
MHA: My Hero Adventure

Izuku Midoriya was excited for finally being able to stand in front of UA with his newly acquired quirk. Unfortunately, he lost balance and nearly face planted the floor. Man, that would've been an embarrassing first impression. Fortunately for him though, a black portal caused him to not face plant on the floor, but he got a feel of soft melons instead. "My bad..." Aplogised Ryoichi Cheney, the protagonist of this story. I don't own my hero academia or any other anime references (Fairy tail mainly) Warning: Non-MHA love interest

Rizzler007 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: First Day

- Timeskip: Spring -

"Ryoichi, wait!" Kagura, his mother, called out to him before he could leave the house.

Currently, Ryoichi was wearing the UA high uniform with a black backpack.

"Your tie needs to be tied all the way, and you need to button-up the top button, and TUCK IN YOUR SHIRT" She complained as she was fixing up his uniform.

"*Sigh*... Mom, it's a fashion statement!" Ryoichi sighed in annoyance.

"Yeah yeah, because 'fashion' means being untidy nowadays, whatever you say..." She said sarcastically.

She stepped back, now standing next to Shinichi, and looked at her son with a smile.

"We're proud of you, my little baby..." She then changed her tone to a more happy one, "Now, go get 'em tiger, and make sure to bring a wife by the time you finish school" She winked playfully.

"Ha! He'd be lucky to even be friends with a girl, let alone have a girlfriend" Shinichi laughed, causing Ryoichi to shake his head.

"Ha ha, funny joke old man" He fake laughed.

"You know I'm joking my boy. Now, off you go, make us proud to be your parents! I mean, we already are, but you know what I mean!" Shinichi cheered.

"Of course, dad. See you guys, love you both!" Ryoichi waved before leaving the house.


"So... why'd we make it sound like he's not literally coming home after school today?" Shinichi questioned

"I dunno" Kagura shrugged.


Having entered the school building, Ryoichi followed the map that was given at the entrance and eventually arrived at a huge door with "1-A" on it.

'First day of high school... let's go!' Ryoichi hyped himself up.

Opening the door, Ryoichi could see that the class was already filled halfway.

The attention of all the student's inside shifted to Ryoichi.

"Hey, nice to meet you guys, and girls" He greeted them all, which gave them an initial good impression of him as he didn't come off as a bastard like some other explosive guy who was in the class.

"Oi, you son of a bitch, you're Ryoichi aren't you!?" Bakugo stomped over to Ryoichi with a glare.


"There's no where to run to this time you cheating bastard!" Bakugo pulled a fist back and aimed a punch at Ryoichi's face.

"Cheating? How'd I cheat?" Ryoichi tilted his head whilst creating a portal in front of his face.

"Ow! You bitch!" Bakugo angrily shouted, feeling a stinging pain on the back of his head.

"Is this seat taken?" Without seeing it, Bakugo noticed that Ryoichi was no longer in front of him, but rather at the back of the class.

"..No, it's not" A guy with white and red hair shook his head and replied quietly.

"Alright, thanks" Ryoichi then took a seat next to the guy and began scrolling on his phone.

'...Fuck this extra's bullshit' Bakugo thought angrily and sat down in his seat.

Minutes passed and the class was only missing a few people.

Suddenly, the classroom began to... rain?

The door opened to reveal a girl with long blue hair, and dead blue eyes with her hair in tight curls at the base.


"Excuse me, miss, could you NOT make it rain?" A tall guy with glasses asked nicely.

"Juvia is sorry, there is nothing she can do about it unfortunately" She ignored any other words said and walked to the back of the class.

Her face turned into one of shock after noticing the rain stopped.

'W-what..?! It's not raining?' She looked up to see the roof of the class covered in black.

"Hope you don't mind, I decided to use my quirk to teleport the rain somewhere else. That doesn't offend you in some way or something, does it?" Ryoichi answered the unspoken question around the room to the girl, who's name is Juvia.

"Oh..." Her face turned back to sadness 'I thought someone found a way to stop the rain...'

"It's okay, Juvia isn't offended, rather she is glad" She showed a little smile to Ryoichi and walked to the empty seat next to him.

"This seat, is it taken?" Juvia asked, taking a good look at Ryoichi's face.

"No, no one's claimed that seat yet" Ryoichi replied.

"Juvia understands, this seat is now Juvia's" She claimed, sitting down on the empty chair.

"Anyway, it's nice to meet you, I'm Ryoichi Cheney, call me however you'd like" He introduced himself to her.

"Juvia, Juvia Lockser. It is a pleasure to meet you" She bowed slightly in her seat.

More minutes passed until all the students were seated down, with the teacher standing at the front of the class.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleasure meeting you" Said the teacher, the black haired lazy-looking one.

Pulling out a uniform from seemingly nowhere, he then ordered "Everyone, put these on, immediately. Then head to the field"




"A quirk apprehension test??!" The class shouted in unison.

"But what about the entrance ceremony, and other stuff!?" Uraraka asked, which ticked off Aizawa.

"If you wanna be a hero, we don't have time for those frilly, useless activities

You should have all read and understood the 'freedom' policy of the school...

That goes for the teachers too" He responded

He then named a number of athletic events that the class would have to undergo.

"Ryoichi Cheney, step forward" Aizawa ordered, to which Ryoichi complied.

"How far could you throw a softball in middle school?" Aizawa asked

"Like, 80-something metres" Ryoichi answered.

"Now, try using your quirk this time. Don't hold back" Aizawa said to which Ryoichi nodded.

He stepped forward and went behind the line.

Winding his arm back, Ryoichi controlled the gravity of the ball and lowered its gravity level as much as he could.

As soon as the ball left his hand, he created a portal in front of the ball, and another one 1 kilometre away in the sky (His max distance currently).

When Aizawa's device beeped, he showed it to reveal: 12,593m


"That's crazy high"

The class all muttered in awe and shock.

"It looks kinda fun, don't you think?" A poor soul managed to say, which triggered Aizawa further.

"'Fun', you say..? Fun?? So you were planning to spend 3 years at a prestigious hero high school to have a good ol' time and some 'fun'!?

Fine then... I'll make it fun, shall I? Whoever gets first place won't have to do homework for the first week of school" The class smiled at the first half, not expecting anything to be said after

"And last place will...

be, expelled" Aizawa showed a crazy smirk, surprising the students.

"WHAT?? That's not fair!?" Uraraka complained.

"Life isn't fair, kid. Now, next up: Katsuki Bakugo.

You all better do your best if you don't wanna be expelled"






- Post Quirk Apprehension Test -

"Time to present the results" Aizawa announced with a click of a button

1st - Ryoichi Cheney

2nd - Momo Yaoyorozu



20th - Izuku Midoriya

Ryoichi looked over at Midoriya and saw tears threatening to come out of his eyes.

"Anyway, that's the end of that. Congratulations Ryoichi, no homework for a week.

As for you, Midoriya...

The expulsion thing was a lie, so enjoy the rest of your time here at UA" Aizawa laughed before walking away from the class, "Oh, right. Before I forget, your curriculum sheets are at the back of class, read them over and then feel free to leave or whatever"

"I- What...?" Izuku muttered in disbelief.

"Come on, did you actually fall for it? It was quite obvious he was lying" Momo, a black haired girl, had an attempt at making Izuku feel better.

Little did she and the rest of class 1-A know, Aizawa was, in fact, not lying initially.

Going back to the classroom, class 1-A's first day of school had officially ended with a crazy twist.


Thanks for Reading

Hope you enjoyed the chapter