

Children's laughter could be heard as they played and chased each other around the orphanage garden. It was an orphanage the size of a mansion, and it had a beautiful garden filled with flowers of every color you could think of, and it stretched as far as the eye could see.

This was an orphanage with a total of about three hundred people, including children and adults. But this was no ordinary orphanage because an underground research center was underneath the mansion and a beautiful garden.

This research center was unique because it had extraordinary human beings living in it, and among these remarkable beings was a young boy at the age of 12. His name is "MYERS."

Myers is a child among many others who were brought into the research institute for genetic experiments. The experiment done by the scientist was based on a meteor that had the power to give children less than five years old supernatural abilities, but the survival rate was less than five percent.

The only children surviving the experiment were seven, including Myers and his twin brother William.

Myers woke up at 7 am, got off his bed, and went to the shower. After he was done, a knock was heard.



He looked at him then, and a frown came down his face, and he answered.

"The door is opened."

The door opened, and behind it was a beautiful female nurse. On her chest, she had an ID with her name, 'Isabella Addison,' a blonde lady with long, beautiful legs and a smile that expressed her warmth and kindness. She looked to the left and saw Myers sitting in his bed with a frown. Then she walked towards him and asked.

'Myers, why are you unhappy? Did anything happen with your brothers and sisters again?

He replied with anger and fear in his voice.

'Nothing happened, okay? I-i just had a bad dream.'

Isabelle looked at him with sad eyes because she knew why he was unhappy; she smiled, held his hands, and said.

'Everything is going okay; oh, I almost forgot what I wanted to tell you, Dr.Thomson will be visiting today to announce some important news.'

Doctor Thomson is the chief researcher, a man of a mysterious personality, and a strict man who despises those who break his rules.

Isabella held Myers's hands as they walked out of the room into hallways covered in white, and at the end of the hallway was a door. As soon as they got close to the door, it opened automatically, and behind the doors were six other children dressed in white gowns.

Myers pulled away from Isabella and walked into the room. While Isabella stayed outside, before the door closed, she said to Myers while having expectations in her eyes.

"Try your best."

Myers was confused, as he did not understand what she meant by those words. He turned around and walked towards his seat. He heard footsteps coming toward him, and he turned his head to see who was coming, but he was met with a slap.


While holding his cheeks, he looked at who had hit him, and it was a boy named peter. Peter is a tall boy with a large frame, so he is a self-proclaimed leader. Peter grabbed Myers by the neck and asked him.

"Did you tell your 'mommy' nurse what happened yesterday

He replied to him with anger in his voice.

"Get your hands off me."

Peter laughed and replied to him.

"What are you going to do if I do-"

Before he could finish his words, Myer's twin brother William ran up and hit peter in the head with his right elbow. But he did not go down, but held the back of his head with his right hand and swung his left hand to hit William.

Before his hand could reach, Myers kicked him in the stomach and staggered backward. As the fight was about to continue, the door opened, and before they saw who was coming in, they ran to their seats.

A seven-foot-tall man with gray hair was walking in, wearing a lab coat and glasses. As he was walking through the room, fear could be seen on the children's faces. He stopped at the projection board in front of the class, and before he said anything, all seven children stood up together and said.

"Good morning, doctor."

He looked around the room, pointed out the three that were fighting, and said.

"Go to the punishment room."

They knew that he would not listen to their excuses, so they went to the punishment room.

The punishment room was a simple-looking room with only a dozen sets of chairs and headsets in the middle of the room, but it was no ordinary chair and headset. It was a new technology built to train the mental strength of the kids through visual reality simulation.

But when it is being used for punishment, they increase the pain sensitivity beyond the maximum human capacity, so just a little toe bump in virtual reality felt like being stabbed with a sword.

Their screams could be heard after 5mins of entering the room. The other four kids in the room were smiling while hearing them scream in pain. The doctor asked the class.

"Why do you think they are being punished?"

They all answered together.

"Because they broke the rule."

He smiled and asked them another question.

"What is my number one rule?"

They replied.

"No fights are allowed outside the training room."

The doors opened, and the three boys walked into the room with no wounds or bruises on their bodies, but they looked like they had just fought in a war. They took their seats, and the doctor looked at them with a smile.

He turned on a projection of the earth and started explaining.

"ten years ago, a meteor crashed into the Hudson River in New York. The government removed the meteor after three days. As we studied the meteor, we discovered a red Crystal in it. After studying the crystal, we were shocked by what we saw."

"The crystal turned into liquid as soon as we exposed it to electricity. After weeks of observation, we entered the experiment phase. We used one hundred Rats as the first experiment, resulting in ninety-seven of them dying from an exploding."

While the doctor explained, Myers was lost in an image on the projection. The colors of the sky and the beautiful buildings amazed him.

"I hope I'll be able to see the blue skies, skyscrapers, and beautiful cities."

Myers smiled and said in his mind.