
MHA: Villains Need A Hero Too

Haunted by his past, Yuno Tsumuyuki struggles to find a balance of peace and struggle, good and bad. Stuck in his mind and confused of which path to take, he spends his daytime at UA as a Support Course student, but in his free time, he’s a blood red and merciless villain. Perhaps, in this pitiful life of his, he’ll find his answer. I couldn’t find the creator of the cover, but I will gladly take it off if that person happens to find this and says they don’t want me using their art.

Ai_shi · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

When Will Today End?

"Welcome back, folks!" The referee, floating above the caged ring, announced with a microphone in hand. "I hope you've had a boring day, cause tonight is going to be the night of your life!"

Does he have to be so loud every time?

Within the caged ring, Yuno sat on the ground, legs criss crossed as he held his ankles. There were a few people who were looking at him with dumbfounded expressions. Is he so bored he must sit and wait for life to toss him into something?


"Today, we have the infamous Tsumuyuki! He appeared out of nowhere, didn't even register a cool name! How boring! Ever since then, he's been rapidly climbing the rankings of the tournament! Let us see, his opponent for the night!"

The back doors opened, dramatically so, fog coming out in addition to the "ooh's" and "ah's" that escaped the villains' lips. No one could see yet, but they could clearly hear the squelching sound of slime and goop.

"Ah, yes," the referee grinned, almost inhumanely. "If it isn't the one and only, please welcome, the reigning champion, iiiiit's SLUDGER!"

So much hype for a crappy name.

As the fog cleared, black and green sludge slid to the ring and seeped through the holes of the gate. The smell was incredibly morbid, that of rotten dairy products, dead rats, what you would smell in a sewer. The slime soon formed a more bodily form, if you count the eyes and mouth that appeared at the top of the mound.

"You? You're just a tiny worm." Sludger taunted, multiple arms reached out from the blob to examine Yuno. "And young too. What's a kid like you doin' here?"

He's touching me, Yuno's eyes narrowed into a scowl at the arms of slime. I hate it.

He smacked the arm near his cheek away, eyeing Sludger with a firm expression. The sludge villain was caught off guard, and his smile faltered for a moment.

"Don't touch me with those disgusting things," Yuno said, a commanding tone creeping in his voice.

Sludger raised a brow, his smile coming back full force, a large smirk across his face, if you could even call it that.

"I like you, but you should quit now. I wouldn't wanna kill ya."

Yuno stretched his arms, raising them above his head. "Hey, ref! Can I start?"

The referee looked at the boy, fixing his top hat and scratching the side of his head. "Uh, sure? Why you asking me, kid?"

"So I don't surprise the pile of goop too bad."

Now Sludger was feeling offended. This feeble high schooler? What a joke. He tried to be nice, guess he'd have to knock some sense into him.

"I warned you!" Sludger practically threw his body at Yuno, ready to practically drown him in the slime. "Time to die!"

The slime engulfed Yuno, and Sludger smiled gleefully, and sadistically. His booming laugh filled the air, every corner of the arena. Money was thrown everywhere, some in anger, some in joy.

"Call it ref!" Sludger shouted. "He's gone, I win!"

"Ah, but I'm not done. Sorry."


The goop faltered and slid down a smooth surface. Sludger let out an audible "huh" as hints of red could be seen through his goop.

"Now that I get a good look at you," Yuno said, completely safe behind his barrier of blood, aside from his arm being the cause of the blood. "You're on the run, You have All Might on your tail. That's why you're hiding here."

"What the- What is this?!"

"Sorry," Yuno sighed, standing up to stretch his legs, leaning from one side to the other within his barrier. "I don't think we're a good matchup."

"What's this?" The referee held his microphone came to his lips and shouted enthusiastically. "Tsumuyuki is unharmed, completely untouched! Is this finally a challenge for Sludger?"

"Screw off!" Sludger roared in anger as he pounded on the red barrier.

"I think you should screw off, you're going to lose anyway." Yuno said as he dusted his pants of the dirt from when he was sitting.

"Excuse me? Don't get cocky just because you got some wall fighting for you." Sludger growled.

