
MHA: Stacked Cards

Izuku Midoriya, a Japanese highschooler decided to kill himself. Asking until the end for a quirk, any quirk, he jumps from his school rooftop and dies... Until he doesn't. With a split skull and a new quirk, he tries to be a hero one more time. Themes of Suicide and phycological trauma, if there are any issues with these themes or if you have suffered from them before, avoid reading. Image by Boku_Abara

DaoistreLnu5 · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter seventeen: Outside thoughts

(UA streets - General POV)

It was early in the morning; Many students had already dressed themselves up for UA; As did Katsuki Bakugo.

*Step Step

He walked leisurely, with slanted shoulders, down the street on his was to UA; It wasn't a long walk, no, he lived near enough to reach UA within 20 or so minutes as casually as he did.

Many others too either took a bus home when they were too far, or walked along the streets. But today was not everyday. No. Katsuki Bakugo, like many others, would be getting an uncomfortable surprise once he reached UA's gates. A Crowd of Reporters; Worst of all, they were the paparazzi types.

He silently walked, unconsciously ignoring the people around him. The reporters paid way for him for a few moments, not daring to touch a student of UA rashly, but a single lady upfront was alot less calm.

"EXCUSE ME! Are you a UA Student?!" A reporter almost spat in his face. "Can you tell us about All Might? How is he as a teacher?" She said as the surrounding crowds of people turned into silent murmurs.

She had a hand band on her arm, HNA, Hero News Association, and she almost led the crowd with how aggressive she was; Katsuki couldn't help but find it annoying, reminding himself of his mother's nagging in the morning.

"Piss off. I have class." He said as he continued to walk to the gate.

Now the gate of UA was incredibly well protected; No reporter, villain, living entity or otherwise machine would be able to get passed it without the systems ID; The ID's themselves weren't needed, but they helped asses who was enemy and who was an ally. They also helped against shapeshifters, which Izuku brought up before hand.

Nezu installed his 'CANARIES' to observe the school, which could see anything his defense system could, but few knew about the abilities of these birds, it was his hidden card against attackers. At least, one of the cards he hid.

No one but Izuku and Aizawa, All Might and trusted staff knew about them; Certainly not the students, and most definitely not Bakugo. But, he did find it incredibly suspicious that they would suddenly appear this Semester, especially considering how UA had carried an unbiased approach to school animals, not necessarily allowing them on campus.

'Odd' He couldn't help but notice the chirping of the birds; A small detail that no one else pick up on was how they'd flock crowds of people from afar, like guards of some sort, always watching from a distance; 'Why Canaries?' Katsuki thought as he considered their music to be more annoying than anything.

Again, he had suspicions. And they were warranted for the most part; Even the government had tried to inspect them, but were aptly denied by Nezu.

Not that they could do much with the media suddenly surrounding UA.

"Knock it off. You're all disrupting the students; All Might isn't on campus today so scram." Aizawa said arrogantly, almost tauntingly to them as he moved through the crowd like a steel wire through butter.

"Hey! Who do you think yo-" And like that, every student near heard it.

UA's Defense Barrier. A sudden, extreme amount of walls rose through the ground covering the entrances.

Made of over 468 different alloys, plastics, and organics and non organic composites. To defend from almost any quirk possible; Though what was it's main boast was the Tungsten fiber walls that rose against anything threatening the school. Since the reporters decided to pass through the gate so recklessly, the system triggered automatically; It made Aizawa chuckle softly.

Though his demeanor was quickly gone, switched with a more professional kind. He wouldn't let his students become reckless because of him or his attitude, being a hero is one hell of a responsibility.


"Move it Katsuki. You'll be late to class." Aizawa knocked the kid out of his stupor and passed right by him as Katsuki decided to calm down. He nodded softly before turning around. He was too anxious, excited; Izuku's display of power, hell, any power he displayed not only ticked him off, but outmatched him in every way. Speed. Strength. Agility. Defense. Offense. Hell, even one of the powers he demonstrated would have been difficult to play against.

