
Masked Puppets - Raise of the monster lord.

So there are many stories, many calls them fictions while other tell a real story, they are wrong and correct at the same time. There are many worlds and each one that have it's own story, some tell the tale of betrayal, some of forbidden love, some tell a story of a hero making his dream come true (or making a harem for some reason), some tell the story of the Villani but what about the monster? Not the monster that was in the previous life a person or got turned into one but the one was was born a monster? So are you interested? If so let me tell you it story that happens in the world different that your own.

Andrzejsaw · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 10 – Loser fate.

\Guardian of the floor 1 had died.\

\Invaders had entered the floor 0.\

"Hey, wasn't this supposed to be harder? All the monsters including the boss were either rank H or H+, it's true that there are many undead beast type monsters here but that's all."

"How the heck would any of us know? Dungeon masters that rule the dungeon are ones responsible of ruling dungeon, you can ask them why they are weak if they are so kind to answer you that."

"Well, we got our orders to official close the dungeon, but is it really necessary? I mean if dungeon is that weak won't we be able to take control of it?"

"YES,YES,YES! I'm harmless puppy don't close the dungeon!" – said exited dungeon master.

"I get what you are saying but you forget something. There are already been seven parties that felt victims to this dungeon, if we don't deal with this dungeon the low-ranking adventures will be still shaking their boots."

"Oh right, they are still scared since. Yea it maybe better to close it, undead dungeon don't have many useful stuff and the newbies will regain morals and get back to work."

"NO, NO, NO! Get out!" – dungeon master was screaming.

"Oh? Look like we have company, maybe they will be at least entertaining?"

"Kill at least one of them for fuck sake!" – was panicking dungeon master.

They didn't managed to kill single one or scratch invaders. It was plain one sided massacred and then they arrived at dungeon master room.

(Okay, calm down. There is multiple opponents and all of them are quiet powerful, I have high defense and offence so I'm able to do some reckless stuff in necessary. I have ability to recover if I eat flesh, so it's better to drag out the fight as long as I can to tire them out. Should I use same tactic that puppet used against my boss, attacking as soon as door opened?) – dungeon master was preparing the fight for his upcoming battle.

The door are opening, as soon as boss noticed that he leaped at it with his claws.

(Got yo-eh?) – his attack got stopped because he had multiple blades stuck in his upper jaw.

Rule 9# when exploring dungeon: there is possibility of dungeon master instantly attacking when you open the door, so prepare for his attack in case.

Dungeon master tried to strike the people who had stabbed him but they dodged his attack, as soon as they did, he stepped back to center of the room and pulled out blades. The wounds he received started to heal them self over time thanks to his powers.

The dungeon master of undead beast dungeon had been finally been revealed. It looked like he was combination of multiple bear and Flesh Giants, he was standing 5 meters tall. He originally had different appearance similar that to the Flesh Giant but he changed it when he infused the body parts of the dungeon master of the beast dungeon onto his body ( dungeon master of the beast dungeon was giant bear).

"Okay I got careless, damn"


"You can talk?!"

"Yea, so any option that we can go for compromise?"

"…" – adventures gave each other a quiet stare and looked at each other's eyes.

"No? Welp, don't blame me then"

"Bastard wounds already healed, that means he have regeneration and other type of self-healing abilities. Attack him nonstop."

(Wait, wait, wait, wait, my regeneration abilities have limit you know and these bastard came prepared with fire and light magic, they killed my bosses with ease. Calm down, they are still humans and as long as I manage to kill a single one or eat them, I can recover serious injuries, so all I need to dodge is light and fire attributes attacks.)

Adventures throwed a round like objects right at the dungeon master. The object exploded damaging him.

"Son of –" – dungeon master used his giant limbs to get rid of the dust that was filling area around thanks to explosion. As soon as he did that a sack like object flew right at this face and exploded, this time it didn't cause damage but instead released a thick smoke that blocked his view.

(God dammed! I can't see and this smoke is blocking my sense of smell completely.)

Multiple arrows and rock like objects started fly at him from different direction. Smoke was to hide the attackers location and as soon as they fired, they changed their location making it harder to defend since dungeon master don't know from where new attacks can come running.

(Wait, how do they see me? I have better detection senses that them and I'm still effected. They have power that allows them to detect my location?!)

Dungeon master couldn't move a inch from his spot because of barrage of the attack that were coming from all the directions and all he could do is to defend himself. As soon as he realized that enemy had detection-based power, he made a desperate run-in random direction hoping to devour one of the adventures to recover from his injuries.

"Baited." – said Grun with the big smile on his face.

Grun with his axe and other adventures using a hammer were waiting for him, both of them used a [Heavy Strike] right after he left the smoke.

[Heavy Strike – Power: Ability]

This skill uses SP. You can infuse specific number of the SP into your next basic attack, increase the attack power and impact. The maximal amount of SP you can inject increases with levels of this Power.

But unfortunately for them, their opponent realized that they were planning something and grabbed both mans weapons stopping them. As he did that, he tried to bite the Grun head off in attempt to recover. As soon as he tried to bite off his head a ground beneath him changed a shape and launched at him striking him right in the chest area. Monster lost the grip over the held weapons because the attack, as soon as adventures noticed they took back their weapons and launched at him again with [Heavy Strike]. This time attack connected, pushing the creature back.

