
Meet Boa

Boa had been chosen, he will time by time get stronger and finally be worthy of certain trials, the real story will begin there.

dubheasa · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

fast arrival and disgust

Boa stood there motionless processing the information he just got, his shift was already over but he didnt feel like getting up from the spot he sat on, he looked up to the sky with wide eyes, he understood what to do, how to do, the result and why he should do that way. he knew exactly what he needed to eat gram by gram, he knew the postures, how to starts and continue, how regularly he needed to do also, the weight of the information was not that much of great but it made a great impact because of the speed it got delivered to his brain

Boa stood up and walked towards alicia and shaked her up a bit

alicia slowly opened her eyes to see Boa's new full cover helmet, with the shackles and the night with a little bit of light, is scared the shit out of alicia


Boa felt an strong slap to his right and now he was not at the place he was standing before but at the air


boa fell on his helmet 

as alicia saw boa lying down she quickly got up and got close

"y- you alright..?"

boa was facing the ground his eyes looked like he had enough of this world and an big frown, well he was not hurt but he was annoyed by this 

"yes yes.."

Boa went to sleep after 

he was waken up by alicia again as she shaked him, well she couldnt understand if he was awake or not because of the full cover helmet on his face

"ım awake stop shaking me!" 

Boa got her away and got up, he packed his things and putted them in the carriage, the carriage started to move , how many days has it been? boa didnt remember clearly, as he looked right he saw alicia observing him from really close, he slowly moved away

"you changed your helmet? and what about those shackles?"

"no ı didnt, ı put the existing parts back."

"but the shape is different too."

"stop asking questions."

alicia frowned and stopped looking at boa with crossed arms, she couldnt see half of his face now and this frustrated her, soon enough she continued to talk to her party

nothing particular that could be noted down happened fow a few hours untill Boa had discovered new functions

the first function he found of his helmet was voice changing, not that much of an intresting function but it would be useful as his voice was too calming to be considered an threat 

the second one was to see potential of things, be it future growth or be it accumulating threat, he could look at the bandits and know how bad they will be after some time, or he could determine the strenght of an hero at his peak, this also included motions of things. altough he didnt understand the symbols that represented it

and the third one was cooling, simply put his helmet could change his temprature from sweaty hot to happy cool. this would be usefull in harsh conditions like freezing winter, this would also mean that he wouldnt be affected at desserts.

"we have arrived! unpack your things!"

"what? we were supposed to be here in one week!"

"yeah ı dont understand why but the forest is right infront of us."

well that was fast, Boa surely heard that it would take atleast a week or more, but he didnt question it, this was better for him as this would fasten his progress

boa got his luggage and wore it on his back, it was quite big and heavy but for boa this was nothing, his hair flapped in the air as wind blew them, his face was fully covered and his shackles was hugging his neck tightly, if not his sword and clothing he would look like an slave

as they stood infront of the forest the party that traveled with him came forward as the old tank talked

"hey , so do you have any intrest on joining us? ı mean you would be a great addition."

the old tank smiled and put his big hand on Boas shoulder

"we are welcome to take you in our party!"

Boa narrowed his eyes in this request, he didnt talk to them and make any friendly conversation, why would they want him inside their party? Boa was pretty sure he was still weak.

"ım sorry ı cant join your party, you see ım here for an promotion quest."

"ah so you are promoting to A rank? if you ask me it would be easy for you!"

the old tank laughed as bow crossed his brows, A rank? 

"its an B rank quest"

the old man stopped laughing and raised an eyebrow, he soon looked down to boa with confusion

"ım pretty sure you are strong as an A rank.. why would they take you as C?"

boa didnt know how to answer, the proper would be that he lied, or else he would be eventually targeted if this information got out, an helmet that can raise an C rank to A would be an treasure that anyone would want, so he came up with an excuse

"well ı had been hanging around for a long time without showing my strenght a lot and goofed around a bit, ı got a taste of reality and decided to finally showcase my strenght, dont worry ı will raise to A rank soon."

the old tank laughed 

"ı see! when you finish your rank ups come find us, we would accept you with no questions!"

the old man waved and he went to his way with his party, but alicia stayed with an darkened face, she got close to him and looked down 

"why dont you accept any help or companions...?"

