
Book 2, Chapter 12 - Trial

I could hear the crashing from outside his room but, with it locked from the outside, at least the destruction was kept to his quarters. "I really don't think you should go in there, Shepard," Miranda stated.

"Well, something is clearly wrong with him and I guess we should find out what's wrong."

"I think you should at least go in armed, lest he really try and cause you damage as well."

"Back up too, because something clearly has him riled up," Zaeed added.

"Okay, you've just volunteered. You too, Miranda. Let's go armour up, grab some weapons, then head in."

Jacob was wondering what was going on as the three of us put on armour, grabbing my favourite shotgun, Zaeed a rifle, Miranda her SMG. Jacob suited up, bringing a shotgun too, heading back downstairs. Gathering outside the door, Jack seemed to know something was up, immediately glowed blue, and joined our line. Without glancing back, I gestured a countdown before breaching, opening the door and immediately leading the way in, my shotgun immediately falling upon Grunt, taking a knee as the others followed in and aimed. Grunt stopped and looked our way, noticing four weapons and a small biotic woman ready to open fire.

"Grunt, what the fuck are you doing in here?" I asked.

He growled, though didn't approach, recognising the fact four weapons were trained on him. I didn't want to open fire, as the other three would fire immediately, but if I needed to, I would. "Something is wrong, Shepard. I feel wrong. Tense. I just want to kill something. With my hands." He strolled to the glass window overlooking the hangar bay.

"So what's new?" I asked, adding a little humour.

"No, more so than usual, Shepard. Like it's not my choice. Like I just want to, I don't know…" He roared and slammed his head into the window. It was made of strong stuff, but it still cracked as he turned, walking towards us. "See? Why do that? What's wrong?"

"Shepard, I might have suggestion."

"I'm all ears, Zaeed."

"I think our baby krogan is going through puberty. Maybe we need to take him to Omega and get him laid?"

"A couple of asari dancers and a room for a couple of hours?"

"Hmmm. I wouldn't mind another visit," I muttered, immediately thinking of Tara. We sent messages quite often. Kelly knew all about it, of course. She thought it was rather sweet, and knew that Tara liked me quite a bit in return, as she'd read some of her messages. She'd even said, if we ended up back on Omega, she wouldn't mind me visiting her for a little fun, dropping hints that she might just come along. When she offered that, we definitely enjoyed some hot and heavy sex afterwards. Another reason why I loved her. She was so open-minded about everything.

"Just a suggestion, Shepard. Maybe he just needs to pop his heat sink and he'll calm down."

I laughed at the euphemism. "Okeer didn't imprint anything to help you figure this out?" I asked Grunt.

He shook his head as he began to pace again. I'd dropped my shotgun slightly, but he still looked tense, as he said. I didn't know if he'd just lose it eventually. "I see pictures of old battles, voices of warlords. But this is… a blood haze in my head." He growled again, and I raised my shotgun at him. He barely noticed as he was turned away. "I want control. When we're moving, fighting, I focus. But here, my blood screams, my plates itch, and even you are just noise!"

"Ooh, that's gotta sting, Shepard," Jack joked quietly

"I'm tank born, Shepard. I don't know. What's all this?"

"I'll be honest, Grunt. I don't know. Okeer died before he could tell us anything about you, and if he didn't put anything into your head, then I'm at a loss. The only suggestion I can make is that we find another krogan who knows what is happening to you."

"You mean we should head to my homeworld. Tuchanka." He paused and shook his head. "I won't ask you to go there, Shepard. I will control this."

"Out of the question, Grunt. I need everyone at their best. No distractions. And it's obvious whatever is going on you will probably only get worse over the following weeks and months. Joker can get us into orbit over Tuchanka without a problem. It's only getting groundside that concerns me." I paused before adding, "Good thing for you is that I do have an old friend now living on Tuchanka. He may be able to help."

"Thank you, Shepard. I don't like this. Fury is my choice, not a sickness."

"Still think he needs to get laid, Shepard," Zaeed muttered as I lowered my weapon.

"You just want to go back to Omega, Massani."

"Hey, lots of pretty asari dancers. An old man like me learns to appreciate how nubile and flexible a one-hundred-year-old asari can be."

I turned and gestured for everyone to store their weapons as Grunt was still tense, but he had calmed down enough for me to not feel it necessary to shoot him if it got worse. "Head downstairs if it gets bad and start beating up boxing bags instead of destroying your room," I suggested.

I left Grunt alone, thanking everyone for joining me, as I headed upstairs to the CIC. Kelly asked if the situation downstairs was now okay and I assured her it was as I stepped up to the galaxy map. Inputting the destination, I wasn't surprised by the immediate reaction from Joker. "Okay, Commander, I'll take us there immediately. But you do know that airspace around Tuchanka is a demilitarised zone, there is an exclusion zone in addition to that, a no fly zone in addition that, and turian patrols ensure most visitors are processed before they head groundside."

"That makes having an invisible ship a bonus, Joker. We should get in and out without someone taking an interest in our arrival."

"And they will fire upon us if we are seen and ignore their hails."

"So make sure we are not seen, Joker."

"I swear, sometimes you're just looking for an excuse so we end up in a battle again. Anyway, plotting our course. We should arrive within two days."

"Just get us there in one piece, Joker. That's all I ask."

I immediately thought of who I'd take to the ground and, in the end, I decided I'd take everyone, simply because if we could get anywhere near where Wrex was located, I'd like everyone to meet him. So that's when I got in touch with Liara, asking if she could send me any information she had about him. Within the day, she'd sent me all the information I could hope for, including a rundown of Tuchanka itself, the political situation, and also a synopsis of Wrex and what he'd been up to since his return. What I learned after reading it all is that he'd been one hell of a busy man.

In addition, Liara also sent me some rather explicit photos of herself, and also a video of herself and Shiala being very naughty. I immediately asked if I was okay if I shared with Kelly, and she said it was fine. So I showed Kelly a few of her photo's. Kelly said she was beautiful, I told Liara, and soon Liara and Kelly were messaging back and forth, and I had a feeling they would become fast friends. Kelly's personality was that infectious.

