
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

Ashinydecapod · Phim ảnh
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97 Chs

Machine Man 18

In a surprising turn of events, fans of Arasaka were surprised and thrilled to learn that the company was stepping into the world of video games. The news spread like wildfire among Arasaka enthusiasts worldwide.

Curious to know more, Arasaka's fans grabbed their AT Phones and turned to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Facebook and Instagram became the hotspots for updates and insights into Arasaka's new venture.

As they scrolled through their social media feeds, they were mesmerize to the trailer for the upcoming game, "Batman Arkham Origins." The logos of DC Comics, WB, and Arasaka Digital Entertainment symbol-built anticipation for what promised to be a thrilling gaming experience.

The unexpected announcement and the immersive trailer left fans buzzing with anticipation, sparking lively discussions and speculations about what this new chapter in Arasaka's bold entry into the gaming industry.

The video begins with the iconic logos of DC Comics, WB, and Arasaka Digital Entertainment, each appearing as if frosted with blowing snow.

The scene transitions to a cityscape overview of Gotham, zooming in on a speeding car at the docks. Three figures emerge, one carrying a gun and the other holding a small crate. They enter an abandoned warehouse.

Inside, the leader removes his mask and turns on the lights, briefly revealing his black mask on a table. Suddenly, the light bulbs sparks and explodes. The leader said "Frank go check the breaker". As Frank approaches with a flashlight, an unknown assailant slams his head into the breaker knocking him out.

The gang investigates the noise and his leg was pulled down and he slammed into the floor knocking him out. The unknown assailant then quickly drags him underground. The leader, now alone, fires his gun to the hole. As the camera pans out to the Gang leaders back, revealing Batman behind him. Batman quickly incapacitates the leader.

Examining the crate, Batman discovers it's a bomb with only 4 seconds left. He jumps off bursting through the wooden doors just as a massive explosion sends him sprawling onto the hardened snowy ground.

Batman, standing on the ground, turned his attention towards a shadowy figure perched on top of the shipping crates. As the spotlights revealed the silhouette, it became clear – it was Deathstroke. A cold, calculated voice echoed, "Looks like you got my invitation."

Then numerous spotlights turned on. They illuminated Deathstroke's imposing figure, and he taunted Batman, "Just you and me. Come on!"

Batman, with his trademark silence, responded by swiftly hurling batarangs. However, Deathstroke, displaying his exceptional agility, effortlessly dodged the projectile. The batarangs hitting nothing but metal crates, creating sparks as it embedded itself.

Batman, armed with his bladed gauntlets, lunged at Deathstroke, who skillfully evaded with a swift backflip. As the metallic clang echoed through the warehouse, Deathstroke retaliated with a series of rapid strikes from his metallic staff.

Batman, relying on his agility and combat training, dodged and countered, creating a captivating display of acrobatics. Their moves became a dazzling show of strikes, blocks, and calculated maneuvers, each anticipating the other's next step.

Batman executed a perfectly timed spin kick, sending Deathstroke off the crate. However, Deathstroke, displaying remarkable agility, uses his Bo-staff to propel himself back, hitting Batman back. The fight showed no signs of slowing down as Batman, undeterred, swiftly descended onto the crates, ready to continue the relentless duel.

As the confrontation intensified, Deathstroke, now armed with a sword, launched an aggressive assault. Batman, utilizing his bladed gauntlets, adeptly parried and countered, breaking Deathstroke's swords to pieces.

As Deathstroke unsheathed his other blade from his back, it was swiftly sniped to pieces. The camera panned to a sniper with high-tech eyewear glowing red, revealing the sharpshooter to be Deadshot.

As the fight raged on between Batman and Deathstroke, Deadshot skillfully targeted the chain holding a massive crate above Batman. The next scene unfolded with Deathstroke and Black Mask discussing their failure to locate Batman's body.

