
MimicLIFE,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life

Mimic,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life or MimicLife is journey of reincarnation to Otherworld(Isekai genre) but the world is still connected to the real world he came from(reference houkago saitensie and GATE japanese manga) starting a new life as a mimic he will use all of his abilities throughout the journey with which path?(Hero path, Demon king path ,kingdom building path ,Fools path ,Tyrant path ,Streaming vtube videos as vtube streamer in YouTube in another world path?) Well let's find it out shall we? (The picture is not mine)Art credit: http://deviantart.com/phill-art/gallery https://dndbeyond.com/monsters/2048646-mimic-knight, midjourney

NovelPls · Kỳ huyễn
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80 Chs

Chapter 12 Into the Darkness (12)(Before Darkness)(7)

Author note

Character Map

"X"=Loid Orcus(Protagonist)

"(X)"=Loid Orcus (Strong inner thought)

°X°=Makina(Artificial Intelligence)

^X^=Game System

[X]=Written on something(interface)


As I advance through levels, I will summarize the battles I fought through my journey in this realm (being silly)

The second level of Area 39 specifically Level 782 has slime called Warrior slime, two at that, and has an attribute called Mana Immunity that makes mana-related attacks and means useless as it could negate it and has Fighter oriented stats making the fight fought like between fighters as I activate my skills and retrieve swords, shield, axe, hammers and blade and blunt alike weapons that could deal pure physical strength stats damage that could inflict harm the enemy and equipment that could provide help in this fight and the slime changing form like humanoid form holding various weapon time to time and turn itself forms suiting to dodge, parry, block, and counter time to time and cooperation between the two as they fight me as I respond and deal with it and after some time, finally, defeated it exploiting it weakness with no end

The third level of Area 39 specifically Level 783 has ghost called Ghast, 3 at that and has attribute called Physical strength Immunity that make all physical strength damage attacks and means useless as it could negate it and has Mage oriented stats making the fight fought fighting like a battle mage as I could summon magical weapons from my skill like the Holy Sword Excalybur, that has attribute called Holy Magic that could deal additional damage to heathens categorize races and one of them are ghost inflicting more damage and to make it fast to inflict more damage to enemy I use dual wielding and wield another and change it time to time like the Dragon Slaying Sword Grax, Peerless Spear Gung-ner, Thunder Hammer Myöl-nir and other mythological and legendary weapon in my arsenal as a savour the joy of fighting with them but at last no matter how the ghost fight with their magic while cooperating each other to fight me and cover their weakness but at last, their "Achilles heel",their weakness,their vulnerability against magic are greatly exploited in the end they been defeated and I won

The fourth level of Area 39 specifically Level 784 has Undeads called Undead Skeleton,the total number of them is unknown on the start of the match as i conclude that they have a attribute called Invisible Stealth as one them first able inflict me damage out of nowhere and counter it as i retrieve weapon using my skill and swing it where the damage inflict me came from causing hitting something making the activated enemy attribute undone and showing it appearance and quikly appraise it and founding the information about their status and considering what i found in my mind,as i planning how to fight it,the skeleton dissapear infront of my sight probably the attibute invisible stealth activated,i activate my skill and retrieve a detection equipment and use it but no avail no matter what detection equipment i use limited to what i have and the highest level 315,indicatiting the attribute invisible stealth cannot be detected as it a attribute of higher level and cannot be detected by my equiments,first i activated my skill inventory and retrive mana potions and health potions and use it to restore a decent health and mana and prepare myself about the fight about to happen,and activated another skill equipment change to summon a dark mage staff or players preferably call the dark mage class on it nickname Debuffer in the game,with the dark mage staff called arakne dark staff and has a skill called black web that could cast a wide area debuff through black web that create through skill and scattered around the surrounding and those caught on it would be inflicted by status effect slow down that make inflicted by this go temporary reduce their agility by certain amount based on level and entagle that make inflicted by this unable to move by certain amount of time base on level and although their attibute invisisible stealth didnt been undone but the black web like nets show invisible mounds caught on net and and activated a skill and summon any kinds of weapon and trow various attack to the invisible mounds,foiling and revealing the undead skeletons revealing their four of them and regardless continue the attack on all of them until the casted skill end and the undead skeleton dissapear again and repeat it what been done to deal with the enemy again and again and finally, the one who stand last is me,defeating all of four undead skeleton all by myself and won and proceed to the next

