
Mining Exp

For exp farming and I plan to post recommendations of hack rom games(most of pokemon) and some really old games.

Kenrio · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
57 Chs

Day 7 of Mining

Hack rom of today is Pokemon Giratina Strikes Back, here is a description of pokeharbor:

"You are a 13-year-old boy/girl whose father owns a large company called EDGE Co. in the Lunoh Region. One morning your father asks you to meet him at his office. There he asks you to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a Pokemon Master because he never had the chance when he was younger. You accept and receive your very first Pokemon an Eevee!

And so your adventure begins! On the way, you will meet many unique people, and face many challenges including the evil Team Genesis who plan to release Giratina from the Distortion World and use its power for world domination. Of course, it's up to you you to stop them, you are the protagonist after all."