
Chapter 19 - Secret Skills...

It might be better to change the subject...

"A-anyway... What is that skill of yours, [Reverse Strike]?"


Miyu changed immediately after I said the skill. 'Seems like she possesses a rare skill if just me talking about it is freaking her out.'

Miyu stays silent for a few minutes but then looks at me and speaks.

"It's a skill that reverses vectors of anything. For example, the rocks were moving in my direction, but with the skill, they reversed and targeted the other girl. In a sense, it is like turning a skill against the user."


That is useful! I mean, there are so many things you can do with a skill like that. Also, it is useful for self-defense.

"That seems like a good skill to have."

Even though I complimented her on having such a skill, she only frowns and looks down. I wonder why.

"Is there something wrong? Do you dislike the skill or something?"

"No... It just... Obtaining such a skill is very difficult and requires many sacrifices."

Sacrifices? Do some skills require such high demanding requirements?

"What type of skill is it?"

"It's a unique skill."

Unquie, huh. So, she is the only person with this skill. Unquie skills are skills that only one person has, or that is what I understand. Still, how did she get it?

"This might be rude, but how did you obtain the skill... What were the sacrifices?"


Ouch. I don't think I should have asked. She looks back down. She stays silent for 3 minutes this time. Afterward, she continues not to talk.

"Sorry I shouldn't have asked. Anyway, do you know when your next battle is?"

"Y-yeah... It during the finals like yours."

"Nice! Though I hope we don't have to fight each other."


Miyu is now talkative; however, her tone and mood are saddening. She usually perky and seems happy, but now she looks as if she is about to cry. I'm not the best type of person, huh?

As we sat there, someone calls out from behind us.

"Yo, love birds, or should I say love destroyer. Oh, let me answer some of your questions, Sho."

It is Haya. It looks like she recovered mentally. Wonder why she would be talking to me, though.

Wait, what questions does she mean?

"First, you should know one person does not limit those unique skills. In history, there have been times where multiple people have had the same unique skills. There are many ways to have the same unique skills. The two main ways are to pass it down by bloodline or use a skill that can transfer skills to other people."

"But wouldn't that make the skill non-unique?"

"Well, it is unique as it is hard to obtain natural, and typically only one person will get it. So, in theory, it is unique. If you compare it to Lengendary, lots of people have gotten those skills naturally."

"When you say naturally, you mean buying the skill with EXP and getting the requirements for the skill?"

"Yes. Now, the skill [Reverse Strike] requires several requirements and EXP. I believe in total, it would require 60,000 EXP to get it to level 1. Judging by the fight, I say her level is 3-6, which would make the total 90,000 - 120,000 EXP."

That is a lot. Someone would have to save all their EXP until they were at the age of 90 or something. Still, a book said that the average one usually gets from 20,000 - 40,000 EXP. Someone who goes out grinding every day might get 40,001 - 60,000 EXP.

Still, it would be impossible for Miyu to get such an expensive skill. Unless she was like me...


Miyu tries to stop Haya from talking, but Haya covers Miyu's mouth.

"And so the question is, how did Miyu get that much EXP when she is only of age? Simple! She didn't get it naturally."

Ah, that does make sense. I relax a little since I was worried that she had the [transfer] skill used.

"Mmm... mmmm!"

Miyu tries to talk but is unable to due to Haya's hand still on.

"Now, I wonder which one Miyu falls under."

Haya smiles deviously. Miyu bites Haya's hands and begins speaking.

"Please stop!"

It looks like Miyu doesn't like this topic.

"Nah, anyways. Miyu's family line is unique on its own..."

Miyu strikes Haya in the stomach with her elbow, ending the conversation.

"Please excuse us..."

Miyu grabs Haya by the neck and drags her backstage. I can only blink while I watch their departure.


Hours pass, and the finals for the non-rankers begins. The announcer asks all finalists to head on stage. In total, there are four finalists: me, Haya, Miyu, and some other girl. The announcer goes on and explains the rules.

To summarize, two battles are going to be happening first. It is me vs. Haya and Miyu vs. the other girl. I do wonder why I am fighting Haya again, but oh well. I guess they are giving me the win for the 1st duel. Afterward, the winners will battle each other. So, I think I have to fight Miyu if she makes it, but I do not doubt that she can. Wait...

After getting a closer look, the other girl looks familiar. Isn't she... the faker's disguise? How did she come back? I thought pinky, I mean faker got banned. I hear the audience murmur.

"I-its, the real Demonic Pig!"

Huh, so she is unranked? I thought that she might be a higher ranked person at this school.

"Attention! We have already scan Elise and check her identity. In short, she is the real deal!"

The crowd booed.

"No way!"

"Welp, I guess we know who is going to be the top unranked."

"I wonder if she'll get number 1?!"

They have high expectations towards pinky; I mean Elise. Well, all I can say is good luck, Miyu. I hope I see you at the finals!

"Take the stage contestants!"

We all walk to our sections while facing our opponents.

"Ready? Then fight!"

The battle has begun!

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