The night before arriving, Kelly and I were in the middle of making love as usual, my beautiful redhead slowly riding my cock, my hands running all over her body, completely exposed to touch wherever I wanted. "I love your cock," she whispered. I was simply mesmerised by the way she moved, gently rising up and lowering herself down, using a free hand to gently rub her clit at the same time.

I sat up so I could lick and suck at her nipples, making her giggle and moan all at once, one of her hands resting on the back of my head as I alternated from one to the other. "Do you love my breasts?" she breathed.

"Absolutely. They're wonderful."

Despite the fact we'd made love constantly, despite the fact I thought she was beautiful, she still worried. Everyone did. Even I did. "I always thought they were a little small."

"No. They're perfect for you, gorgeous."

She pushed me back down onto the bed, leaning forward to kiss me. Running my fingers down her back, I bent my knees as she adjusted, starting to ride me faster as I began to move to meet her. "Fuck yes," she moaned before kissing me. She couldn't do that for long, breaking it and releasing a longer moan. "How do you do this to me every time?" she asked with a giggle.

"I like to think I know your body rather well, Miss Chambers."

"You think? I think you know just how well you know it, Shepard." She kissed me again. "I'm close," she whispered, "So close, but I don't want to cum yet."

"Well, just keep going like I know you want to."

She couldn't help giggle. "You definitely know me too well, I think."

She eventually enjoyed two orgasms before I rolled her onto her back, watching as she folded her legs right back, allowing me to get nice and deep inside her. Then she just begged me to fuck her and cum, and she got what she wanted within a couple of minutes, groaning loudly as I came, before I needed to relax, feeling her light kisses all over my face. "I love you so much," she whispered, hearing a slight quiver in her voice. Opening my eyes, she smiled. "Once I finally told you, I just feel even better."

After our usual post sex shower, as we never liked to sleep after the exertion, sweat and other bodily fluids, she was cuddled up into me as always, enjoying the way I ran my fingers up and down her body. She loved the way I would sometimes just look at her. Not stare. Definitely not leer. Just appreciate how beautiful she was. She knew, even after all this time, the subtle reminders, but I'd accepted them in my own head by now. It wasn't why I'd chosen to be with her, and definitely not why I'd fallen in love with her. But I certainly had a type I liked.

"Shepard, would you ever want me to join you and Liara one day for sex?"

"I'll be honest, I hadn't actually thought about it. Why?"

"I'm just wondering, because I think Liara is laying a subtle suggestion in her messages with me that she'd like to meet me in person, and that if she likes me, then she's going to suggest a little more than just dinner and drinks."

"Would you be interested?"

"Definitely. As I said, I think she's beautiful, as is Shiala. You have very good taste in regards to your asari lovers, Shepard. As for Tara on Omega, she was just adorable. I couldn't believe it when you told me how old she was."

"Well, this has given me something to think about at least. Leave it with me and I'll see what happens. But we'll definitely go back to Illium before we journey on through the Omega Four."

"What about Gianna?"

"Hmmm. I don't know. She accepts this but I'm not sure she'd be in to sharing in that manner. And I don't really want to ask, because I don't expect it. I know how open minded you are, Kelly. As I've said, another reason to love you. But while Gianna is open minded about the fact I'm not monogamous, there's sharing when she's not around, but I think she wants me to herself when she is."

"That's okay, Shepard. I can certainly understand her point of view. I get you to myself right now, but I've had experiences with asari before. They are very… sexual. They know what they like, have no problem admitting it, and I think consider many humans rather prudish in regards to their own view on sex. You and I being the obvious exceptions."

We had some more fun the next morning as I woke up to Kelly between my legs, making slow love to my cock with her mouth and tongue, but offering to return the favour by swinging her body around was quickly accepted. I only teased her until she made me cum then I could give her my full attention. I made sure she spun around as she sat on her face, practically drowning me with her pussy as one of her hands held my held in place, rubbing her slit up and down. "Eat my pussy," she demanded, before she giggled. I laughed at the same time, which made her laugh even more. "Sorry, it's just really good."

"I don't mind," I managed to murmur.

"Make me cum, Shepard!" she added, her tone one of complete authority.

So I made her cum hard, and she needed to fall off my face, giggling away as her body quivered as I sat on my knees, where she looked at me expectantly. Then I tickled her, causing her to laugh even more, and she had little defence, any piece of exposed skin soon found by my fingers. I tickled her until she claimed she was going to either wet herself or pass out, so I relented, hearing her continue to giggle as lay down next to her, rolling into my body, still giggling occasionally.

After our usual morning shower, we dressed and headed downstairs, Kelly cuddled into my side as we had no problem showing our affection for each other now. Everyone knew we were together and in love, as Kelly had let it slip one night that we'd confessed our feelings. Jack thought that was hilarious, though I ignored that, and had since made it known that I wouldn't be playing her game any longer. She just told me fuck off and go fuck myself. I ignored that and she'd barely spoken to me since. Garrus was surprised I'd actually say those words to someone else, though knew I'd told Gianna. Samara thought it was wonderful, and she had a wistful look in her mind, as if remembering a great love she'd once felt. Miranda… Miranda was jealous. I recognised it, she knew I recognised it, but I wasn't going to approach her about it. It would simply remain unspoken.

Taking my usual seat across from Garrus, Tali was now sitting next to him as Kelly sat next to me. Tali had really hit it off with Kasumi for some reason, the pair already thick as thieves, from what I'd been told. Kasumi has taken a shine to most people on the ship, not seeming to mind the Cerberus connection, judging people based on their character, not their affiliation.

"We'll be in Tuchankan orbit by midday, ship time," Joker reported from down the line.

"Excellent. I hope you're all ready," I stated, "Because Tuchanka is like nowhere we've ever been."

"Are we expected?" Miranda asked.

"I'm not sure. Liara didn't mention if she had contact details for Wrex. Garrus?"

