes the blood off his fists fueled by a burning determination to become powerful.


Authors Note: Hello if you are enjoying the novel so far I would appreciate the powerstones. They really help. Alright, thank you all, Bye.

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