
Marvel Stephen Wolf

What will happen when a guy gets reborn in Marvel with a system that grants him the powers of Steppenwolf, who has defeated Darkseid. But how did he got married to the White Queen?

Infinity_Weaver · Phim ảnh
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5 Chs


Guys I have edited the previous chapters. So check them out.


Liam calmly extended his hand to press firmly on the leader's shoulder.

"You know, I woke up feeling pretty good today. But then you have to go ahead and kill off the main character I had lined up, crashing my publicity event. So, as a reward none of you are gonna leaving here alive."

The gangsters froze, disbelief etched on their faces.

Did they mishear? Or was he seriously challenging them with that many guns pointed at him?

In any other scenario, shouldn't he be the one begging them for mercy?

But here he was, acting like he's some veteran assassin trained trough countless battles seeking blood of his enemies.

"Have you gone mad," the leader sneered, his cronies rising to their feet in unison.

Yet, they didn't opt to kill Liam. Their objective was to coerce Liam into becoming their cash cow for movie-making. Killing him wasn't in the cards... unless he forced their hand.

"Looks like you've just tossed away your one shot at survival, actually you didn't had any chance to begin with," the smirk on Liam's face widened.

Time to strech his muscles.

But just as he was about to unleash it, the elevator doors swooshed open, revealing a figure clad in a tights, shield in hand, charging forth.

"Captain America?,"

Liam was pleasantly suprised at the unexpected sight. "So S.H.I.E.L.D is monitoring me," he concluded.

The hulking men before him visibly flinched, fear flickering across their faces. The leader wasted no time, raising his firearm and barking, "Open fire! Turn these two into Swiss cheese!"

Clearly, the arrival of Captain America was not part of their plans.

In this timeline, Cap had just awoken from his icy slumber, yet to assemble the Avengers.

Facing Liam, a seemingly inconsequential figure, these hydra guys had their own twisted methods of inflicting torment.

Yet, when confronted with Captain America, the embodiment of frozen resolve, they knew they had to be prepared for a fight.

Liam, on the other hand, was dismissed as insignificant. Just another second-rate director, easily replaceable in their eyes.

They could find a dozen more like him in a day, they thought. What did he matter compared to eliminating Captain America?

Little did they know, Liam was the most dangerous person in the room that day.

He was done playing nice.

These Hydra lackeys with their tattoos may have ruined his plans for the day, not only by dispatching the protagonist he had hired but by daring to threaten him with a fate worse than death – being forced into a lifetime of servitude in some twisted Hydra propaganda film.


"Stand back, leave this to me," Captain America warned, shooting Liam a cautionary glance.

But Liam paid him no mind.

In the split second before bullets erupted from their chambers, Liam and Captain America moved as one, their movements synchronized in a deadly dance.

And in that moment—

Liam's speed eclipsed even that of Captain America!

He moved through the onslaught of bullets like a specter, closing in on a burly Hydra thug with lethal grace.

The Hydra agent's skull crumbled under Liam's strike.

"Damn it!"

Curses filled the air as the remaining Hydra members realized too late who the real threat was.

But by then, it was too late.

Liam had all the powers of Steppen Wolf's formidable physique. Even the Hulk in his prime would have struggled against him.

What chance did mere mortals armed with guns stand against him at such close quarters?


The room echoed with the sound of gunfire and breaking bones, soon drowned out by the silence of death.

Save for the cold, calculating leader, no one else drew breath.

Liam stood atop the conference table, wiping blood from his knuckles as he cast an indifferent gaze upon the leader.

And then-

Ice crystals spread across the leader's skin, and the temperature plummeted in the room.

"Mutant?" Captain America's exclamationed.

His words were met with a sneer from the leader, who declared with chilling certainty, "Unfortunately, you all have to die here."

As the icy grip of danger tightened, Liam remained remarkably composed.

"I didn't expect to meet mutants here," he murmured to himself. "Time to get serious."

Liam's his eyes blazing with excitement, he raised his hand slowly, the air around him crackling with anticipation. With a fierce expression, he unleashed a surge of power from within, the energy pulsating through his veins like a raging storm.

In an instant, the atmosphere shifted, and a dark purple lightning bolt materialized from the depths of his being. It crackled with untamed energy, twisting and writhing as if alive. With a resounding boom, the bolt transformed into a colossal axe, its blade shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

He swung the axe downward, the sheer force of the blow causing the ground to tremble beneath his feet. The axe cleaved through the leader with terrifying precision, rending him in two with a sickening crunch. As the dust settled, a hushed silence fell over the room, broken only by the crackling of residual energy echoing in the air.

With the days work done Liam decided to head back home and chill.

"Stop right there."

A stern voice shattered the quiet, causing Liam to turn slowly. It was Captain America, now wielding a gun, his gaze fixed on Liam with a mixture of caution and recognition.

"Do you intend to point that at me, Steve?" Liam's words halted Captain America in his tracks. "You know me?" The super-soldier's surprise was palpable.

"We are not enemies Steve," Liam continued, his tone measured.

"Use S.H.I.E.L.D. to clean up this mess. These men as Hydra operatives, take the credit, but don't mention my involvement. Cross that line, and I'll find you, and..."

Liam's threat hung in the air, unspoken but unmistakable.

With a swift motion, Liam vanished into the shadows, leaving Captain America to grapple with the unsettling encounter. The weight of uncertainty settled on his shoulders, his mind reeling with questions.

Surveying the scene, Captain America felt a brewing headache. The shattered skulls of the fallen Hydra agents bore testament to the ruthlessness of his newfound acquaintance.

Liam's aura of unpredictability left Captain America a bit uneasy.

"He is dangerous," he mused aloud, a note of admiration laced with unease.

As he reflected on his mission to protect Liam, Captain America couldn't help but think at how the roles had reversed.