The fifth level of Area 39 specifically Level 785 is boss area because each fifth level of any area of this game is boss area and the boss of this level is another categorized in undead called Great Master Lich with attribute unlimated magic casting after appraisal able to cast any magic skill in instant indicating there no cast time to exploit to attack and the closer you are the harder to defend oneself against the casted magic skill for it could activated in instance,after some considiration the fighting style will be implemented against it would be Assasin for maneuver to dodge and escape and Archer for attack to damage the enemy with it fast attack and activated the skills to retrieve and summon what could be use in this sitution,the fight start and as expected the lich spell casting is like bullets,fire after another to end me and coming closer to it is futile and prove it more harder to fight as i retreat as i dodge and attack with various kind of projectile weapon to fire towards to enemy and time to time take refuge to nearby structure in the boss area to rest and use potions to regenarate health and mana and back to fight again and again and after awhile time pass and i able to reduce the boss in to 50 percent changing the boss pattern as it begun to summon all kinds of undead like ghouls and zombie to after me but but attack against cause to decrease me moving around to avoid damage against attack and increasing my offence as i only deal necessary amount of attention against the summon enemy mob to certain point to not to drag me down and after of long struggle i defeat the boss but im not able to proceed as it only be cleared when all enemy is deal with including the left over mob that unexpectedly reach 500 or less than as i stress my self of cleaning it up

I thought I will be celebrating the joy of defeating the boss but instead, stress myself for defeating a bunch of angry enemy mobs as it did not turn to ashes befitting of a mob but instead cause trouble by running and as to make it harder to defeat it making me irritated and some of them hiding in the area to hide from me making me play tag and hide and seek altogether making me antagonize my self as I raze the whole area as catching up with them and finding them

"(one of these days I host an event to headhunt the game developers of this game for antagonizing and bringing us a worldly headache and pain in the butt to deal with, surely one day, one day)"

The fight continues like this, appraising my enemy and fitting my fighting to what I fighting using my equipment and items to fight any battles as I envision how to fight them

After beating the 6th to 9th Level I reach the 10th level where another boss monster resides and my level increases by 2 levels making level 790 the same as the level of the Boss room and probably the same as the Boss monster but I doubt we have the same stats and me in the weaker side thought

I enter the boss room and immediately activate appraisal as I scan the inside of the room that looks like an underground fighting colosseum the appraisal activates when I look at a particular giant earthen statue in the middle of the arena


^Skill Activated^




[Species:Earth King Goliath Golem



[Job:Earth Diety

[Hp:150(Life points:15,000)








[Immortal Mana Lv150

[-Able to regenerate health in exchange for Mana

[Earth Domination Lv150

[-Able to Dominate All Earth Arts and [Manipulate and Control them over


[Deities Mana Lv190

[-Able to raise any Stats temporarily in [exchange of mana


[Mana Core Lv750

[Able to regenerate more amount of [mana and accelerated the production [of mana




Duck this, This Boss Optimization is Duck up

It may look weak base on its build stats but just look at the Attribute and the Skill and making it more absurd the Equipment

Just looking at it make me crazy as I hypothesize and contemplate the possible use of the powers that this Boss possess

Just the skill alone makes me Hectic about the situation and the attributes give me aghast how to fight and the Equipment makes me about to throw a tantrum just how duck it is

"(The game developers really need a beating to make them pay for what absurdness they done in this game)"

I summon the Menu Windows and an interface shows up as I shout

"Call Adminastrato-"

And a giant hand made of dirt appears to be trying to crush me from the side


I summon a Decoy Shield Lv300 that has 290 Defence with only 10 Durabilities and block it but a crack appeared in the surface of the shield as it broke it and the hand of dirt continue to advance

"Prepare for Impact"

As I say it, I receive the brute of the attack


I receive it as I shift my body to the side to lessen the impact and shift the trajectory to where I want to bounce after the recoil


The pain reverberate across my body as I flung to the side outside the trajectory of the Earthen hand


I pathetically land my whole body on the ground as I roll and bounce across the ground until my whole body is been slam into the wall causing me to feel more miserable pain


^You Receive 600 Damage^

^You have 310 Defence^

^Negating 310 Damage^

^Total 290 Damage recieved^

^Your health Life points decrease by 710^

You might be wondering why I'm in extreme pain when this is just a game and answer it with my-

"DUCK, This is DUCKING Hurt, I really should lower the sense synchronization rate when fighting Bosses, As expected of the game renown to its 99 Immersion rate"

As it says, Because of the game 99 rates of immersion on this game

The game could synchronize your senses as the game could manage so you could immerse yourself in this word as it could, making the sense of pain unavoidable

You could lower the pain as you lower the synchronization rate and most players preferably lower it as they dislike the pain felt

But it causes slow and low connection of the players to its game avatars as it lowers its rate.

Causing unwanted results and degradation of performance

Even the top leading experts of this in Virtual realities of this technology could not still found a solution to this problem

Causing Dissatisfaction toward the game but the true gamers who dream of this game, especially the fan of Virtual Realities Games Themes Stories Like Sword Art Online, Overgeared, ________, __________, _________

(Fill up the blank with your top 3 of your own)

and alike rush like a moth on fire and ignore the pain and increase their synchronization rate to the max

Believing that if they overcome this hurdle, they able to become like the characters they admired

Of course, the other fandoms have also not been left out and just standing around, they rush to this Holy Crusade of belief that this hurdle will make their awaited wishes come true

Making the top players of this game compost mostly of members of this Holy Union and I'm proud to say I'm one of them

"No, It's time to UNLEASH MY FULL POWER!!!, Makina!"



