
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

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158 Chs

Ch. 45 - Timeskip and Investing

"A what?" Richard's eyes widened in surprise as he suddenly and excitedly looked at the pack in front of him.

"I'm not lying. You can see it for yourself." Doflamingo said as Richard was about to excitedly take the pack to take a look for himself.

However, before he could make contact with it, it suddenly disappeared and when he sent a questioning look on Doflamingo.

"Don't you think you've been on a hurry?" Doflamingo said while sending an obvious gesture that says 'You get to study the serum, but first agree to work for me.'

As a smart man, Richard could naturally understand this, so he didn't hesitate to agree.

"Alright, I'll work for you." Richard said, his eyes not leaving the Soldier Serum pack one bit.

Doflamingo smiled, looks like his plan worked, now all that's left is the last step which would be a double-edge sword.

"However, before you join, I have one last condition to you." Doflamingo said and continued before Richard could react.

"You would be declared dead to the outside world. Meaning, you wouldn't be able to see your son and brother again. Of course, if there's some turn of events that would be necessary for you to meet your son, you would be able to meet him." Doflamingo said which made Richard fall into contemplation.

After a few minutes of thinking, Richard finally sighed.

"I hope Ben takes good care of him." Richard muttered before looking up at Doflamingo who started playing tetris on his computer.

"I won't change my decision!" Richard said in determination.

Doflamingo quickly finished the game before looking at Richard in satisfaction.

"Very good. I already arranged your apartment where you would be living from now on. As for your lab, wait for a few days and I'll get it ready."

While Doflamingo was speaking, he received a message from Matilda through their connection link.

"I already got the bullet out, I just need you to close the wound again." She said making Doflamingo smile.

"Good news, Mr. Parker. Your wife is well." Doflamingo broke out the news to Richard who sighed in relief.

"Let's go and see her." Doflamingo said and opened a portal by his side and entered, followed by Richard who looked at the portal in curiousity once again.

He hoped that someday, Doflamingo would allow him to study this portal 'technology'.


Time flies like a butterfly and 3 years has gone by, it is currently 1995 and many things has happened during these years.

First of all, Doflamingo's height has finally reached 8 ft in height which shocked Richard and Matilda.

Richard got curious on Doflamingo's physiology and asked if he could study his blood.

Doflamingo, who was also curious about his blood, also wanted to know the difference between his body and a normal human's body, so he gave a little amount of his blood to Richard.

Of course, he isn't an idiot, so Doflamingo didn't casually let him study his blood.

He first told him a few conditions about his blood like he could only study his blood under his supervision.

So, after Richard was done taking tests and researching his blood, Doflamingo burned it soon after.

This is the Marvel Universe, you never know when someday you see yourself standing right in front of you and Doflamingo isn't a huge fan of cloning.

Imagine someone stealing your identity, it hurts more than a breakup.

According to Richards research, Doflamingo's cells are 10 times more than an average person, it might sound dangerous but Doflamingo's special body allows it to be capable of handling it.

Another thing was that there was an unknown variable attached to each of his chromosome, according to Richard, this might be the reason why Doflamingo is capable of using string powers.

This confirmed something to Doflamingo and that is, there's a chance that his abilities could be replicated which made Doflamingo increase his safekeeping towards his blood and anything that is related to his genes.

Putting his genes aside, Doflamingo made massive improvements on his abilities.

The first one is his strings, he could now make two clones, but their strength would be divided, so a single clone is more stronger than two clones.

Secondly, he could now fly but not like what Doflamingo does in the anime.

According to Doflamingo, he attaches his strings to the clouds which allows him to fly around. However, no matter how Doflamingo tried, he can't attach his strings to the clouds as it always passes through.

So, he came up with a theory on how Doflamingo was capable of attaching strings on the clouds. And that is, the clouds in the One Piece world is solid, like how it was shown in Skypiea Arc where you could literally sail a ship on the clouds, which made Doflamingo capable of attaching strings on it.

However, despite that, Doflamingo still learned how to fly without using that method.

During Doflamingo's discover, he could manipulate the strings that he creates, even the trajectory and the movement of the strings on mid-air.