If he was to beat the bastard, he needed to play it smart, use his head; Violence couldn't work against him, he showed no care for non-sense chit chat either. It was like he was some kind of android.


He could do nothing now. Class was starting soon, he'd rather figure how to get the high ground later. He shook his head and moved.

But Bakugo quickly caught sight in his peripheral vision of a bird far away from him. Upon turning around, the bird continued its bird like activities. Pecking it's feathers. Moving around.

Like nothing happened.

But he did see it! That bird, it was hunting!

The bird was watching the gate, oddly watching it. No, it didn't look at it's surroundings like regular birds do. It looked at the gate with it's beak pointing at it, not from the side. It was watching like a predator. For the few moments he looked at the bird, all life was lost in it's eyes, it looked like it was going to kill.

It almost sent a primal shiver down his spine, it did leave a few goosebumps on his arms. He could do jack about it, even if he was right, the teacher's wouldn't say anything important.

So he continued onwards to class, questioning UA's sanity with every step he made.


(Class 1A)

"Morning Katsuki!" Kirishima waved his hand. He was the only one to greet him as the kid dynamite had Momo, like the others, took a momentary glance at the boy , but didn't know how to greet him, if she even wanted to.

Yesterday's fight drew a line in the sand, the difference in the class Hierarchy of power. While she was strong, and was sure she could face Katsuki if prepared, Izuku was a mountain on his own. His ability made any of her solutions countered easily and frankly speaking, she lacked information on how many abilities he has. She could place her and any team in a bad situation if she accidentally empowered him with one of her counter attacks.

From just what she saw, she counted flight, shapeshifting, Concrete control, and an abundance of other powers. She didn't even know if there was a way to beat him.

'No. All quirks have some weakness. But what is his?' She thought quietly, pondering for a few moments on how she could effectively fight Izuku.

'Calories. And his coughing. Those are the only weaknesses I can count; If we cause him to burn away his stamina, could we weaken him?' She thought again.

From her understanding, Izuku's ability wasn't just a copier, no, it was more subtle than that; He integrated any power he had into his system. Integrated. Why use that word? Wouldn't a 'Copy' or some other word best suite his ability?

'Something was amiss here..' She trailed off as she looked to her right. Shoto Todoroki wasn't here yet.


'Could we win against something like him if we tried again?' She could only think as her mind wandered, again and again. The moment these thoughts started, she would often trail off, into a depressing chain of questions and analysis. The answer, which she had looked over three times now, was a resounding no.


It was a depressing thought, one that plagued a few of the class in the backgrounds of their minds. Could they win against him? The result was obvious though, manner wanted to give up from the get go.

The type of insecurity that could either motivate of deprive them of their abilities as students.

Katsuki took a single glance at her and the bunch as he turned his face away with a 'tsk'. It only made her feel weaker, if her motivation wasn't one of the greatest in class, she wouldn't have risen back up in mere moments.

'No. There's definitely a way to beat him. I just need to find out how!' Momo thought as passion was re-ignited in her eyes. Though, she wasn't truly all too concerned about Izuku, just baffled by the strength of her class member. He was 'employed' by UA for the exams, so comparing him to the class wouldn't suffice.

Uraraka, unlike the others, was as bubbly as ever though. Infact, she had wanted to speak to Izuku about how 'amazing!' the entire thing was, but she couldn't find him. The missing students, Izuku and Shoto, had caught the classes attention; "Hey Ida! Where's Izuku and Todoroki?" She asked as he turned from his text book.

"I'm not sure, Uraraka. Perhaps they are being punished for yesterday?" He said apprehensive. Why Shoto would be punished? He had no clue, but Izuku seemed close to the staff. He never was told what Izuku's relation with the school is, perhaps due to Bakugo and Momo being as injured as they were, he was reprimanded.

"Punished?!" She said in shock. "But Izuku didn't do anything wrong!" Quickly gathering the attention of the others; Kirishima of all people turned to them.

"What?! No way Izuku would be punished for that! He may have gone overboard by alot, but Momo and Katsuki were the ones who attacked savagely."

