
Mated the Alpha

In the world of the wolves, Serena and Nathan are the alpha pair of a strong and united pack. But their peaceful existence is threatened when a new enemy emerges, one that is unlike any they have faced before. As they struggle to defend their home and their people, they are pushed to their limits and face challenges that test their strength and loyalty. From battles with rival packs to natural disasters and disease outbreaks, they must fight to survive in a world that is becoming increasingly dangerous. But as the pack faces new conflicts and enemies, their relationships and personalities are tested as well. Serena and Nathan must navigate their own complex feelings for each other while leading their pack through uncertain times. Will Serena and Nathan be able to overcome these new challenges and protect their pack? Or will they fall to the forces that seek to destroy them? The answers lie in the pages of this gripping and suspenseful tale of survival, strength, and the bonds of family. "Mated the Alpha" is an epic story of love, loyalty, and the fight for survival in the dangerous world of werewolves.

AbbasAndrew · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: The Betrayal

The battle raged on as the pack fought against the mysterious werewolf hunters. Serena and Nathan fought bravely, but they could feel their strength waning as the fight wore on.

The hunters were fierce and skilled, and they seemed to be gaining the upper hand. Serena knew that they needed a new strategy if they were going to survive.

She turned to Nathan and gestured towards the woods. "We need to split up and flank them. We can't let them surround us."

Nathan nodded in agreement, and they quickly relayed the plan to their warriors. Within moments, they had split up and were attacking the hunters from all sides.

The surprise attack caught the hunters off guard, and for a moment it seemed like the tide was turning in the pack's favor. But just as they thought they had the upper hand, something unexpected happened.

One of the pack's own warriors turned on them, attacking Serena from behind. She didn't have time to react before he knocked her to the ground.

Nathan was stunned. He had trusted this warrior with his life, and now he was betraying them? He turned to face the traitor, ready to defend his mate.

But before he could do anything, he felt a sharp pain in his side. He looked down to see that the traitor had stabbed him with a silver-tipped blade.

Nathan stumbled backwards, his vision blurring as the poison from the blade coursed through his veins. He could hear Serena shouting his name, but her voice sounded far away.

As he collapsed to the ground, he saw the traitor turn towards Serena with a wicked grin on his face. And in that moment, Nathan knew that everything was about to change.

Nathan tried to gather his strength and crawl towards Serena, but the pain in his side was too much. He could feel the silver poisoning his system, weakening him with each passing moment.

The traitor approached Serena with a triumphant sneer. "You didn't really think you could win this, did you? You and your little pack are no match for us."

Serena glared up at him, her eyes burning with fury. "You'll never get away with this. The pack will hunt you down and make you pay for your treachery."

The traitor laughed. "You don't understand, do you? We've been planning this for months. We know everything about your pack - your strengths, your weaknesses, your secrets. We've been biding our time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. And now that we have it, nothing can stop us."

Serena tried to push herself up, but the traitor kicked her back down. "You're not going anywhere, little wolf. You and your mate are finished."

As he raised his blade to strike the final blow, a sudden explosion rocked the forest. The ground shook beneath their feet, and trees splintered and fell.

The traitor stumbled, losing his balance as the ground heaved and bucked. Serena saw her chance and lunged forward, grabbing the silver blade and twisting it out of his grasp.

The traitor scrambled backwards, fear etched on his face. "What the hell is going on? What's happening?"

Serena didn't have time to answer. She was too busy fighting for her life, dodging blows and striking back with all her strength.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the chaos subsided. The ground settled, and the forest fell silent once more.

Serena looked around, trying to make sense of what had just happened. She saw that the traitor was nowhere to be found - he had disappeared in the confusion.

And then she saw Nathan, lying motionless on the ground.

Serena crawled over to Nathan's side, tears streaming down her face. She could see the silver poisoning had taken its toll, and Nathan's breathing was shallow and labored.

"Stay with me, Nathan," she whispered, cradling his head in her lap. "You can't leave me. Not like this."

Nathan's eyes fluttered open, and he managed a weak smile. "I'm not going anywhere, Serena. Not yet. We still have a pack to protect."

