
The Choice and The Wheel Of Wishes

After the truck hit Max, his body got thrown like a rag-doll across the streets for a good ten meters before it came to a halt, people started surrounding the scene, some people screaming frightened by the bloody scene some just took pictures while few good people tried to give first aids to the body and comforting the driver who's face is as white as sheet trying to call 911 with his shaky hands.

When the authorities got there and figured out what happened they took the driver to be further interrogated and couple willing witnesses and called Max's parents after figuring out his identity.

When his parents found out, they were shaken to the core and greatly saddened, his father a man with few tears actually cried his eyes out same as his mother and the only thing that kept them from having a mental breakdown was the fact that they were expecting a baby in a few months and what was an otherwise happy house full of cheers turned into one with a gloomy atmosphere but the rest does not concern us because this isn't their story, this is the story of Max Miller who right now is panicking and is in a dilemma, let's rewind back the time to when he blacked out.

In a dark space, as darkest as it could get, where wherever you look you'll only see the same thing, where there is no sense of time, there is no now nor past or future because here is the void, the nothingness, the only "thing" of it is probably its name.

There's a small white globe floating peacefully in this silence that's about to be broken that suddenly shook and you could hear some groaning from it as if someone just woke up

"Where am I? Ugh wait, all I remember is being hit by that truck and then... no, no NO this cant be happening, I DIED, *shakes* calm down, calm down, remember, observe, improvise and adapt. First where am I?"

Yup this is our MC Max after he passed away and right now even though he spoke aloud he wasn't really expecting answers Its just the way humans are, always clinging to the hope and to his surprise someone actually responds.


"You calmed down pretty quick there huh what an interesting mortal" Says an ancient majestic voice which is neither male nor female seemingly coming from everywhere.

"WHO IS IT" shouts Max with some fear and suprise and a bit of excitement because he read this situation in fanfics and kinda expecting it.

"Are you GOD?" he repeated with uncertainty

"Me, not really, but I guess to you, I am one, hehe, I am what you would say the will of the universe but its not like you'll understand anyway *sigh*" responds The W.U ( Will of the universe )

Max: "That's... so what happens now.."

W.U: "Well usually after people die their souls gets cleansed and sent to reincarnation in the cycle of life and death"

Max: "Then what am i doing here"

W.U: "That's why I am here Max you see your soul is special and because of it if I were to put you in the cycle of life and death it will break essentially breaking down the order of the world and we wouldnt want that now would we so I'm going to fill it with essence so that doesn't happen"

Max's mind went KABOOM, he was dumbfounded for all the information that he's getitng but he have to clarify something: "Essence? what's that"

W.U: " Even if I told you you wouldn't understand but let's just say that i can give you 3 wishes and the chance to choose the body in which you will reincarnate in however note that the 3 wishes will be chosen per random and you can only choose the body however because it you will inherit everything from it including the bloodlines and knowledge it can't be something too overpowered like Hagoromo or Kaguya or .."

Before he even continued he got interrupted by Max's filled with excitement voice :" I wanna go to DxD universe and reincarnated as Issei Hyoudou with Toneri Otsutski Body that guy is so old he knows all the jutsus of the elemental nations because he always watches them and not to mention I'll have the chance of awakening THE TENSEIGAN "


W.U: "Calm down I surely can do that even though Its another universe this can be considered as goodbye gift then heh well for your 3 wishes you need to spin the Wheel Of Fortune and Misfortune"


Suddenly a white wheel with golden engravings all over it materialzes in front of him and then starts spinning and when it stops I can see something come out its some words "The Adapting Body: adapt to anything"

he didn't have time to be surprised before it did it again twice and two things came out "Cursed Chains: Kurapika's Hatsu without the limitations from Hunter x Hunter"

"Bloodline Purifier: The inherent ability to purify any bloodline gained, or owned"

W.U: "Well you're quite lucky aren't you well Good luck and See yaa "

and then a portal appeared sucking Max away...
