
Mirror Vengeance

As the most beloved eldest daughter of the Evans family, Sharon Evans always thought that God treated her seriously ....

leading_bird · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

##Chapter 19 Cooperation

Nathan flipped through the pile of papers. It was his call to cooperate, and now even the files were there, so nothing much was uncertain anymore. Yet as he went through the pages, he saw a photo.

Renata Evans, Cooperation head.

It was a tagged photo heavily glued to the file. He could almost see her doing makeup for hours before taking this photo.

Looking at the photo and then the contract, he smiled.

"A cooperation? Good,"

he mumbled to himself and tossed the files aside.

"Mr. Harris."

"We're cooperating with the Evans. Get their head here this afternoon."

"I'm on it."

Meanwhile, at Villa Leisuri.

"Should I do something for this?"

Sharon had been thinking of doing something to stop the cooperation. Yet with what she had for the moment, she knew she could do nothing. However, she couldn't calm herself down, either.

It was already time for lunch, so she decided to hang out instead of keeping herself in the house.

As she stepped outside, that jet black Rolls-Royce was already at the driveway.

"You're back already."

Nathan saw her with her handbag. He was stunned for a second and then went calm again.

"Where are you headed?"

"I'm going out for a walk,"

she said so while combing her hair back.

Nathan then dragged her back into the house.

"What are you doing? I can walk by myself,"

Sharon struggled as she got taken back to the living room.

"Now sit. Wherever you want to go for lunch, I can take you there. You can't just run around on foot."

"But that's the only car we've got, or I wouldn't be walking out like that,"

Sharon mumbled to herself. She still felt sore after all the walks last time around. He was her husband, but her freeloading on him was pretty much the only thing that happened between them. She was on no ground to ask him for anything.

Nathan looked at her and paused.

"So you want the car."

Sharon felt embarrassed. It was yet more freeloading, but there was nothing else she could do. She nodded.

Nathan smiled, "You scared me. Let's just go... borrow one." He almost let it slip that they could just choose one from the garage.

It was already embarrassing enough to freeload on him. Hearing that he had to borrow one as well, she felt even worse.

"From whom? Your boss? Are you sure that's alright?"

Nathan nodded, "Yeah. Don't worry about it. It won't matter to you either way. I'm supposed to offer you this much."

In the afternoon, a Porsche appeared outside the gate. It was Nathan who asked his secretary to drive it there.

"How do you like it?"

Sharon looked at the car in awe. He didn't even set foot out of the house, and the car was already there.

Nathan winked at Glenn and coughed.

Glenn then moved to Sharon with a smile,

"How do you like it, miss? Boss said this is for his family. This car should suit you best."

Sharon looked at Glenn in awe, and Nathan gave him a kick.

"Don't you call her miss. She's Mrs. Harris."

Glenn was almost knocked off balance as he was caught off-handed. He then straightened himself and said, "Right. Mrs. Harris."

Sharon watched them go and laughed. Yet she kept her eyes on that Porsche the entire time.

"That's not your everyday ride. Your boss must be really rich."

Glenn stole a glance at Nathan, "Yeah. Nobody can get quite as rich as him."

Nathan coughed, "Thanks for the ride, mate. Now, off you go. Boss is waiting for you."

"Wh-what... Yeah... Right."

"I'll get going then, Mrs. Harris. Let me know if anything comes up."

As Sharon watched Glenn go, she could feel something was off. This guy seemed really scared of Nathan. What for?

"Well... I haven't figured how, but the car, the food, and everything..."

Nathan froze for a second and started to smile,

"Well. You pay for what you get, eh? How are you gonna pay, then?"

That gave Sharon a solid flush. Now that she was deprived of everything and married him, all she had got left was herself. She stood there, not knowing what to do.

It would be ungrateful to refuse him, but she still wasn't into giving herself to him.

Her reaction amused Nathan. He walked to her and looked at her face.

"I was about to ask you to clear out my closet for me. What was the blush all about?"

Sharon then looked up and froze.

"I... I think that'll do."

She then rushed back into the house. Nathan stood there, watching her go.

"How did you like the ride?"

"Boy, was it awesome."

Nathan was pleased to see that all her displeasure went away for good. If that was what it took to make her happy, he could give her all the Porches in the world.

"Off you go. I'll handle the mess."

"Don't. I'll hate myself for running away,"

as Sharon said so, she started collecting the dishes as well.

"Go and take a shower or something. I'm not gonna risk all my plates again."

As she saw him leave with the dishes, she smiled. So he did worry about her getting tired out from driving around. That was thoughtful of him.

As he got back from all the dishes, she just got out of the shower as well.

Watching her in a red bathrobe, Nathan couldn't help feeling tempted.

Red was a warm and welcoming color. With that bathrobe on, she looked delicious.

Sharon then suddenly fled to the bed and covered herself with a blanket while keeping eye contact.

Nathan tried calming himself down as well. He had seen countless beauties, but it was the first time he felt tempted like that.

"Your turn now. I'll get some sleep."

She then lay down with a blush. She could almost hear her heart thump.

Water started to splash in the shower, and she could hear each of his moves.

"What was he thinking? Did he...

Oh, come on. Stop that,"

with a blushed face and heavy breath, she closed her eyes.