

The girl sighed as she picked up a book from a nearby shelf. She opened it, the fresh smell of the new pages hitting her nose. She let out a tiny smile behind the mask, but it soon faded away.

"6 ft apart, everybody!" a person yelled, waving their arms.

Yup. She was stuck in a COVID-19 pandemic buying otome games and mangas for her sister. The girl's sister was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago and the doctors say that she could die at any minute.

Himari sighed.

'I don't really like mangas or manhwas. Except one that I read a long time ago. I forgot most of it already though. I think the title was... "Cheating Men Must Die." '

Himari put back down the book and looked at the reflective glass stand next to her. She picked up a new romance novel it was showcasing and flipped through it quickly, only reading the main points. Her ruby eyes scanned the pages as she tucked her hair behind her ear, revealing her silver heart earring.

As she put down the book in satisfaction, she noticed a nearby magazine stack with her face on it. Her eyes widened and untucked her hair, hiding her trademark earring.

"Onee-chan," a little girl said, tugging on her jacket sleeve.

Himari bent down to her level. "What is it, sweetheart?"

"You look just like her!" she said, showing her the magazine. "Could you sign it for me?"

"Absolutely. Just don't tell anybody, okay?" she said, winking. She whipped out a pen from her pocket and neatly signed her name on the magazine cover. Capping the pen, she handed back the magazine to the girl as her mother watched from an aisle away.

"I promise," she said, hugging her magazine.

"Oh My God! GUN!" a woman shrieked from outside.

Everyone in the store was sent into a frenzy as a man with a crazy look in his eyes walked down the aisle.

Himari stood in front of the little girl, her mother fainted on the floor. Her heart was racing as her eyes focused on the weapon the man held.

"Give me the girl," the man said in a rough voice.

She was trembled. She didn't want to die.

'I really didn't want to... but my sister's treatment was all prepaid. All those sleepless nights were worth it. Maybe if I do die, I can get some peace and quiet...'

As she was thinking, the man raised the gun straight at her heart.

"I won't say it again," he said. "Give me the girl."

Her eyes darted around to look for the police. Damnit. Why are they so slow?

"Over my dead body," Himari hissed.

A single gunshot echoed through the silent shop and she saw her world going sideways.

"-san!... Onee-!" a voice cried.

Himari closed my eyes as sirens filled the place. She heard footsteps coming her way and a lot of screaming from the little girl. A small smile crept over her face.

'Maybe she reminded me of my little sister. Maybe that's why I died for her. My only regret in this life was that I never got to see my sister again.'

[ Analyzing... Potential Host detected. ]

'What? Aren't I dying?'

[ Successful. Host is merging with the system. Being brought to the Host World in 3... 2... 1... ]

'Can someone tell me what's going on?!'

She squeezed her eyes closed as a bright light took over her vision.

[ Welcome, Host 197. Take your time to get used to your system and you can use the training room for 1000 years. ]

'1000 years?! What? How? Why?'

[ It is because the Host died when she shouldn't have, but the Host died for a righteous cause, leading for the Main Systems to decide that the Host gets 10 times the number of years in the training room. ]

'Did that thing just read my thoughts? What system? Can someone explain this to me?!'

[ I'm your system, S197. Pleased to meet you. You should get used to trying to talk to me with your mind. That's how we communicate in the world. ]

<Understood. I think I got the main gist of this down. Could you explain any point systems or shops and status?>

[ Just say status to open up your menu. ]

She was kind of skeptical at their words. Was it really that simple?



Name: Tsubaki Himari

Age: 16

Worlds completed: 0

Stat points: 1,000,000,000

Abilities: None

Item Shop

Ability Shop



"You've got to be kidding me."

The status window closed, leaving her in a closed-off room. She looked around the room in hopes of finding the 'system'. All there was in the room were galaxy-like walls and a throne in the middle.

[ That's your chair. We thought you might be tired of standing while looking through the info. ]

Himari walked over to the chair in surprise. The systems were quite... thoughtful. She sat down the throne sideways, hanging her feet over one of the armrests.

[ ...How interesting. Is that how you sit? ]

<Well, since you're stuck with me, deal with it.>

[... Let's get started and choose some skills first, shall we? ]

<Fine. What do you recommend for the tutorial?>

[ I beg your pardon? ]

<Don't tell me you never of recommendations before?>

[ The Host just caught me off guard. Scanning skills now... 5 skills found ]

Wow. That was fast.

<What are they?>

[ Swordsmanship, Moonlit Walk, Peach Blossoms, and... two unknown ]

Unknown? What does that mean?