"That's right. If anyone had to be blamed, it would be Bakugo. Ribbit." Tsuyu interrupted as fire boy flared up.

"What the hell did you say?!" Bakugo spoke up while Momo could only drop her head in shame for her actions.

'If Izuku was being punished for their actions.. I have to-' Her thoughts were interrupted very quickly by the bell and door.


*Sliding Door

"Calm down, all of you. Izuku's just as the principle's office." Aizawa arrived, not in his Yellow banana suit this time.

Though his sanity was peeled by their loudness.

"He causes havoc everywhere he goes, and thus is getting his just desserts." He said as he walked in.

Everyone got the gist of the routine by this point, they all sat down in their places as Uraraka raised her hand. Aizawa nodded as she spoke.

"But wait! Why is Izuku getting punished?" Uraraka spoke up for the absentee.

"That's not your concern. It's between Izuku and Principle Nezu. If you want to know, ask either one after class." Shota said as she quickly hushed away. Just as Aizawa was about to start, there was a knock on the door.

"Good Morning." Shoto said as he waltzed in.

"You're late; Considering yesterday, I'll overlook it this once. Don't let it happen again." Aizawa said as Shoto nodded. Though Aizawa only sighed

"And Izuku. If you disrupt the class again, I'll ask the Principle for assistance in punishment. And you know how cruel he can be." He spoke again, startling everyone there- Izuku was already in his seat, instantly appearing. Though he was obviously terrified of the implication.

'What did the principle do?!' Thought everyone as they saw the strongest one there mortified and shaking.

His sudden appearance made some students peeved, like Bakugo and Shoto, who looked in shock at his sudden arrival. Momo however only lowered he head at his sudden appearance. She felt guilty for acting desperate in their fight.

"Technically, I was here the moment the bell rang." Izuku chuckled, trying to get rid of the shiver in his spine; Nezu knew how to punish people, he was the Sadist Principle, and the 40 minutes of Paperwork proved it.

It should have taken 8 hours to complete, but somehow Izuku managed to rush fast enough to be here on time.

'Overworking a poor student like him~ How dare he.' Izuku thought as he chuckled to himself.

Aizawa's eyes frowned. Izuku seemed careless, but that was just to hide the kid's lingering fear, which somehow, outmatched the combined paranoia of UA's staff; Seriously, that kid practically tried making a nuke as insurance.

"I'm serious Izuku. You're flair for the dramatic is getting old. If you continue this, there will be consequences." He said tired from the his antics, soon Izuku nodded calmly, changing his posture and tone to match. He was like a different person when he wasn't over-zealous.

'Best not push him; I'd rather not want another paperwork incident.' Izuku thought as the other students looked back at Aizawa.

"Now then. You all take too much time getting seated, I expect improvement. You all did well in your trials yesterday." He said strictly.

"Bakugo. Momo." He spoke swiftly and suddenly, catching everyone's attention.

"You're quirks and strategies were good, but you went too far; Don't purposely try to endanger yourselves in a fight, you'll waste your potentials acting reckless like that." He said as they both nodded. Momo looking at her desk in shame. Bakugo looking to the window; The birds still creeped him out.

"And Izuku. Shoto." He spoke again. Now looking at Izuku as the boy beamed a smile.

"You were too careless, you didn't take the fight seriously at all, allowing the bomb to be snatched from you twice Midoriya. If this was a real fight, something that careless would have resulted in an immediate loss, especially against a quirk that can steal the device from your hands. You didn't consider any defenses either, wasting you're 5 minutes daydreaming. Do better." He said sternly. The other's shrunk at the gaze, but Izuku only sat straight.

he nodded, now no longer smiling, taking the advice to heart and checking how he could prepare for a real fight.

Which he would soon enough. The Yakuza, he avoided thinking about it near school, since there could be a mind reading quirk, but he checked prior with sense.

A trap quirk, defense quirk or something that can observe multiple places, past his current abilities, was needed. Otherwise, he may have to resort to an incapacitation ability for the Yakuza, not that they most definitely haven't planned for that. He would also need a mental protection quirk to safeguard him from illusionary quirks or otherwise mental manipulation.

