
Marvel: Group Chat

Note before reading Synopsis: at first, Mc is ruthless and cold, tortures enemies, and didn't bother to help others. But after certain events, he changed and becomes an antihero who is trying to save Mutants. Mc is still a Cold and ruthless hero. Doesn't hesitate to take the difficult decision to save people. He still needs Character development. No harem, but 2 girls love him. ---- *~Ding* [ Group Chat activated..., Administrator confirmed. Promoting the individual known as Rudra to Group Admin.] [Sending an invite to random Multiverse People. ] [The Good Slime has joined the Group chat] [The Weakest Hunter has joined the Group chat] [The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer has joined the Group chat] What the... [Messages have arrived!] [Welome, to the Group Chat] Who would've thought...A Magical Group Chat that allows you to communicate between worlds. [A Quest has arrived!]

LoneWolfAuthor · Tranh châm biếm
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45 Chs

38. Annoying Scott.

They must have come here for Sentry.

Good thing I sent all my clones before they came. Wait! That Mind fucker already read Sarah's mind, so he knows about my Abilities and Tom and Jerry.

Xavier has a serious face and he is staring at Tom and Jerry. He is not able to read them. He started to sweat. And he is not able to read Artoria's mind because of her strong will. And mainly Xavier is not able to Read Rudra's Mind. He didn't feel Rudra's brain. It's like Rudra is Not present in front of them. Like Rudra had a Closed mind even Xavier can not able detect him. This is a weird day for him. But right now he needs to take them under him. They are powerful. Later he will try to seal their powers.

Rudra was shocked to see X men's team. Because Logan and Xavier look the same as in Movies and others are different or Maybe they are from Comics. Xavier looks like Patrick Stewart and Rudra was surprised to see that Logan's face matched with Hugh Jackman's. Rudra thought the universe chose the correct face to represent Logan. But This Logan looked very young,

Ketty saw Sheep and Pigs all over the place.

"Why there are so many Pigs and sheep roaming in this place? " Ketty asked

Xavier had a dead face. He knew why pigs and sheep are in this place.

"Hmm, who knows, Let's take a few sheep while we go back, we can have a good dinner tonight," Logan said

Hearing this Xavier almost fell from his wheelchair.

"Logan, we can't take them, they are experimented" Xavier lied to them.

'If only they knew these pigs and sheep are humans. Good thing Jean didn't read their brains' Xavier thought looking at Rudra's team.

"How do you... Old man, how many times should I say not to use your powers on others" Logan said with a serious face.

Xavier tried to ignore him. But suddenly Anna said.

"Guys, " and she pointed her finger at the dead bodies of a few Hydra soldiers.

"It seems they killed few people," Ororo said.

Now all of them had serious faces. Meanwhile,

'Who the fuck he is? That White hair bastard looks so handsome than me. Traitor! how dare he? I don't like him. I must not let him come near Jean.' Scott thought and cursed Rudra. But he saw Artoria and thought.

'Wow, Who Is she? She looks very beau...' Before he can think anything he felt Artoria King Aura. He felt like he will die any moment if he do any wrong decision. So he stopped to think about Artoria. Now he thinks Artoria is Rudra's girlfriend and Now Rudra is Evil in Scott's Eyes... cough I mean Scott's point of view.

Both Logan and Laura felt something or their instincts telling them something.

"We are not here to hurt you, Rudra," Xavier said

"It's Eren For you all., you guys are not my friends or family to call me by that name" Rudra said. Then Artoria, Sarah, Laura, and Sentry Understood. Rudra gave High Value to them by permitting them to call him by Rudra's name.

"Yes, Eren. We came here to save these mutants kids and the girl next to you has abilities very similar to our friend" he said.

Rocky felt angry, X-men didn't come to help them, they didn't come When his parents sold him to this hell place. When Rocky and his Friends got tortured they didn't come. (Sentry is a kid so he gets easily angry)

Xavier tried to Read Rocky's mind. When he tried to read him, he Felt Evil in Rocky's mind and that evil entity kicked him out of Rocky's brain. Again Xavier felt his luck is not good.

