
Me VS You

Two entities are at war. One fighting for peace while the other is just different. Two gifted individuals work for both entities. One belongs to the dark side while the other doesn't know where they stand. Apatia knows she's not the villain, Vero thinks she is and tries their very best to convince her otherwise. It takes a little accidental meeting of their alter egos and their creators for Vero to realize that Apatia being a villain wasn't what they were after, it was Vero. Inspired by a TikTok

Fantasy_14 · LGBT+
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12 Chs


Swing creaking.

Boy groaning.

"Why you little piece of donkey retched sh-" I winced.

" Lior! "

"I am going to rip those chubby little arms off your surprisingly strong body you idiot!" He yelled, stalking slowly towards me in pure unrestrained anger.

'Ma can't save me here, I'm doomed.'

"It was an accident!" I squeaked out, bracing myself to run as pure fear slithered through my spine.

"It would look like an accident when I present your head to that group as a peace offering." He growled, stopping to snap his head back so he could stop the blood from dripping out.

His nose looked really injured. I doubt it was fine since he fell face first.

"You wouldn't." I snapped. That was going too far.

"Try me you insect." He spoke deeply,his tall and broad frame towering above mine "I know what you are."

I know what you are.

I know what you are.

"I know what you are"

The complete dread that sank into my bones as I remembered what had gone down fifteen years ago with the words Aelia had uttered.

My complete being shut down as I remembered the series of events that took place after.

Aelia should really stop talking to my brother or even going out with him.

No to sound jealous or anything but that dog had caused me more trouble than he mended. Just like Apatia .

Dear lord I don't want to remember that.

Wait, how'd I get to this thought again?

Oh right

"Rio!" Aelia snapped causing me to raise my head slowly to stare at her blankly.

"I just say something and you zone out. What the hell?"

I blinked then that feeling of dread washed over me again.

"How long have you known?" I asked her, clearly on edge from what she'd just discovered.

"I found out yesterday. Seriously why didn't you tell me?" She asked. She wasn't mad like I'd expected her to be or excited. She just sighed.

She sat beside me on the bed, making me break out into a cold sweat.

"I didn't want to put you in danger." I whispered and she looked at me like I was a kindergartner idiot. She then shook her head.

"Does Lior know?"

I winced again.

"Yes" my voice broke as I whispered it out.

How could I not forget that my own elder brother, turned me into his personal lab rat the day he learned I was bionic?

"Why the son of a bitch never mentioned it!" She slammed her hands on both sides of her.

"Watch it." The warning slipped out of my mouth by reflex and Aelia gave me a small smile that meant she was anything but remorseful.

She was dating the buffalo looking idiot but yet she seemed to come up with the most creative insults for his sweet ass.

Mixed feelings I know.

Now back to my problem. How the heck did Aelia find out about me?

Sure I was stupid sometimes-

Who am I kidding, I did stupid things a lot- but I'm pretty sure I had never let anything slip near her or had she gone snooping through my stuff.

I raised my head up and turned to glare at her.

I thought she'd promised not to do it agai- oh shoot is she talking?

"...force a boyfriend on you." She finished, looking at me and expecting an answer. She looked excited and it confused me.

I have definitely got to stop zoning out while people are around me.

Think Rio! What could she be talking about?

My brain came up with no idea as to why she was giving me those eyes.

I give up.

"Boyfriend?" I choked finally processing the bit I'd heard.


She rolled her eyes at me.

"You asshole with listening problems." She began. "I said I was sorry to force a boyfriend on you without knowing your sexuality."

Oh so that was what this was all about.

I let out a laugh, and another one.

I began to laugh so much my sides hurt and my head was begging me to stop.

I wiped a tear that had slid down my face as I laughed.

Stupid me.

Aelia wasn't Lior. Sure they spent alot of  time together, but she definitely wasn't like him.

And she didn't know about me either.

"When did that revelation come to you?" I wheezed out, staring at her confused expression.

Her face then brightened up, a look of mischief on her face that spelt nothing but trouble for me.

"When a certain someone was having a little fun out with someone yesterday." She smiled coyly and I swear I would have ignored what she said if that didn't make my heart clench horribly.


What the heck was I thinking yesternight?

I'll blame it on the alcohol. Yes I'll blame it on the alcohol. Next time I see her, I'll tell her I was sorry for that.

Though I have a feeling the next time I see her, we might fight.

" Soooo. Who is she? "Aelia asked, tapping me lightly on the arm and wiggling her eyebrows.

And I thought this woman was sad about the week.

" She's nobody "I answered immediately.

" Aww come-on Rio! Don't do that! First time I actually see and know about you actually doing something, you try to play it off? " She sounded hurt and I sighed.

'That's because I only want it with you.' I thought but I couldn't say it out loud.

"Last night." Another sigh "Last night was a mistake. I didn't mean for anything to go that far or in that direction. I didn't even mean for it to go that far."

Aelia gave a dramatic gasp and hit me on the shoulder.

"Rio!" She scolded. "Why would you do that?!"

"In my defense I was drunk! I don't even know the girl!" I cried out to defend myself from Aelia's hits.

Does she know how much those hurt?

"That!" A smack on the shoulder

"Only!" Another smack.

"Makes! " A little hit on the thigh.

"It!" A smack on my arm.

"Worse!" She knocked my head and I howled in pain.

"Do you hear yourself Rio? What kind of jerk are you? You will apologize to that lady the next time you meet!" She scolded, immediately sounding like a mother.

"I already plan to do that!" I replied. I also plan to stop her plans but I didn't say that one either.

"Wait don't do that!" She suddenly screamed and I paused.

Shouldn't we actually check whether she wasn't still affected by that man from the store last week?

The thought was random but very important. I immediately placed it in my mental to do list.

"Invite her on a date." She said after a while.

I raised an eyebrow.

"It's going to be a double date!"she declared and then hopped off my bed. "Oh, I've always wanted to do one with you and now this is my chance!"

Double date? Who's her partner?

" I know you have her number so text her. I'll text Lior. Oh he's going to love this" she sang excitedly while my heart did a double take.

" Wait, are you and Lior? " I didn't complete it, I couldn't.

" Yes. We've been together for a year now. It's strange you didn't even know or notice." She then happily skipped out of the room as she called my brother.

Unfortunately she didn't hear the sound of my heart having huge cracks from the huge blow it'd received.

Then I thought of Lior.

Somebody is going to cry today and it won't be me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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