
MHA: The Symbiote Hero

A seminally normal boy get's reincarnated into the MHA world, getting 3 wishes before he gets reincarnated. And one of those wishes is to have a symbiote, but is this a good thing living in a world where discrimination happens to those with mutant quirks. Will the Mc become a hero or a villain with the pressure he gets from other people. ---------- I do not own the picture so if you are the original creator and want me to take it down please tell me and I will. I do not own MHA and I do not own Marvel. I do own this Mc and other Oc in this fanfic. I am creating a novel along side creating this story but I will not drop any of them. I will also be planning on creating more fanfics and novels in the future. I hope you enjoy what you read and if you want go check out my novel. BBQ_Sauce.

BBQ_Sauce · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs


Opening my eyes I see nothing but pitch blackness with a couple of violet twinkles popping up every now and again giving a little bit of light wherever I am at. Thinking about who I am but also how did I get here a rush of memories comes forth into my head.

Digesting all the memories I got I thought. 'Man my life was depressing, I had very few friends, I was bullied a lot during school, not very confident in myself, constant anxiety, really emotional, and always being forgotten.' Sighing after reflecting on my life I decided to look at the positives.

'At least those friends I did have were always there for me and didn't judge me for who I am. My parents were also the best, me and my dad seemed to have a more of a friendship then an actual father son relationship. Me and my mom also had a close relationship but not as close as me and my dad. I hope they and my friends aren't too sad after me dieing.'

Looking up to the 'sky' I realize that after I got my memories that this must be what the void must look like after reading about it in multiple fanfics and animes I watched. Even though I did really well in school without even trying I felt like I wasn't that good at it.

Though what I was confident in was my ability of predicting the true nature of people and how strong someone's power truly has in real life and in anime.

"If only I could get reincarnated in MHA or DanMachi I could be so much better then those stupid Mc's. They had the power to be great but due to letting their insecurities hold them back. Even though they didn't always have this power, once they got the power to change things around they decided to still be insecure instead of using their head." Sighing because I know I am only mad because if I was in the same situation I would act the exact same way.

"If I could reincarnate into MHA, I would definitely wish to have my quirk being a symbiote with no ego. So I would still have all it's power but not worry about it having the intention of killing me or using me for other motives. I would also wish to be born into a good and loving family even though my quirk might scare them they will still love me anyways and to be born in the same year as the Mc."

"Then for the last wish I would wish that I could look the same but a little more handsome. Even though I was made fun of a lot for being short when I was younger since I was always shorter then most of my classmates I ended up being 6'1 and I also liked my eye and hair color." I said just getting everything off my chest even though I know what I just said was just some rambling without putting much thought into it.

Unbeknownst to me there was someone watching my every move since I suddenly popped up in the void. They were waiting for me to wake up but when I did wake up they knew I would have the process of regaining my memory and would be in deep thought for a while.

Looking into the soul's mind and hearing what it said, the mysterious being knew this person had a difficult life but there were others that had it more difficult out there. But what the soul said made the mysterious being smile since this soul just made its job easier without even realizing it.

"As you wish, I will give you everything you have wished for but in return I will take away your memories. Don't worry though your personality will stay the same as it is now, good luck in your journey and I hope you have a better life." The mysterious being said.

"W-wait, I was just messing around. I didn't think you would actually give me my wishes. At least let me have one more request, I know I probably already used all the wishes I have so you can deny it if you want." I said pleading, looking around to find who just spoke. Can't find the person who spoke, I just hoped that whoever spoke would listen to my plea.

"Hm, I will grant it depending on what it is. Speak, what is your request, soul?" The mysterious being said, interested in what I had to say.

"My request is…" I said hoping it would be granted.

"Hm, this is reasonable I will grant your request. Now off you go and enjoy your new adventure." The mysterious being said with a smile before snapping his fingers.

My view started to disappear slowly. 'I hope the future me can make it through the torture he is about to go through.' I thought knowing that my quirk will make people think I am a villain.


This is a short chapter, this is just for some background. Other chapters will be a bit longer, I will write about 1,000 words. It will probably be a little more than that. Well, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and I will post 1-2 more chapters today depending how fast I can write it. Anyways until next time, BBQ_Sauce.