
Ch.2. Feeling sorry for you

Everything was lying on the floor except Lia, her pride was also somewhere on the floor. She was staring at the guy, her face had just one expression-'shock'.

The tray slipped from her hands due to rage, slowly the expression of shock was fading from her face.

"Hey, Lily! I met your mom in the hallway, she told me that you are in the kitchen, so…" the guy with a muscular body was explaining why he was standing there without informing her.

Lisa finally opened her mouth and exhaled the breath, "so…? Who gave you the fucking right to disturb me at night? Do you think that I'm gonna forgive you? Then, let me tell you, boy, you are wrong. I won't forgive you." She was furious.

"But why? What did I do? Just because I copied your assignment, you can't do this to me. It was just an assignment, Lily. Chill!" He blew one hand in his brown hair and shoved the other hand in the pocket of jeans.

She crossed her arms across her chest, " Mr. Justin Blake, you can move out your ass from my home. And never call me Lily, I hate this name as much as I hate you, Goodbye!"

"What the hell! It's how you treat your friend, Lily? You disappointed me, girl. I could never believe if somebody else would have told me this but now, I have seen everything and I'm not gonna let you go. Say sorry to Justin!" Mrs. Watson came from nowhere like a ghost.

Lia was as innocent as a baby whose candy was stolen by her friend, and when the baby starts crying, everyone is looking down upon the baby for crying for just candy.

"But mom, he copied my assignment. I worked days and nights for that assignment, I spent my whole month on my work, and he just stole my book and copied it. You won't believe what happened to me today, our teacher accused me of stealing the assignment from Justin." She explained everything but as always, she knew it wasn't necessary because her mom is never gonna listen to her.

"Look, Lily! Whatever happened it was just between both of you, I'm no one to put my finger on any one of you. I know just one thing that I have taught you some manners, you can't talk like that with anyone. Honey, it's your best friend, your childhood friend, how can you speak like that to him?"

Lia was not dismayed, she knew already that her queen mom is not gonna interfere with her matter until it's about manners and her BFF's son.

Justin smirked and showed his middle finger to Lia, she just rolled her eyes, Mrs. Watson was standing ahead of Justin, so there was no chance that she could see him.

"This stupid boy is not even my friend, too far to become my best friend."

"It's fine, Mrs. Watson! I know, she is never gonna apologize to me," he made his puppy face, " but I hope you won't be mad at her, I don't want you guys to fight for me."

So damn innocent puppy!

Why is he doing the study? He should be in acting school, he can be nothing but a good actor. Lia thought and sighed in disgust.

It was nothing new for her, she was tolerating his melodrama since childhood. She knew very well what to do next.

"Oh, my boy! You are so sweet, I've told you million times you can call me Kristen," she broke into a smile, "I'm your mom's BFF. We are thinking of your marriage and you guys are still behaving like kids. I'm distraught."

"What the f...heck!" She was stunned, "mom, please! I'm not gonna marry anyone, and this monkey, haha..! Don't have high hopes, mom!"

"Can you please behave like a lady, Lily? Apologize to him, right now, it's an order."

Lily, Lily, Lily… as if she didn't know how much I hate this name but she will call me Lily, you know why? Because it fits for a rich family, even name should be rich if you are a psycho rich, her thoughts were laughing at her.

But now, it's time for revenge!

"Mom, please! Give me one accurate reason why should I say sorry to him?" I knew how to handle this melodrama very well.

Kristen started taking deep breaths, according to her, it was the best rich thing to do for blowing off the steam.

"It's your mistake, Liliana Weston! You are supposed to say sorry to Justin without any excuse." She gritted her teeth and plastered a smile on her lips.

Lia was pro at saying sorry, "Fiona, I need some energy, please, give me orange juice!"

Fiona quickly took a glass and filled it with orange juice and gave it to Lia. She headed towards Justin, he was taking his steps backward as if he read her mind, and she started walking faster.

"Hey, hey, Lily, sorry, Lia! Listen...I...I…," and she fumbled with the broken pieces of the tray, and the orange juice was all over his face, neck, and clothes.

It was just an accident, not a plan.

"Oh, oops! I'm extremely sorry Mr. Justin Blake, I'm feeling so sorry for you. Fiona, help Justin with this, I'm going to my room." Lia patted on his shoulder and whispered, "you fucking jerk, you can never make me do what I don't wanna do," she smirked.

Mrs. Watson understood everything very clearly and left the spot quickly.

Fiona said frighteningly," but what's about your food? I'll make you another plate, Miss Watson."

"I guess, there is someone who cares for me. Thank you so much, Fiona! From today, we are friends. No, wait! We are best friends. Well, I don't need any food, now, I'm full of this drama."

"How could you do this to me, Lily? You are ready to be friends with this maid but not with me…? Are you trying to compare me with your servant? It's ridiculous, Lily." He accused as he was holy shit.

Lia pointed her index finger towards Justin, " you know what, this isn't the first time when you manipulated and humiliated me. I'm bearing your torture since childhood, and you expect me to be friends with you?" She sighed, " well, not possible! And always remember one thing that just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, it doesn't mean that you are allowed to humiliate or make fun of others who don't have money." She wasn't finished yet.

"Wait, I guess, even if someone is poor, they are working hard to achieve success, not using their parent's money for granted just like you. Do you wanna hear more? If not, then, simply stop your bullshit and leave. Because you don't have work to do but I have. I have a job to do, so many assignments to do, and…"

Justin swiped his face with his hands, " stop, I'm not interested in your gibberish either. Goodbye!"

"Goodbye, jerk!" Lia shouted gleefully and headed to her room.

She reclined herself on the bed, both palms were lying on the sheet of the bed, and her legs were straightened in a relaxed position. Open hair gives her a messier look but she loves her hair waving freely because freedom is the best feeling in this world, and she wanted to make this feel at least to her hair.

Lia took some long breaths and after some minutes she remembered that someone was waiting for her, she stood up from her bed and sat on the desk, took the laptop, and crossed her fingers.

When electricity was gone, she couldn't recall if she saved the document or not, her dear assignment was waiting for her.

She promptly checked the document, and it was saved. Her attention diverted towards the door when she heard a knock.

"Miss Watson, it's Fiona! May I come in?"

"Yeah, sure! But I don't have much time, be quick." Lia muttered in a cold voice.

Fiona came in with a tray in her hand, the same fruit, mango juice, and milk were sitting on the tray very proudly as if they also know that they are going to Miss Liliana Watson.

"I told you, I don't need anything. Thanks for your concern, I was hungry but I have to finish this assignment and submit it tomorrow, I don't have time for eating and talking." Lia moved towards her laptop again.

Fiona took the glass of milk and put it on the desk, "it'll take only ten seconds to drink milk. I suppose it's healthy to drink milk while studying, it'll help you to focus."

Lia smiled, " I don't believe you, girl, milk can't help you to focus. But it'll take ten seconds only so, I'm taking this." Her eyes were on the laptop, she took the glass and finished within ten seconds. "Thank you, Fiona! Now, I don't have much time, I'll talk to you tomorrow, bye, good night!"

"Okay, good night! Have a good sleep!" She took the glass and placed it in the tray and started moving out of the room.

"It's not a good night for me, I can't sleep tonight because that jerk stole my assignment," she screamed with a little laugh and sarcasm.

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