
The T-V show

25th march, 2020


Oh hello, yeah this my story. so of-course I will narrate it.

Today was my birthday, well its not like i am gonna give a treat or someones gonna give me a treat or anything like that. I probably would just go and eat something good and will enjoy myself. To be honest, last two of my life has been a mess cause of all that pressure from studies, family, and ridicules from my freinds. oh, Don't misunderstood me it's not like I am blaming any of them. I understand and believe ' Give and take system ' just it took me two years to understand it.

When my parents spent money on my studies, they do it for results. although its gonna be mine, they are still gonna be happy. Reason is pretty simple, it's for their satisfaction, for their happiness. For most kids it's a win win situation since they are gonna be benefited too. The bad part is when part say ' I am doing this for you ', Wrong you are doing this for your own satisfaction. I don't believe any of help poor if not the petty satisfaction you felt afterwards.

But it's Good too, I don't mind it. Most of us dont understand it. If I say someone your feeling are a part of your harmones, most kf you will shut me off. why you say, cause it's a bitter truth. I know what are you thinking, ' Is this guy not gonna love anyone then ' . My answer is ofcourse I will think about for a second, People know drugs are bad but they still took it and This love phenomena is something we all face sometime in our life. Just my life is gonna work more on this a simple line ' I will get no rather I will take what I give ' like if you like someone very much, then you want them to reciprocate in same way. Just like my parents, they spent money for their satisfaction and ofcourse my own studies so they wanted results.

Sometime I started to think, since when did I become such a person. since when did the world i like so much become so colorless. Actually I was already thinking of visiting a psychiatrist for my ' Rapid mood swing ' Problem but I didn't. I don't know even now that if I am some kind of sociopath but k didnt care. I tried to never show it. Untill one day, it was supposed to be fun day.....My birthday but it turns into my nightmare.

I was still in sleep as I felt my body picking, at first it was like a needle then it turns out to millions of needle at the same time. Extreme pain was probably nothing compared to this. I could feel my body, every organ of my body getting cutting into thousands then millions, probably billions. I couldn't do anything, Fuck, even my Royal hair wasnt left, well it's still pains me so no need to talk about it. But at that moment I felt pain, anger, scared probably every time of my life was infront of my life. I still remembered crying for life, begging for someone to save someone but nothing happened. I couldn't even speak.

It's been three hours since then, i could barely feel my body, it was there for sure but just all sense of sensation has been lost.

Six hours later, mental fatigue started taking over, I felt weak like a boat in waves, I was lost, barely able to think. I just wants to sleep but i was scared what if i didnt wake up again.

suddenly I feel someone else there, a person, a electric current runned through my body as I found myself getting rejuvenated again. It was a person of similar age with completely black eyes with any pupils, when I looked my reflection i was scared at my Silver eyes, probably he too was shocked as we both tried to move back ward but I couldn't feel anything. For hours we just looked at each other, at last he was disappearing for some reason I said.

" Its not over, I am coming for you " You misunderstood I can assure it wasnt a confession rather a threat.

" That's my line, sleazy monarch " He too said without even blinking his eye. As I was going through all of this, the entire world was in chaos cause of random disappearance of the peoples through out the planet.

Everyone has same question " What the fuck is going on the world ". No government have any answers, or rather They dont want to. The entire world was in chaos cause of disappearance of millions of peoples, The only common thing was that all of them who disappears were under thirty and the numbers was extremely great in India cause of high Youth ratio. And the lowest were in China and Japan alike.

Well, this all gone for sometime untill entire worlds networks has been tampered at the same time as I they all show a breathtaking beautiful Girl of probably sixteen year old appeared on TV. the world have never seen such a beautiful person, Men, women alike have their eyes glued on their screens. At some place, it leads to accidents. No matter what they were doing they were all of them stopped their actions.

" Hello everyone. My name is i am your judge or rather your host. Did you guys know that with your planet a planet huge as yours is stitched like a glue. Every year, due to spatial mishaps, various creatures enter your planets like vampire, ogre, goblin, fairies, Angels, dragons, snake monsters, magic besats like minotaurs, unicorns, medusa. Actually theres many more but its unnecessary to tell you guys that...so my master is very interested in see how you 3rd dinenstions fight. if you amaze him...he will reward you and the next ruler will get protection from a 4th grade being forever. I have send all those peoples to that world. " She said in swear voice it was clear and soothing for eyes.

" Its time for a new monarch " she said after all this as she chuckled. and the screen suddenly got black

Actually currently I am using a phone so its rather difficult and I am making it bit by bit. i have written novel second time.

yeah ONE IMPORTANT THING I am all ear to suggestion. no really, if it doesn't deviate too much from plot then I will incorporate your ideas too. and last thanks for reading.

This is edited chapter since it was hard to understand before. I hope you enjoy.

lordblanckcreators' thoughts
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