
Metahuman Redemption

Rex King watches the anti-matter wave destroy his universe. He was the most powerful being in the universe, but he was dying even before the anti-matter wave arrived. Regret filled his heart, why was he so selfish? He wanted to fix his mistakes, but it was too late. A brilliant idea occurred to him, if he couldn't make up for his mistakes in this universe, then perhaps a different Rex King from the multiverse could! Creating a system and sending all the potential he possessed, the power system looked for a Rex King who was worth saving!

Blibbert · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs


Tommy and Talent sat with the Amazons as they enjoyed their victory. The feast hall of Olympus was filled with the victors. 

Children of my sister, Siyan-Ur, come and sit here with us," Queen Hippolyta enjoined Tommy, Talent, and Kara-Ur. The semi-real hologram of Siyan-Ur sat on the throne beside Hippolyta. 

Zeus and Hera brought food on dishes of gold and goblets encrusted with mystic gems. They served their new masters with bitter looks.

Queen Hippolyta took a bite of the roasted meat and made the funniest sound as her face twisted.

"This is the most disgusting food I have eaten in my life, yet it is the most delicious food I have tasted!" 

Siyan-Ur smiled and lovingly stroked the hair of Queen Hippolyta. 

"Will Lord Zod join our feast?" the Queen asked.

"There's little point. Neither he nor I can enjoy the food of the feast. We have died long ago. All that is left of us is our consciousness. This is why we adopted our children," Siyan-Ur said.

"You are dead?" The Queen asked in surprise. Siyan-Ur gave a bitter and sad smile.

 "My sister, I am sorry!" The matriarch of the Ur family gave her new sister a reassuring smile. 

"Do not think on it, although I no longer have a body, I am here in spirit. There is only one dream, a last thing that remains undone. I hope you will help me rebuild Krypton," Siyan-Ur said. 

"Of course, now that we remember who we are, Krypton must rise!" 

"We shall talk of these things another time. For now, I wish to celebrate with you. This is the first step in the rise of Krypton!" Siyan-Ur spoke with certainty. 

Talent looked at Tommy. "The price," Talent whispered to Tommy who nodded. 

Siyan-Ur and Queen Hippolyta heard Talent's comment. Talent's adopted mother smiled while Queen Hippolyta pretended to hear nothing.

"Mother, should we be here? We just smacked a coupl'a fairies or somethin'," Talent said. 

"You are the son of my sister, of course, you belong here. The liberator of the Amazon, and her brave children," the Queen commented kindly. 

"They aren't much to look at right now, but they are young. Unlike the women of Paradise Island, they have not spent thousands of years absorbing the energies of the yellow sun. Their strength will take your breath away one day.

Although for now, they haven't even spent as long as my two daughters to be absorbing the star's energy," Siyan-Ur commented. The Queen had a witty look in her eyes.

"I nearly forgot, slave Hera fetch Donna Troy and Helena Kosmotas!" Hera glared at Queen Hippolyta when she was called "slave Hera." The Queen grew enraged and kicked Hera down from the top of the stairs. Hera hit every step as she rolled down the great height. 

"Someone heal her with the purple ray, she won't get out of her duties so easily!" The Queen raged. An Amazon with red hair walked forward and used a handheld laser gun to emit a purple light around Hera. Hera's body healed at a visible rate. Soon, she was healed and didn't wait for more orders. She ran to do her mistress's bidding. 

A few minutes later, Hera returned with two beautiful girls. The first had striking golden locks that flowed around her. She dressed in traditional Kryptonian robes, as did all of the freed Amazons. The second girl had raven black hair that reached below her shoulders. Two-star earrings decorated her and brought out her valiance. 

The young women flew to the top of the banquet where the Queen and the liberators of the Amazon sat. Their eyes alighted upon Siyan-Ur and they kneeled before her. 

"Rise for I take you as my daughters by the laws and customs of Krypton. Helena, you are the elder and are now Lena-Ur. Donna Troy, you will be named Dinna-Ur. Please take your seats next to your eldest sister Kara-Ur, and say hi to your second brother Vin-Ar and your third brother Tal-Zod," Siyan-Ur indicated to the two young men. 

"What? I'm not even da sekund brudda, but da tird brudda?!" Talent exclaimed.

"Not to worry, you have a fourth brother, Gre-Vex," Ma said. 

"There are seven adopted children?" The Queen asked. 

"For now, there is one more son, but it might be a while until we meet. He will be the youngest," Ma said. 

"There are so few Kryptonian men, I wonder how we are going to revive Krypton, you can't hope to..." the Queen began.

"My daughter Kara-Ur carries within her body the Kryptonian Codex. We will build a birthing chamber and revive the Kryptonian houses through the Codex. All of Krypton's houses will be revived, from the leading families to the smallest common families. 

Kara-Ur must be protected at all times until the Codex is extracted and the birthing chambers are active. Once new sons and daughters of Krypton are born, I will rely upon you and the other sisters to serve as mothers. If you choose to marry we will find someone," Siyan-Ur said. 

The Queen examined Kara-Ur and looked to Philippus. She moved and returned with three Amazonian guards who took their station behind Kara-Ur.

"Ya know, Tommy and I are here so ya don't have ta worry 'bout revivin' da Kryptonians. We're willin' ta do our part no madda how many wives we need ta marry. Da Houses of Zodd and Vex need deir prodgeknee," Talent piped up. The Queen and Siyan-Ur laughed.

"Cheeky rascal," Hipplyta said. 

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