Serena knew that he was trying to be strong for her, but she could see the pain etched on his face. She knew that he was dying, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Nathan, please," she sobbed. "I can't lose you. You're the love of my life. I can't do this without you."

Nathan reached up and brushed away her tears. "You're the strongest person I know, Serena. You'll keep the pack together. You'll keep them safe. Promise me that you'll never give up, no matter what."

Serena nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "I promise, Nathan. I'll always protect the pack. I'll never give up."

Nathan smiled weakly, his eyes starting to close. "Good. That's all I need to hear."

And then, with one last shuddering breath, he was gone.

Serena held him close, weeping for the loss of the love of her life. She knew that the pack was in danger, and she needed to be strong for them, but in that moment, all she could think of was Nathan.

Serena sat with Nathan's lifeless body in her arms for what felt like hours, unable to let go of him. She couldn't believe that he was gone. He had been her rock, her partner, and her best friend. How could she go on without him?

But then she remembered her promise to him. She had promised to protect the pack, no matter what. And now, more than ever, the pack needed her. They were facing a dangerous enemy, and without Nathan by her side, she would need to be stronger than ever.

Slowly, she gathered her strength and gently laid Nathan's body down. She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. She knew that she couldn't let her grief consume her. She needed to be strong for the pack.

With a heavy heart, she left the cabin and made her way back to the pack's territory. As she walked, she felt a sense of purpose settling over her. She knew what she needed to do. She would honor Nathan's memory by leading the pack and protecting them from their enemies.

When she arrived at the pack's den, she was greeted by Jacob and the rest of the pack. They looked to her for guidance, and she knew that she needed to be strong for them.

"Everyone," she began, her voice steady despite the pain in her heart. "Nathan is gone. He was a great leader, and he will be deeply missed. But we can't let his death defeat us. We need to be strong and united, now more than ever. We're facing a dangerous enemy, and we need to be prepared."

The pack nodded in agreement, and Serena could see the determination in their eyes. They knew that they were facing a tough battle, but they were ready to fight.

"Jacob," Serena said, turning to him. "Have you gathered any information about the rival pack? Do we know anything more about them?"

Jacob nodded. "Yes, I've been keeping an eye on them. They have around twenty members, and their alpha is a powerful wolf. But I think we have an advantage. We know this territory better than they do. We can use that to our advantage."

Serena nodded, impressed by Jacob's knowledge. "Okay. We need to start gathering supplies and fortifying our defenses. We'll need to work together to come up with a plan of attack. But before we do anything, we need to mourn Nathan and honor his memory. He was a great leader, and he will be deeply missed."

The pack bowed their heads in respect, and Serena could feel the weight of their grief. They had lost one of their own, and it was up to her to lead them forward.

As they began to make plans, Serena couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over her. They were facing a dangerous enemy, and she knew that they were in for a tough fight. But she was determined to protect her pack, no matter what.

Serena watched as Nathan and the other pack members gathered around the map, discussing their next move. They had learned from their reconnaissance mission that the rival pack was indeed larger and more organized than they had anticipated.

Nathan looked up at her, sensing her hesitation. "Serena, we need your input. What do you think we should do?"

Serena took a deep breath and stepped forward, studying the map. "We need to come up with a plan to weaken their pack and cut off their resources. If we can weaken them enough, they won't be a threat to us anymore."

Nathan nodded, considering her suggestion. "How do we do that? They have more members and a stronger alpha. We can't just attack them head-on."

Serena thought for a moment before speaking. "We could try to disrupt their hunting and scavenging patterns. If we can cut off their food supply, they'll be weaker and more vulnerable."

Nathan nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea. We'll need to gather a team to carry out the mission. Who do you suggest we send?"

Serena scanned the group, trying to think of the best candidates. "We'll need a mix of stealth and combat skills. I suggest Jacob, Marcus, and Sam. They have experience with reconnaissance and taking down prey."

Nathan nodded, considering her suggestion. "That's a good team. We'll need to make sure they're equipped with the right weapons and supplies. When do you suggest we send them?"

