
MHA Super Sayan

a man dies of old age and reincarnates in the world of my hero academia as a Sayan [The image is not mine so if the creator want me to remove it i will]

Dark_encheanced01 · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs



I woke up in a strange place entirely white and a young female looking like in her twenties watching TV on a sofa.

She was stunning to say the least, big breast, at least DD, pretty good body shape, she has gone to the gym for sure ! Light brown hair till her shoulder and green eyes.

If i was forty years younger i would've gone for her instead of my wife even if i didn't marry her for her look.

I approached this girl and asked her "Where am i and who are you ?"

She turned to me and said "You are in the afterlife ! You died of old age while sleeping." she posed for a moment and continued "And i'm the goddesses charged to send you to your next life !"

"At least i had a good life !" i said with a little smile "i still wonder how my grandchildren are doing ! do they live how i taught them to ? with good training, good work, good studying, good sleep and always help those that love you but kill people that hurt you ?" i asked her worried about my precious grandchildren that i had to raise myself because of their parents being too busy with their work for two of them and for the third one his parents (my son and his wife) died in a car accident.

"Don't worry two of them founded enterprises that help the poor and support the research for remedies for cancer and have a wife/husband and children that are educated exactly like you raised them and the last one has got the nobel prize of peace and live a good life also helping people in other countries, thay all helped billions of people in the world just because you raised them to be good people, that's quite a feat and for that your soul is ranked Z so you can choose the world you are going to be in with 3 wishes and you'll keep your memories of course !"

(the ranking are F-E-D-C-B-A-S-SS-SSS-Z-Ω if you were ranked Ω you can become a god and have your own universe and do whatever you want (but for that you need to do only good and on a large scale unlike our MC who still did bad things when he was young like everyone), if you are SSS you can have 3 wishes but your world will be selected randomly (i won't explain for the other i think you got the mist of it)

"I'm proud of them but i should have been here to see them grow, that's my only regret !" i said with a melancholic tone thinking about my grandchildren but regained my mind and asked "So i gotta choose my world right ?" and she nodded yes "So for the world i want to be in the world of My hero academia/Boku no hero academia ! I discovered that anime with my grandchildren and that was their favorite !" "As for my 3 wishes I want to be a Sayan like in Dragonball and to know how to manipulate ki, for my second wish i want to have a perfect metabolism so i won't need to either sleep or go to the toilet and every thing i eat or drink is converted in energy for the body, as for my 3 wish i want to customize my appearance !" i told her my 3 wishes and she wrote them on a book that appeared out of nowhere and suddenly a panel with a body of me when i was in my early twenties showed up with a lot of things i could change (the frame of the body, the face (mouth, eyes,...), my hairs,.....) and even the size of my junk.

After approximately 30 minutes i don't know, there isn't a clock to know what time it is, i finished the creation of my body and i had spiky black hair and purple eyes, a sharp jawline and a muscular body frame with broad shoulders and a big torso, and since i could choose the size of my **** i made it a foot long.

When i finished i clicked on the 'confirm' button but before everything went black the goddesses said "You will be reborn as a baby ! Don't want you to know how hurt a baby feels when he is born !" and when i woke up i was in a hospital chamber with another baby at my left.

This baby had dark green hair and freckles on his cheeks.

This baby looked a lot like Izuku Midoriya but what confirmed my thoughts was a woman who approached us and called us her babies and she looked exactly like Inko Mydoriya.

'i assume i am the brother of that little guy !' i sighed at the thought of having to live with a 'sissy' that always needs help to do things so i said to myself that i will help him like i did with my grandkids in my past life and make him a strong man who is confident in himself.

——4 years later——

Not a lot of things happened in 4 years but i trained my KI and i can fly at the speed of a car (approximately at 90km/h) and shout KI blast and even do Kaméhaméha but i didn't try it since that would've destroyed an entire mountain i just cancelled it before having to release it.

Since i have a tail some people tried to bully me but i was stronger than them so i knocked them out all the time.

I also defended Izuku when Bakugo tried to bully him and i beat up Bakugo when he does but at least now he leaves me alone even if he still picks on Izuku sometimes but i don't intervene every time, Izuku needs to learn how to talk back and that's a lost cause.

one day we got to the hospital to know if we had a quirk and I and Izuku didn't have one.

I don't care about having a quirk or not since i technically am superman, but better, but Izuku was devastated and cried all day like our mother who was as devastated as him since the two of us didn't have a quirk she tried to console me but i told her that i didn't care and that the one who needed support was Izuku.