<Hey, um...>

[ System 197 ]

<Don't you have a name?>

[ Not that I'm aware of ]

< How about Lili?>

[ Whatever the Host wants ]

<... Buy all the skills>

[ Even the unknown? ]

The system sounded surprised and a little girl materialized in front of me. She was more on the blonde side of platinum blonde and it was put up in 2 ponytails. Her blue eyes filled with confusion as she scrunched her nose.

[ Whatever you say, Host, ] the little girl chirped.

Himari choked and started coughing as the girl pressed buttons on the screen in front of her. Was this little girl... the system?

[ All bought ]

She carefully looked through the new skills, looking for any flaws the system might have included... or not noticed.



This skill allows the Host to learn swordsmanship. Style preference will be chosen after a series of tests. Each style preference will come with a set of skills. If you don't have a style preference, you will have to make up the skills yourself.

Moonlit Walk

Want to walk like a Ninja? We got you covered. This skill, once mastered to its full potential, will hide you from the male lead's sight, allowing you to do whatever your missions are.

Peach Blossoms

Natural aura. Can be used in any world except when in the Villainess role. This aura will make you seem fragile and innocent. This is the aura just under the heroine aura.


'Hmm. Pretty decent. Makes me wonder just what is the tutorial exactly.'

Himiki sat up suddenly. A question popped in her head that made her nervous. What if someone failed a mission?

[ Don't worry. If a Host fails a mission, they will get a bad rank and their soul will be pulled out of the world. There is no punishment except that all the credits you used during your mission will not be refunded ]

< What about the tutorial? Let me guess. You can try multiple times, right? >

[ You're getting the hang of this. Only the tutorial you can try multiple times. There's a limit of 5 times though. After that, credits will be deducted for every try afterward ]

< How many credits exactly? >

[ You have a lot of credits, or stat points, so you could fail the tutorial 100 times and still have some left. Each try in the tutorial is 100 credits. Each mission retry is 1,000 ]

...Isn't that a rip-off?! So expensive... 😥

[ Um, host? ]

< Yes? >

[ Just me or does the question mark skills a little bit too OP? ]


??? → Lucky

Weird. Nothing in the title. But ooh! A coupon for the Ability Shop. 95% off?! And it's permanent. There is only one of these skills in the database. Lucky you.

??? → Noble Talk

This skill helps you translate sentences from your opponent.

Ex: "My, your hair color is quite unique. No wonder His Majesty married you!"

Translation: "Pfft. You're nothing special. Your hair color is the only reason you stood out. I bet he doesn't even visit you anymore."

This allows you to make good comebacks at concubines or during the higher-circles. This skill only works if the Host has entered the noble's ring. If failed to meet this requirement, the skill will automatically guide the Host to the nearby boost, *cough cough* Male Lead.


< What do you know. Your recommendations are out of this world >

[ Try out of this system! But it says it's in the database. I suppose it's okay... though no Host has ever had 2 passive skills before their tutorial! ]

< Are you freaking out right now? >

[ Yes. I am. But pushing that all aside, you have 900,050,000 credits left. Do you want to enter the tutorial or enter the training room? ]

< Training room. Activate Moonlit Walk and Swordsmanship at the same time >

[ Understood. Processing... ability canceled. Not enough stamina. Please try again ]

... Damn it.

"Show me my stats," she sighed. Himari leaned back against the hard armrest, the corner digging into her back, her black hair hanging over the edge. "Also, can we change this chair into some sort of beanbag? This is quite uncomfortable."

[ Stats processing... Chair change accepted. Changing... ]

This new situation was quite... strange for Himiki.

One minute she's sitting on a golden throne, the next minute it's a, a... couch? Beanbag? Bed? IIt has armrests like a couch, but it's more like a bed. And instead of a backboard, it's like... a pillow or a beanbag. Whatever it is, it's comfy. Maybe dying wasn't so bad.

[ Stats popping up. Transferring to training room ]

The nice comfy feeling from underneath her disappeared and she landed on her floor with a thud. She stood up, wincing.

"Warn me next time?"

[ ...Understood ]

"Also, be a dear and get me a sword. Can't do swordsmanship without one now can we?"

She sighed and looked at the pop-up screen in front of her.



Health: 500

Mana: 0

Physical Strength: 5

Mental Strength: 78

Wisdom: 56

Stat points: 900,050,000


"How much does it cost to change my stats?" she wondered.

[ One credit per stat number ]

"I have 900,050,000 you said?"

[ Affirmative ]

"What's the highest about of each stat you can have? And what's the highest stat numbers among the Hosts?"

