
Mizuki's Sky

Mizuki accompanies her sister on a tropical vacation for a week during summer vacation, and meets Sora there. His life is already a bit of a mess, but he's giving himself a break before he rebuilds it. It's just a week? I have updated the rating to Restricted, after reading the feedback over the chapter where she is attacked. This story shares charcters with Takumi no Eri, and is part of my Animephile. Pikachu belongs to The Pokémon Company. Any other resemblance to people and places is coincidental.

gusdefrog · Thanh xuân
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60 Chs


Sora was still smiling as he carried Mizuki inside, past her parents, and into her bedroom. He set her down before asking softly, "Does that mean you don't feel like doing anything? Are you in much pain?"

"I have a good pain blocker for it," Mizuki assured him quickly. She gazed up at him for a moment and then blushed and looked away before asking, "Do you still want to? Won't it be really messy?"

"I'm not squeamish about blood Mizuki," he assured her. "If it's too messy and you feel like you want to, we can do it in the shower," he pointed out.

She looked at him open-mouthed for a moment and then insisted, "I want to! I thought we wouldn't be able to."

He cuddled and kissed her before asking with a grin, "Want to take a shower before supper?"

She nodded.


While they had dinner with her parents, Junshiro asked Sora a little about his new bike, and Sora chatted happily about it.

Minori whispered to her daughter, "He seems really happy today."

"He is," Mizuki agreed laughingly. "I'm glad to-san knows enough about it that he can talk about it more than I can. I don't understand half of what they're saying," she admitted.

Minori laughed as she assured her youngest daughter, "It doesn't matter, understanding more of it just makes it more boring." When Mizuki looked at her in surprise, she reminded her daughter, "I have two brothers?"

Mizuki replied doubtfully, "I can't picture either of them on a motorcycle."

"Toshi had one for a few years," Minori said with a grin.

Mizuki tried to imagine her uncle messily working on something the way Sora had, with grease streaked down his cheek, and shook her head. It wasn't that she didn't believe her mother, she just couldn't imagine it.

After dinner, Mizuki took the bus to work while Sora started the search for a replacement seat.


When they went to bed after Mizuki got off work, Sora rubbed her back for a while.

As her muscles finally unclenched Mizuki moaned, "Oh god Sora, where have you been my whole life?"

Sora froze, and then informed her unhappily, "I was probably already in middle school when you were born."

She snickered into the fabric underneath her, then turned, and wriggled up to kiss him. She grinned at him, while he looked at her doubtfully.

She examined his expression and then said with exasperation, "If you want me to be older Sora, all you have to do is wait! Why are you so unhappy about being older? Do you like older women?" When he blushed, she released him as she sat up as she exclaimed with shock, "You do!"

He shrugged and replied uncomfortably, "Not exactly. More like I've always thought women in their mid twenties to early thirties are sexier. I'm getting old enough now that they're not always older anymore."

Mizuki swallowed, and then pointed out, "I'll get that old eventually."

He flopped down onto the bed, then pulled her down and kissed her. "You're already very sexy Mizuki. If I didn't like your body, I wouldn't have gotten so turned on just by having you sit in my lap," he informed her dryly.

She didn't want to ask what would happen when she had aged out of his preferred range. When he resumed rubbing her back, she sighed and snuggled into him. She met with resistance as she shifted her hips lower and laughed as she wiggled farther down.

He hesitated. "Only if you really don't mind Mizuki."

"I love you Sora," she told him. "I love making you feel good. You always make me feel amazing."

He blushed, and didn't reply with words.


Sora woke her up early, and while they showered he asked, "Will you add your cycle to my calendar?"

Mizuki blinked up at him. After a moment she nodded.

He had found a shop about an hour away that did custom seats, after discovering that Takumi's passenger seat had been adjusted from standard, and finding out the details about how it had been modified.

It was her first time riding on the freeway and she found it both a little terrifying and exhilarating. When she tried to dismount at the shop she almost fell, and Sora caught her with a questioning look. "I'm sore, stiff and a little cold," she explained.

"Sorry," he replied guiltily. "I should have gotten you overpants with the jacket, for longer rides."

Sora took Mizuki into the shop, where she blushed as the designer took measurements of her rear. Then they both watched with amazement as the designer tore apart the original seat, attached a premade plate to it, covered it in padding, and neatly stapled a new cover over the whole thing in under an hour.