Worst case situation, someone managed to mind control him into acting as a weapon.


He would bring this to Nezu post class for help, why waste resources looking for a quirk himself? He has a billionaire who can do it.

"Shoto. You're a recommended student, but you acted the least useful in the fight. You're speed was too slow to do anything and you were too careless in you're attacks against Bakugo. You were a side show. Not that"

Todoroki nodded, but not with shame.

He nodded with determination.

Determination to be the greatest here, the greatest hero, and unlike the others, there were no second thoughts for him. He 'knew' he could do it! All without his left side, he could be the greatest hero!

Aizawa saw the flame in his eyes and let out a momentary grin as he turned around. The flame those eyes carried, they were strong; In fact, it's those kind of eyes that carry the greatest of heroes ever seen.

He could see it in everyone's eyes.

Izuku's held a cold flame. One that didn't even show itself over the summer days he trained; they were cold, calculating, as if he would find every way he could win and grab it, it was the most dangerous of them all. Izuku's eyes were somehow both uncaring yet the most calculative. No innocence within, it was machine like.

Bakugo a prideful one. His smirk was replaced with a fierce glare as his ego flared time on. He had the sole weakness of being arrogant, but if he could surpass such an issue, then those eyes promised he would not be bested again; As if insulted by the insinuation, he was driven with pure rage and mental fortitude. It could be the eyes of the greatest hero even, unwavering strength and bravery only seethed out of him.

Momo demonstrated a determined gaze, a small and almost imperceivable gaze, but one that stood as the very pinnacle of heroism; Her eyes spoke things words could not, a sense of morality, justice, compassion that was not evident in the others. Her eyes brought warmth with her leadership, a sense of comfort to any who saw it. While the others took a more aggressive route in their goals, these were the eyes of a strategic general. One that would refuse to be bested.

Shoto, of them all, held the most inexplicable one. While it could be said that Izuku's and Bakugo's passion was almost antagonistic of everyone else, his eyes reveled in his weakness. He did not push his inabilities away, rather, compromised with an understanding, accepting, yet refusal of a gaze. He seemed to choose to face his weakness head on as he nodded. It was the greatest growth of them all.

Aizawa couldn't help but smile at the sight, he had to turn around just so they couldn't see his face.

'All of these kids had a fire for heroism somewhere within, it was his task to bring it out of them, to show the world what they're capable of!' He thought. His blood was pumping!

All he needed to do was push them to their maximum, and he could get the greatest heroes to ever exist, in the world even.

"Since that's done. Everyone. We need to discuss something incredibly important, it could change your entire school year even." He said in a more grave voice. They hadn't heard him speak like this before.

They all shook.

Was it another trial? A punishment? Maybe even-

"The class Presidency." He said casually as everyone almost fell over.

Even Izuku was weirded out by how ordinary it was, looking at Aizawa with wide eyes, and a confused expression. It was the first normal thing he'd seen at UA.

"SO NORMAL" Everyone said almost simultaneously. They hadn't expected this at all!

Izuku glanced around, using his "Sense" to it's maximum, hoping to find the hive mind user that managed to take over his class.... He did not. Bastard must have been a long range user.

"Now. I don't care how you do it-" He said as he slipped into a yellow banana suit which made the class even more frozen, "-Just choose someone by the time the bell rings." And he fell asleep.... Instantly...

No one would speak for at least 30 seconds.


(Izuku Midoriya POV)

"Vote me!" Mina said as Aizawa dozed off.

"I want to be Class President!" Kaminari blurted out. As Bakugo tsked at them, speaking with arrogance.

"What the hell are you all saying you bastards! I'm obviously the best choice here!" He said as his voice was drowned in the several ones after. Jiro, Kirishima and even Mineta started blabbering.

I didn't really care about it. I mean, I always did want to be class president, but Nezu would probably turn it into another way to make me do his paperwork. Again. Seriously, that guy doesn't let opportunities slip easily, I don't even want to risk it.