Serena looked at the map, calculating the best time for the mission. "We should wait until tomorrow night. They'll be less likely to expect an attack under the cover of darkness."

Nathan nodded, impressed by her strategic thinking. "Alright, we'll start preparing for the mission tonight. In the meantime, we need to keep our guard up and make sure we're ready for anything."

Serena nodded, relieved that they had a plan of action. She knew that this mission would be dangerous, but it was necessary to protect their pack.

As the group dispersed to prepare for the mission, Serena felt a sense of apprehension wash over her. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that they were missing something crucial.

She made her way back to her den, trying to calm her nerves. But as she settled in for the night, she knew that the next few days would be crucial for the survival of their pack. And she couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a trap.

The night passed slowly, with Serena tossing and turning in her bed. As dawn approached, she finally drifted off into an uneasy sleep, her mind still racing with thoughts of the upcoming mission.

But as she slept, she had a vivid dream that left her gasping for breath. In the dream, she saw a figure cloaked in darkness, with eyes that glowed like embers in the night. The figure spoke to her in a voice that was both familiar and foreign.

"You think you can stop us, little wolf?" the figure said. "You have no idea what you're up against. We are stronger than you can imagine, and we will crush you beneath our paws."

Serena woke up in a cold sweat, her heart racing. She knew that the dream was a warning, that their mission was more dangerous than they had anticipated. And she couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a trap.

Serena and Nathan watched as the members of their pack began to gather, their faces etched with worry and fear. They knew that this was a critical moment for their pack, and they needed to rally everyone together if they were going to come out of this alive.

"Everyone, listen up!" Serena called out, her voice ringing through the clearing. "We have a new threat, a rival pack that wants to take our territory and our resources. We don't know how strong they are or how many of them there are, but we can't let them take what is ours."

The pack members murmured amongst themselves, exchanging concerned glances. They knew that the pack's safety and survival were at stake, and they were ready to fight to protect it.

"We need to be prepared for anything," Nathan added, his voice firm and commanding. "We need to strengthen our defenses, gather as much information as we can, and be ready to fight if necessary. But we also need to be smart about this. We don't want to put ourselves or our pack in unnecessary danger."

The pack members nodded in agreement, their eyes fixed on Serena and Nathan as they spoke. They knew that they could trust their leaders to make the right decisions, but they also knew that they all had a role to play in protecting their home and their people.

"We'll start by sending out scouts to gather information," Serena said. "We need to know everything we can about this rival pack, their strength, and their tactics. We also need to fortify our borders and make sure that our pack is well-protected."

Nathan nodded. "And we need to be prepared for a fight. We'll train harder, fight smarter, and make sure that we're ready for anything that comes our way. But we need to do this together. We're a pack, and we stand together."

The pack members let out a resounding howl, their voices ringing through the forest. They knew that they were facing a tough battle, but they were ready for it. They were a pack, and they would fight together to protect their home and their people.

As the meeting drew to a close, Serena and Nathan watched as the pack members began to disperse, heading off to their duties and tasks. They knew that they had a lot of work to do, but they were confident that they could overcome this new threat.

As they watched the pack members disappear into the woods, Serena and Nathan exchanged a worried look. They knew that this was just the beginning, and they had a long and difficult road ahead of them. But they were determined to do whatever it took to protect their pack, even if it meant putting themselves in harm's way.

They knew that the rival pack was out there, waiting, watching. And they knew that the next move was up to them.

As they turned to leave, Serena felt a sense of unease settle over her. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, that the rival pack was closer than they thought.

"Nathan," she whispered, her voice low and urgent. "I have a bad feeling about this. I think we need to be even more cautious than we thought."

Nathan nodded, his expression grim. "I agree. We need to be prepared for anything. And we need to watch each other's backs."

Serena nodded in agreement, and they began to make their way back to their den, their minds already working overtime as they tried to come up with a plan to protect their pack.

But little did they know that the rival pack was already on the move, watching their every move, and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. The next few days would be critical, and the fate of their pack would hang in the balance.