
Mind's Dark Symphony

The explosion that occurred a thousand years ago blurred the lines between reality and imagination. Lives from fairy tales, once deemed useless imagination, now materialized before their eyes. They were forced to coexist with creatures that were non-human, their lives intertwined in ways they never imagined. Happiness and magic became real, creating a colorful life, along with curses and hatred. Nothing is perfect. Not even in this life. A detective known as "Mr. Light" found himself immersed in the dark fusion of these two lives. Everything is not as beautiful as fairy tales, where desire comes with wishes. When desires encounter obstacles, they give birth to hatred, and hatred will separate flesh from bone.

Noxva · Thành thị
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7 Chs

Bab 01.The beauty of a tongue that licks part 01

Sidoarjo City Police Station.

The bustling staff room of the police station was filled with officers engrossed in their respective tasks. They shouted and hurriedly scribbled on their desks, creating a lively atmosphere. The noise was so overwhelming that even the sound of the television playing in the background went unnoticed.

Meanwhile, in the soundproofed office of the police chief, the atmosphere was completely different. It was calm and quiet, but the thoughts in the police chief's mind were far from peaceful.

The office phone continued to ring incessantly, causing the police chief's face to show signs of unease. He sighed and held his head, trying to alleviate the growing tension.

Tok tok tok!

The sound of a knock on the door could be heard.

"Come in," said the police chief.

Stella entered the room in her police uniform, looking hurried and concerned.

"Excuse me, sir," she said.

Chief Bima gestured for her to come in. "What is it, Stella?"

She handed him a file report.

"The killer has struck again. A new body was found at the city's outskirts. Unfortunately, information about this victim has already leaked and made its way into the news. Now, there's a growing number of protesters near the crime scene demanding immediate answers about the killer's identity".

Bima scratched his head, indicating how stressed he was. He sighed multiple times, feeling overwhelmed by the unsolved case.

"So, what should we do, sir?" asked Stella.

Bima remained silent, contemplating a solution to this situation. Stella stood quietly, awaiting his response, as the incessant ringing of the office phone continued.

"Damn it, the more I think, the less I find a solution," said Bima as he leaned back in his chair.

"Sorry, sir, didn't you contact Mr. Light last night? What was his response?" Stella asked.

"He said he would help, but so far I haven't heard any news from him," Bima replied.

"I see," Stella said, lowering her head with a saddened expression, while Bima, with his weary face, looked up at the ceiling of his office.

"I don't want to force him, if he suddenly changes his mind, I'll accept it. If he doesn't show up by nine o'clock, I will go to the crime scene myself," Bima said resolutely.

Suddenly, the bustling crowd in the staff room fell silent. Bima and Stella exchanged glances, curious about what had captured everyone's attention. All eyes turned towards the entrance as a man in a black jacket walked in.

The room grew quiet as every officer's gaze fixated on him. It wasn't because of his pale, weary face or his tired demeanor, but because he was the only pure human amidst a crowd of officers from diverse races.

The man walked into Bima's office, and Stella, upon catching sight of him, couldn't contain her excitement. Her eyes welled up with tears as she warmly greeted him.

"Long time no see, Mr. Light".

Light responded to the greeting, "Yes, it has been a long time since we last met. You look healthy, Stella. That's good to see".

Bima stood up, extending his hand towards Light with a grateful smile.

"Thank you for being here. Your presence means a lot to us, and your assistance will be crucial. We have an urgent situation on our hands. A new victim has been discovered, and I truly believe that your expertise can help us make significant progress in identifying the killer".

"Alright," replied Light in a flat tone. Bima quickly grabbed his police jacket and instructed Stella to take over while he was out. They hurried to the police car and drove swiftly to the crime scene.


"The police are a bunch of worthless trash! How much longer will they let these killings go on? We pay their salaries with our hard-earned tax money, and yet they can't even keep us safe from this menace. Are they really the so-called 'law enforcement'?".

The voice of the protest leader rang out, filled with anger and frustration.

"They are indeed garbage!"


"A useless burden on the country!"

The protesters shouted in agreement with their leader, emphasizing their statements with loud and frustrated voices.

The anti-riot police maintained a silent stance in front of the protesters, gripping their large shields as a precautionary measure.

Meanwhile, concealed behind the bushes, the forensic team meticulously inspected the state of the victim's body. The head had been severely crushed, appearing flat as though it had been struck by a blunt object.

"Is the tongue truly missing? Has it not become lodged within the head?" Bima inquired of the forensic team.

"No, sir. In fact, it appears that the tongue was missing before the head was crushed," the forensic officer explained.

"There's no doubt about it, it must be him. This makes it his sixth victim," Bima remarked.

Light carefully examined the victim's entire body, from the shattered head to the mutilated torso and down to the legs. He didn't miss a single detail.

"Did you find something?" asked Bima to Light, who was attentively examining the victim's body.

"Yes, but I can't say for certain yet. For now, I need data on all the victims. With that, I might be able to provide a conclusion," replied Light.

Light glanced towards the private area of the victim's body and asked, "Are all the victims female?".

Bima nodded in response to Light's question.

Light then gently closed the body cover, signifying that he had completed his examination of the victim's body. One of the protesters caught sight of Light and shouted with intense emotions displayed on their face.

"Human! The police are working together with a human!".

All eyes were now directed towards Light, filled with intense hatred as they glared at him.

"Not only are you all worthless and a disgrace to the nation, but you police officers are also collaborating with war criminals, a human! Invader! Mass murderer!".

The protesters grew more ferocious, their voices echoing with anger as they forcefully tried to approach. The anti-riot police strained to restrain them, but the situation quickly spiraled out of control.



"Savage race!"

Realizing that the situation had become uncontrollable, Bima swiftly grabbed Light's hand, urging him to run towards the car. Acting swiftly, Bima locked all the doors and windows of the vehicle before swiftly driving away from the chaotic scene.

"Damn it, if only those reporters hadn't aired this, none of this would have happened. Those damn reporters," Bima muttered irritably as he drove the car. His eyes briefly flickered towards Light, showing concern for his well-being.

But Light maintained a stoic expression, his gaze lowered as he observed the passing scenery through the car window. He remained composed and unaffected, as if the events had not fazed him at all.