"No, his details might have changed. I sent one or two messages while on Omega but heard nothing back." I looked at Tali and she shook her head too. "As we've said, Shepard, we split up and simply moved on. Some of us simply tried to forget the past."

"Well, once Joker reports we're in orbit, we'll suit up, tool up, then head down and find out what to do with Grunt. I take it he's still in his quarters?"

"He suggested it was safer he stayed confined to quarters until we arrive, Shepard," Miranda replied.

"Good thinking."

"Still think a stop at Omega would also help," Zaeed suggested, "Maybe Wrex will suggest the same thing. Get him laid and he'll stop acting out."

"Or we can just go there anyway because you clearly want something, Zaeed," Garrus added.

"There was an asari dancer I was pretty sweet on. I'll admit it. Cute little thing. Asari, of course. Firm little butt. Nice set of little tits. Legs that went on for days. Could have watched her dance every day until I died."

"So you didn't even do anything with her?" Garrus asked.

"Nope. Not saying I didn't want to, but sometimes, a man is happy just watching a beautiful woman dance."

"Would you like to see me dance, Shepard?" Kelly wondered.

"Yes," I replied immediately, to the laughter of Garrus and Tali, "Yes, I'd like that very much."

"Well, I might just have to do a little shopping then. Do a proper striptease for you."

I leaned closer. "You're just trying to turn me on in the mess," I whispered.

"Guilty as charged," she replied with a smirk. I just kissed her cheek and resumed eating.

After breakfast, I headed downstairs for some training, Jacob joining me like he did most mornings. Miranda headed down as well, also joining in, something she had recently started doing, telling us that she used to do it alone but now preferred some company. Every passing week, she was coming out of her shell. I may have been harsh to start with but she'd taken some of my suggestions to heart. She now conversed with the crew a lot more, getting to know them. I still hadn't learned of her entire life story, knowing she'd tell me when she felt comfortable.

She could be a little distracting when dressed in just lycra shorts and a sports bra, hair tied up in a ponytail as she jogged on the treadmill. I may have had one or two unsavoury thoughts as I watched her sweat away, such as I wouldn't mind licking it off her body once she was done. Jacob eventually disappeared, so I grabbed a bottle for Miranda and I from the nearby fridge, waiting until she was finished before handing it to her. She smiled, offering thanks, before necking nearly the entire bottle.

"Good workout," I suggested.

"Gets the blood flowing, Shepard. You know as well as I do."

"Ready for the later?"

"Of course. Heading to Tuchanka doesn't bother me. I survived Omega, and that place is the definition of shithole."

"I have a feeling Tuchanka is worse."

I took a sip of water and definitely gave her the once over against as she stood in front of me. She was certainly paler than one would expect. Probably paler than Kelly, to be honest. Toned stomach, though. Whether natural or otherwise, I didn't know. Legs were fantastic. Her arse was even better. Yep, many unsavoury thoughts were had about her nowadays.

"Want a quickie?" she asked.


"You're looking rather interested, Shepard. Not subtle at all. Want a quickie?"

"You're serious?"

"You've told me you find me attractive, Shepard. And damn if I don't know what you've got to offer. So, all you need to do is peel off my lycra, as I'm going commando here, lay me back and just fuck me."

I looked around, wondering if there were hidden camera's watching, before looking back at Miranda. "Trust me, a large part of my body is screaming to say yes right now. But I also told Kelly I'd try, really try, to be good, at least while on the ship."

She finished her bottle, placing it down before walking to where I was sitting on a crate, sitting on my lap, her breasts in my face for a moment before she was eye level. She simply met my eyes for a moment. "I don't think she'll mind, Shepard."

"I know but… I'm trying to be a slightly better man." I paused before adding, "I'll admit this is… different."

"As you said, our relationship is different. You look at me and past that symbol. I've always thought you were fantastic, Shepard, even when you were being… harsh." She paused before adding quietly, "And yes, I'm jealous, Shepard. Happy for you and Kelly, but incredibly jealous. I put two years of my life rebuilding you. I felt like I knew you more than anyone else. Then when you woke up, everything went wrong. I certainly wasn't hoping for romance, but I did hope… that you'd see past the symbol. It took far longer than I thought, and by then…"

"So you're on my lap now because?"

"I know Kelly doesn't mind you being with other people, Shepard. I know you've had Jack a couple of times."

"No longer. That dynamic wasn't healthy."

"So what about me?" she asked quietly, looking away, and for perhaps the first time, the outwardly confident Miranda sounded completely unsure.

So I gently moved her face back with a finger to look back at me. "I think you're beautiful, Miranda," I said softly, which made her smile and blush all at once, "But…" She opened her mouth. "Let me finish, because there has to be one. But I am with Kelly, and I have told her I want to try. Certain parts of me are now screaming at me for saying this. I look at you and want to see what's underneath the sports bra and shorts."

"You only need take them off," she whispered, leaning in closer, her hand running down my cheek, "I know you want to. She'll understand, Shepard. She knows what I want, and she'll know why you wanted me too."

I've said before, and I'll say it again, when it comes to certain women, I am a very weak-willed man. I kissed her. I kissed her hard, definitely taking her by surprise before she replied kind. One of my hands immediately went to her breasts, giving them a squeeze. Fake, but they were fantastic. I had her sports bra off rather quickly, feeling her nipples harder as I squeezed, finally breaking the kiss as she leaned back so I could use my mouth on them.

Rock hard myself, Miranda could certainly feel it underneath my shorts, already starting to grind against me as I kissed back up her chest, her neck, before kissing her again. She managed to stand up, peeling off her lycra shorts, before sitting on me again. The only thing she was now wearing were her socks and shoes. I glanced down to see only a small strip of hair above her pussy.

"I've wanted this for ages," she admitted between kisses.

"Me too," I admitted.

"Really?" she asked in surprise, leaning back, clearly shocked.

"Yeah. Our chats have been better and better, and as I admitted to you, you're fucking gorgeous. And when I find a woman gorgeous, I can accept being friends with her, but if she offers or wants something more, I'm generally not going to say no."