Yuno rolled his eyes, then brought a finger up, indicating a point being made. "Your Quirk has to do with turning your body into slime and sewage, right?" He asked as Sludger tried everything he could to break or pry at the barrier. "Or is it simply covering your body? I would like to take a sample of your blood and slime if you don't mind, for further study."

Sludger didn't even know what Yuno was ranting on about, but he was starting to get angry, frustrated. All Yuno was doing was standing there, and he couldn't land a single hit on the teenage boy.

A teenage boy was making him out to be a fool.

"Get out of there and fight me like a man, you coward!" Sludger banged on the barrier wit all his might. A crack was heard throughout the arena, and it suddenly went quiet. Even the normally obnoxious gamblers went silent, their lips pressed in thin lines.

"You interrupted me," Yuno mumbled, glaring up at Sludger. If looks could kill, the villain would be dead. "It's rude. To interrupt someone. When they're talking."

Sludger flinched at the tone of voice, and quickly slid away from Yuno. The blood around Yuno fell to the ground, splattering everywhere, and splashing himself as well.

"And who are you calling, a coward?" Yuno asked as he wiped some of his blood from his hair. "You yourself may as well be one if you're hiding from heroes like this."

Sludger growled, angry, provoked. "Brat," he said. "Die for all I care!"

He came barreling at Yuno, ready to pummel him through the cage that symbolized the ring. In the blink of an eye, Yuno disappeared as if he turned invisible. Sludger's brows furrowed, confused as he looked around the ring. People began pointing and whispering, their eyes gazing above Sludger with amazed expressions.

"Die?" Sludger flinched at the sound of the teen boy's voice. He craned his neck back slowly, worried with what he might see. Right above his head, sitting on a platform of blood, Yuno held a gun and aimed it at him. "Do you know what the meaning of death is?"

Sludger smirked, not at the question, but at the fact Yuno had a gun in his hands. "You think a gun will affect me? The bullet will just sink, it won't even put a dent in me."

"I asked a question." Yuno pressed the gun against Sludger's head. "Do you know what it means to die?"

"When you stop breathing and you don't have a pulse, and your almost there, kid."

Despite being basically invulnerable to guns, Sludger was still nervous about having one to his head. Everybody knew the fast-ranking Tsumuyuki, he played dirty, outsmarted his opponents, and made sure they died quickly, more or less. There could be anything in that gun, but what would Tsumuyuki put inside it?

"That's the simple answer," Yuno said as he cradled his chin on his hand. "The answer I was looking for, is actually when one loses sight of everything worth living for. They ask themselves, is this all there is to my life, and the ending result is they are too cowardly to live, but afraid to die at the same time. I suppose you could say it is a form of giving up. Now, when you tell someone to die, try to think about your words before you speak."

Yuno pulled the trigger to the gun, and Sludger expected the bullet to sink into his slime body and disappear into the goop.

What he didn't expect was a liquid to spray at him, the smell of gas filling the air. "The hell? What was in that gun?!"

"Gasoline, my aqquainted friend." Yuno spun the gun around, the trigger twirling around his pointer finger. "I've come to find that your body itself is made up of sewage and slime. A normal bullet would do little, only startling you at most. I'm completely guessing, but I don't suppose fire is to your liking?"

"Fire…?" Sludger muttered to himself. Yuno didn't plan on burning him to death, did he? That's such a painful way to die, he'd rather be fighting All Might at that point. "Where are you going to get the fire from, huh? You don't have anything in you related to burning shit."

"Oh, that's why I carry this." Yuno, somewhat innocently, pulled out flame thrower. Where did he even get that from? "You see, I specialize in gadgets of sort. I enjoy putting my intelligence to use, so allow me to share this with your small, peanut brain before you die."

Sludger didn't like that at all either, so he made balls of goop, barely holding together, and started chucking them at Yuno. All they did was splat against the blood shield Yuno would put up only if he were about to be hit.

"You see, flamethrowers are shaped like a gun, the only difference being they need to be heat proof enough to withstand the fire and heat pouring out of it, and of course, the gasoline it carries. Metal can be dangerous when heated, and gasoline is added weight to the already sizable 'gun.' I wanted to make it portable as well, you never know when you might need something like this."

"Quit your ranting and fight me!" Sludger boomed. Frankly, all he's been doing is screaming "fight me," occasionally attacking Yuno. You'd wonder how Sludger had beaten previous opponents, but that may be thanks to his body, which he'd drown people in. He wouldn't even have to try.