[ Health is around 5 million. Mana and Wisdom are 3.5 Million. Physical and Mental are at 1 and 2.1 million respectively. Host... what are you thinking? ]


[ Host... no. No. No! Stop!!! This should definitely not be allowed! ]

Himari stepped back and dusted her hands, looking at her new stats smugly.



Health: 5,000,000


Physical Strength: 1,500,000

Mental Strength: 3,000,000

Wisdom: 4,000,000

Stat points: 786,550,000


[ Host. Are you going crazy? You shouldn't even have this much in your stats. 😱😭 ]

Huh. Who knew systems could cry too. Go figure.

"Do you have that sword yet?" she asked, her voice bouncing around in the empty room.

*System 137 entering the training room*

[ Actually, yes. Also, don't be alarmed. Training rooms are not private, but your stats are unless you allow them to see it ]

< Thanks for the heads-up >

A sword landed blade first in the ground a couple of feet away. She walked over to it and yanked it out, twirling it around in her hands a few times. She swung it outwards, her blue hair framing her face.

< Can you activate the two skills now? >

[ Activating. For every minute you use the skills, a total of... 2 mana will be deducted. How is the system this nice to you? ]

< Guess I'm just lucky. Or that Lucky also applies to skills >

[ How long do you plan on staying here? ]

< However long it takes me to master the two skills. Actually, activate Peach Blossom too. Maybe when we fight, we could use it to our advantage >

[ ...I don't think that's ever going to happen but it's your choice. Activating Peach Blossom... Total mana deducted is 3 ]

Himari closed her eyes. Pictures of basic sword fighting skills popped up. She started mimicking them, not opening her eyes during the procedure. Every once in a while, when she would thrust the sword forward or dodge, she would use Moonlit Walk to get farther. When it came to the air jumps or high jumps, jumping from the air and falling down on your enemy, she would activate Peach Blossom.

Moonlit Walk: Mastered

Peach Blossom: Mastered

Swordsmanship: Own Style; Mastered

Do you wish to name your Sword Style?


Panting slightly, she swept her hair back with one hand as she thought about a name for the style.

'How about... Moonlit Peach? Nah, kind of sounds dumb.'

[ Please don't name it something stupid ]

< Why? >

[ To activate the skill, you have to say the name of the Sword Style ]

Great. Just great.

A name came to mind and she typed it in quickly and pressed enter. The system seemed shocked at the name but then praised their host.

[ It's pretty good considering how crazy all your ideas were so far ]

< What's that supposed to mean? >

"Are you done?" a voice said exasperated.

Himari turned around in surprise to see a boy out of breath. When did he get here?

"You kept on swinging your sword at me and I died 99 times!" he exclaimed.

'99 times... Wasn't that the number of skills I created on the spot with Swordsmanship? Don't tell me he couldn't dodge a single one...'

She snickered and his face flushed up.

"Quit laughing at me. I bet you didn't even get anywhere with your skills," he scoffed.

"I'll have you know that I was learning Swordsmanship for the first time and created 99 new original skills. Want to go again?" she said smiling sweetly at him, her hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Tch. Wasting time," he said, quickly walking away.

"Who's that idiot?" Himari asked the system, purposely saying it loud enough for him to hear.

[ He's number one on the board right now with an A+ Rank from his tutorial. He's just underneath you in credits ]

< How many credits does he have? >

[ Just over 80,000 ]

She burst out laughing. He stomped over, a flaming sword in his hand.

"Now what?" he said angrily.

"You only have 80,000 credits," she said, bending over in laughter.

"I have the most credits," he said, crossing his arms, putting in sword blade-first in the floor.

"No you don't. I do."

"Y-you... Who are you?" he said bewildered, dropping his guard for the first time.

"Call me Himari," she said, sheathing her sword.

< Lili, take me to the tutorial >

[ Alright. Give me a second.... Entering Tutorial...]

"Bye, stupid!" Himari yelled, sticking my tongue out at the boy.

"Why you!" He ran at her but missed.

[ Successfully entered tutorial. World information loading.... ]

She took one look at the missions and groaned.

You've got to be kidding me.


Main Mission:

Team up with Female Lead 1 (ex-female lead) and help her take down Female Lead 2 (transmigrator). Don't forget to gain the Male Lead and Villain's Love. <3


Male Lead: 0%

Female Lead 1: 0%

Female Lead 2: 0%

Villain: 0%


I thought you said this was a tutorial!!!

This is my first book on this website. I've been writing on Wattpad more recently. If you want to see some other stories I've been working on, just search up YumeSakura404 on Wattpad.

Anyways, don't judge too hard. Plz and thx.

TsubakiHimikicreators' thoughts
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