"ı had enough of that 'companions' and 'friendship' ı do not want them any longer, ıf ı had ever got anyone on my side again, they would leave while making me sad. so ı dont want to go around and dilly dally with love and friendship"

alicia clenched her fists

"why do you consider everyone the same..?!"

"because you are, humans are filthy, greedy, barbarians and idiots. you guys fight each other for money and status and leave your loved ones when you find an 'better' candidate, you are pitiful as you keep your emotions at the first line instead of logic and those emotions are mostly envy ,greed and lust. that is being human, and you are one of them."

alicias eyes got teared up while listening to this, his words felt like a knife stabbing the heart but this was true.

"so please go on your way, ı do not wish for any interference in my emotions and my path."

alicia gritted her teeth

"fine then you emotionless emo boy! you fucking heartless monster!" 

she then ran to her party leaving boa alone in the enterance,Boa sighed as he heard her words 

"childish." Boa muttered under his breath, his actions were childish too but it had an logic behind them

Boa entered the forest

'arrogance, where is the nearest orc? locate it for me please'

'right away love'

'stop calling me that.'

'why? do ı-'


Boa saw an arrow pointing at an direction in the corner of his eyesight, the arrow now looked like a compass, this must be the nearest orc in the forest, Boa started to walk towards to the direction.

ho got ran across an wild boar but the boar didnt attack him as it had no reason

'fabrical stone detected!'

Boa raised his eyebrow

'fabrical stone?'

'a stone that contains an information and an fucntion that could be added to the helmet!'

Boas eyes widened, an stone that contained an new function was a big find

'where is it!'

'your left, 400 meters!'

'meters? what are you spitting?'

'just go to your right damnit!'

Boa started to run and got to the place he was told to, there was nothing flashy or shiny

'so? where is it?'

'infront of you at the ground'

Boa looked down to see an ordinary stone, he raised his eyebrow in mockery

'you sure? how could this be an special stone?'

'well, this stone contains an certain information that if ı obtain it an new function can be added, pick it up and then make it touch your necklace'

'thats an shackle'

'just do it!'

'alright alright..'

boa picked up the stone and got it close to his shackle, nothing flashy happened and the stone didnt turn to anything

'thanks! now you can use chantless magic!'

'say what now? what the hell is happening? chantless magic? ı dont even know fucking magic!, what did you just do?'

'so think of this as an memory fragment, this stone had "seen" chantless magic and it got "recorded" into the stone, and when ı touched it, ı "watched the recording and implemented how its done" get it?'

'ı understand... tho is this acctually like that?'



Boa got up and continued walking towards the spotted orc, sometimes the arrow flinced to something else and again, this mean that there was more than one, a few minutes later, boa saw three orcs, they were playing a board game

'what the hell? arrogance do you see this?'

'see what? what is wrong with orcs playing cards?'

'they are monsters!'

'yes but they are intelligent too you dumbass, monsters are not like animals or monkeys you know?'

'then why the hell are we hunting them?'

'no reason, they look different and they are stronger in comparison to an avarage human, there is times that monsters fight humans, but you know. humans fight humans too. there is difference in good and bad in intelligent beings, you see a dog, one can be peacifull and the other can be really angry and threathening all the time, and humans too one is a priest one is an criminal. that is implemented in monsters too because they are intelligent like humans.'


Boa looks down as he process this information, his widened eyes got narrowed in disgust, arent humans the real monsters here?

boa seys his frend nige boas frens is nige and boas frens seys u are niga to

-my sister

dubheasacreators' thoughts