
Master Of Lightning Knives

Hello. I am not the translator of this one. I am just collecting translated versions across the internet and putting them here so that I can read the story later. ----------------------------------------------------- Synopsis - Bi Ryu-yeon, an eccentric young man in his early twenties. He encounters the world of martial arts when he meets his master at the age of ten after becoming an orphan. His destiny soon changes upon a chance meeting with the students of Heavenly Martial Academy. Riding on the ‘fragrances’ of a ‘Black Zither’ and ‘Flying Lightning’, ‘Bi Ryu-yeon’ and his ‘eccentric master’ emerge in the martial world. It’s an adventure of unpredictable ultimate martial arts and extraordinary exploits until the very last moment.

ShadowOrigin · Khác
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
29 Chs


On the evening of the third day of training, while the sun was still hanging over the ridges of the western mountains…

Finally, one of the 16 members, a beggar from the Beggar's Sect named Noh Hak, reached his limits of endurance. By nature, beggars were not a breed to suppress their desires and live patiently. They were beings who lived by ruffling through things as they pleased. To put it nicely, they were free-spirited, or to put it negatively, they were a people without patience. Here was such a typical beggar, and his exemplary name was Noh Hak.

Unable to bear the brutal lifestyle any longer, Noh Hak exploded. He threw the axe handle he was holding, kicked up from his spot, and started to protest vehemently against Bi Ryu-yeon. He had been holding back a lot inside, as his voice was loud. He shouted at Bi Ryu-yeon, cursing and rebelling.

From Bi Ryu-yeon's perspective, it was an abominable situation where a worthless disciple, broken and worthless as a smashed jar, dared to oppose a teacher revered as the sky.

"I can't take it anymore! How long do we have to do these menial tasks? What is this? We didn't come to this remote and distant training center in the depths of Mount Emei to do these trivial tasks. What we want is martial arts training, not these pointless chores. Do you understand? I can't do these menial tasks anymore, even if it kills me. If you continue to make us do these chores without teaching us martial arts, I will quit the training camp and go back to Heavenly Martial Academy!"

Having vented the frustration he had been suppressing, Noh Hak felt a refreshing sense of relief. He thought it was a good start, though he didn't know what would happen next…

"Oh, are you defying me now?"

A disciple's rebellion… Bi Ryu-yeon felt a pang in his heart at this thrilling situation. Perhaps because of it, the veins on his forehead began to bulge. He seemed very angry. Even so, he was still smiling with a smile on his face, which was more terrifying. It was unforgivable. It was absolutely not to be forgiven. There had never been a disciple who rebelled against his teacher and came out unscathed, nor had there ever been one who ended well.

"Yes, I am defying you. I can no longer accept this. Will you teach us or not?"

Noh Hak, only a few days into training, showed no signs of backing down, his accumulated dissatisfaction evident.

"Do you want to learn martial arts?"

Bi Ryu-yeon's eyes narrowed. There was something ominously shining in his gaze. Watching silently, he noted the beggar Noh Hak's behavior, utterly lacking in respect towards a teacher revered as the heavens. Many thoughts crossed Bi Ryu-yeon's mind as he observed the disciple defying his master.

'Do they all train beggars like this in Beggar's Sect? Are all Beggar's Sect beggars like this? Just because he's a beggar? Such a person needs to be beaten. A few good hits will bring him to his senses. Yes, beating is the answer.'

Bi Ryu-yeon tentatively made a decision about how to deal with Noh Hak.

'Let's deal with him gently.'

With a smile, Bi Ryu-yeon asked in a playful voice, but there was something chilling in that voice for those who heard it.

"Do you want to learn martial arts?"


"Alright, fine. I will teach you a move in martial arts. Watch closely."


In an instant, Bi Ryu-yeon's figure vanished before Noh Hak's eyes, leaving a pale afterimage. Noh Hak's eyes widened in shock.

"No, how can this be? Where did he go..."

Noh Hak was astonished. In a short time, various thoughts scrambled through his mind. But his slow gaze could no more follow Bi Ryu-yeon's movements than the sun could rise in the northwest.


The next moment, Bi Ryu-yeon's figure appeared right in front of Noh Hak's nose. It happened in the blink of an eye. The speed was too terrifying to even consider defense. Then came Bi Ryu-yeon's thunderous shout.

"Three Dog Days Pummeling Fist Technique1!"

A booming voice erupted from Bi Ryu-yeon. His qi was at its peak. He seemed very angry, and his shout was extremely loud.

"Papabak, peukpeuk, dududu, pashapasha, tush."

With incredible speed, Bi Ryu-yeon's fists rained down on Noh Hak's entire body, hitting his head, shoulders, knees, and feet – every part of his poor body was equally and generously subjected to Bi Ryu-yeon's barrage. Despite the fierce beating, Noh Hak's body did not get pushed back; instead, it strangely began to lift vertically. Thus, he had to bear the full brunt of the relentless onslaught without any respite. It was truly hellish. The unceasing barrage of punches rolled in like waves onto Noh Hak's body, literally creating a night where blood and flesh flew.