I stood up, and Miranda was definitely impressed that I could carry her to the nearest bench, eventually unwrapping her arms and legs. I was just about ready to go down on her when the comm line opened up.

"Commander, we are approaching the relay heading into Tuchankan airspace." Miranda and I both groaned in frustration as I now had an erection that needed to be slipped inside someone. "Once we are through the relay, approximately twenty minutes from there."

"Thank you, Joker. We'll get ready."

"Aye-aye, Commander."

I met her eyes. "I'm not just giving you a quick fuck, Miranda. This happens, it's being done properly." I paused before adding, "And I need to tell Kelly. I can't hide it from her. If she's not happy, then… it can't happen. If she doesn't mind, then we'll see how things go."

"Damn it," she muttered as she looked away.

So I made her look back at me again. "Hey, it's clear I want this too. I was eager to get you naked rather quickly, and you definitely felt my excitement."

"God yes," she whispered.

"So we're attracted, that's for sure. But there are other things that matter in all this. And I know you understand that."

"I do."

I helped her down from the bench as she walked over to collect her things, dressing quickly before we walked back to the elevator. She got out at the mess level as I headed straight to my cabin, a quick shower, before heading down to the CIC to grab my things. Some of the others were in the middle of grabbing weapons and armour. No-one gave me any funny looks, so I could only assume we hadn't been seen.

Heading forward, I looked out the front of the ship as Joker took us through the relay. Ahead in the distance was Tuchanka. "Running silent again, Commander."

"Try and avoid the patrols. I don't want anyone knowing we're here if we can. If the Council learn later that we were here, they can write an angry letter which I'll just throw out the airlock."

"Getting us there won't be a problem, Commander. But depending on how long you're down there, I may need to keep us mobile to avoid detection."

"I'll leave that in your capable hands while we're gone."

Heading back to the galaxy map, I could follow the course Joker had mapped out before kissing Kelly on the cheek. "We need to talk when I get back," I whispered.

She didn't look concerned at all. She probably already knew. "Of course, Shepard. Just don't go getting yourself injured down there."

"I love you." God, it felt a little empty saying it. I meant it. I loved her like crazy. But after…

She turned and kissed me softly on the lips. "I love you. Always will, Shepard, so hopefully that will ease your mind in regards to what you want to discuss later."

Wandering into the armoury, the rest had already headed downstairs to I grabbed my helmet, stored my weapons, swapping out the Arc Projector for a simple missile launcher, and headed downstairs to brief the team before we loaded up and headed to Tuchanka.


Grunt had listened to the instructions of his commander, but his eyes were taken by the vidscreen as the shuttle bucked and weaved as it entered the atmosphere of Tuchanka. What his eyes could see, he already knew about, the implants from Okeer letting him know that his homeworld was nothing but irradiated ruins from centuries of devastating war. The krogan had once marched across the galaxy, and at their apex, they were on the verge of domination. Then came the genophage, the krogan were neutered, and now they barely survived as a species.

Shepard stated that they were headed towards the chief city of Clan Urdnot. There was nothing resembling a city from what he could see. He heard more than one disparaging comment from those around him, but while he should have been angered, they spoke only the truth. Little wonder that krogan warriors left their homeworld in droves, seeking their livelihoods in other areas of the galaxy. The prospect of anything other than scraping to survive of Tuchanka was slim.

The shuttle slowed and then started to descend, entering what he knew was an underground bunker. Thousands had been built over the centuries. First when the krogan had nuked their own world, causing a nuclear winter. More were built during the krogan rebellions and when the other species of the galaxy unleashed the genophage.

Stepping off behind Shepard, he noticed many krogan on guard, and they immediately took offence to the fact Mordin was with them. He almost laughed when Shepard told them to fuck off, the two krogan guards immediately spoiling for a fight. Shepard ignored them, simply moving on, telling Mordin to stay in the ground. If needed, he'd fight the krogan off. Grunt could only chuckle at his tone. Shepard was a man who did not fuck around.

There were no signs telling them where to go, Shepard simply wandering ahead until they exited into an enormous cavern. More krogan were standing about, and these all wore the same coloured armour. Shepard had mentioned Urdnot Wrex. Grunt searched his memories, and while the name seemed familiar, it had not been formed in his mind alongside the greater krogan names of years past, those who had helped the krogan rise into a nuclear power, or the great generals who had led the charge across the stars.

Ahead, sitting on a large mound of debris, was an enormous krogan, even larger than himself, sitting on a stone throne. He was currently in conversation with a trio of other krogan, clearly subservient to him. However, their arrival definitely sparked the interest of the krogan sitting down, lifting his head from the clenched first it had been resting against as he rose tall. "Shepard?"

Shepard raised his hand in greeting. "Hello, Wrex!"

Wrex burst into laughter, pushing the others out of his way as he jogged down the mound. "Shepard, my friend!" The two shook hands immediately and one could see this was the greeting of two warriors who had fought alongside each other. Absolute respect in a simple gesture. "You're alive!"

"That I am, old friend. It's been a long time."

Wrex laughed again, clearly delighted to see him. "I should have known that even the void couldn't keep you."

The handshake ended as Shepard stepped to the side, gesturing in their direction. "Before introductions, you should meet Grunt."

"Approach," Wrex stated with a gesture. Grunt stepped forward before stopping, coming to attention. It was almost muscle memory, what he'd been trained to do in the tank. "Grunt, you say? From which clan do you hail?"

"I have no clan. I was tank-bred by Warlord Okeer…"

Wrex glanced towards Shepard. "You have had dealings with Warlord Okeer, Shepard?" he asked, and there was a tone of malice he didn't expect.

Shepard shared an obvious glance with his colleagues. He had obviously noticed the change in tone. "Yes and no. The long and short is that I'm currently putting together a team to take on the Collectors. One of the dossiers was to recruit Warlord Okeer. The whole thing went tits up and we were left with Grunt." He paused a second. "What's the issue with Okeer?"

