
Mirror Vengeance

As the most beloved eldest daughter of the Evans family, Sharon Evans always thought that God treated her seriously ....

leading_bird · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

##Chapter 48 Start to Probe

After hearing this, Sharon smiled. She did not answer anything and took a sip of the lemonade.

Jealousy flashed in Renata's eyes. She clenched her fingers.

"What do you want to eat?"

Nathan had a look at Sharon and then at Renata.

"Since I said I would treat you to dinner, take your order,"

Renata looked at Nathan. But in fact, she knew that he would not let her pay for the meal even if she said so. After all, she helped Nathan.

Nathan was the president and a man. How could he let a woman pay for the meal?

"I promised to treat you for coffee. Even though we changed it to dinner, it should be my treat."

Then Nathan had pushed the menu to her.

Renata looked at Sharon complacently.

Renata wanted to use this opportunity to prove whether Sophie was Sharon.

She picked up the recipe, recalling.

Sharon did not like to eat sweets most. If she ate too many chilies, she would be allergic. Sharon was once sent to the hospital because she ate too many chilies.

Sharon would order dishes according to those two criteria. Sophie and Sharon had different habits. If their habits were the same, it was suspicious.

Renata picked up the pen, ordered a few dishes slowly, and handed the menu to the waiter. After the waiter left, Renata looked at Sophie, suddenly remembering something,

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was so busy ordering my own food that I forgot to ask you if there is anything you don't like."

Hearing this, Sharon froze and shook her head calmly, smiling at Renata.

"There's nothing I don't like. But it's not good to be too greasy because everyone is advocating a light diet now."

"You're absolutely right. The dishes I ordered are very light. Eat more. Only Genui Group can invite talents like you."

Renata opened a bottle of red wine for Sophie.

Sharon was nervous and clenched her hands under the table.

Renata knew that Sharon couldn't drink more. Last time, Sharon drank with Renata in the name of Sophie. Hodge prepared the fake wine for her, and there was no alcohol content. So Renata didn't find anything wrong.

Renata poured so much wine this time. It seemed that she was really suspicious of Sharon.

Nathan and Sharon were sure that Renata aimed to probe whether Sophie was Sharon this time.

Nathan wondered why Renata was suspicious of Sharon.

Sharon thought Renata was suspicious of her because Sharon and Sophie looked similar. It seemed that she should be a bit milder.

Milder? No, that would be more like Sharon.

Now she was Sophie and couldn't be mild.

Renata would drop the idea forever if they could prove Sophie was not Sharon and their habits were all different.

Nathan looked at them and stood up, "Excuse me. I'll make a phone call to follow up the plan."

There were only Renata and Sharon in the box. Renata smiled weirdly, looking at Renata.

Sophie's face was so similar to Sharon's. The more Renata looked at Sophie, the more she hated her.

"I'm going to the washroom,"

Sharon stood up, nodded slightly, and walked to the washroom.

She ran to the washroom and hurriedly dialed Nathan,

"What should I do? I think she does suspect something. She knows I can't drink a lot, and I'm afraid she might do something to the meal."

"Don't worry. I'll have a look at what she ordered. What can't you eat? I'll make sure she won't find out anything."

Nathan looked serious. He must think of a way not to let Renata succeed.

"I see. You go back first and comfort her. I'll see what I can do about it."

"Can I make an excuse to leave?"

"No, it's more suspicious."

Hearing this, Sharon looked nervous and a little hesitant. But she still nodded. It seemed that she had to face it.

Returning to the dining room, Sharon smiled slightly. Looking at Renata, Sharon picked up the lemonade nearby and took a sip.

"You studied three years abroad. What was your major?"

"Management. I'm in charge of project management."

Fortunately, Sharon had read a few management books. The books Nathan gave to her were useful.

"Management? I exactly have a question to ask you."

Renata provoked Sharon, picked up the wine on the table, and smiled at her, "Cheers."

Sharon gently smiled and picked up that cup of wine naturally.

Renata took a drink and gently shook the glass toward Sharon, staring at the red wine in Sharon's hand.

Sharon smiled slightly and put red wine to lip edge. Renata stared at Sharon.

This time, the wine was of high concentration. Renata chose it herself. She was well prepared to probe Sharon.

Sharon was about to drink but suddenly stopped, holding the glass in mid-air.

"By the way, you seemed to have a question to ask me. Is it about management?"

Renata looked at the wine she was holding in her hand, shaking from time to time, a little disappointed.

Don't be smug. Although Sophie didn't drink now, Renata had a lot of opportunities to let her drink.

"Since your major is management, you must have some experience. Can you impart some to me?"

After saying this, Nathan sat next to Sharon. He smiled with confidence in his eyes,

"Sorry, I have a lot of affairs to deal with. What are you talking about?"

Sharon smiled slightly and put the red wine in her hand on the table.

"Nothing. Miss Evans is interested in my major and asked me if I have any management tips to share."

Nathan smiled, "Everyone will have different thoughts in learning the same thing. If you are really interested in management, you might as well read the classic books on management..."

"There are three books that Nathan and I like very much. We studied them together abroad. I'll write them down for you. They are much more classic than what I said."