The pain paperwork offers is too much of a responsibility, I think someone else should be the one at it's hems.

"Quiet! Everyone please!" Ida said as he caught the attention of everyone. They all listened well to he as she spoke.

"Why the hell did you listen to him!" Bakugo said as everyone ignored the living bomb.

"Being class president is a incredibly heavy task. You must be capable of leading the class and assuming the responsibility of 1A. You must have the trust of every single member. You must be able to pull your weight. We should do a democratic election in order to decide our leader." He said strongly. As his raised hand shivered in place

His leaderships skills were good, better than mine at least; I'm not sure If I would do good in a group. They would get in my way even..

But, I can't be reckless, if I myself were the problem, then perhaps I should form my own group to assist me. After all, even heroes can't save everyone by themselves... I should get a cloning quirk.

"You just want us to vote for you." Everyone said simultaneously.

"I do think Ida is right." Momo interrupted.

"If we keep trying to vote for ourselves, we'll just end up indecisive or worse, with someone incapable of holding the task."

"But do we even know each other that well? How do know who we can trust?" Tsuyu spoke before she added a small, 'ribbit' at the end. It was a cute tick, quirks really are weird sometimes. Ticks, appearances, characteristics entirely distinct from abilities.

"What if someone votes for themselves?" Jiro added. With her ear shaping a question mark. And there, Subconscious actions, like an extension of their bodies. A limb.

I wonder how it feels for Aizawa to use his quirk on someone else..

It's the same for me, minus being able to be stopped; it takes a single thought to activate several quirks instantly, the only difference is I feel the difference between before and now. I used to have

"It won't matter. If the person with most votes is elected, then they had to be good enough to have votes from others!" Ida adds as he violently slammed the table. Did quirks also affect moods? Yeah, they did affect mine; A sense of longing for other quirks. It could be my personal fascination of heroes and of other quirks, but I have an instinctual feeling that there's a difference.

"It's the best way! Right teacher?" Ida said envigored by a supply of constant excitement, though there was no apparent source of such energy, maybe he had a second quirk.

..Actually, this reminds me of that one rumor I heard of several years ago; A quirk that could take other quirks. 'ALL FOR ONE'; Frankly, a stupid name.

I match the description for the taking part, but it can also bestow powers to others; An urban myth of a man who conquered Japan with that power, amassing an army. Most records between the 'Witch Hunts' and 'Witch Trial' Periods of the global rampage had many urban legends. People who could control desserts of sand, people who could amass storms. Hell, the biggest and most terrifying legends of the first users are still feared today.

With enough quirks I could do something similar to all of them but if such a quirk user exists today, one capable of taking what's mine... I'll need to make preparations in advance.

I'll assume that it could work via physical contact. "Permeation" is a good counter, but it's not enough since my senses die out with the usage. There are too many variables. 'Medusa' was a popular Italian and Roman legend, a similar quirk user did exist during the war, one that could be triggered if you simply saw her face, does that mean my senses put me at a disadvantage?

Does the possibility of someone even knowing my name risk me even now? Maybe by simply breathing, I'm placed at a disadvantage.

I'll need to re-assess everything. My quirks can't save me from everything. No, my greatest weapon is information. I need more power.

Aizawa was already on the floor, semi-asleep, but he did reply a few moments later.

"Just decide on a president and vice by the end of the period." and he snoozed right back into sleep.

Go figure. I can't blame him much, since he spent the entire day with me yesterday... and he had a night shift. I've been causing too much Havoc for UA's staff, Nezu has been too lax on me. I guess I should at least learn to tone down my activities; Last thing I want is to hurt them indirectly, even my exhausting them.


"Then, everyone! Let us vote!" Ida spoke as he moved to the board. Walking like a mechanical warden.

This will be fun; I'll just vote for Momo. She's competent enough and Ida is too... Strict.

(5 minutes later)


Election results!

-Izuku Midoriya; 5 votes.

-Momo Yaoyorozu: 3 votes.


I stood infront the class in shellshock.


Who the hell voted for me? Why? I literally didn't participate!