"Okeer is a very old name. And a much hated name. Anyone with links to Okeer is usually killed on the spot," Wrex explained.

"He's also dead, Wrex," Shepard stated.

Wrex rumbled with laughter. "Of course he is, Shepard. He met you and deserved to die." Wrex looked back at him. "So you were tank-bred and therefore clan-less. Interesting."

"I am pure krogan. You should all be standing in awe," Grunt stated, the words automatic, an implant from Okeer.

"Okeer might have told you that in your tank, whelp, but you have to prove yourself before you can be considered true krogan." Wrex looked back at Shepard. "So why have your brought him here?"

"There's something wrong with him. He's a little messed up. In the head. I figured he just needed to get laid, but he says that isn't the problem."

Wrex leaned in and simply sniffed him before he chuckled, turning back to Shepard. "There's nothing wrong with him, Shepard. He's maturing, becoming an adult."

"There you are, Shepard. I told you we should have just take him to Omega," Zaeed stated.

"Getting him laid will help him crack one off but it isn't what he needs. Come, we will need to discuss what is to be done with him. But first…" Grunt stood to the side as Wrex approach the group. When he offered a hand to the turian, there were grumbles from the others.

"You offer your hand to a turian?" one of the krogan said.

Wrex turned around and walked towards him. "Watch your tongue, Uvenk, before I cut it out. Garrus Vakarian is worth the weight of ten krogan warriors. Saved my arse more times than I actually care to count. If there is any turian in the galaxy who is worthy of my respect, it is him. One more word out of turn, and I'll feed your arse to a thresher maw."

The handshake he shared with Garrus was friendly, respectful. The hug with Tali was rather sweet. Even Grunt could recognise how gentle he was with her. "My little friend," Wrex said softly.

"How are you, Wrex?"

"I am well, as you can see. It is good to see you again."

"You too, Wrex. It's been far too long."

"I'll introduce the rest," Shepard stating, telling him their names as Wrex offered his hand. He paused as Mordin was introduced, as the hatred the krogan had for the salarians almost outweighed the hate for the turians.

"If you're alongside Shepard then you're doing something right, salarian."

"Prospect of survival now increased. But best to remain quiet otherwise."

Wrex burst into laughter. "You do recruit some weirdo's, Shepard."

"I recruited you, didn't I?"

Wrex burst into laughter, slapping his hand friend on the shoulder. "Takes one to know one. Come, we should sit and talk. Uvenk, take a hike. I'm tired of hearing your voice. Grunt, follow me. It is time you learned the truth about your people."

"I will be heard, Urdnot Wrex. If this thing is maturing, then he will need undergo Rite of Passage."

Wrex came to a stop and turned, walking back towards the krogan. "That is true, what of it? All krogan must undergo the challenge to become true krogan."

"This is outrageous!" Uvenk shouted, "The Rite of Passage is a sacred trial. This… This filth should not be allowed to take part in such a tradition."

Before Wrex could get a word in, Shepard stepped forward and his shotgun was already out. "Urdnot Wrex has already dismissed you. So I'm going to be it plainly. Fuck off."

Uvenk's eyes narrowed at Shepard. "You dare challenge me?"

Shepard strode forward until they were inches apart. "Look, you jumped up little shit. I wipe out pieces of shit like you before I've barely woken up in the morning. The krogan at your side? I could take them out one handed and blindfolded. I've dealt with plenty of people who are all hot air with nothing to back up their words. But I will give you one warning only. You disrespect the men under my command and you disrespect me. Disrespect me and I can assure you my foot will find its way up your arse. Now, as I said before, fuck off before my shotgun barrel finds itself warm from unloading a few shells."

Wrex bellowed with laughter. Grunt could only watch impressed, as the krogan was twice the size, and a good few inches taller, but Shepard didn't flinch.

"You have both been warned. This will not stand." Uvenk then turned and walked away.

Shepard made sure they turned and walked away before turning around. "What an absolute thundercunt. How have you not killed him yet?" he asked Wrex.

"Politics. Unfortunately, alliances must be made while my position is secured. He is a price I have to pay for now."

He followed Wrex and Shepard as they were led towards a mess area, the team spreading out and sitting down as he sat across from Wrex. He was then given an introduction into krogan history. What Wrex called real krogan history, not the propaganda pumped into his brain from someone like Okeer. And what Grunt learned was very different to what he supposedly knew. Many would have called the words out of Wrex nothing but lies, if not outright blasphemy. But he also knew, straight away, that they were true. The genophage was a cruel fate, but the krogan had not been innocents prior to its release.

Grunt listened to every word, asking questions when he figured it was necessary. He learned a lot of the recent past. Wrex also spoke of himself and his own struggles. He had lived for over a thousand years by now and had seen the rise and fall of his people. Yet, even now, he still maintained hope that a brighter future laid on horizon. First, they'd have to fight for it. Then they'd have to negotiate and talk. Stability on Tuchanka was necessary. The clan wars had to end. The krogan to be united, to sing in one voice, and then the galaxy might listen to them once again.

"Will you stand with Clan Urdnot?" Wrex finally asked.

Grunt crossed his arm across his chest, balled first, a solemn bow. "I will stand with you, Urdnot Wrex."

"So it is done. Once you pass the Rite of Passage, you will fulfil your obligation to my friend. Once you return to Tuchanka, I will put you to work, see what you are made of. Let us see if a tank-born krogan is truly made of the right stuff."

"What do we need to do?" Shepard asked.

"I will take you to the shaman. He shall explain what is required."

Wrex, flanked by at least a dozen bodyguards, led the way towards the edge of the area that Clan Urdnot claimed as its capital. Nothing but ruins, barely able to scratch a living, but Wrex had plans. He explained as they walked. Each Rite was different as krogan could be tested in many ways. Most were in regards to their battle prowess, straight of will, test of their character and their heart. Bravery was most important. Cowardice was not acceptable.