However, he would lose control to these strings if he lost his physical connection to it. However, he could bypass this by achieving awakening but that's a story in the future.

So what Doflamingo did, is to attach the strings to the sole of his feet which would allow him to levitate himself, however, this isn't the complete solution.

Although he could use it to levitate himself, but he can't make himself move as it would require a much more denser solid strings, however, not only that makes him look weird but it is also not that effiecient as it would take time to create it.

So, the solution to this technique is simply magic. Since he learned that he could use magic through his strings, he used the wind magic which would allow him to propel himself through the air.

Meanwhile, since Doflamingo's entire outfit is made of his own strings, he could use wind magic through his clothes to change directions and trajectories.

Thanks to this, he finally achieved the flying skill.

Finally, the last one that he recently mastered is creating hard constructs using strings that means he could now create his own weapons like swords and such.

However, like it's limitation, this hard constructs of his must always be on his touch as it would immediately disperse as soon as it left his touch.

So far, the only constructs he made that are useful to him is the Kagune.

Yes, the Kagunes like those on Tokyo Ghoul. It's quite a cool and fascinating skil actually, and not only that, it is also very versatile especially if it is couples with his observation Haki. It's like having an automatic defense system where his Kagunes would automatically defend himself according to what he senses through his observation Haki.

Now that's done, it's time for what he learned on Haki.

During these years, he finally learned the flowing ryou. Although it is still on its starting phase as it is still not that effective when it comes to combat as Doflamingo would have to close his eyes and focus clearly.

It took him atleast 10 seconds before he could use the technique, which is why it can't be used on combat yet. Those 10 seconds can give his enemy 10 different ways to kill him.

If he could reduce the time to atleast 2 seconds, then maybe it would be feasible.

The range if his observation Haki also increased, however, Doflamingo is still trying to figure out on his to see the future.

Maybe because Roger wasn't talented enough in Observation Haki, which is why he was also having a problem on this.

There's nothing much to say to his Conqueror's Haki, he has no idea on how to improve it except for knocking out people but that doesn't sound too good as it would cause panic throughout the world if he practiced it on public.

He also tried it to the animals but instead of knocking them down, they just kneeled to him and acknowledged him as their predator.

Weird right?


"So, you want me to invest in this things?" Matilda said while holding a short portfolio.

"Yup, you know the password to my bank account, right?" Doflamingo asked.

"Yeah. Wait, hold on, that's not the point. We're talking about millions of dollars here!" Matilda yelled as she pointed at the portfolio.

"I know. But trust me. Since when did I go wrong?" Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders.

Although investing millions of dollars to things like Google, Netflix, Yahoo, and finally, Pokemon that was just recently released in Japan, however it isn't that famous yet as almost only a couple thousands of people knows about it.

And this is a good chance for Doflamingo to swoop in and become one of the shareholders on each businesses, and if possible, become the major shareholder.

"What are these things anyway? Why not invest to Microsoft, I heard they're recently getting famous." Matilda inquired.

"Microsoft? Sorry, but I have no good opinion to those money-grabber bastards." Doflamingo uttered arousing confusion from Matilda.

"How do you even know if these companies would become famous?" Matilda asked the million-dollar question.

"....Matilda, whatever I will say, MUST! stay in this room, okay?" Doflamingo got serious very fast which made Matilda gulp in fear and nodded nervously.

"I....know about the future." Doflamingo said a half-lie and half-truth sentence.

Matilda's nervous expression was replaced by a monotonous mixed with a glare expression.

"And you expect me to believe that?"

"Hey, that's on you." Doflamingo shrugs before continuing.

"Anyways, just trust me on this one, okay?" Doflamingo said which earned a sigh of defeat from Matilda.

"Sigh, fine. You're the boss. But remember, if somehow this flops, you would get me a supercomputer."

"How do you even know if supercomputers exists yet?" Doflamingo asked.

"Oh, how about you use your 'future' knowledge to predict on when will Quantum-Computers be invented?" Matilda snarled before walking away with the portfolio.

"Geez, how cold. Now, I wonder how's her progress in Artificial Intelligence project?" Doflamingo asked to no one as he is the only one left in his office.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.