"I'm not done." Yuno put a finger up, shaking it side to side. "I came up with the idea of foldable metal, which can be irritating to work with. I certainly wouldn't have used for anything other then usefulness, so that solves that. The gasoline it carries however, is compacted into a small container within the handle. Fire does not need much gas to start, as long as there's a source that lights the spark. That would be the fine blades in my contraption."

Sludger was wanting to end himself by now.

"I believe that sums it up," Yuno aimed the flamethrower at Sludger. "And by now, the gasoline has already been mixed into your body while you were throwing slime balls so recklessly. You've done my job for me."

Time seemed to stop as Yuno's finger slowly pulled the trigger. Any second, no, millisecond, fire will shoot out of the flamethrower and douse Sludger in flames.

There's still time to quit, Sludger reminded himself.


"You thought wrong, my slimy friend."

All in one second, Sludger was engulfed in heat and flames. Burning, heat, fire, screams, he could feel his body melting in response to the fire. The arena was quiet as Sludger's screams of agony became smaller and smaller. Didn't even put up a fight of any sort, Yuno was disappointed.

"Oh, my..." the referee stumbled on his words. "Well, it seems we have our winner, f- folks. Tsumuyuki moves onto the next round tomorrow. Now, on with our next match."

"Do I get paid for this match?" Yuno asked, kicking through the slime to find a good sample to put in a vial. "I wouldn't want to leave emptyhanded; I do have bills to pay, and I have my eyes on a new motherboard for my PC."

Well, he sure was blunt, the ref deadpanned. 

"Y- yes," he answered, wanting to get this crazy child out of the ring. "You will get paid for winning this match, a small portion of what the gamblers betted. Please, exit the ring so the next match can be held."

Yuno did as said and left the ring to let the next match start. Now, he could collect his payment and go home. 


Before they went home, Kisu wanted to get dinner. She knew that Yuno wouldn't feed himself even if he was starving. Kisu knows he can take care of himself, but there are times he'd get so caught up school, or a new project, or one of those jobs he picks up on the internet. And with the new payment they received that evening, they could afford to get a nice dinner. Some ramen sounded good.

"I want to go home." It was more of a statement then it was a question. He pushed his bowl away from him, it still had some noodles and soup in it.

"I'll let you go home, when you eat your food." Kisu pointed her chopsticks at him. "Or pack it away and bring it home. At least you'll have leftovers."

Yuno crossed his arms and leaned back against his chair, refusing to eat anymore. Maybe he really was full, or, he was just being overly stubborn. Kisu sighed, and raised her hand for the waiter, asking for a container for both her own and Yuno's food.

"Here you are," the waiter gave the friendly smile waiters have. "Is there anything else?"

"Can we just get two orders of Daifuku? To go, please," Kisu replied.

"Of course, it'll be right out." And the waiter left after writing on his notepad.

Yuno's eyes followed Kisu's hands the entire time she was putting away the food. He was practically tracking her every move.

"Daifuku?" Yuno finally asked. "You don't like Daifuku, and you ordered two."

"To make sure you actually eat." Kisu answered, popping the cap into the container of ramen. "Also, how is Yume doing?"

Yuno physically flinched at the name. How is Yume? She hasn't asked that question in a long time.

Yume Tsumuyuki is Yuno's older sister. A sad sight when met in person. She sits on a wheelchair staring off into space every hour of every day.

"Still stuck?" Kisu asked, resting her chin on her hand.

"Stuck in what?" Yuno murmured.

"In that plane of existence."

Yuno truly didn't want to answer. He avoided eye contact and looked out the window next to them.

"I'm coming to terms that she's dead." 

"You sure have a thing for giving up." 

"I'm being truthful."

Kisu frowned at him, in which she received a response of Yuno pushing his chair out and putting the leftovers in a bag. He gave Kisu one glance before pushing his chair back in and exiting the restaurant. In a rush, Kisu paid the tab and ran after him, shouting his name which he chose to ignore. Yuno began speedwalking as Kisu pushed through the small crowd on the streets.

Not now, Yuno thought to himself as Kisu grew farther and farther away.