The shaman was dressed in flowing robes of blue. Wrex bowed in respect as they arrived. Grunt noticed that Uvenk had already arrived to lodge a protest. Wrex growled unhappily. He was fairly sure even Shepard grunted, testosterone flooding through his body, eager for a fight. I feel sorry for that redhead woman later. She's going to get it.

The shaman approached and looked him over, eventually nodding his approval before speaking quietly to Wrex. Eventually the giant krogan turned. "Who here will stand with Grunt?"

Shepard and all his colleagues stepped forward as one. "My name is Shepard. I am the commander of the Normandy. My crew and I will stand at the side of Grunt during his Rite of Passage. We shall battle and defeat whatever we face and return triumphant."

Wrex slapped him on the back. "Sure you're not half-krogan, Shepard?"

The human laughed. "There is no doubt this… tank-born has a krantt," the Shaman stated, "The will of Clan Urdnot is dominant. Your protests are hollow, Uvenk."

"He is unnatural," Uvenk retorted unhappily, "Wrex will forego traditions that have stood for thousands of years for this whelp."

"I will speak for myself. I am pure krogan. You should be standing awe, Uvenk," he stated.

"You are the product of a syringe, nothing more. A science experiment. Your kind has no right participating in such sacred rites."

"Your will is strong, tank-born." The shaman came close and sniffed. "Yes, your right to complete the Rite is accepted."

"My followers are true krogan! Everything about Grunt is a lie!" Uvenk continued to argue.

That's when Shepard burst forward and launched a furious headbutt into Uvenk. The human staggered afterwards but the shock on Uvenk's face was something else entirely. "You… You dare, human?" Uvenk asked in utter disbelief.

"I do fucking well dare, you worthless piece of shit. Let's take this outside. You and me. No armour. Bare fists. I will beat the shit out of you and make sure I show you each of your hearts before you die."

Uvenk looked at the shaman, who merely shrugged his shoulders before saying, "It is your choice, Uvenk. It appears the human may know some of our customs after all."

Uvenk walked towards Shepard, prodding him in the chest. "This is not over, human."

"Touch me again, and I'll break whatever it is."

Wrex roared with laughter. "You are half-krogan, Shepard!"

The shaman rumbled with laughter as Uvenk and his few supporters disappeared. "You have brought formidable krantt, tank-born. You have provoked Uvenk. Reason enough for me to like you. Though they will be a problem for you now."

"If they stand in my way, they will die," he stated.

"So what is this Rite exactly?" Shepard asked.

"It is glorious battle, Shepard. That is all you need to know. Grunt and his krantt will be tested. Learn to adapt to any situation. Bring your love of the fight to Grunt's trial and he will succeed. You will need transportation to the Proving Grounds. Once there, you will face the task."

A pair of tomkah's arrived a few minutes later, everyone climbing aboard as they were transported to the Proving Grounds. As they were driven along, Shepard spoke of his own homeworld, Earth, and how the destruction of Tuchanka matched parts of his own history, when great wars had swept the planet, causing entire countries to be destroyed, though the difference is the fighting stopped and the wars rebuilt.

"Ever drop nukes?" Wrex wondered.

"Only twice. Both times on the same country. It scared humanity so much, we may have built even more bombs, but knew if they were ever launched, our species would end in an instant. They acted more as a deterrent, a defensive rather than offensive strategy."

"Do you still have the bombs?" Grunt asked.

"Not on Earth. We now have weapons in certain areas of our solar system to ward off anyone who may want to attack our homeworld."

"We had no such hesitation, Shepard," Wrex muttered, "We nuked the shit out of each other. Obviously."

The shattered remains of the city were a testament to that statement. The tomkah bumped along until the brakes squealed and the driver announced their arrival. Climbing out, there was little difference to where they had been except they were now exposed to sunlight, and it was rather hot. He didn't find it so uncomfortable but most of the others would already be sweating buckets inside their armour.

The shaman led the way until he stood on a ledge before them, spreading his arms wide. "You stand on hallowed ground, tank-born. This was the last city to fall during the Rebellions. At the heart of the city was the keystone. Our planet. Our cities. Our species. We all endure, tank-born. You will learn that over time."

"What do I do?"

"If you wish to join Clan Urdnot, you must contemplate the keystone and its trials."

"What will happen?"

"No-one knows, tank-born. All trials are different. You must adapt and survive. But, more importantly, you must thrive, no matter the situation. It is what the krogan have done for millennia. It is what we will continue to do. Prepare yourselves for what is to come."

The shaman, Wrex, and his bodyguards departed down the tunnel they had entered, pressing a button to close a solid steel door, locking them inside. Shepard took the rifle from his back, gesturing to his team to spread out, his eyes already surveying the area. "What do you reckon?" he asked.

"I don't know, Shepard. There is nothing Okeer gave me that said anything about this."

"Well, should be fun then." Grunt chuckled, thinking Shepard sounded genuinely excited by whatever was going to happen next.

Contemplating the keystone, he took the shotgun from his back, checked it over, and looked over the team. All were armed and ready to face whatever challenges Tuchanka would now throw at it. He pressed the button, turned, and waited.

There was a klaxon and suddenly packs of varren appeared, and they were hungry for blood. Gunfire and biotics were fired at the varren immediately, and great swathes of them died before they even came close. Grunt released a roar and charged forward, blasting at anything that looked like them, going so far as to even stomp on them if they got close enough. Mordin was using a special attacked that ended up with varren being roasted alive. The smell made him hungry.

"Press the button again!" Shepard called, "No point stopping and waiting."

He retreated, pressing the button, another klaxon, and now klixen appeared. They could prove more dangerous in packs, but with the firepower surrounding him, they didn't come close either. His powerful shotgun blasted the enemy apart, or left such gaping wounds, they would die quickly from blood loss. Shepard was using his rifle instead of his shotgun, not relying on his biotic talents. Jack and Samara were using biotics, both sending wide shockwaves, sending varren and klixen into the air, leaving them as easy targets for the others.

Grunt had to admit disappointment. This is the best they can throw at us? This is a Rite of Passage? Pathetic! He vocalised those thoughts to which Garrus retorted, "Careful what you wish for, Grunt."