"Alright you lot! Who the hell voted for DEKU!?" Bakugo spoke as he stood up from his table.

"What did you expect? Did you think you'd get any votes with that personality?" Harsh burn from Sero, who chuckled at the screaming child, he might be my favorite now.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY-" The fighting started, I'm a tad shellshock here. I'm risking it all by even being class president.. Nezu might over work me again.

Though now I want to be class president to spite you Katsuki. I feel like that's somewhat worth the work.

"Why me?" I asked as the others looked at me.

"Dude, with the number of abilities you have, how couldn't we?!" Kirishima said excited. "You literally out class us all! You were in the entrance exam as a warden Bro! You're the most qualified to lead the class."

"Yep. You were first in the hero examination and outclassed us in the trials." Sero said as he chuckled.

This was problematic. I didn't like dealing with non-sense, especially the type that could interfere with his after-school 'activities'.

"So it was yo-" I hear noise from the background. Katsuki screaming his lungs off.

"Um- Izuku is the best candidate to lead us." Uraraka said as she let a wink and a thumbs up in my direction.

Guess she voted for me aswell. That was nice of her.

I can't help but sigh. I could easily take the risk of more paperwork... But I could also spite Katsuki, and that would be very satisfying.


Ida is gritting his teeth. Murmuring something about him not being able to 'go against his own suggestion'... maybe he should take the job since he wants it so much. He would definitely do well, better than me at least... Yeah. No. I'd rather be in charge should anything bad happen, since I'd most definitely have to protect the rest of them

Fine. I'll do it.

"Alright then, Izuku. Momo." Aizawa stands up, "You two are responsible for the class from now and on, and must represent the class." He said as the bell rang.

Momo looked at me distraught before shaking her head and looking away.

"That's all for homeroom." Aizawa spoke.

Chemistry was next then.

(3 hours later)


The bell went off, everyone got up for lunch but I had other plans.

"Izuku." I hear a voice behind me. Momo's. She didn't get up yet?

"Could we speak? In private." She said, everyone was leaving, a few stayed though. Shoto. Katsuki. Ochaco. Denki? Even Ida.

"Sure. But I have to speak with Nezu, let's walk." I got up as everyone here looked at me. Ochaco was weary, she seemed like she wanted to hang out with me but I must have put her and Ida into an awkward spot.

"If anyone needs to speak with me, I'll be ready once my meeting with the principle ends. Ochaco, Ida, let's hang out when I'm done." I smiled at the two to which he nodded with a small smile and she beamed a greater smile back, much less nervous than before.

It took a few moments of walking, a few odd stares from the others, but me and Momo exited the class room and we headed for the Principle's office.


"So?" I said as Momo looked at me from my right; I'm guessing it's either about the class presidency or the trial.

... She was silent.

"I wanted to apologize.. for how I behaved during the class trial. It was very unbecoming of me."

"Don't apologize for things like that. In a real battle, if you can't give you're all, you die." I said as she stuttered.

"Ah.. Yes, I suppose you're right... But as a student of UA and a member of the Yaoyorozu family, I must apologize for the way I acted; I was desperate to win the trial, so I may have placed you in a difficult position. I'm sorry." She said

"But it wasn't you're idea, was it?" He spoke as she went silent. Her eyes flickered between shame and pride, almost fighting with herself one what she wanted to say.

Bakugo was one ruthless bastard. He must have pushed the poor girl into attacking brashly, that, or they both were conceited enough to believe they would succeed with brute force. She had the surprise; They both wasted a good strategy with their reckless behavior.

"Bakugo wanted to strike quirk and unexpectedly. Right?" I said as she looked at me. Her eyes hitting the floor for a second before she rose up again.

"Yes. But the responsibility for the result is on both of us. I'm sorry you were scolded by All Might because of my actions." How mature of her.

"It's alright, that was a trial and you did you're best. But a word of advice, Momo." I said as we arrived at the principle's office.

"If you're going to be that reckless, aim to kill me next time." I said with a smile as I knocked on the door. She looked at me wide eyed, at the words I spoke, she reacted shocked.

