
New Job

"Good luck on the interview and make sure you get plenty of rest" my mom said.

"Thanks mom I'm going to need it and I love you" I said before hanging up. Tomorrow is a very big day, I will be meeting with Monsta X's management team in order to be a back up dancer, as well as help with solo performances. 

I look at the clock- 12:30 am, I can't sleep my mind is racing. I had the biggest crush on them since "No Mercy" but that was when I was younger, still the little girl in me can't help but be excited.

To make myself tired I go to the gym that's in my dorm. I was running on the treadmill when I heard a voice. I looked back and it was FREAKING CHANGKYUN!!!! He was on the phone, I felt myself staring so I turned back, just as I was turning back my foot slipped and I freaking fell off of the treadmill IN FRONT OF HIM!!!!!

"Are you ok?" He said with a deep yet attractive voice. He was helping me to my feet, "Yeah I'm fine, my foot just slipped" I said trying to walk it off, but failing tragically. "Here let me help you" he said wrapping his arm around my small waist. "I'll take you to the dorm I'm staying in, and help you put ice on it. Only if that's okay with you" he said with concern in his voice. I nodded, trying to hide how much pain I was in.

He placed me on the couch as if I was fragile or something, he then took my foot and examined it. He finally spoke, "It's just a minor sprain, nothing to worry about." He finally asked the bleeding question "What's your name?" I quickly said "Niya" due to the fact that I was wondering I was gonna get to my interview. "I am IM... are you ok?" He asked breaking me from my thoughts. " I have an interview in the morning for a job but now I don't know how I'm going to get there" I said in disappointment. "What's the interview for?" He asked rubbing ice on my foot. "Actually it's to be back up dancer and choreographer for... your group" I said in a low voice. I thought he that he would think I was trying to take advantage and trying to find away to secure my spot. All he said was "So your Niya, I saw your dancing videos and they're really cool... I've never seen a girl dance like you" he said just as his cheeks flushed with red. "Thank you" I said laughing.

I look at my phone- 3:45 am, "I think I can walk on my foot" I said slowly applying pressure. "Ok, I'll walk you to your room" he said, I nodded giving him the ok.

"It was really nice meeting you" he said leaning against the door frame, "and I hope you get the job, I would really like to get to know you" he made my heart start beating fast. "It was nice meeting you too, and I hope I get it too", I said in a low sweet voice. We exchanged numbers and said goodbye.

6:45 am

I brushed my hair into a bun, and wore an outfit that made me look cute and sophisticated. Light makeup and cute ankle boots to hide the band I have on my foot.

I was so nervous, when I got out of that cab. *DING DING* I got a text from IM.

IM: Good luck!! ;)

Me: Thank you and I never thanked you for last night :(

IM: Don't worry about it!!

I didn't get a chance to respond before my name was called to have my interview.

After the interview was over they told I was a great candidate for the job. They'll give me call to let know if I actually got the job tonight.

Me: Are you busy?

IM: I'm at the studio, you should come by and we can get food after... my treat.

Me: Ok send me the address

I make it the the studio, where I hear singing. I politely knock before entering, and to my surprise he was alone. "Let me finish these last few lines then we can go" he says in a sexy voice. Just then my phone started ringing, I answered it quickly. "Hello, is this Niya?" "Yes this is she" I said with a shaky voice. "I am happy to inform you that you got the job and you will be starting tomorrow at 9:00 am" the lady said happily. "Thank you so much"I said before hanging up.

IM was staring at me waiting for me to tell him about the job. "I got it" I said in pure joy. "Congrats" he said with a big smile while walking over to me with open arms. "Thank you" I said hugging him. We hugged for a little to long but I didn't mind it. He broke the silence by saying "Let's celebrate on you getting the new job." "Sounds like a great idea" I said breaking away from his embrace.