
Master Of Lightning Knives

Hello. I am not the translator of this one. I am just collecting translated versions across the internet and putting them here so that I can read the story later. ----------------------------------------------------- Synopsis - Bi Ryu-yeon, an eccentric young man in his early twenties. He encounters the world of martial arts when he meets his master at the age of ten after becoming an orphan. His destiny soon changes upon a chance meeting with the students of Heavenly Martial Academy. Riding on the ‘fragrances’ of a ‘Black Zither’ and ‘Flying Lightning’, ‘Bi Ryu-yeon’ and his ‘eccentric master’ emerge in the martial world. It’s an adventure of unpredictable ultimate martial arts and extraordinary exploits until the very last moment.

ShadowOrigin · Khác
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29 Chs

08 - The Strange End of Steel Orb Silver Bracelet Jin Jo-woon

Atop a splendidly constructed three-story pavilion, in a modestly decorated room, sat an imposing elderly man exuding an aura of pure white dignity. Before him stood a middle-aged man, seemingly in his mid-fifties.

The elder, cloaked in a robe adorned with a cloud-ascending dragon motif, emanated a powerful force, merely through his presence. Despite his advanced years, evidenced by a long white beard reaching his chest, his vitality was unmistakable. Seated in his majestic throne, the aura he radiated was indescribable, almost divine. His eyes, deep with wisdom, were calmly introspective, and his hair, though white, gleamed with the luster of a young man's. His face was lively, devoid of the usual wrinkles or age spots that mark the passage of time, reflecting the depth of his internal strength and dedication to cultivation.

This man's mere presence was enough to exert an overwhelming sense of awe. Most people would find it suffocating to merely stand in front of him. However, the robust middle-aged man standing firmly in front of the elder, who was like a mountain in his throne, appeared unfazed by the elder's formidable presence.

The Black-Robed Middle-Aged Man's Qi was equally formidable, matching the old man in his imposing presence. If the elder in the red dragon robe was a towering mountain, the middle-aged man with his wildly bifurcated black beard was akin to a colossal iron tower, exuding a steel-hard and intense energy. His tiger-like eyes sparkled with an abstract aura.

"Please, take a seat," the elder invited.

"Yes," the middle-aged man replied and sat beside the elder without hesitation. This act alone was a testament to his extraordinary status. In the current martial world, only a handful could sit alongside the elder in the red dragon robe, and even fewer could receive such semi-honorary treatment from him.

The white-bearded elder, sitting majestically in his throne, addressed the towering figure next to him, "Tell me, Heavenly Academy Director, how is the matter progressing? Is everything going smoothly?"

Heavenly Academy Director, indeed, it was Heavenly Academy Director he referred to. Though numerous academies and Taoist temples existed in the martial world, only one place had a leader known as Heavenly Academy Director – of the Heavenly Martial Academy, the largest martial hall of the Righteous Martial Path, ranking second in power in the martial world, only after the Martial Alliance. The Martial Alliance might lead in terms of sheer size and power, but in potential, the Heavenly Martial Academy was often considered superior. It was an open secret that many core members of the Martial Alliance were originally from the Heavenly Martial Academy. The significance of the Heavenly Martial Academy in the martial world was thus immense and undeniable.

The impressive figure in black, exuding the aura of an iron tower, was unmistakably the master of the renowned Heavenly Martial Academy. This explained why the elder, despite being the practical head of the White Way Martial Alliance and leading the Martial Alliance, treated him with equal respect. This elder, with his deep wisdom and profound experience, was none other than the leader of the 'Righteous Path Martial World United Alliance,' commonly known as the Martial Alliance.

"Yes, please rest assured. This year, we selected the top 64 talents, forming four groups of 16 each. We named them after the four symbols: Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, and Vermilion Bird. The Azure Dragon group is heading to Mount Wudang, White Tiger to Mount Tai, Black Tortoise to Mount Hua, and Vermilion Bird to Mountain Emei."

"Hmm, and how are these children in terms of their abilities? Can we expect great things from them?"

"Yes, all 64 are the most talented and highest-performing students from last year. They are sorted into the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, and Vermilion Bird groups based on their skills. The Azure Dragon group boasts the highest performers, while the Vermilion Bird group's abilities are relatively lower, but the difference isn't substantial. They are all prodigies, ranking within the top 64 in our academy. However…"

"What's the concern? Speak freely."

"Well, it's mainly the Vermilion Bird group. They consist of the bottom 12 ranked students, so there might be a sense of inferiority. There were two tie scores, so we ended up with 12 students below rank 50. Most of them are either the second or third strongest disciples in their respective clans. I'm concerned that they might feel inferior compared to others. While their martial arts skills may not necessarily align with their academic rankings…"

"True, overall rankings involve academics, etiquette, theory, and more, so they don't solely reflect martial prowess… Hmm, 12? But didn't you say 16 members per group?"

"Yes. To that 12, we're adding a team leader, selecting one of the 'Nine Dragons and Seven Phoenixes' to lead each group. That's how we reach 16. We plan to divide the 'Nine Dragons and Seven Phoenixes' among the four groups for guidance during this intensive training period."

"Hmm, so you've tasked Li Ryong and Li Bong, the most outstanding second-year cadets, to lead the groups… That seems like an excellent decision, Guardian!"