Mizuki eyed the result doubtfully. "It just looks a little flatter?"

The designer smirked at her and said, "Try it out."

Sora clipped it back into place, had her sit on it, and Mizuki gasped with amazement. "It feels completely different!" She looked at Sora and assured him, "It's even better than Takumi-san's now."

He grinned as he informed her, "That's because it fits your bottom."

Mizuki was still blushing as Sora paid for the alteration. When he took her back to go to work, they stopped and had hot food and drinks on the way, so that Mizuki wasn't chilled when she started her shift.


That night Mizuki cuddled up to Sora and whispered, "I've stopped bleeding."

He kept her awake for another hour.


Minori complained to her husband, "Jun, how do they even have enough energy to do it so much? And why isn't Mizuki shy about it? I'd have died of embarrassment if my parents heard us."

Junshiro grinned at his wife sleepily and asked, "Don't you remember what we were like before we had kids? Has it been too long since I kept you awake until dawn? And Mizuki has never been as shy as you."

Minori blushed and shifted uncomfortably, without saying anything.

He shifted so that he could see how anxious she looked, and then pointed out soothingly, "They're not really being that noisy, the neighbors we had before were a lot noisier. Mizuki may not even realize we can still hear them from our room."

Privately he figured his youngest daughter probably guessed they could hear her, from her frequent blushes, but didn't care enough to stop because of it. He was actually a little relieved that she was so willing to be open about it. He'd noticed that anytime his daughters were dating someone that turned out to be unpleasant, either they or the guy they were seeing were reluctant to spend time around the family.

He'd been afraid that the guy he'd never seen before, who'd left his daughter crying the next day, was in that category when he showed up again. He wasn't inclined to complain about the noise the pair added to a home that had been too quiet for months. She nodded after a moment and cuddled up to him.


The next morning Mizuki got up reluctantly to fix breakfast. Sora looked at her tired face and asked, "After we eat, do you want to go back to bed?"

"Kind of," she admitted, "but it's my turn to take you somewhere this morning."

He bent and kissed her. "We don't have to do something everyday do we? It can still be your turn next weekend."

"But you're taking me out tomorrow night?" Mizuki pointed out.

He grinned down at her. "You helped plan our first dressed up date, and it's a special occasion," he argued. "And we don't have to keep it even do we? I just thought taking turns would be fun, and it has been so far."

She smiled at him affectionately, and agreed, "Let's go back to bed then, and I'll take you to the next place next Saturday."

After they ate and did the dishes, Sora scooped Mizuki up and carried her back to the bedroom.

Minori gave her husband a speaking look and he laughed and asked her teasingly, "Should we go out so you don't have to be embarrassed again until evening?"


After work Mizuki admitted, "I need to do homework Sora."

He frowned at her as he asked, "Why are you leaving it so late?"

She looked at him uncomfortably. "Do you have to scold me about it?"

He bit his lip, before confessing unhappily, "I don't know Mizuki. I don't know how I should behave when it comes to your​ schoolwork."

"I'm doing fine in school," she told him reassuringly. "You really don't have to worry about it."

"What if your grades drop because you're dating me?" Sora asked uneasily.

"That's my responsibility Sora," she said firmly. He looked at her worriedly and she promised, "I won't let them, if it bothers you that much. But sometimes we'll have to put things on hold while I study?"

"That's fine," he assured her quickly.

She smiled and kissed him before sighing and picking up her tablet again.

He tried to help her where he could.


Monday morning Sora got up when Mizuki did, and took her to school. When he got back to her parent's place he told them, "I'm going out to buy a few things this afternoon, is there anything you need?"

Minori asked, "Are you going to a grocery store?"

Sora shook his head in negation, but added quickly, "I don't mind stopping at one." When she gave him a list he grinned at her.

"If you really don't mind?" Mizuki's mother insisted.

He patted her shoulder and said a little awkwardly, "I don't mind okaasan."

Minori looked at her husband, who shrugged. She didn't comment, but later when Junshiro was getting ready to leave for work, and Sora was already gone, she asked plaintively, "Should I let him call me that?"

Junshiro stood and kissed her, before pulling on his jacket and asked her seriously, "Would you rather he acted like he's just playing with her Minori?"

She shook her head vigorously.

He grinned, and then kissed his cute wife once more before he left.