"Come in!~" Nezu called from the other side.

I open the door, while saying one more thing to the girl. "If you're not going to give you're all in a real fight, you'll loose, badly. So don't hold things like integrity and honor so highly, sometimes, it isn't deserving." Her face was a mixture of worry and confliction as I closed the door.

"If you still want to hold those words and things like honor and pride, be strong enough to carry your words and save the day. Be strong enough to be someone who can hold those ideals and succeed. Stronger than you're enemies." I said as her eyes brightened, a delay before she blinked for a few moments as her burning justice reappeared in her eyes. That strength of hers was astounding, truly exemplary of her, something that reminded me of how I was before...

She nodded, now filled with heroic purpose.

But ideals are just ideals. Heroes are just people in costumes. No matter how you want to spin it, the cruelty of the world is vast, and painful.

She would learn eventually, villains don't play by the rules heroes do. If she has what it takes to still be a 'hero' regardless and match her enemies with her ideals and power, I'll be damned. But if she doesn't then she'll quickly realize, ideals kill much more than villains do.



(Nezu's office - Nezu POV)

Izuku spoke as a small smile rose on my face. He was changing for the better, shaping into a hero; Aizawa's influence was apparent, he looked similar, in a away. He looked alot more like a hero.

He was smiling too. For a instance, his face was shining. He entered the room glimmering from her nods; He was gaining friends even.


"Those are some heavy words, Izuku. I'm hoping you're careful of what you're telling others. Especially a recommended student like Momo Yaoyorozu." I chuckled at his expressiveness, his sudden turn of happiness.

Which was a mixture of expectations for the girl and joy seeing that she had spoken to him. Soon enough, that expression faded as a deathly coldness entered his eyes; Much distant from the soft warmth he showed moments before.

His eyes were heavy. Not the worried type of heavy or the terrorized, no, they felt... venomous.


"We have a problem. A potentially disastrous one if we leave it unattended." He spoke as I became serious; He never said those words before. I couldn't leave it be, He sat down, hands first moving around the chair. Slowly, he settled himself into the seat as his glare met my eyes again, not directed at me, but still as troubling.

"Mind control quirks. Illusion quirks. Parasitic quirks. Poison quirks. Force activation quirks. Body control quirks. All of these types of quirks could easily be used against me and turned against UA or even those I care for." He said softly, though there was no calmness on his face. He seemed very upset

Izuku was never the type to let risks slide; Ever since the assassination attempt, he had met every trouble, challenge or risk directly, eliminating any possible concerns of his. What could have pushed him to suddenly think about this? Anything. He was a paranoid person, and he decided to speak with me.

"I see." I leaned into my desk, paws together, he demonstrated a strong form of trust with me. It's a first, one that should be making me smile if his concerns weren't extremely urgent.

"This is extremely troubling; UA's defenses are strong against many types of quirks, but there are hundreds of exceptions. For example, Permeation. By our student, Mirio Togata. Which can bypass the various of indented materials layering the outer walls of UA without issue. It can exceed almost any defense mechanism we make unless we target his ability directly." I said as he listened at my words was little noise.

His eyes still looked ferocious, almost wild.

Speaking of defense mechanism. The UA's walls were still surrounded with people- No, worse, the Press.

The reporters still didn't leave. They were very persistent in wanting an interview with Yagi, which only makes me feel worse for him, it seems he was hunted by more than villains.

Still, there were pressing matters to deal with now.

"If they used you to attack UA from the inside, like a trojan horse, I could only imagine the casualties caused by you're abilities; Unless All Might was here and had the assistance of other pro heroes, we would have trouble taking you down." I stood up as his eyes fell on my small figure. My word's didn't seem to appease him in the slightest. I'll have to bring out the secret files.

I march my way to the bookshelf on the side of the room. His eyes never left me.

I had a file somewhere- Aha! I open the file, and stepped down from the mini ladder I had placed a moment before; He usually found this amusing, but seemed not to care much. I told him what it was.

