
The outside and pranking the underworld

'Well, now that I'm finished with training myself, where should I go first? The Underworld? Overseas? Heaven? Hmmm. Guess I'll visit the Underworld first, maybe prank the local devils a bit, while I'm at it... Might be fun to prank some arrogant pricks after all.'

And with that, a portal leading to the underworld, or rather the devil part of it, opened in front of Merlin. The instant he walked through he felt and saw the demonic energy in the surroundings, being far more prevalent than any other kind of energy. And that was also, when he remembered that he still had to deal with all the noise coming from the different magic systems.

'Sh*t! I got so used to it I almost forgot to make a spell against that annoying noise! Gotta do that now, I haven't experienced true silence ever since I came to this world!!'

And so, within about five to ten minutes of thinking, he had the solution to both his problems and those of a cute, innocent dragon-god loli.

'Well, it's never gonna be easier to make a connection with one of the two strongest beings in this world, than with this spell in hand! Guess I'll go and meet her sometime soon... But! First I gotta prank a bit!'

And so, Merlin set off, refreshed and in a good mood, to go prank some poor souls.

--------- some time later, in a forest in the underworld ---------

"la la la la la, I'm the Merlin, here to prank!

the good, the bad, the strong, the weak,

I've just gotta prank them all!

Yep, I should have definitely become a singer! What do you think, weird little rat-thingy?"


"Woah! No reason to curse at me! Just tell me if you don't like-"

In the middle of his sentence, the one meter big, dark red, demonic rat-type monster attacked him, only to be blown up by a spell Merlin had cast in a fraction of a second.

'Sheesh! No reason to jump me like that! I know I'm handsome, but that's just too much! Now, where was I? Ahh, right! On my way to a city, in order to prank some nobles! But why the hell did I decide that it was a good idea to walk there?'

And with that he teleported into the meeting room of the devil council, which was luckily empty at the time, while also making certain that no surveillance would be capable of recording him by using 'Phantom'. Once there, he put a spell on the room itself, causing it to play the imperial march from Star Wars every time one ore several members of the council entered, while also briefly creating an illusion of a typical imperial hangar. With mist, of course. He then put up a magical camera, which would also be triggered by the enchantment, recording the whole thing and sending it directly to his personal library.

'This is gonna give me some giggles... Maybe the second camera I placed in there will even catch some good information on who is doing what, never know when you might need some dirt on these old geezers!'

With his work here done, he opened a portal into the laboratory of Azazel, leaving a note with some helpful tips on the creation of a stable artificial gear, along with a little message.

~Dear Blazer Shining, Darkness Blade or Governer General Azazel,

I've been watching you and your endeavours with great interest and have decided to bless you with some helpful tips for the creation of a stable artificial sacred gear. As generous as I am though, this does not come without a price. Don't worry, it is nothing you wouldn't be able to pay and it will bring me and everyone else a great deal of laughter...



He then left a booklet full of Azazels darkest secrets, meaning his cringiest lines, nicknames, moments etc., in the rooms of both Shemhazai and Vali, this time with a note telling them that they could thank him for it later on. He had also enchanted them to be soulbound and nearly indestructible, making sure that they could be used for a VERY long time...

After this was done, he sent out a wave of magical energy, so thin, that none could discern it, to locate any dragon. Meaning Tannin and Tiamat. He then went ahead and opened a portal towards Tannins location, casting a spell on him, which would force him to end each and every sentence with 'Nyaaa' for one entire month.

Once his work there was done, he went to Tiamats home, and enchanted her treasures to create hilarious forms and sounds, while also serving her. Basically creating a walking clownstroupe consisting out of all kinds of treasures.

'Now, anything else? Hmm.... maybe that masochistic fallen? Yep, gotta do something about him. What should I do...'

He then decided to take away his sensation of pain, while giving him a constant illusion of being hit and 'tortured' at his home. Naturally he would only come to see this as real torture...

'Alright! Now off to visit my favorite magical girl, and make her a true magical girl! might even give her a bonus!'

And so, Merlin shut himself in a laboratory in his personal dimension, building a magical girl staff, that would enable her to both become a real magical girl and gain bonus energy by being closer to her sister! He could already see her reaction to this!

Once this was done, he left the magical wand at Serafalls house, directly within her bedroom, along with a letter explaining it to her.

And now, all he had to do, was wait.

Wait for chaos to ensue.

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