
Chapter 5

At Wilson Industries Office

in the conference room, every member of the board of directors was sitting with a serious expression and they were continuously checking the Data of the company and course, they were very satisfied after seeing the continuous growth in the profits of the company.

After some time Logan entered the conference room and nobody didn't show him any respect as the creator or the owner of this organisation. Logan immediately understood that he will need to use the hard way to show them who is the boss.

Logan sits on the chair boss and said," so we should start the meeting."

One of them looking like a cheap villain from movies asked," Mr Wilson, I was just checking Companies accounts and just saw that there are many drawings on your name and those are not just any small amount some of the transactions even reached billions."

Logan nodded and asked," So what is it that you are trying to say Mr smith."

Mr Smith replied," So as the chosen representative of many of my fellow members of the board I would like you to pay it back. of course, you can pay this back without interest." some board members nodded.

Logan smiled and said," It's really funny that you are sitting in my organization which actually cannot exist without me and asking me to pay my money back."

Mr smith frowned at Logan's word and asked," So you are trying to say you will do whatever you want with our money."

Logan smirked and said," Your Money, you have already gotten a 1000% return of what you have invested and that should be enough to fulfil a pig's greed for junk."

Everyone started to murmur and Logan just shouted," SHUT THE FUCK UP, OLD GEEZERS."

Mr Smith tried to say something about but Logan cut him in middle," I said Shut up and Alfred have you bring those documents I have asked."

Alfred replied with a smile," yes sir and I have personally checked if everything you said is written in this document."

Logan smiled and said," Very well, please distribute these among them," Alfred give everyone the document and Logan said," Everyone, these are the documents that say that all of you are selling all of your shares to Logan Wilson at market price."

Mr Smith was shocked and asked," What's the meaning of this."

Logan replied with a bored expression," Can a contract mean anything else."

Other Board member asked with a frown," What if we don't want to sign it."

Logan sighed and told Alfred," Please give them the other contract Alfred."

Alfred changed their contracts and Logan announced," the contract is the same but the price of shares is now at the face value of 2 dollars at which you will sell them to me."

Everyone started to object but suddenly Logan played audio with the voice of Smith, which says," Hello, have you loaded that shipment of girls on the ship. No, you don't have to worry about the police, I am a large shareholder in Wilson industries. the government won't even think of putting their hands on me."

Everyone now had cold sweat on their forehead and Logan said with a smile," Now you know where those ships go from the pacific ocean because I have to save the lives of girls ruined by you and I have many videos and audios of everyone of you so sign it and don't think I was cruel because buying these shares at market price is also a huge kindness to your family from me."

Suddenly the oldest member signed the contract and soon everyone also signed one by one while those two also signed their contracts with hate on their faces.

Logan said to Alfred," Alfred please take all the identity proof that they belong to Wilson Industries from them because the data of the past 6 months we have shared with them is already fake so we won't need that and throw these motherfuckers out of the building without any respect."

Alfred immediately proceeds with Logan's orders and started to collect their passes to enter Wilson industries after he made sure that everything necessary has already been taken, he told the former members of the board to get out.

After everyone left, Logan sighed because this will be the breaking news in some time that Logan has bought back all the shares of the organisation but that's not a problem for now.

In the Evening

at the Dunphy household

All the family members were having dinner and suddenly Alex asked," Has anyone heard today's breaking news."

Phil shook his head and said," No, I was busy teaching Luke how to take care bicycle."

Alex sighed and Hailey asked," Oh did something big happen today?"

Alex nodded and said," Yeah, Apparently Logan has bought all the shares of his company and gained complete control of the Wilson industries."

Hailey smiled and said," Oh now I get why you are talking about the news today, after all, your boyfriend has done something big."

Alex sighed and said," He is not my boyfriend and we just become friends yesterday."

Hailey asked," So? Alex never forget that a good and beautiful relationship starts with friendship."

Alex replied," Yeah, like yours start with a drunk kiss."

Hailey was about to say something but Claire suddenly said," so will he come tomorrow or not."

Alex shrugged and said," I don't know and I can not even ask him anything because I don't have his number."

Hailey exclaimed," what!!, you didn't even take his number. Now I am doubting if you will ever get a boyfriend."

Alex said," You shouldn't because it's none of your business."

Claire calm both of them down and said," Okay, can both of you stop fighting at the dining table also Alex remember that you have to choose a dress for the wedding right?"

Alex said with a defeated look," But mom it's a wedding of someone I don't even know. can't I just wear something from my clothes?"

Claire shook her head and said," No, you are going to wear a dress and that's final."

Alex just huffed and went back to her room and Phil just told Claire to let her wear whatever she wants.


Thanks for reading.😊

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