"Previous UA students. And a list of various criminals, along with civilian quirks I found from a Private Investigator." I said as his expression was still, but his posture relaxed visibly; He seemed calmer, more tranquil.

Now, I think it's page 73- No, 85, 86 there.

"Mental Fortitude." I said as his eyes flared up in excitement.

"Hirisho Toma. A civilian working in a office building in Mustafu. Age 34, has a wife and 7 year old daughter. His office works in telecommunication and sales. His quirk is a tad tricky, but essentially, he's immune to exterior influences from other quirks. I'll contact him, along with a few other people to assist us." I said as he showed a small, almost lustful smile. He seemed intrested, very intrested.

He was grinning now, much less irritated than before, but he quickly lost that glint of savor as he spoke again.

"Excellent. But there are a few other concerns I have besides mental ones. Poisons or Hallucinations that affect my body, not my mind are the biggest concern now. Parasites aswell need to be dealt with." He said as I pondered the possible implications of the file.

What quirks could affectively eliminate the possibility of parasitic control?

We have a few mind control quirks in UA, a single one actually, but we've already found a solution. Quirks that use physical touch to activate some control, or even speaking are the easy ones so far, we just need to make sure he can't be touched or that whatever is touched doesn't affect his body.

"I'll need to check on what's available. For hallucinations, I'll find you more perception quirks to help, but we can only guess on countermeasures, we lack information on the quirks that could be used against you. A few heroes specialize in perception abilities, some quirks like X-ray vision or even extreme senses exist, those work well for your problem. You're 'Anatomy' should counter most hallucinations, but I'll find an additional few quirks to ensure you're in control of you're body." I can see his disappointment in his eyes, not getting an assured answer must irritate him.

He did lax even though he was upset, he wiped his brows as he let out a sigh.

I'm certain he knows quirks are the oddest of things. Someone could have the ability to control walls and we'd have a counter to UA's defenses instantly!

Not all quirks adhere to what we see as common sense, though almost all of them could be scientifically explained, it doesn't mean that 'Wall control' would not be a major threat. Or a quirk that could simply shift the structure of anything touched.

Granted the different types of materials in the wall all slow the affects down, it still is concerning to see someone's cease the entire school's defense by those powers.

I need to see what is and isn't available to help him.

"Are you're concerns rectified?" I asked with a smile. He laughed, calm now, "Yeah. I appreciate you're help, thanks." He said softly.

PTSD was hard. It seemed threats struck the nerve with him. The sudden change can attest to that.

"Great! Now, I believe you're classmates are wai-" Just as I spoke, we both heard it.



.. It continued as Izuku stood up suddenly, concentrating of his environment.

The clamouring outside became very loud. The reporters; How did they get through the barrier? No, it seems our concerns, his concerns were proven just.

He looked over at me and spoke suddenly, "We have an intruder." Grimly, we both acted. He tensed his muscles up while I alerted the teachers. Aizawa and Present Mic should keep them at bay for now.

I touched my watch, a smart watch designed by me and Power Loader, thus sending and SOS to them and activating the bird's scanning sequence instantly.

The birds began to sing, no, almost scream as they scanned every single room in UA, every single person appeared on the screen of my watch. The watch projected a single individual with no ID running through the nearest building to the entrance.

"An intruder in the teacher's lounge! Second building, floor 3! Hurry!" I said, as any available teacher's sped to the premises over the radio. The moving line seemed to speed up, they're listening in!

I heard the reporters under the building clamor as the teachers arrived to hold them in place; One moment later, Izuku moved as my office door slammed open by mere wind pressure. He sped through with extreme acceleration, quickly moving out of sight.

A sudden and extreme blow of wind filled the room and the birds lost track of the sudden moving line that was running across my watch. He out sped the birds on ground...


He burned my carpet too. but I guess that doesn't really matter right now..

Damn it.

STONES BABY! Creation is hard, cheer me up! And comment also. You all need to give critisism more. How am I gonna get better at writing if someone doesn't call me a shitty author?

(No, I'm not a masochist)

DaoistreLnu5creators' thoughts