
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

More Uses of Crystal Nucleus

Since they took yesterday's route, there were a few level-3 zombies on the road. Nothing really caught them off guard on the way. It took them 2 hours from the third ring to the beltway and another half an hour to kill all the zombies, and reinforced the windows and gates of the service station. When the night fell, they'd already filled up their bellies and started chatting in small groups.

"I wonder what kinds of factories are in the industrial zone."

Yun Che didn't fight along the way but he was still tired. That was a double-decker bus, not the mini-coach that they normally would drive. His air superfunction was only at level 3, so Mo Wenyang didn't put him on the night watch. But after midnight, he and Xing Feng still went to the roof after having enough sleep. The two of them sat together watching the starry sky by the railing.

"Are you seriously going to get Heiyu an energy bar manufacturing machine?"

Xing Feng chuckled as he looked sideways at Yun Che. It wasn't entire Heiyu's fault to be so mischievous, Yun Che had spoiled him.

"Well, I think it's probably OK to put one in Space if possible. The ingredients can be either grown in Space or collected out there, but I think we can be self-sufficient, after all, it's food."

Looking up into the sky with two hands crossed on the back of the head, Yun Che didn't say no. Heiyu was his pet, so he surely would spoil him.

"If Heiyu heard you, he would jump on you and bite your face."

"Uh, yeah, he totally would. But he'd lick, not bite."

"Has he licked you?"

Xing Feng suddenly fixed his questioning eyes on Yun Che. Having realized he said something inappropriate, Yun Che wrapped his arm around Xing Feng's neck and gave him a fawning grin. "That was long ago, you and I weren't even together at the time. Can't believe you're jealous of my pet."

"Why wouldn't I? You're my man, even he's just an animal, I'll get jealous."

Acting as if angry, Xing Feng held Yun Che by the waist. He enjoyed Yun Che's flirtatious move.

"Well then, I think you should say this to Heiyu directly."

Yun Che leaned over to lick Xing Feng's lips and winked at him. Heiyu would always exuberantly jump on Yun Che, so exuberantly that Yun Che couldn't resist. So ultimately, it was Heiyu's problem.

"I will. But now, I'm going to punish you."

As soon as Xing Feng finished the word "you", Yun Che felt a strong hand on the back of his head and the warmth on his lips. With the flickers of joy in his eyes, Yun Che opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. The gentle kiss became intense. Xing Feng's big, wet, warm tongue jabbed into the depths of his mouth cavity, then sloshed in and out as if the tongue was the dick. They mixed and swallowed each other's saliva.


The tempting moan came from within the depths of the throat. Yun Che squirmed as his mouth was forced open. Xing Feng sensed something and withdrew his tongue. His tongue dragged Yun Che's tongue out. Xing Feng sucked and licked hard from every direction, the overflowing juice of lust trickled down Yun Che's mouth to the jaw.

"Phew. How about we tear down the wall between our houses so the two families become one?"

They both could barely breathe after the long kiss. Xing Feng finally let Yun Che off. He nibbled Yun Che's skin as he placed his head on his neck. In the end, he gobbled up Yun Che's earlobe, breathing out hot air around his ear.


Swayed, Yun Che didn't say no. His sister had already known their relationship. It'd be so convenient without the wall.

"Won't you get some more sleep?"

Xing Feng held the desire in by force and looked up into the sky with Yun Che in his arms.

"No. The highway from the provincial capital to Lingjiang City is clear. There might be some leftover zombies but we can get through without air membrane. I've got enough sleep."

He had had hours of sleep before midnight.

"There's quite a long way from Lingjiang City to the Base."

"Will it be more arduous than the provincial capital?"

"Alright, you win."

Xing Feng quitted asking him to get more sleep. Yun Che suddenly sat straight after a quick thought. "We've been through quite a lot of quests. How do you feel, on the whole?"

"How do I feel?"

Kind of confused about the question, Xing Feng raised his eyebrows, inviting Yun Che to continue. Yun Che went on, "I think you've realized that regular guns don't do any harm to level-2 zombies, only gold-attribute bullets can pierce through their bodies. Level-3 zombies have more robust bodies, not even Heiyu can smash their heads with one hit. So the guns and ammo that the military uses are pretty much useless, we'd always end up using superfunction to kill zombies. But the problem is, superfunction energy isn't inexhaustible, once there are high-level zombies, deaths are inevitable. Take this quest for example, this is a good team, isn't it? Apart from the space guys, everyone is at least level 2, but the death toll yesterday was, well, I think it was horrible. And those heavily injured ones, they would have to await their doom or the zombification if we didn't have light superfunction possessors with us. Zombified superfunction possessors are way more powerful than zombified average humans, and if one used to level 3, he or she stays level 3 after the zombification, which makes things trickier. But I believe we can work out a solution to resolve these problems."