"Your praise is too kind, Alliance Leader! These are the kids who surpassed their seniors to earn their places among the Nine Dragons and Seven Phoenixes. They're trustworthy."

"My expectations are high, especially since this year's second-year cadets have surpassed their seniors to claim the Nine Dragons and Seven Phoenixes titles. But, who did you appoint to train these children?"

"Yes, for the Vermilion Bird group, I've asked Steel Orb Silver Bracelet, Sir Jin Jo-woon to take charge."

"Oh, the Steel Orb Silver Bracelet Jin, renowned for his 'Iron Wall, Flying Whirlwind' technique? Is he still in his prime?"

"Yes, he's still well and claims to be rejuvenating. He's confident enough to offer valuable guidance and leadership during this intensive training."

"Good, I trust your judgment. By the way, how are things on the other side?"

The middle-aged man, bearing the immense responsibility as the Guardian of the Heavenly Martial Academy, momentarily tensed at the mention. It was clearly a matter of significant concern.

"Are you referring to the 'Dark Heavenly Tower'? Well, they're probably grooming their talents to counter ours. We don't have detailed information yet, but it seems they're cultivating substantial forces too."

"I see. Anyway, I hope this training will be well-managed. It's a tradition of our academy and these children are the most promising future leaders, not just in our academy but in the martial world too."

"Of course."

"Thank you. It seems the time is nearing."


"Phew, it's really hot today. My throat is parched. I wonder if there's a valley nearby?"

Despite being early May, the weather was unusually hot. The sun shone brilliantly, intensely heating the earth, and there was no breeze to relieve the heat. The clear, windless day was somewhat of a downside. Steel Orb Silver Bracelet Jin Jo-woon, climbing a mountain in search of a destination, suddenly felt an intense thirst.

'Heh, am I getting old? To be tired and thirsty from just this…'

Jin Jo-woon, known as one of the greatest masters of the martial arts world, was amused at the thought of feeling tired and thirsty from such a minor hike. Despite his white hair and beard, signaling his approach to eighty years, his mastery in martial arts had reached such a peak that he considered himself immune to such trivial discomforts. The journey he was on was a result of the Heavenly Martial Academy's high regard for his abilities. To him, feeling thirsty from such a trek seemed like a jest of nature.

Yet, as if the heavens favored Jin Jo-woon, he caught the sound of clear, refreshing water while trudging along the mountain path. Although faint and distant, his keen ears, trained to catch the slightest sound, couldn't miss it. Not quite as legendary as the 'Thousand-Mile Ear', but his hearing was exceptional enough for a master of his caliber. Without delay, he sprinted up the mountain path like a flying tiger, chasing the sound of the water.

The sound grew clearer, indicating the presence of a waterfall nearby. After about half an hour's run, Jin Jo-woon discovered a picturesque waterfall, its white foam churning against the rocks. Surrounded by a flat wall of rocks and a high cliff on the other side, it was a truly magnificent sight. The trapped waterfall in a natural stone screen provided a refreshing relief to any onlooker.

Steel Orb Silver Bracelet Jin Jo-woon approached the waterfall, its cool and lively sound promising to quench his thirst. Unaware of the fate that awaited him, he moved closer to the refreshing cascade.


It happened in an instant. Suddenly, Jin Jo-woon's neck snapped back as if looking up at the sky. In a moment, his consciousness began to fade, and stars seemed to dance in his vision. He was merely quenching his thirst with the clear stream water and was about to scoop up some to refresh his face. He had been careful not to contaminate the water with activities like urination or worse. Yet, in this exemplary and ethical moment, an inexplicable, unfortunate, and indescribable incident occurred.

Suddenly, a heavy object burst out of the water and struck Steel Orb Silver Bracelet Jin Jo-woon's face while he was washing it. Perhaps it was a silent rebuke or even silent rage from the water deity for cleansing away impurities from his face into the water? A dazzling array of sparks flashed before Jin Jo-woon's eyes as his consciousness drifted away. Overwhelmed by the impact, he couldn't control his body.

The object that emerged from the water and brutally smashed into Jin Jo-woon's face was a rock as big as a watermelon. The rock that ferociously hit Jin Jo-woon's forehead soared a zhang (about 3.3 meters) above his head before losing momentum and halting mid-air. Then, obeying the laws of nature, the rock began its rapid descent to the ground. Unfortunately, its landing spot was exactly where Jin Jo-woon, forced to tilt his head back involuntarily, was staring blankly at the sky.


The sound of stone breaking echoed again. Steel Orb Silver Bracelet Jin Jo-woon, who had bravely taken a watermelon-sized rock to the face, now lay in a pitiful state, slowly falling backward. His experiment to test the strength between the rock and his head ended in defeat, and his fall to the ground was inevitable.


The moment Jin Jo-woon's head hit the ground, a sharp, piercing, and intense lightning pain rattled his brain, causing him to lose the last grip on his consciousness and slowly sink into a dark abyss.

The round, but incredibly heavy and solid rock that rolled off Jin Jo-woon's face tumbled down the slope, disappearing into the water with a splash. All that remained in the once tranquil site was the body of the once-renowned Jin Jo-woon, sprawled out in a large "大" shape.

The silver lining, if there was one, was that Jin Jo-woon no longer had to worry about others' opinions or judgments. On a clear May afternoon, amidst the warm sunlight, gentle breeze, and peaceful birdsong, this incident unfolded in an unnamed valley deep in the mountains.