Yuno hated being near more people than necessary, that's including any family, immediate or not. Sure, he no longer has contact with his parents, but that doesn't mean he has no other family in Japan, or even outside Japan, who knows.

And when Yuno saw a woman wearing all black, fancy hat and all, he couldn't help but scowl in annoyance. The last thing he needed now was someone to come and spout nonsense at him. He has his own business to attend to.

"Pardon me," Yuno said with a firm tone, his keys in his free hand. "I'd like to have access to my own door, if you do not mind."

The woman turned to him, a disgusted expression left as soon as it came. "Finally, I was beginning to think you ran away. But of course, you wouldn't leave that poor sister behind."

Meiyi Chisaki, a sly snake of a woman. She is related to Yuno's father, and he never referred to her as "Auntie," but her surname. She didn't deserve the title Auntie, after everything she did to his sister.

"I'm not sure you heard me the first time," Yuno let out a breath to calm himself down, although he was quite ready to shove the woman down the stairs of his porch. "I'd appreciate it if you stepped away from my door."

She don't move, nor did she respond. All she did was pull out a small mirror and begin to dab her cheeks with a cotton ball. Then she put the mirror back in her purse and tossed the ball at Yuno. It tapped the right side of his chest before falling to the ground, no sound was heard as it gently hit the ground. Only then did she answer.

"I suppose you still refuse to let us help you?" Chisaki questioned, although it came off as more of a statement.

"'Us' being who?" Yuno asked, more demanding then he realized.

"Who else but my crew? Specialized medics and scientists. You see, Yuno, I just want to help you and your sister."

"And I don't suppose you are going to give up on this?" Yuno took a tone that mocked the way Chisaki would speak.

Chisaki smiled, a small, gentle, and sinister small. Yuno could feel his fingers grow tingly, and not the good kind. His nerves felt as if they were starting to burn, soon to grow into a fire. He could feel even his neurons on high alert, telling his brain that something is hurting him and he needs to stop it before he's heavily injured. His mind was put into the fight or flight mode when you would receive an injury that made blood pool at your feet.

This terrible feeling, he knew all too well. Neuron manipulation, in a simplistic way. This horrible, dangerous power belonged to that of his Aunt's, and he longed to find a way to get rid of it. Neuron manipulation allows Chisaki to control what the neurons and nerves in your body feel and say. A horrible Quirk in the wrongs hands, and the hands it was currently in did not make for a safe situation.

"Chisaki," Yuno didn't let up in resisting the urge to scratch and pull and tear at his skin. "Stop coming back here. Leave us be, and you'll live another day in your pointless life."

Chisaki's smile turned into a frown, her lips pressed tight together and her eyes filled with irritation. Refused, rejected, denied, yet again. Yuno knew this wasn't the first time, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

Without a word, Chisaki passed Yuno, the sound of her heels clicking against the ground the only thing filling the air. A car pulled up right as she stopped on the sidewalk, as if she had called it on the spot. The door opened and she stepped inside, planting herself in a comfortable leather seat. The door closed, window rolled down, and she shot one more glance in Yuno's direction.

"One day, boy, you will give up. And you will come crawling back to me, your father, and mother. It's all a matter of time from here on out."

And she was driven off, chaperoned by the same person from her previous schemes. Only when the car was out of sight did Yuno's burning nerves finally calm down. He would be feeling that for the next day and a half.

He unlocked the door of his home, finally able to be in his own room, be with the one person he loves, and sleep for ten hours.

The door closed, he took off his shoes and hung his school bag on a hook. He looked around, and his eyes landed on the girl in the living room. Her long chocolate hair was tangled, he noticed, and would have to take care of that right after he puts the food away.

Before he could even take a step, Yuno felt his legs give out and he slid down the door, allowing some sort of relief to his muscles. He was so tired. He pulled his knees up and rested his head on them, taking in deep and slow breaths, then exhaling as he massaged his forearms.

"Tadaima," he whispered.

It was more so to himself then to anyone else.

I kinda hate how this chapter came out. Even though I've been writing on WebNovel for a while, I still think my fanfics aren't as descriptive as I want them to be, and they simply don't match up to other novels I've read. If anyone has pointers for me, I will gladly take them with open arms. Please teach me senpais!

Ai_shicreators' thoughts