What did the 'Three Dog Days Pummeling Fist Technique' mean? The term 'Dog-Beating Technique',could it not mean the martial art of beating a dog in the sweltering heat of the Dog Days? For Noh Hak, it was the first time in his life that he had been beaten to the point of feeling faint. In the sect he belonged to, known as the Beggar's Sect, there existed a secret and profound technique called the 'Dog-Beating Staff Technique', which was secretly passed down as the sect leader's private teaching. Noh Hak himself, being the second disciple of Yongchui Gae, the Beggar's Sect leader, had the opportunity to witness this secret Dog-Beating Staff Technique. His teacher, Yongchui Gae, once made him attack, only to beat him down with this technique to assess his martial arts skills and learning progress. Noh Hak, who deeply remembered that painful experience, firmly believed that there could be no technique more terrifying and powerful than Dog-Beating Staff Technique in this world.

However, his belief had to be thoroughly revised from this moment on. He had been battered all over his body and knocked down by a technique clearly more powerful than, or at least as powerful as, Dog-Beating Staff Technique. The Three Dog Days Pummeling Fist Technique he experienced firsthand didn't have the mystical subtlety of Dog-Beating Staff Technique, but it possessed a powerful simplicity in its place. This brutally straightforward and devastatingly swift barrage of punches was a terrifying technique that made it impossible to find a way to dodge, leaving no choice but to take the full force of the blows.

The Three Dog Days Pummeling Fist Technique was an original martial art created by Bi Ryu-yeon's master, consisting of three parts: Chobok (初伏, Beginning of the hot period), Jungbok (中伏, Middle of the hot period), and Malbok (末伏, End of the hot period). Unlike typical forms, this technique was unique in that it was divided not into moves but into three stages because it lacked any formal structure or set movements. It was all about strength, speed, and a bit of technique.

Each of the three stages represented the beginning, middle, and end of the summer dog days, and their combined power was referred to as Three Days (Sambok, 三伏). The intensity of each stage varied significantly.

In the Chobok stage, the opponent is gently 'touched' all over, leaving them nearly dead. In Jungbok, more powerful than Chobok, the opponent is beaten to a state just one step away from death. Malbok, the final stage, as its name suggests, results in a literal dog's death for the opponent. Here, a dog's death is not a cheap or worthless death but literally dying from being beaten like a dog.

There's a belief that beating a dog before making dog meat soup for Boknal (the dog days of summer)2 tenderizes the meat. This is, of course, just a saying. However, it was from this folklore that the grand and flamboyant Three Dog Days Pummeling Fist Technique was inspired. Thus, it's undoubtedly true that being subjected to this technique is so painful that one might wish for death.

Noh Hak was in immense pain. Severe agony tore through his body. His eyes were swollen beyond recognition, and his face was so swollen that its original contours were indistinguishable. His entire body was covered in severe bruises, and it was almost miraculous that he didn't suffer any fractures. Despite being near death, the technique was so precise that it didn't break any bones. According to Bi Ryu-yeon, this precision and the resulting agony were the true essence and flavor of this technique.

Chobok only damages the skin and muscles, while Jungbok breaks bones, and Malbok takes life. This was the true power of the Dog-Beating method. After receiving care for three days, Noh Hak was finally able to rise from his bed, and from then on, he never voiced any complaints, not only in front of Bi Ryu-yeon but also in front of others. Moreover, in Bi Ryu-yeon's presence, he acted as submissively as a defeated dog.

This incident (known as 'Noh Hak Beating Incident') also effectively silenced everyone else who had witnessed the horrific scene. After that event, not a single complaint or grievance reached Bi Ryu-yeon's ears anymore. The memory of that day remained deeply etched in everyone's hearts, not to be easily forgotten.

Tang Mun-hye and Danmok Su-su shook their heads vigorously as if trying to shake off the nightmare of that day. Tang Mun-hye's mouth had already closed tight, showing no sign of opening again.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

A clear and pure bell sound echoed from the mountain's upper regions.

"You, what are you doing? Snap out of it."


The sound of Danmok Su-su's voice and the ringing bell brought her back from her reverie. Tang Mun-hye still couldn't forget that day. The blood that had splattered onto her face was not a small amount. The pungent smell of blood, the warm touch of it, the sight of everything stained red – it was an experience she desperately wished to never endure again.

'I must not end up like that.'

Tang Mun-hye quietly and deeply chanted to herself. She began to feel calmer. The intense complaints that had been as fervent as a frightened mole had disappeared, nowhere to be found. It was fear that had quelled the anger.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Danmok Su-su urged Tang Mun-hye as she listened to the bell that had been ringing for a while.

"Mun-hye, let's hurry. It's the assembly signal. The sound ringing three short times must be indicating mealtime. We should go now."

"Got it."

Tang Mun-hye and Danmok Su-su quickly gathered their laundry and began walking towards the training camp buildings. Although they wanted to run with great speed, they were not yet proficient enough in light-body techniques to move that fast. Behind them, as they moved away, the valley, clear as nature itself, flowed refreshingly. What fate awaited them in the future? Only the heavens and Bi Ryu-yeon would know.