He returned to press the button a third time. Another klaxon, followed by a message which mentioned one thing only. Survival. The survival of Tuchanka. The survival of his species. But the survival of he and his krantt at that moment. There was then silence as they waited. He could feel the tension in those around them. When the ground started to shake, he admitted to excitement. He knew what it would be. Yes! This is a true test!

"Thresher maw!" Shepard shouted, "Get behind cover! Move! Move! Move!"

There wasn't much as the giant worm appeared right in front of him, towering over by at least twenty metres if not more. He simply roared and charged forward, firing his shotgun into the belly of the great beast. The thresher maw spat in return, flying harmlessly over his head as he heard Shepard shout, "Fire in the hole!" as a missile then flew past him and into the side of it. The beast disappeared from view.

Another shaking of ground and it appeared again. Now everyone roared and charged, most taking cover and opening fire. Grunt cared little about cover. His body would recover, his only need being to fire his shotgun again and again until the worm was dead. The beast spat acid more than once, coming close to his colleagues. It also spat at him, surprising even himself with his agility as he rolled out of the way, firing immediately from a knee.

The beast disappeared again, the ground shaking and he followed it, anticipating where it would rise. Shepard had been doing the same thing. As soon as it appeared, Shepard fired another missile, and it slammed into the middle of the thresher maw. It was now bleeding heavily, and it swayed but did not die. He fired again and again, aiming for its face, but due to its size, the shots were ineffective.

"Aim for its head, Shepard!" Grunt roared.

"Next time it disappears, I'll set myself to go."


The beast disappeared, feeling the ground shake. Shepard stayed still, finger resting off the trigger, waiting for the thresher maw. It stayed underground far long, no doubt hoping to spring a surprise of its own. The others had spread out, some behind cover, some showing bravery by remaining out in the open. He didn't believe anyone had been injured, but he wasn't worried about that. The only thing that mattered was victory.

Then all went still for a moment before it appeared behind them. The creature spat as Grunt leapt over Shepard, taking the full brunt of acid against his armour and limbs. It hurt like hell but as he hit the ground, Shepard fired the missile, Grunt managing to look up as the missile flew straight into the face of the giant worm. As it exploded, pieces of its head flew in every direction as the beast swayed and collapsed to the ground. Despite the agony he was in, Grunt rose to his feet and roared in triumph, holding his shotgun aloft.

"Holy shit, Grunt, are you okay?" Miranda asked as everyone gathered around he and Shepard.

"The lady doctor will fix me up okay. I'm krogan. We're made for this."

"Might even make yourself attractive to someone," Garrus joked.

Shepard simply clapped him on the back, suggesting they should leave. It sounded like a good idea. He had completed his rite. He was now a true krogan, and belonged to a clan. Perhaps the strongest on Tuchanka. With his help, he would ensure the success of Urdnot Wrex and his vision for its people. As they were about to depart via the same tunnel they had entered, a shuttle appeared overhead. It was not one of theirs. He glanced at Shepard and the human smiled. He seemed to figure out who it was rather quickly.

He felt his colleagues form a line alongside he and Shepard, the latter folding his arms and watching in amusement. They were not many in number. They were not formidable. And they did not scare him. Uvenk eventually came to a halt, actually meeting his eye. No respect but he had no choice. "You live, tank-born. And you also killed the thresher maw. No-one has managed that in generations. The last one was Urdnot Wrex."

"My krannt gives me strength beyond my genes. Which are damned good," Grunt stated.

Uvenk stepped forward. "This will cause discussion. I wonder… You say you are pure? No alien meddling in your construction? Just the warlord Okeer?"

"Hang on a second, now you're willing to talk because he's done something you couldn't do yourself?" Shepard asked. Grunt rumbled with laughter, the sarcasm in his tone amusing.

"What Grunt has achieved deserves consideration." Uvenk looked at him again. "You are powerful. You are a mistake, but your potential could tip the current balance of the clans."

Grunt snorted in disgust. "You spit on my father's name! On Shepard's name! But now you stop ranting because I'm strong?"

"With restrictions. You could not breed, of course. Or serve on an alien ship. But you'd be clan in name."

Grunt looked at Shepard. "Can you believe this guy? Makes me sound like some sort of trophy?" He looked back at Uvenk, making sure he looked as menacing as possible. "You have a problem, Uvenk. I am pure krogan. You are merely a pretender."

Shepard disappeared in a biotic cloud, no doubt slamming into a krogan nearby. Grunt lifted his shotgun and fired at Uvenk, his shields taking most of the blast as he attempted to return fire. Grunt roared again and charged forward, slamming his head into Uvenk, the other krogan staggering back from the attack, as Grunt swung his shotgun, slamming it into his head, before looping it in the air, catching and firing at once. This time the shields failed, seeing his armour take the brunt of the attack.

"You are weak, Uvenk. You're clan is weak. I am strong. My krantt and clan are strong. One day, we will rule Tuchanka, and you will be nothing but a sorry footnote," he growled as he fired again. This tore away chunks of Uvenk's armour, the krogan staggering back. He fired again, this time at the weapon itself, the blast causing it to practically disintegrate, and both his hands disappeared as well, Uvenk howling in pain as Grunt pushed him back with his shotgun against a pillar.

Lifting his shotgun, he placed it under the chin of the other krogan. "You are the past, Uvenk. I am the future. Say hello to the rest I send your way."

He pulled the trigger, watching the head of his fellow krogan disappear in blood and bone, laughing as the body collapsed to the ground. Glancing around, the battle had been short and sharp, no surprise that Wrex was already walking through with the shaman and his men. He walked towards the shaman, taking a knee, like he knew he should.

"You have passed the Rite of Passage, earning the honour of clan and name. Many survive, but it has been many years since a thresher maw was felled. Your names shall now live in glory forever."

"I only wish to serve Clan Urdnot," he stated.

"And serve you shall. Grunt, you are now one of Urdnot. You may now own property. You may now serve with our army. And you may now apply to serve under a battlemaster."

