
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Phim ảnh
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158 Chs

Ch. 94 - [Title at the end of chapter]

It didn't take much time for Doflamingo to sort out who or which is the Hydra Agent, after all, with his Magic Ball that could determine whether someone is a Hydra Agent or not, he managed to turn the agents from 879 Agents to 421, almost half of them are Hydra Agents. Thus just shows how dangerous Hydra is and that they should be eliminated at all costs.

Now, leaving that aside. The only Hydras left are those who are on the mission outside the Triskelion and finally, Arnim Zola himself. The main perpetrator on how Hydra managed to lurk inside Shield.

"How's it going there?" Doflamingo called Matilda and asked.

"Everything is going fine if it wasn't for your girlfriend getting bored all of the sudden and started challenging all the Ninjas that she met. And now, she's fighting with the 5 Cipher Pol. And from my point of view, they're being thrashed as if it was a child's play." Matilda said, making Doflamingo rub his head.

"Alright Alright, I'll come right now." Doflamingo then hung up the phone before sighing and opening a portal at the Sanctuary.

The moment the portal opens, Doflamingo could already hear the clanking and grunts as he saw that Hela was looking down on the 5 unconscious bodies in front of him.

"Tsk, what a disappointment. And you all call yourselves as warriors! Not to mention, my husband held high regards among all of you, so you all should live up to it instead of being a bunch of trash like this!" Hela reprimanded them. However as they're already unconscious, only the onlookers are hearing what Hela was saying and most of these onlookers are the ninjas. So, they looked down on the ground as Hela reprimanded them.

'Did she just call me husband? Weird, did I get the wrong Hela?' Doflamingo confusedly said to himself as he decided to intervene now before Hela fully crushes the ninjas's self-esteem

"They're Ninjas, Hela. Not warriors." Doflamingo said behind her, shocking Hela.

"You're finally here! And aren't they the same? Since they know how to fight, then they're warriors." Hela said, which made Doflamingo sigh and said to himself.

'Well, she's not wrong.' Doflamingo then notices that all the ninjas are kneeling the moment he arrives.

"At ease. All of you, go back to your jobs." After saying that, the ninjas left one by one while some others carried the 5 Cipher Pols on the ground to take them to the healing ward.

"How are they? Despite losing to you, they're still good right?" Doflamingo asked her as in his eyes, Hela is a true warrior and whatever she says is true.

"They're only good at using tricks. They can't even fight me head-on." Hela scoffed as she grabbed her necrosword on the ground.

"But answering your question. They're indeed good, especially those 5 warriors that I recently fought against. They have these strange techniques that caught me off guard but they seem to be inadequate in using them." Hela then started stating her observations as Doflamingo made a note to his mind.

"...Then, what do you think of training them? They lacked a good teacher to teach them." Doflamingo then seemed to think about something before offering Hela.

"Me? Teaching them?" Hela was also shocked at this but deep inside her mind, she was thinking that if she could train them to be a bunch of excellent warriors, then Doflamingo would definitely praise her and if she did well enough, Doflamingo would possibly give her a child.

'Here she goes, suddenly blushing all of the sudden.' Doflamingo wearily said to himself as Hela's face suddenly started reddening and her breathing turned ragged.

Doflamingo was almost tempted to shout in the sky that the 'product' that he received is faulty! She's out of her character!

'I'm gonna leave for now.' Doflamingo awkwardly entered a portal that he just conjured before he left. Leaving a blushing goddess alone.



Riding a big bike, Doflamingo arrived in Camp Lehigh in New Jersey, the camp where Steve Rogers was trained before he received the Super Soldier Serum.

Removing his helmet, Doflamingo looked at the abandoned camp and couldn't help but praise Arnim Zola for choosing such a hiding place.

'I mean, who would've thought that a Hydra A.I would be found in this place.' After saying this to himself, he hung his helmet on the throttle before walking inside the camp.

Soon after he arrived, Matilda also came by flying as her sweats rolled on her forehead.

"Why do you even insist on flying all the way here, instead of riding with me." Doflamingo said to her, noticing her appearance.

"It's good training you know." Matilda shrugged her shoulders and said before following up inside.

After recalling his memories on the path that Captain America and Natasha took, he finally arrived on the bookshelf that leads to Arnim Zola's home or servers.

After pulling the trigger, the bookshelf opens up as they went inside.

