
Pain as a Gift #14

Having finished recounting his encounter with Rhino and Spider-Man, Evan leaned back in his chair at the quaint cafe, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. Ororo couldn't help but chuckle at his tale, finding humor in the way he had handled the situation with the web-slinger.

"So you think Spider-Man, the protector of New York, fights like an amateur?" Ororo quipped, her amusement evident in her voice.

Evan simply shrugged nonchalantly in response. "The boy is strong, but without his powers, I doubt he could beat a toddler," he remarked casually, confident in his assessment of the young superhero's combat skills.

Her curiosity piqued, Ororo raised an elegant eyebrow and inquired further, "Boy? Do you know his true identity?"

Naturally, Evan was well aware of Spider-Man's real identity—Peter Parker. It was common knowledge among those interested in Marvel or even just casual fans of the comics. Yet, he saw no reason to reveal this information, not wanting to invite unnecessary questions or create complications.

"I don't need to know his real identity to tell that he's just a kid," Evan replied diplomatically, carefully choosing his words. "It's written all over his moves, his talks, the way he carries himself."

And again, he spoke the truth. Spider-Man's youthful exuberance and impulsive actions were evident in every swing and quip he made. Despite the heroics, there was a naivety in his approach to crime-fighting that betrayed his young age.

"To think he would be a child... that is concerning," Ororo mused, her concern apparent as she considered the implications of having such a young hero fighting dangerous villains.

Evan's smile remained, and he reassured her, "There's no need for concern. While he may not know how to throw a proper punch, he knows how to use his powers effectively."

He leaned in a bit, his voice dropping slightly as he added, "And he seems to understand the responsibility that comes with his power and the burden of being a hero."

Ororo nodded, appreciating Evan's insight into the young superhero's character. It was clear that beneath his playful banter, Evan had a keen understanding of those around him.

As they continued their lunch, the conversation flowed effortlessly between them, touching on various topics that revealed more about their personalities and experiences. The cafe buzzed with the gentle hum of chatter, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the delicious scent of their meals.


With their delightful lunch date now behind them, Ororo and Evan strolled side by side as they made their way back to the car. Evan had taken care of the bill, and though Ororo insisted on sharing the expense, he playfully brushed off her attempts.

As they meandered through the bustling parking lot, Ororo's expression seemed to betray a hint of curiosity and amusement. Evan, ever perceptive, noticed the change and decided to inquire, clearing his throat before asking, "Is something on your mind?"

Ororo chuckled lightly, her eyes twinkling with mischief, and replied, "I just can't help but wonder... if someone else was tasked with showing you around the mansion, would they be here instead of me?" Her words carried a playful tone, yet they also held an underlying test.

Evan remained calm and composed, meeting her gaze with a knowing smile. "Regardless of who showed me around this morning," he began, "you and I would still be here." His response was firm and sincere, leaving no room for doubt.

Intrigued by his answer, Ororo crossed her arms in a playful gesture, a spark of curiosity dancing in her eyes as she questioned, "Oh?"

Evan chuckled a hint of playfulness in his voice. "I'm afraid life has made me very picky, my dear," he admitted with a shrug. "I'd rather be alone than waste my time with just anyone, and I'd rather starve than eat whatever..."

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he glanced back at the restaurant and spread his arms. "Hence why we're here on the other side of New York to have a simple lunch," he concluded, his words laced with a touch of humor and a genuine appreciation for their time together.

Ororo's laughter echoed through the parking lot, her amusement evident as she playfully responded to Evan's words, "You are one silver-tongued man, Evan... I'll give you that much." Her eyes sparkled with fondness and a hint of teasing admiration for his smooth words.

Evan was about to retort with a witty remark, but his sharp ears caught a faint sound, a meow that sounded distressed. Instinctively, he turned his attention to the source of the noise, his eyes scanning the area. Within seconds, his gaze landed on a small, vulnerable kitten limping across the pavement, one of its tiny paws raised in the air, clearly injured.

Evan sprang into action without hesitation, his demeanor shifting from playful banter to focused concern. He quickly made his way toward the injured kitten, gently scooping it up by its scruff, not even flinching at the kitten's attempts to resist or scratch him. Ororo stood behind him, watching intently, her curiosity piqued by Evan's swift response.

Evan carefully inspected the kitten's wounded paw, his eyes narrowing. "It's infected," he muttered softly, almost to himself. With a smile, he addressed the tiny feline in his hands, "Don't worry, little one, I'll take care of it."

As if guided by an otherworldly power, Evan's hand hovered above the kitten's injured paw, a gentle golden light flickering between his fingertips. Ororo couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the scene unfold before her. The injury on the kitten's paw miraculously disappeared, replaced by healthy, unblemished fur.

However, Ororo's amazement turned to concern as she noticed something peculiar happening to Evan. As the kitten's wound vanished, an identical injury appeared on the back of Evan's hand, mirroring the exact spot where the kitten had been hurt. The once clear and unblemished skin of Evan's hand now bore a mark of a festering injury.

Despite the pain, he must have felt, Evan didn't show any sign of distress. He simply smiled at the now healed kitten, his voice warm and reassuring, "See? All better now." He said as he let go of the small feline and watched it walk away.

Ororo couldn't help but feel a mix of astonishment and worry for Evan. She stepped closer, worry etched across her features. "Are you okay? What happened?" she asked, her voice tinged with genuine concern.

Evan's smile remained warm and reassuring as he waved his hand dismissively, trying to ease Ororo's concern. "I'm quite alright," he reassured her, his tone calm and composed. Raising his hand to display the wound that was already clean and visibly healing, he added, "Such a scratch would only take an hour to heal."

Ororo couldn't help but feel relieved at his words, a weight lifting from her shoulders. She let out a sigh of relief, which only seemed to widen Evan's smile. He lowered his hand, still bearing the mark of the healing wound, and continued, "And to answer your second question -- it was my gift at work." There was a sense of pride and acceptance in his voice as he acknowledged his extraordinary abilities.

Her curiosity piqued, Ororo questioned his view on such a gift. "You view the power to take the pain of others as a gift?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of concern.

Evan's expression softened, and he gazed at Ororo with genuine sincerity. "But, of course," he replied without hesitation. His unapologetic acceptance of his abilities was evident in his tone as he spoke.

He continued, his words carrying a hint of melancholy, "The ability to feel the pain of others is the best gift for a man incapable of sympathizing with others." It was a candid confession that revealed a deeper truth about himself -- that he had not always been as empathetic as he appeared now.

For a moment, his gaze seemed distant, lost in memories or reflections of some past self. Then, he returned his attention to Ororo, his gaze softening as he spoke again, "Besides... it was bestowed upon me by someone who was very dear to me... I can only view it as a gift."

There was a sense of reverence in his voice as he mentioned the person behind his extraordinary abilities, someone who had played a significant role in shaping who he had become. Though he didn't elaborate further, Ororo could sense the depth of the connection he shared with this individual.

"You certainly are full of surprises, Evan... I'm not sure I can take any more for the day..." Oror said, her gaze settling on Evan's car as they resumed walking. "Let's head back to the mansion..."

"But of course..." Evan said with a grin as he dramatically bowed his head and gestured toward the car. "Your carriage awaits, my lady,"

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