As the trailer neared its end, Black Mask remarked, "You are not the only assassin, and the night is young." The subsequent scene depicted Batman holding a sniper bullet, flicking it away while standing atop a stone gargoyle's head.

The screen transitioned to black then revealing the Batman's Iconic logo with "Batman" written within it and a text underneath that says "Arkham Origins."

The gaming community exploded with reactions to Arasaka's surprise venture into the gaming industry. From forums to comment sections, fans and gamers from around the globe shared their diverse opinions.

GamerSam92: Arasaka, the electronics giants, just dropped a Batman game trailer. Anyone else as surprised as I am?

TechGuru69: Wait, Arasaka? Aren't they the ones killing it in graphics cards latest gadgets and phones? This should be interesting.

GameOnAsia: Graphics card masters entering the gaming scene? I'm all in!

ConsoleKing: Arasaka should stick to making GPUs. Gaming is a whole different ball game.

VisualVirtuoso: Did you see the effects and lighting in the trailer? Arasaka's hardware prowess is shining through!

RetroGamerElite: A Megacorp going into gaming? Let's see if they can handle it.

PixelPioneer: Arasaka's GPUs are top-tier. If their game quality matches, we're in for a treat.

SkepticalStrategist: I'm skeptical about this. Making GPUs and making great games are not the same.

GamingExplorer: Those graphics in the trailer were insane, but can Arasaka really capture the gaming vibe?

TechTrailblazer: Arasaka has the tech. If they can harness it for gaming, they might just redefine the industry.

The discussions online showed that gamers are both excited and cautiously optimistic about Arasaka entering the gaming industry. Arasaka's expertise in graphics card technology adds an interesting aspect to their new venture into gaming, leaving gamers worldwide curious about the potential impact of Batman: Arkham Origins.

Surprisingly, the news about Specter's actions against the Triads didn't cause as much commotion as Peter and Gwen had anticipated. Thanks to Skynet's autonomous intervention, the situation was efficiently managed, preventing it from becoming a major online trend. And the announcement from Arasaka about the Batman game video trailer quickly diverted the public's attention.

The only outlets still heavily covering the Hell's Kitchen incident were the Daily Bugle and a few traditional newspapers. Unfortunately for them, their online platforms struggled to attract a wider audience, as their followers mainly consist of older readers who struggled about the new technology.

Unknown to Alex, due to Skynet's over protectiveness of her creator a mishap has happened. In Fury's office, Coulson, Simmons, and Fitz gathered around a holographic display, discovering something unusual online. They found evidence of a potential cover-up related to Specter and the Triad incident.

Coulson, always composed, addressed the team, "We've got something unusual here. It seems someone is actively suppressing information about Specter and the Triad confrontation."

Fitz, the tech expert, added, "I've traced the digital trails, and there's a chance Specter might be behind this."

Fury, said "Do you think it's one of the founder of Facebook?"

Simmons, known for her keen instincts, furrowed her brows, "It's curious. Considering Gwen Stacy's background—her father being the police commissioner, her intelligence, and combat skills—it's possible she's connected to Specter or even is Specter herself."

Fury, intrigued, leaned forward, "What makes you think Gwen is involved?"

Simmons explained, "Gwen Stacy, a founder of Facebook, had martial arts training from a young age, growing up with a strong sense of justice due to her father's influence being a cop. Her skills and access to sensitive information through her father. It's too much of a coincidence, don't you think?"

Maria Hill chimed in, "If Gwen is Specter or atleast has a connection to it, it can clear up a lot of mystery. We need to gather more intel, to be sure."

Fury, intrigued, "Alright, proceed with caution. Keep it discreet send Leve1 to 2 agents. Remember we don't want to raise any suspicions. Have them infiltrate Facebook as employees, we want to gather any useful information without alerting anyone. And remember, we're dealing with someone highly skilled and elusive, so be on your guard."

As the team continued their investigation, Simmons couldn't shake off the suspicion that Gwen Stacy might hold the key to the Specter mystery.