Once superfunction possessors' superfunction reserve was empty, they were vulnerable to zombie attacks. Yun Che knew how fucked-up it would be better than anyone else did. He would drain up his superfunction power in order to keep Leng Yehan and the others fighting. But he couldn't do this forever because there was no guarantee that someone would be there for him every time he ran out of superfunction.

"And the solution being?"

Xing Feng became serious when they started talking business. Yun Che never specified his resurrection but Xing Feng got this feeling that Yun Che knew a lot more than him and his mates.

"Crystal nucleus! You wanted to know other than its monetary attribute, what else could it be, didn't you? I didn't tell you because of all the laboratory shit, now I think it's the right time to let you know. Crystal nucleus contains the frenetic power of a zombie. Potentially, there could be two studies on crystal nucleus. One is energized ammo, or crystal nucleus ammo, which means replacing all the bullets with low-level crystal nuclei, which we have tons, to enable guns to do actual damage to level-3 zombies. Thus, we can use guns as an alternative so an exhausted superfunction possessor has a bigger chance to survive. Another is, crystal nucleus can be used to develop antidote and nutrients. I know that the laboratory is working on similar projects, but they've been studying zombie's flesh, tissue, and blood whereas the core ingredient is, in fact, crystal nucleus. However, I don't know how to do it, all I know is that crystal nucleus is the key. Antidote only works before the zombification, once one turns into a zombie, that person's beyond help. Nutrients can serve as superfunction replenishment but it's way more efficient than absorbing the power of raw crystal nucleus. Well, just think of it as uncooked and cooked rice. The absorption efficiency of cooked rice is much higher than that of the uncooked, right? I believe these things can potentially go a long way toward the future of the base, even the entire human race."

Yun Che could clearly remember that the Capital Base had developed these things in the previous life. Southwest might be a major base, but its scientific research was always behind the actual need due to the unstable situation. Now that Yun Che had become a Southwest resident and Xing Feng's lover, Mo Wenyang's ally, he wanted to ensure the leading position that Southwest Base was in.

"OK. I'll need to discuss it with my uncle and aunt. But before that, we might need to do another thing."

Xing Feng replied after rubbing his chin for a long time. Yun Che's proposition was bold and ambitious, but it could be a game-changer.

"Are you suggesting… we take control of the laboratory?"

Yun Che got what Xing Feng meant right away. Only by controlling the laboratory could they control the research achievements. But of course, they wouldn't keep them to themselves, they just wanted to make sure those were used for the benefit of the public. They would hate to see they fall into those evil, selfish power-holders' hand. They wouldn't want another scandal similar to the "secret of crystal nucleus" one.

"OK. The good news is, currently the laboratory is a hot potato to Wei and Wang Army, as well as the government. I think they will even applaud for us if we take over it."

Xing Feng nodded to corroborate Yun Che' s guess. He never intended to hide anything from Yun Che.

"Let's make haste. If the laboratory does work something out by chance, they will try to steal it. It's best if the entire laboratory is moved to Section C or Mo Army's jurisdiction so that we have absolute control.

"I'm thinking the same, but I need to discuss it with my aunt. I don't want anything to do with military decisions anymore."

"Ha. OK, it's your call. All I care about is the mini-lab of our own that you promised me."

"Don't worry, it should be there when we're back. Before we left, I've discussed it with the capital city. Not just researchers, all my guys in the capital city will come to the southwest. I won't be contacting the capital city anymore unless it's super urgent."

Said Xing Feng calmly when he held Yun Che with one arm. Under the placid surface hid the purulent wound. His family was still in the capital city but he had no intention to step into it before or after the doomsday.


Yun Che incisively saw Xing Feng through, but he didn't intend to ask. First of all, Xing Feng promised he'd tell Yun Che everything if they ever had to set foot into the capital city. Secondly, everyone had their own little secret that they wouldn't want to share, there was no point in tracing to the root of it.


Time passed by as they snuggled up to one another. The sun was about to come out, Yun Che suddenly opened his eyes and slowly sat straight.

"What's wrong?"

"We have visitors. A large of superfunction possessors and loads of zombies."

Yun Che explained after he stood up staring in Lingjiang City's direction. The dots on the air panel were closing in at a fast speed.


Why would any survivor come to this place? This was the beltway, yet it was still inside the provincial capital between the third and the fourth ring. Anyone sane people wouldn't run in this direction. Also, apparently, they'd been running the whole night, which was quite brave of them. Even the expedition wouldn't dare to travel by night.

"They are, but they aren't average survivors."

Yun Che's lips curved into a meaningful smile as he vaguely saw the figures rushing at them. "It might be fun."

There must be something else but Xing Feng didn't ask. He just stood up and looked into the direction Yun Che was looking. Yun Che's eyes sparkled when he could see the incomers clearly.