°Aye, How much increased will it be, Loid°


°WARNING!,100% Synchronization rate will cause possible immense Sensation of pain to you Loid, are you sure you want to proceed?°

"WITH ALL MY MIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

°Aye, Request Confirm°

°Increasing Synchronization rate°

°Synchronization rate reaches MAX range°

"100 percent Synchronization rate has been achieved per requested"

°Request complete°


As Makina finished her words, my body feel more immense pain than before cause of my request but I did not regret doing it

All of sudden, everything becomes more clear to perceive and my sense is more cleared than before and my mind has begun to think sharper than before as if everything before this is just a hazy cloud in my midst that obstruct my senses and heavy chains that limit what could I do more in my peak state

As I enter this state, I sense that should I never sense before the movements of my surrounding especially the movements that intended to kill me

Another giant earthen hand clasped rushing with tremendous momentum coming to punch me

My mind, in my peak state, sharper above the rest(delusion)

Make a decision


^Skill Activated^

I summon an item called 'Guardian totem' that has only 1 durability and smash it to the ground


As I stated, a Bright Green light appeared in the Broken totem, and the light spread and began to form a dome that inhabit and covered me


The Earthen arm rushed toward me but not able to as it not able to pass as the green dome of light repel it as I celebrated that fact

"(Yush!, the Guardian Totem Lv??? an event item that I earn in holy day event has Attribute 'Guardian Protection'/that activate upon the destruction of the item and forms a green dome of light that protects the player who uses it )"

The dome could Withstand all attacks no matter what level under only 30 seconds

"(With this, I could prepare and plan my counter attac-)"


A earthen hand slams into the dome

"(It's no use becaus-)


"(It's futil-)"




The slam continue to the point it covered the whole dome with its Earthen hand making me trapped inside of it and nowhere to escape after the duration end

"(This is Bad, Isn't it?)"


As I thought so, I hear another slam and the dome begun to break

"Shit, I should hurry, Inventory"

^Skill activated"

I retrieve an item called 'Life Potion Lv200' and another one called 'Mana Potion Lv200' and drink one after another and receive notification

^You consume Life Potion Lv200'^

^You gain Temporary 100 Hp Stats and Regenerate 100 Life points per second for 10 min until duration end^

^You consume Mana Potion Lv200'^

^You gain Temporary 100 Mp Stats and Regenerate 100 Mana points per second for 10 min until duration end^

I nod showing my satisfaction about what I just read and my Hp and Mp Stats are temporarily Boosted by 100 for 10min until the duration end and shout another skill

"Equipment Change"

I white long staff with a giant jewel attached at the one end and the staff is called 'Staff of Travel Lv250' that has an attribute called 'Instant Travel' that could transport you to the place you at least once you visit and see for yourself in exchange 50mp worth of mana(5,000)

But it is only limited to the area currently in and cannot enter the place that has a restriction placed against it

And apparently, I am able to use it in this room

I pour 50mp worth of mana(5,000) into the staff and choose a place not to escape but to fight

I choose the location and my whole body turns into a small sphere of white light and instantly transports into-

"Watch out from Above!, Blockhead!"

Above the Boss monster, called Earth King Goliath Golem

Falling from above, I activate a skill


^Skill Activated^

I retrieve a material called 'Fire Drake Saliva Lv230' contained in the barrel and retrieve 5 of it and throw it and make them fall on the earthen head of the Boss Golem and the barrels broke and spill the material over its head as I shout another skill

"Equipment Change"

The staff of travel disappeared and another staff in red with Giant Red Jewel attached at one end appeared called 'Ignis Staff Lv 250' that has for the first time mentioned that has a skill called 'Explosion Ignite' that makes you able to cast Lv200 explosion skill in exchange of mp 50 worth of mana(5,000)

I pour another 50mp worth of mana(5,000) into the Ignis staff and point it in the direction I want to fire and activate the skill


At the pointed end of the staff, in front of the red jewel, a scarlet red magic circle appeared

In the center of the magic circle, Small floating dots of Red light appeared and gathered at the center and forming a big scarlet ball of red light and has a flame trail swinging around it like a sun

The Scarlet Red Ball of light rush straight in the direction I pointed and headed where the Barrels spill their contents, Into the Boss Golem's head

The Scarlet red ball of light arrives and collides with the golem's head but the ball of light turns smaller as it disappears

While that happening I landed on the ground in front of the and rise my face to see the golem's head and finish the name of the skill


On the head of the golem, A small spark appeared and what come after is an Explosion of (Megumin) Art,


^You inflict 1000 Damage^

"Yes, As they say, Explosion is art"

^Enemy Skill 'Deities Mana' has been activated^

^Enemy has 1000 defence^

^Enemy has negated 1000 damage^

^Total 0 damage inflicted^

So much for 'Explosion is art' but inflict no damage at all still-

(As planned)
