
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Phim ảnh
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158 Chs

Ch. 67 - The New Head of the Hand

"So, this is your base?" Doflamingo looked around the said. He already expected the Hand to live inside some sort of cave though he was surprised when the base is not only inside a cave but the cave itself was also carved in a very tall mountain, so it's not wrong to say that they're now 20,000 feet above the ground; inside the mountain.

"Yes but since we were divided into different factions, this base were now only used to train and brainwash the people that we recruit into the Hand." Alexandra didn't care about the century kept secrets of the Hand anymore as it was already at the end of the cliff and since she value her life more, she will do anything to keep herself alive even if it means throwing away everything she worked hard for.

"So, where are the ninjas?" Doflamingo looked around and saw no one however his senses were telling him the opposite as he could sense atleast thousands of ninjas surrounding them in the dark.

"Come out!" Alexandra didn't slack off and immediately called out to the Hand ninjas.

As soon as Alexandra's voice echoed around the cave, the earlier immobile ninjas suddenly sprang into action and appeared one by one, surrounding Doflamingo and Alexandra.

"Greetings, Master." They all said and kneeled in unison.

"At ease. We have a special guest. Or it's more appropriate to say that we have a new leader. The man that we all have been waiting for ages. The Black Sky!" Doflamingo could tell that Alexandra was exaggerating as she even made some movements to show that she was serious before spreading her arms towards Doflamingo as she introduced him as the Black Sky.

"All Hail the Black Sky!" Soon, all the ninjas changed their positions and greeted Doflamingo like how they greeted Alexandra earlier.

"How is it." Alexandra smiled proudly as she could feel that Doflamingo would definitely spare her now. As for whether she was thinking of Doflamingo going against his words? Well, she knew that Doflamingo must be smart enough that despite being introduced as the Black Sky, it is still her, who has the highest authority among the Hand members as she is more known than Doflamingo.

It's like introducing a new President that is rumored to be better than the previous ones, however people would still choose the previous President as he is more known and recognized by the people.

"Good job. You can go now." Doflamingo smiled in satisfaction as he agreed to his words and allowed her to leave, scot-free.

As soon as the words reached Alexandra's ears, she can't help but smile in excitement as she gave her thanks to Doflamingo before leaving.

'Just you wait Joker. This isn't over.' Alexandra's earlier happy expression was soon replaced by a cold stare as soon as her face is out of Doflamingo's sight.

Unknown to her, Matilda was nearby and managed to transmit her thoughts to Doflamingo.

'See? I told you, you shouldn't spare her, she's even planning a revenge on you.' Matilda tried convincing Doflamingo who just chuckled at her reaction.

'Who said about sparing anyone? Let her think that she's gotten away. It's much more better to kill someone who has high hopes. The despair that they'll feel is triple times more than what it should be.' Doflamingo explained to her.

'You're evil.' Matilda bitterly commented.

'I'm not evil, I'm just punishing a cruel person for her sins.' Doflamingo rebutted.

'But that's the devil's work.'

'Then so be it.' Doflamingo then ended their conversation as he noticed that all the ninjas were staring at him, probably waiting for his orders. Though he could sense that some of them were a bit disatisfied with him.

'Solving them would be easy, I could just send them to an impossible mission then wait for them to die, just like how Danzo and Sarutobi made the Senju clan go extinct.' Doflamingo already made a solution inside his mind.

"Who among here is the person in charge, except for me of course." First, Doflamingo wanted someone to assist him in managing the Hand, although having thousands of ninjas at his disposal sounds too good to be true but he's too busy to manage them, so he'll be needing someone to become their Chief or something.

"That would be me, Black Sky-sama." A tall man with a different aura than the rest, stepped forward and kneeled in front of him.

"What's your name?" Doflamingo asked.

"My name is Ryuma, Black Sky-sama." The ninja, now known as Ryuma, introduced himself.

"Stand up and face me." Doflamingo said as Ryuma did as he ordered and stood in front of him while facing him.

Doflamingo could tell from his face that Ryuma is looking at him in excitement and a slight tinge of fanaticism.

"Call me Doffy. From now on, you'll be assigned as the Chief of Hand. Tell me everything about the Hand." Doflamingo placed his hand behind him and walked around while Ryuma started telling him about the history of the Hand and everything they did during these centuries.

