
Me Me Me (You?)

Warning (#r18/#r34) The foundation of this story is based on the vocaloid Me me me. _______________________________________ Shuu, an otaku who spends his days couped up in his room watching anime and collecting anime figures. His life revolves around entertaining himself by anime titties, anime ass, hen*ai, etc...(you know the weeb drill.) Anyways, he finds himself lost in his dreams as a multitude of hot anime chicks smuthers him in a realm of boobas. He considers this to be his fantasy at it's peak, well...that was until everything went down hill. His now dream of fantasies, turns into a great nightmare as the sexy, hot, kawaii anime chicks try to literally eat him alive. During this time, he thinks about his former girlfriend Hana, the girl he broke up with for some reason. She kisses his lips as he lays on the ground with his half-eaten body. This last kiss triggered his emotions to well up inside of him which caused him to go berserk mode and do a full battle suit Mecha transformation. He fights against the hot anime chicks but the power of their tits were just too overwhelming. His battle suit was torn to shreds and the anime chicks ate his whole body, leaving his head to glide onto the ground with closed eyes... But then, by some miracle or stroke of hope, he opened his eyes again... What will happen this time? Will he be defeated once again by the sexy anime boobas? Or will he overcome his weaknesses and finally defeat the evil Hana? Note: Before you read this book. I recommend that you watch the vocaloid (Me Me Me) to get a better understanding of the story. Depending on how well this book is, I'll update chapters accordingly. Now without further Ado, let's get into it.

NevetsTrawets7 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs

Traped Me

[AN: Just a reminder, it's better to watch the "Me Me Me" vocaloid before reading this book, or just read the prologue in the auxiliary chapter. Okay, let's get into this.]


"There's nowhere to run, I've caught you." a blue haired girl said. Her purple eyes taunted my desires as she creeped on the ground towards me in her short pink dress.

"Don't come any closer!" I shouted, backing up against the room's sangria shaded walls.

"Don't worry. I'm just going to r*pe you, that's all..." She persisted with her approach while liking her lips as her presence leaked out an aura of sinister intent. "...And possibly suck out your life force in the process."

At this point, my back was pressing against the wall, hoping that I might just faze through it. But I knew that wouldn't happen, what was about to occur next was inevitable.

I helplessly slid my back down the wall and sat on the ground. 'So this is how it ends...death by snu snu."

The girl crept between my legs then gently raised her hand to caress my cheek. "You finally understand now, do you...you won't be able to escape us."

Her hand traveled down my cheek, onto my neck and brushed along my chest.

She kept her hand there for a while before it went a little lower. She now had her hand on my pants over my crotch.

"How about we get you a little more relaxed?" she said with a villainous chuckle. "Let's see how happy you can get down here."

"Hnnn." I moaned as she squeezed my manhood.

She smirked, leaning forward to whisper into my ear, "Ah. I love those cute sounds you make when you're being violated."

Her steaming hot breath almost melted my ear off as her words triggered my arousal. 'How did it end up like this? What went wrong? I'm scared, yet strangely aroused. Why do I feel like I'm the prey of a yandere girlfriend?'



I'm getting ahead of myself. You're probably wondering right now "How the hell did this dude end up in a room with this chick?". Well, to answer that question, I'd have to c*ockblock you from this scene and bring you back to three hours ago when it all started.

Don't worry. I'll get back to this scene.


If you know about my story, (or if you've read the auxiliary chapter like I told you to) then you know what happened after those chicks ate my whole body, leaving my bodiless head to flop on the ground.

But what you didn't know, was what happened after...

As my head laid on the ground, I thought I was dead, a goner who let a couple of sexy girls eat him alive, and rightfully so. However, in the end, as I thought I was going to die, my eyes open for some reason and what I saw when I opened my them...was a light, a green, bright, soul seeking light.

'So this is the famous light everyone says they see when they have a near death experience. Too bad I'm not having a near death experience, because I'm actually going to die.' I lamented.

I had accepted my fate, I even embraced it. But what I thought was my imminent doom, was actually my chance at salvation.

Without notice or announcement, a voice came from the light. A deep, calm and peaceful voice which only said one sentence with 5 simple words.

"There is life after failure."

That was the only thing it said before growing bright into a blinding green hue which enveloped my surroundings.


My eyes shot open to be greeted by my blurry vision. When my sight finally focused, I realized, I was back where I started. In my room, riddled with half-smoken cigarettes, trash on the floor, shelves of figurines and a TV displaying two sexy anime girls.

"W-what just happened? Was that all a dream?" I blurted out while supporting myself off the bed.

'Ha. It really was a dream.'...or so I thought.

Immediately after those words left my mouth, the top left corner of the TV started glitching, soon after the girls it displayed began to move along with a sparkling rhythm, childish yet sophisticated.

