
Marvel: The Suns Anomaly

Helios was a legend, a miracle and God to many. However, he was also recognized as the bringer of death as that was the only known trace he had ever left behind of his existence. Nevertheless, after conquering a city and leaving behind an irreversible mark on the world, old age caught up with him. With his lover gone and kids old, it was time for his final wish and desire to come true. After building a special spacecraft, Helios flew into the sun's surface, and the ship exploded as his heart gave its last beat. But his story doesn't end there. Helios reincarnated into Marvel inside a sun's core before being sent to an orphanage on earth 616 (original earth) as a one-year-old by the sun's rays. With his past life complete, Helios starts anew with the potential to surpass even the gods and the goal to conquer not a city but the... --------------------------------------- Author Notes --------------------------------------- This story takes place in an MCU (marvel cinematic universe) that is an AU (alternate universe). Thus, there will be changes to the original plot.

Zenfree · Phim ảnh
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36 Chs

☀️CH13: The EPITOME of power or charm?

While I was getting dressed, the world was broadcasting my godly moment on TV, on the radio, in articles, and blogs—it was everywhere.

The world was in turmoil, and the news of Iron Man revealing his name to the world. Along with the shocking conference that made the presence of beings with powers (superheroes, but mostly focused on mutants) come to light was almost compeltely ignored.

Everyone and everything was focused on the appearance of what one would call a god or at the very least, a true living deity.

With all eyes on me, I guess it's time to perform. Although my plan was meant for a little later, with the phenomenon I created, this is the best time to take action while the iron is hot—or in this case, while the world is hot.

Fully dressed with all my clones absorbed, I made three new self-sustainable clones: one for my replacement, another to manage my business and protect my parents, and the last one is a hacker but also a manager when the other clone has to protect my family.

Being 18 and a genius, I have already completed school multiple times over, earning multiple degrees in various fields and even adding to some fields.

However, I always kept that information between me and the school. Yet, some people with little power or some connections would still easily be able to know about my accomplishments.

Regardless as a god, my mind has far surpassed mortals. Thus reading, learning, and imitating anything a mortal has done has become unrealistically easy.

Mortal things are now as easy as solving one plus one. There are exceptions, but that's an explanation for another moment.

This moment is for me. It's time for me to change the world. With that final thought, I vanished and reappeared in New York City.

However, my appearance was slightly different. My suit (created by me) was gone, and instead, it was replaced by a flaming fur skirt.

I took on the same appearance every single person in the world has witnessed during my birth as a god. Standing above the city looking like a wild yet charming god immediately attracted attention.

The news reporters quickly gathered at the scene, somehow even managing to arrive before the police and Iron Man. The reporters started broadcasting immediately, and the message was played around the world.

"A godly being with fiery white hair, flaming fur skirt, and naked upper body made of wgat seems to be condensed plasma, fire, light, or maybe all of them, is standing in midair with his arms folded and... He is looking right at..." Ahhhhhh, screams out the reporter in pain.

"Don't stare or even look into his eyes, unless you want to enjoy the feeling of someone pouring small shards of glass into your eye and forcing you to blink." he explains quickly to the camera.

Ironically, after the reporter made a scream that sounded like any help afterwards would be useless, the police showed up. With Iron Man already here but quite a distance away.

Upon arrival the police immediately evacuated everyone away further back than they already are. Fire trucks also started to pull up as well, probably for unexpected scenarios.

After I saw everyone settled down, I walked down closer to the ground. As I walked, my body morphed. The flames moved around and light danced as my suit appeared on my form and my skirt vanished. My godly appearance was also clear for all to see. My body came alive, with real arms and limbs materializing into the suit as I came alive.

With my face revealed to the world—a face no one has seen before because the other me was my main avatar (the incarnation of me as a mortal). As much as I love my parents, I could not allow them to carry the burden of knowing my true form.

From birth till before my ascension, my appearance has always unknowingly been an avatar of my real form. Also, my avatar body can be completely altered or changed. However, I have a main appearance that I am usually in which feels the most natural and is what everyone sees.

A handsome man with curly long black hair, reaching his mid-back, brown blemishless skin, deep dark eyes that suck you in, with a face that leans towards Caribbean, Asian, and Latino. Thus, I appeared to have thicker lips, a cute but pronounced nose, thicker defined eyebrows, a chiseled jawline, and overall my combined facial features were symmetrical, defined and stunning.

While my true face or current appearance looked like the epitome of charm. Everything was placed together like the perfect piece of art. With each passing second it only becomes more enchanting. It was a universal charm, an aesthetic attraction without description. Though if someone did ask me to describe my face, I would say it's one loved by all and hated by none.






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Until the next sun🌅