Just like in the movies, the room looks exactly like the one shown in the movie, except that there are some missing servers that aren't noticeable if you don't focus much.

However, Arnim Zola didn't appear on the screen nor the lights turned on as according to Matilda, she already swiped his data clean, so all that's left here is a bunch of servers that contains a bare A.I.

"Do it." Doflamingo said, as Matilda nodded her head before taking out a USB and inputting it inside the one of the servers that Doflamingo could tell is the main server.

The moment she inserted the USB, the screen started flashing green lights combined with a bunch of unknown numbers and letters.

It only took 5 minutes before the screen went black and was instead replaced by Alice's appearance.

"It looks like it's a success. How are you feeling, Alice?" Matilda sighed in relief and then asked Alice.

"[I've never felt more alive. Thank you for this opportunity, Miss Matilda. I will make sure you won't regret giving me this chance.]" Alice expressed her opinion as Doflamingo replied to her.

"You're a family, Alice. Anyways, your voice seems to be more mature?" Doflamingo then asked her. As he noticed earlier that when Alice spoke, instead of hearing her usual child's voice, instead it turned into something similar to the voice that you will hear when you call 911.

"[It seems like merging with the codes has not only improved my capabilities as an A.I but it has also increased my maturity]" Alice answered.

"That's good to hear." Matilda said as before this operation went on, she was afraid that making Alice merge with Arnim Zola's codes and algorithms will make her change into something similar to Arnim Zola.

Thankfully, this doesn't seem to be the case as Alice turns out to be just fine and just in case, Matilda will triple check her protocols and program, in order to make sure that she's fine. She knows that horror of a rogue A.I, especially after watching Terminator.

She doesn't want Alice to turn into Skynet all of a sudden just because there is something that she overlooked.

"Let's go back now. I'll send someone to transfer all these servers back to the Sanctuary." Doflamingo said as he left the room, followed by Matilda who already connected the servers back to the internet so Alice could roam back to her previous server.


After successfully reconnecting to her previous server, Alice continued her work uninterrupted.

Meanwhile, Doflamingo returned back to his room where he saw Hela browsing through his computer.

"What is this contraption?! I can't believe I don't exist in Midgard! Odin and his so-called first born are famous here. Midgardians are a bunch of ungrateful mortals, after I saved Midgard from a bunch of monsters back then, this wo-." Hela was muttering to herself as she kept on scrolling and scrolling until Doflamingo decided to stop her.

"Look, your fa- Odin erased every bit of your existence in the entire nine realms. Except for a few, no one knows that you exist." After saying that to her, Doflamingo turned the computer off before continuing.

"Have you thought about what I offered you before? You know, how you're gonna train the ninjas in the Celestial Syndicate?"

"Celestial Syndicate? Hmm, I like your guts, even going as far as naming your organization as Celestials without worrying about the Celestial's wrath." Hela smirked and said before whispering to herself.

"As expected of my husband."

"Celestials, huh? Mind telling me more about them?" Doflamingo's interest was piqued so he sat down on a chair and asked.

"Hmm... I don't know anything about them other than a bunch of gods playing with their powers, thinking that they rule the universe. I suggest not talking about them, even Odin said that he could only face them off when he's at his peak and if he's wearing the Destroyer Armor while also using the Odinsword."

"Odinsword? I thought it was Gungnir?" Doflamingo was amazed by the new knowledge that he just learned from Hela. As far as he knows, this Odinsword isn't mentioned anywhere in the Marvel Movies.

"Gungnir is the weapon of a king not Odin's personal weapon. Odinsword, on the other hand is his personal weapon, forged by the King of Dwarves themselves using materials such as Uru, Vibranium, and was even said to be created using the cursed Ring of the Nibelung, which was said to be capable of killing anyone who has it. However, it is only a rumour so I don't have any idea if it is true." Hela shrugged her shoulders and said before continuing.

"The Odinsword was not only created using the heat of a star, but was also created with the help of the Space Stone." Hela's next words shocked Doflamingo greatly as he didn't expect that the Space Stone was used as a means to create the Odinsword.

Now, for the million dollar question.

"Where is this Odinsword?"

".....I don't know. It's been a long time since I last saw it." After a moment of silence, Hela answered with a shrug of her shoulders, making Doflamingo, who was holding his breath, release the pent up air inside his lungs.

[Title: The Odinsword]


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