"No!" my eyes widened at the clear sight of deja vu.

I developed a sense of fear as the girls once again performed their choreography.

If this was anything like what happened before, then I was going to be entranced by their act. So there was obviously only one thing left for me to do...I was going nope the hell out of that room.

Sparing no time, I springed out of bed and sprinted towards the door. In the swiftest movement possible, I tried to turn the nob, but it wouldn't budge.

'What was happening? The door is clearly not locked, so why can't I open it.' was what I would have thought if I wasn't too busy trying to kick the door open.

Alas, my efforts were in vain...I had nowhere to run.

Then, it all happened again, just like my dream.

As I turned around, I pressed my back against the door, waiting for my inescapable fate.

Surely enough, just like in my dream, a naked masked woman with red hair and ruddy skin appeared from out of the TV screen.

The woman jumped out of the screen into my direction. I managed to dodge her first attempt at me, finding myself with my back resting on the shelf of figurines.

Just like last time, she crawled her way between my legs, lifted her head to which the figurines came to life and crawled on my head.

She took off her mask, revealing herself with the face of Hana (My former girlfriend).

Fumbling on the ground, I remembered one thing...'She was going to vomit into my mouth.'

Despite being scared, I stopped myself from gasping while I closed my mouth as white liquid leaked from her mouth.

'This is it...she's gonna throw up.' I thought, however, contrary to my belief, her mouth stopped dripping white liquid when she saw my mouth close.

Being on top of me, she stared down onto my face.

"Open your mouth." she said.

"N-No." I shook my head furiously.

"Why not?"

I looked at her in confusion, 'Come on. Does she think I'm stupid enough to open my mouth just because she asked me to?'

With the absence of a reply, she brought her head down to mine and kissed my lips.

"Mnnnn." I pursed my lips, trying to pull my head away from her.

She countered by going down deeper with her head, using her tongue to invade my mouth.

Her tongue twisted around mines while trying to sneak a mouthful of the white fluid in to which I pushed her off of me while spitting out the contents of my mouth.

As she tumbled back a little, her eyes widened in surprise.

"This is going to be harder than I thought." she murmured under her breath.

While being busy crawking and leaking the saliva out of my mouth, I brainstormed a way to get out of this situation.

I turned to my left to glance at the door, 'I can't escape through there, it's jammed.'

I then turned to my left as my vision caught the closed glass window in the small room. 'Yes that could work. But first, I have to take care of her to have enough time to open it.'

Tracing my vision across the floor, I managed to spot a few pair of scissors nail clippers lying on a piece of board. But they were too far away for me to just grab and use.

During the time I took to ponder over my ideas, the woman Infront of me regained her balance and composure.

"It looks like I have no other choice, you're coming with me." she said, standing from her creeping posture while approaching me.

"Stay back!" I yelled, sliding myself backwards on the floor.

And of course, like any other horror story or thriller, she kept walking towards me regardless of what I said.

I had a good reason to be acting the way I was, scared and afraid. It wasn't because I'm a coward or anything of that nature...it was simply to buy myself time.


As I slid on the ground, inch by inch I drew closer to the pairs of nail clippers on the floor. When I finally had them in my reach, I grabbed a pair and pointed it towards her.

Pausing for a brief moment to focus on the object in my hand, she laughed.

"Hahaha. And what do you think you're going to do with that? Clip my finger nails?"

I squeezed the handles of the clippers tighter, "I'm the one who should be laughing. Go put on some clothes."

I knew I couldn't do much with those clippers, but it was better than having nothing at all, besides, they were the only things I could find that could even remotely be categorized as a weapon.

"Are you that bother by seeing my naked body?" she stared teasing.

"That's not-" I didn't know how to lie about being bother by her being naked.

She giggled, obviously knowing how I felt.

Her reaction caused me to drop my guard as I lowered my hand. Immediately, in the blink of an eye, she closed the distance between us while pinning my hands against the shelf over my head.

'She's so fast, and strong.' I thought, trying to escape from her grasp.

With her spare hand, she stretched behind her. A purple light glowed in her hand, growing in size as it formed a plane oval shape.

Retracting her hand, the purple oval light was now as big as a doorframe while an image of my room was displayed in it.

"What is that?" my jaw dropped as I stared at the image of my room in complete shock.

"Why don't you find out for yourself." The woman said with a smug smile before turning to push me towards the purple oval.

As I propelled forward, the image of my room gradually looked more realistic. I close my eyes, preparing for the impact, yet there wasn't any.

I opened my eyes to find myself standing in my room.

I looked around, the naked woman was nowhere to be found...she vanished without a sound or a trace.

If I somehow get a few comments in this first chapter, then I might just consider releasing another chapter tomorrow, who knows?

Thank you for reading.

NevetsTrawets7creators' thoughts