
Day before the 13th

"The fucking bastart is not doing anything father!. Let's use the reverse card" Kara says while pointing a finger at me.

His finger is quite trembling? Maybe it's my hallucination. Is it not?

It's fascinating though, is it not.? Because when I stare and focus at his fingers only, my besides blur out. I wish it was like that in real life, I wish....

"Zarin, don't waste my time and fucking torture this spy or else I will use the reverse card!"

I look at the man infront of me. He is showing me no emotions of fear. But if you look closely at his eyes, you will see slight hint of fear. I see it because I know it. Is it fear of dying? Or fear of losing his beloved ones?

He's a middle-aged aged man. Does he have children? He seems innocent!

He is innocent, Williams never tortured an actual spy! I bet he got this spy from the Rassims family to provoke them. What should I do?

"Ezekiel, get Zarin to the reverse torture room and punish him for having failed to do this task" Williams orders one of the guards before leaving.

" fucking bastard" kara mutters whilst looking at me.

* the torture room*

Ezekiel gives information to Jack while I'm getting tied to a familiar chair, more familiar than my bedroom! No! Infact this whole room is familiar with me. The people toturing me, the instruments, the walls. It's like a pre_grave to me.

They bring a small tool,i remember it because they used it last time too. It's a scalpel. I see them disinfecting it. Good right? From that, I won't get an infection.

My shirt is striped off and one of them brings the scalpel in my abdomen. I take a look at it. It's shiny and gleaming. I see my reflection in it. It seems I'm sweety, why?

He starts tracing the tool in my previous cuts from 4 days ago. Is it called torture because you are reminded of past scars?

This times it hurts bad than other times, maybe because I'm not fully healed from other scars. Oh! But it's not bad compared to the time they putt small nails on my knee and pulled it out several times? Or the time they rubbed a cloth on my face and made me drown? Or the....

I scream and scream and scream. But I don't hear myself.?!

The old man would've felt this right? But no it would be more severe because Williams wants me alive.

They keep cutting my previous cuts one by one, and each gives me a little story on why they are there. It hurts, I feel like throwing up. I'm gasping for air, it feels like I'm in deep ends

Is it over?

When will it be over?

Tomorrow is the hunting day!

Will I make it alive this time too?

They rub something to my cuts, it's so stingy. it's so painful, so painful! The type of pain you can only experience to know the pain. It feels like my intestines are comings out.

I'm I crying?

Should I cry?

They say men shouldn't cry! Atleast what my father says.

I'm I dying? Maybe?

"Ezekiel, Ezekiel?!" On eof the men call out

"Yes, sir!" Ezekiel says out of breath.

"Take him back to his room and get him painkillers, so we don't have a problem for tomorrow's event"

I hardly hear their conversation but what I know for sure is that it's over.

I'm back in my room. My room? But it's not mine! Nothing is mine here.

"Leave us Ezekiel !" William says from the corner of the room.

Ah! It's lectures torture now!!!! I forgot.

" you are becoming a softie as time passes by, did you forget your responsibility of carrying this legacy after me? He says while walking towards me. 11 year old me would be tensed up by the sound his shoes make whilst walking to me. But now it's familiar to me. I know the melody, the rythm and the time he takes a step.

He grabs me by my face. It hurts...

"Don't make me regret having brought you here, and for tomorrow's event, make sure you take a rest so you don't make a fool out of yourself and us" he says in disgust and leaves

Legacy? I chuckle but hiss in pain at the cut wounds

Let his biological son carry that fucking legacy

I'm interrupted by Laurence with the painkillers and other meds.

What if it's a different medicine and kills me?

I don't care whatever this medicine is either by killing me or reducing the pain would be better for me!

My eyes feel heavy, maybe it's because of the dosage? Or something else

Just like other days, I hope and pray tomorrow is different from today as my eyelids lids slowly shut.

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