Namgoong Sang's Love Affair

When did it start, the moment she became enclosed in my heart…

When did it start, the time I looked at her with longing…

Someone said that love is longing. I long for her.

I long for her desperately. But the distance between her and me

is so vast, and it's this distance that makes me long for her even more.


Namgoong Sang was looking up at the sky. The deep darkness, darker than pitch-black, spread across the night sky, and the densely scattered stars seemed somehow lonely. This heart, feeling suffocated and blocked, kept letting out sighs. Ever since he held a sword at the age of three, he had never been so captivated by another being…

The first time he felt completely overwhelmed since he felt the icy coolness of the blue sword light with his small hands. Just the sight of her makes everything in his heart and body move towards her. The strength in his right hand holding the sword keeps weakening, and his mind loses focus and wanders. His gaze, which should be aligned with the sword, keeps turning towards her irresistibly. Namgoong Sang could feel the path of a warrior drifting away from him. Despite knowing this, he could not suppress his feelings, and sighs kept escaping him.


"Hehe, instead of torturing yourself like this, why don't you just bravely confess like a man? It's more suffocating for me to watch you like this."

Hyun-woon, who had been silently absorbing his friend's heavy sighs as if they were majestic music, interjected, perhaps feeling the limits of his patience as a Daoist practitioner.

"Hyun-woon, if it were that simple, why would I be agonizing like this? I am in this state because I can't do that. You know that, don't you?"

"What is it with your pure heart, Namgoong? As much as I understand it, watching you from the sidelines is too frustrating. It's time to put an end to this one-sided love and bravely step into a two-way street."

Is this guy really aspiring to be a Daoist? He certainly doesn't look the part, thought Namgoong Sang, looking at his friend who made such a remark without hesitation. However, his eyes had lost their strength and seemed lifeless.

"Hehe, look, Sang, if I were you, I'd run straight to junior sister Jin and confess my feelings. While you're hesitating, what if someone else sweeps her off her feet? Be brave. Isn't junior sister Jin one of the Seven Phoenixes, and aren't you one of the Nine Dragons? What do you have to lose? Be confident. Your current state doesn't suit Namgoong Sang of the Namgoong Sword Family, one of the Nine Dragons. Confess, confess. Lay all your heart out in front of junior sister Jin. Haven't they always said that only the brave win the beauty? How can you suffer in silence without even trying?"

"Ha, it seems the Daoist school nowadays preaches 'Achieve the ultimate truth through love, let's all love.' Do they also teach the art of love in Wudang? You better study it well. If you don't want to end up like me, you should start learning about love and romance right away. But enough of that, how was it learning about love techniques? Haha… I get it, I get it. That's enough now. You don't look like a Daoist at all, my friend. Haha, confess, confess…"

Namgoong Sang silently gazed at the silver-embroidered darkness of the sky. His heart felt as heavy as the deep and dark abyss, and his steps were weighed down as if shackled.

In the very spot where Namgoong Sang gazed at the stars and wallowed in misery, his close friend and rival, and also his counselor in tough times, Hyun-woon, had barely managed to console and take him away. And at that spot, a shadowy figure appeared suddenly. It was none other than Bi Ryu-yeon. He had been listening to everything from atop a tree and had now descended.

"Chuckle, really, this Namgoong Sang is worth his name. At his age, to be crouching and sulking like that. Tsk tsk."

Bi Ryu-yeon had been secretly observing the entire situation from a tree. Listening to the whining of a man in love, he found it frustratingly foolish. He thought about jumping down and giving him a good scolding, but decided to let it slide just this once. How could he do that to a beloved disciple? At that moment, Bi Ryu-yeon resolved to help Namgoong Sang with his romantic troubles, if only to ensure he wouldn't have to endure such annoying complaints again. Whether this would be a stroke of luck or misfortune for Namgoong Sang, only the gods knew…


With a dignified (?) laugh, Bi Ryu-yeon disappeared into the darkness.

Pretty Jin Ryeong, who had been diligently cooking and doing laundry, received a letter from her master. Here, the master referred to Bi Ryu-yeon, who was currently teaching her.


To Ryeong,

Without informing the others, come to the forest behind the training center. I have something urgent to discuss with you. This matter is of great importance, so be sure to come by the hour of the Rat (6-7 pm). And remember, this is an absolute secret from everyone else.

Your magnificent, kind, and benevolent, invincible and strongest male master!


Receiving the letter, Jin Ryeong was baffled. A secret meeting out of the blue? There had never been such an event before, adding to her confusion. However, it was an order from her master – and fearing the consequences of disobedience – Jin Ryeong decided to go to the appointed place by the hour of the Rat. She made the decision lightly, not knowing what fate awaited her.

Three Dog Days Pummeling Fist Technique, 三伏狗打拳法[ ]

Source: https://theseoultimes.com/ST/?url=/ST/db/read.php%3Fidx=9854 [ ]