"Shepard is my battlemaster, shaman. I have yet to meet a man worthier of the title."

"So it is done."

"Does that mean we can take him to Omega and get him laid?" Zaeed asked.

Standing tall, Wrex grabbed him by the shoulder, met his eyes, and with a single nod of the head, he was accepted. "When you are finished with Shepard, you will return here and prove your worth."

"Thank you, Urdnot Wrex."

"But first, you have a job to complete. Come, we will return to Urdnot and you may return to your ship. Though I would like for you to stay, friends, I know your time here can only be limited. And, I will admit, your presence gives cause to our enemies."

"I understand," Shepard said, "But it's been bloody good fun while we've been here."

"Only you would find battle against a thresher maw fun, Shepard," Tali joked.

"I've got so much adrenaline pumping right now, I can't wait to get back to the ship."

Everyone knew why. Grunt was the last to board the shuttle, saluting his new clan leader, who wished him good luck and fortune in the weeks and months ahead. Shutting the door, he sat back and closed his eyes, now feeling at peace. He was now a krogan.


I glanced around the shuttle as we made our way back to the Normandy. Grunt finally appeared to be relaxing at least, though I was almost tempted to do what Zaeed wanted and head to Omega. Maybe later. See what happens first. Otherwise, the mood was vibrant, everyone chatting away, talking about the battle, or what they saw on Tuchanka, or what was going to happen next.

Back on the ship, I waited until everyone was else of the shuttle, telling Grunt to make sure he celebrated that evening. When he asked if we had ryncol, I told him I wasn't sure but I'd definitely get some in for him next time we stopped. As everyone else disappeared towards the elevator, Miranda made it obvious she was waiting for me. Once we were alone, she turned and walked towards me. I stopped her before she got too close. "Not now."


"I need to talk to Kelly first. And you know why, Miranda."


"We'll see what happens."

That pleased her, and she gestured I should follow, stepping onto the elevator together. "I'm not expecting romance, Shepard. I like you, and I think you like me. And that's all we need, don't we?"


"Okay… I'll understand if it's not, but I'll be disappointed."

"Let's just see what happens."

She got out at the mess level as I travelled one further. Stepping out, I walked towards Kelly, gently turned her around by the shoulder. She smiled as I leaned forward to kiss her for a moment, before picking her up and carrying her over my shoulder. Travelling up a level, I carried her into my cabin, gently placing her on the floor before my bed before I kissed her hard, practically ripping her shirt off in the process. Her hands were immediately over my arms and back, breaking the kiss to whisper, "My god, Shepard."

I practically growled, as I gently picked her up and threw her onto the bed, grabbing her trousers and ripping those off as well, earning a shriek of laughter as I helped take off her shoes and socks. She took off her bra as I grabbed her panties with my teeth and dragged those off as well. I then looked down at her, breathing heavily as I undressed myself so I was naked too, before I joined her on the bed.

"My god, I love this side of you, Shepard," she breathed, our lips crashing together as I slid my cock into her without delay. And then I simply fucked her. She spread her legs and held them back with her hands under her knees as I utterly pounded her. I was dripping sweat within minutes as I looked down into her eyes. She was as turned on as I was.

"Fuck I love you," I growled. At that moment, I was thinking all manner of thoughts. Like flipping her over and taking her other hole. Or cumming in her so much she was bound to get pregnant, though I knew she took birth control.

I lasted far longer than normal, completely and utterly turned on by her. It's why I'd told Miranda no, because I didn't want her from the moment the thresher maw died. I wanted straight back to the ship to do what I was doing now with Kelly.

"Fuck me hard," she cried quietly, "Harder, Shepard."

Gods, I loved this woman, now giving her what I thought was everything possible. I grabbed her knees and pushed them back even further. She cried out, stating I was even deeper than ever. I wondered if I was hurting her, slowing down, but she smiled, saying it was okay. So I carried on as before. I wasn't going to last forever though. "Fuck," I growled.

"Keep going," she cried.

"I'm close."

I kept pumping until the body could hold back no more. She was far too beautiful. Her pussy far too tight, wet and welcoming. I adored her. I leaned down, letting go of her legs to kiss her, feeling her keep her legs wide as I slammed into her a few more times before grunting into her mouth as I finally came. I kept going until my body said no more, gently burying myself as I slowly relaxed, feeling her wrap her legs around her, hands gently caressing my back as I rested my head next to hers on the bed, breathing deeply, suddenly feeling rather tired. I felt her squeeze me in a hug, which did wake me up a little, before I finally lifted my head, receiving one hell of a kiss.

"I didn't hurt you?" I asked.

The smile was so sweet, it made my heart flutter. "A little bit, but trust me, I was as turned on as you, Shepard. I wanted it nice and hard." She put a hand to my throat. "Your heartbeat is rapid, Shepard."

"Battle on Tuchanka. Adrenaline was pumping. I just needed to get back here and do that."

"I was your first thought?"


"Well, now I just feel all kinds of special."

I had to relax on my back, Kelly immediately rolling onto her side so I could cuddle her as she snuggled into me. "Sorry about your clothes. I was a little excited."

"That was the turn on, Shepard. Your absolute desire in your eyes at that moment. Sheer focus. Everything about you screamed 'I want Kelly. I want to fuck her. I want to make her mine. I want to own her.' I liked that a lot." She paused before adding, "Oh, and I fucking love you too."

I couldn't help the chuckle. "I meant it though."

"Oh, I know you did. Again, it was all in your eyes."

I was absolutely spent, and definitely needed a shower, so that's where we headed. Checking the time, we headed downstairs for a late dinner. No-one else was around, so we took our trays upstairs to the cabin, where we could sit and eat in privacy and enjoy one or two drinks together. Once we finished eating, we simply headed back to bed, where this time Kelly took control, happily riding me to a series of orgasms before we settled down together, Kelly now finding spooning against me enjoyable, particularly the fact when I cuddled her tight to my body.

"What next?" she whispered after a yawn.

"I don't know. I guess we'll find out soon enough though."

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