——10 years later——

A lot of things happened in ten years ! First, i can transform in SSJ1 and if I had to quantify my power in units like in Dragonball I should have close to 500 units without the SSJ1 and with my SSJ1 i should be the strongest of all already but i don't know since All might is still very powerful.

Also i trained Izuku a little so when he got the One For All he would already be trained a little bit he still has his small stature but now he has sufficient muscle to be called an athlete.

Also when i was in the mall buying new clothes since i grow a lot, i'm now standing at 5.11 and i have the same body as Mike Tyson in his prime but with a most muscular back because i train my back more (the back is the part that deliver the most strength when punching) i encountered Mina Ashido and we became great friend she is chill and easy-going wich is something i like about her i also became friends with Kirishima and we train and spar together sometime, but unlike me Izuku don't have any friend so i presented him to Mina and Kirishima but Izuku don't spend much time with them and prefer being alone.

now i know it's the start of the story but i didn't care since i wouldn't try to keep the timeline because the fact that i was here changed the timeline already.

So we went to class and the students were hyped to become heroes until Bakugo told everyone that he wasn't like everyone and that he would go to U.A and be the strongest hero bla bla bla and i told him that me and Izuku would too go to U.A and of course he exploded with anger and tried to attack izuku saying that he understood that I was going to U.A with my extraordinary physical performance but that izuku had nothing to do there since he was quirk less but before he could do anything to him i grabbed his arm and stopped him. He tried to move is arm but couldn't and insulted me so i punched him with just enough strength as to not kill him but just enough to knock him out for sometime i wanted to go home by myself but Izuku wanted to be alone for some time and i got home alone.

When i got home i greeted my mother and i got into my room to write some stories of books and movies that didn't exist in this world since i knew them i used them and since i was in another world i couldn't be copyrighted so i wrote some script of movies and some books about fantasy like Harry Potter or Lord of the ring and some super hero movies like Batman and superman (i don't know if there is comics about superman or batman in the world of my hero academia but i don't think it exist i'm not sure), the Batman one pleased a lot to Izuku since like him he didn't have superpower and still was a hero (even if he as a super power wich is to be rich) and read it every night. It also was well received by the children's audience since they all wanted to be super heroes.

So in my account i got almost 770 million Yen (¥) (5 million € or 5 million USD/$) and paid a new house with it with 4 bedrooms 2 bathroom a kitchen a living room with a 100 inches TV and a big pool with a garden of 100m² (size of a football/soccer field) and a garage with a Plymouth Superbird and a Jeep.

When Izuku came back he was super happy, he must have encountered All Might and he is going to train him so he can have the One For All.

——Two days later——

Izuku got out of the house early in the morning, wanting to see how he will do now since i trained him a little he should have an easier time cleaning the beach, and when we got to the beach All might was in his 'minus' form (i call it minus because i don't know if it as a name or not) and started to explain to Izuku that before he can have the One For All he needed to train his body and he started cleaning the beach while i was watching.

After 15 minutes or so All Might saw me and panicked because i have seen both of his forms.

"Don't worry Izuku is my little brother and he always wanted to be a hero so if All Might himself is training him why would i do something that could compromise all the effort he put into wanting to be a hero ? So don't worry i won't share your secret !" i reassured him.

"Thanks ! There are only a handful of people who know about my real identity and i don't want it to be known ! I'm the symbol of peace after all ! If people knew my weakness, villains would try to attack me when I couldn't do anything and that would be a disaster !" he responded.

"Yeah i understand that so i will leave the two of you alone so train him hard and see you at U.A, professor !" i told him before going back home.

'How did he know ?' All Might though while looking at me surprised 'No it must be a coincidence ! He must be talking about how i train Izuku not about the fact that i will teach at U.A !'.

When i got home i texted Mina if she wanted to come on a date with me to the arcade since she loved to play games.

{Me} -Hey Mina ! Wanna go to the arcade ?

{Mina} -Yeah i just need to put some clothes on and i will wait for you there !

{Me} -Ok see you in an hour

[That's the end of the chapter. the next chapter is going to be a date between the MC and Mina, i also forgot to mention the MC's name which is pretty stupid of me but the name of the MC is Raiu (thunderstorm in japanese) also i don't know if the MC should date only Mina or if he should also date other girl like Mirko or Momo Yaoyorozu or even Himiko Toga so let me know what you think and i will do the one i see the most ether just Mina or a harem]