

There was a loud bang in the hallway.

I stopped reading for a bit to check what's going on. I looked outside the library but no one was there and I'm pretty sure everyone's asleep, I mean except for me obviously.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out.

There was no answer so I went back to reading for a bit but I heard footsteps getting closer, and closer so went out to check again. Still nobody was there, I don't know if my ears are playing some sort of game with me but I was so sure I heard those sounds-

"Ms. Santos, it's already 12 am, what are you still doing here?" Great, not only were my ears broken, I was also caught red handed staying up after curfew, not to say Mrs. Smith was the one that caught me, life just keeps getting better and better.

"Oh, uh Mrs. Smith, oh uhh, I-I was just going to the bathroom…"

"Oh really?" she responded very angrily, it felt like she was about to rip my head off and I was about to die.

"Last time I remember, there weren't any bathrooms near the library."

"Well, you see I got a little lost…"

"Christina, you've been in this school for years-"

"It's dark"

"Oh, who am I kidding? just go to your room, immediately please."

"Yes ma'am"

I was surprised Mrs. Smith let me off the hooks that night, she never let anybody off the hooks, not to mention staying up past curfew. But anyways, as soon as Mrs. Smith decided not to decapitate me, I headed back to my dorm until-


Another loud bang, I looked behind to see if Mrs. Smith heard it too but when I looked back she was on the floor, passed out. I ran towards her to see if she was okay. She was fine…I think, but something else caught my eye.

There were…footprints going towards the girls' dorm rooms, I followed them and it led me to the room right next to mine. The footsteps stopped perfectly right across the door, they didn't look like they went in the room though, it was still locked and the footprints seemed to not appear anywhere else, I tried to open the door once again but before I could even touch the handle-

"You're not supposed to be here," a familiar voice from behind me said.


hope you enjoyed this!

bent_tandalongcreators' thoughts
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