The smoke started to disperse making the area clear once again.

"You bastards….You had your god damn fun…NOW IT'S MY TURN!"

The body of the dungeon master begin to change rapidly, he grew in size and human like guts started to sprod out from his body in multiple places.

[Reinforcements: Dungeon – Unique: Blessing – dungeon]

The exclusive ability that only dungeon boss and dungeon master can possess. The skill allows the owners to have a private space dimension where it can hold a dungeon monsters inside of it. Monster can be release any time but can't be called back until all invaders die. This blessing can only be used inside your own dungeon, it can't be used inside different dungeon or outside. Monsters used for this skill require miasma to be created. Limit of the monsters that can be held and summoned at same time depends on dungeon core level.

Around 15 Undead Wolf appeared across the entire room ( the reason why he summoned them now is because they would instantly die from the barrage of the attack that were fired at him).

"Ladies and gentlemens phase 2. Deal with the small flies first!"

"Hey! You forgot something." – dungeon boss instantly leaped at the adventurer giving the command.

Adventures carrying a great shield rushed between them blocking the claw of the monster, however he got pushed quiet far together with other adventure he was protecting and the shield he was using got seriously damaged.

(Damn, that guy, even though I blocked his attack I still suffered massive damage).

Monster realized that the invader suffered a lot of damage from blocking his attack and decided to finish him off, however multiple arrow like object made out of a light or fire flew right at him forcing him to defend himself.

[Fire Arrow – Affinity: Fire – Power: Spell]

Create arrow made out a fire and then shot it at the chosen direction. Arrow possess similar nature to the normal arrow and have piercing power.

[Light Arrow – Affinity: Light – Power: Spell]

Create arrow made out a light and then shot it at the chosen direction. Arrow possess similar nature to the normal arrow and have piercing power.

Dungeon master blocked the incoming attack and then procced to attack the spot where the shield user is, his attack missed because the adventure that was behind him moved him away while he was distracted by the attacks.

"Don't panic! This guy only have tons of strength and not much mobility, he is using his strength to launch him self so focus on predict his movement!" – shouted Krynx.

(Damn, another smartass and they took out the half of the wolfs, it won't be long before all these basters come at me.)

Creature started to rush at the people that were firing at him, a pair of adventures that uses spears tried to attack him from behind but the guts like organs that sprouted from his body tried to restrain the attacker. One of the adventures managed to retreat in time but other adventurer had too much momentum and ended up being cateched, the beast soon after grabbed the adventure with arm and bit off his head killing him instantly. Monster tried to eat as much as he can dead adventure body in attempt to recover but the adventure with hammer hit him straight in the guts with [Hammer Strike]

[Hammer Strike – Power: Skill]

Infuse mana inside your hammer to increase its power. This strike ignore to some extend enemy defense stat.

The corpse of the deceased adventure fall on the ground because monster had let go of it, he attempted to grab the corpse again but it got blown to bit before he could grab it.

"The fuck are you doing?! That was our party member body!" – shouted furious adventure who was in the same party as the killed adventurer.

"Are you blind?! Look at his body! This bastard have some sort of ability that allow him to recover if he eat something!" – said male mage that blew up the corpse.

"Destroy wolf corpses as well! We don't know if he can use them as well!"

(Damned, damned, damned, damned! These bastard won't even allow me to recover and all the wolf are already dead, these useless bastards didn't managed to kill the single one! This is not looking good.)

Even though he managed to recover some of his HP thanks to the regeneration abilities and devouring half of the dead adventure body, he was still serios trouble. Enemies were wary of him because they didn't know much about his fighting style but they are slowly getting to know it and all the monsters that he called for help are dead meaning he is again alone against 20 rank E adventures who were all in their top conditions, he only managed to kill one because others were busy with the monsters and they didn't know that he could attack that way but now they know so the same attack patter won't work on them.

"Keep your distance and shoot that bastard to death!"

A barrage of the long-distance attacks started to fly right at the monster once again, each time he tried to break out and rush at enemy a tanks and attacker slowed him or pushed him back, forcing him to again to receive barrage of the attacks. The creature regeneration abilities couldn't keep up with damage he was receiving, more and more flesh started to rip out from his body and after that the first core that was inside of his body got shattered. As soon as first core got destroyed his powers got noticeable weaker, adventures noticed the change in the body and started to continue their barrage. Second core got destroyed, third core got destroyed, forth core got destroyed, fifth core got destroyed, with each core gone the power of the dungeon master started to decrees, the fighting was coming to the end. Soon after the barrage of the attack stopped, after few seconds the dust settle down revealing the dungeon master body heavily damaged, it was missing more that half of its body.

(Why…It…hurts…can…not…move.) – the creature last core got heavily damaged and didn't had enough strength to regenerate, the creature was slowly dying.

One of the adventures holding a spear with a eyepatch approached the creature, he was the same one that dodge creature tentacle and was the member of the same.

"This is for John you son of a bitch."

He raised his spear above his head and prepared to destroy the last core.

(Am I going to die? No…No, no…NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. Please don't kill me! I be-)

The core got destroyed by vengeful adventure ending the life of the dungeon master that ruled undead beast dungeon.