It turns out, the Hand has been manipulating in the dark. Most of the histories that were inscribed in the books were mostly their doings.

For example, Alexander the Great's death which is typhoid fever according to the history isn't actually the reason of his death but poisoning from the Hand.

Most of the Hand's doings in the past were mostly for betterment of the Hand's future improvement.

"Is that all?" Aside from what they did in the past, Doflamingo got bored when it entered the World War 2 era as they now mostly kept hiding in the dark, due to their war with the Chaste, the Hand's influence in the world has decreased tremendously, which is the reason why they started laying low and mostly stayed behind the scenes.

"Yes, Doffy-sama." Ryuma said. For the last few minutes, he's been tailing Doflamingo like a loyal dog as he explained about the past of the Hand.

"Ryuma, do you trust me?" Doflamingo stopped and turned to face him and said.

"With all my life, Doffy-sama!" Ryuma kneeled again but this time it was a kowtow and he banged his head on the floor, causing it to crack.

'Seriously, what the heck is wrong with this guy?' Doflamingo slapped his forehead and helped Ryuma to stand up properly.

"Alright. I suspect that there might be a rebellion that will rise as I could tell that some ninjas aren't favourable of me, so I'm gonna need your help to atleast prevent this from happening. Though it's fine If you couldn't but atleast make sure that those who are thinking of joining the rebellion would have a change of heart. I don't want to remove too many members of the Hand, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth." Doflamingo explained, though he didn't expect Ryuma's reaction.

"How dare they refuse to be under the rule of the Black Sky! Leave it to me, Doffy-sama. I'll make sure that they'd regret thinking of betraying you! Curse them and their ancestors!" Ryuma got very angry as he started cursing all those who are thinking of betraying along with their ancestors.

'Relax, don't bring the dead to this topic.' Doflamingo now started thinking on whether he should have assigned Ryuma as the Chief or not. Yes, he felt really touched on his undying loyalty but too much of it is a bit unhealthy.

"Alright then, I'm relieved that I could entrust it to you. This is my encrypted phone number. You could inform me about the happenings through here." Doflamingo said as he gave him a satellite phone.

"I will keep this legacy that you have granted upon me with my entire life, Doffy-sama!" Ryuma gently held the satellite phone before bowing his head multiple times.

"O-okay. Just be mindful of your health, okay?" Doflamingo felt like he's losing braincells the more he stayed here so he didn't hesitate to said his farewells before leaving through the portal.


Doflamingo is now back to his office in his company, which he named as Risus which translates to Smile as Risus is a Latin word.

"Natalya, how's it going?" Just as Doflamingo arrived, he stumbled upon Natalya who was diligently working as his new assistant.

"Doffy, you're back! How was it?" Natalya stopped whatever she was doing and greeted Doflamingo with a smile while she started brewing coffee for him. Although she and Doflamingo are close friends, Natalya insisted on doing her job properly as she rarely experiences this scenario.

"Here's your coffee." Natalya finished brewing the coffee and handed it to him.

"Well, it went well. I now have thousands of ninjas at my disposal. However, they still have their war with the Chaste, not to mention the K'un-Lun, so I guess I'll have to solve that matter first before I could actually start using the Hand publicly." Doflamingo then sipped on the coffee before continuing.

"Anyways, how's the development of Minecraft going?" Doflamingo asked.

"It's going super well! That Phastos guy that you promoted turns out to be more effecient than I expected, he's like the father of technology as he literally know everything about the Cyberspace and the technological equipments." Natalya said, praising the big man with a soft heart.

"I knew I wasn't wrong about him." Doflamingo said.

"On the other hand, the employees that you fired are now raising a protest against you right there, outside the entrance." Natalya then sighed in tiredness as she said that while pointing at the window.

When Doflamingo looked down at the glass since he's atleast 30th floor high, he saw various men and women raising placards, demanding for Doflamingo to come out and face them.

Doflamingo then smirked as he formulated a plan inside his mind.

'Hey Matilda, you there?' Doflamingo talked through their telepathic link.

'Yeah?' Matilda answered.

'What do you say about helping me take out a few pests?'


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.