[A/N: MC had Charm of Luck and Probability, So everything goes to mc liking]

When Xavier finishes speaking, Rudra looks at Logan.

Following his gaze, I also observe Logan only to see that he unsheathes his claws and looks directly at Laura who, being observed by him, does not look away and also unsheathes her claws.

Then I saw Sarah, and She understood its time, to tell the truth.

Patting Laura's head to calm her down, Sarah look at Charles and said

"I'll explain the situation," she said and we went inside one of the rooms.

Then Sarah Kinney started to tell them everything that happened and Evil organization information. Of course, she didn't tell them about Hydra, it will only risk them later.

When She finishes her explanation, the first to react is Logan who hits the wall with force.

"Calm down Logan," says Charles causing him to calm down.

"Yes Logan, you should calm down, after all, the children are safe," says a worried Jean.

"No, I can't, when I meet this cloning fucker, I will tear him apart," Logan said

Rudra also thought this cloning bitch is dangerous to leave alive. Now Cloning Bastard is on the Rudra killing list.

"Congratulations Logan, you became a Father," Kitty said, and Logan gave a deadpan look.

"Kitty," Anna said

"Okay, no jokes," Kitty said and Saw Rudra. She liked him.

"Where are the kids? " Scott asked

"they are safe, I teleported them to Another place," Rudra said

"What? You bastard what are you planning to do with those kids" Scott shouted at Rudra.

'Buddy, Scott is a Dick, and he hates you' Regis said.

Rudra was confused but he knows how to handle Assholes.

"I think we have nothing to talk about," Rudra said and ignored Scott.

"You bastard, are you ignoring me? I know this Eren is working under Magneto, professor x read his mind." Scott wanted to make Rudra evil.

"Stop it, Scott, don't destroy our first impression," Kitty said

'He looks so hot, I want him to look at me and talk to me all day,' Kitty and Anna thought. But Anna doesn't have much chance in her life because of her power.

Scott saw the look on Jean and understand she didn't change flags.

Rudra's team stand against the X-men awkwardly quiet when Charles decided to break the atmosphere.

"My name is Charles Xavier and I run a school for gifted youth such as yourselves. We came here today after being made aware of your presence a few hours ago. I believe that each of you and your friends has extraordinary gifts and we would like to help you and your friends learn more about them." he said to Sentry and Laura.

My group all look at me causing Xavier and the X-men to do the same. 

"Sorry, but they will stay with me, " I said to them. There is no way I can face a Dark version of Sentry and Phoenix. One is already enough for me.

I casually dismiss Xavier and his offer. His group looks baffled that I turned them down. Mainly Kitty.

"Are you sure? Surely you must be aware that you're not safe out in the open?" Xavier asks again

'Your school is a dangerous place plus we have an evil organization on our back, we have many reasons to decline you,' Regis thought.

"I assure you that things aren't as simple as you imagine it to be. This world is very dangerous for young Mutants such as you-" Ororo said

"Sorry, but we know the dark side of this world," I said

"I see," Ororo said

"I won't accept this" Scott's said

"I'm not going to let you get those kids all killed," Scott says with his eyes glowing

Then he shoots his laser at me.

[Mana Heat Vision]

I also used the same attack against him. When our attacks collided A shockwave was generated.

Everyone was shocked to see this. They never thought someone can use the same attack as Scott. But Rudra's eyes were fine unlike Scott's.

"Scott stop it now," Jean said.

Rudra appeared in front of Scott.

"What is your problem bitch? did I do something to you" Rudra said

"You bastard, didn't you kill those Soldiers? You should go to jail for your crimes"

Logan almost wants to hit Scott's ass for his stupidity.

"What if I refuse," Rudra said

"Then I will attack..."

Rudra cut him off and said

"And why don't you attack me then, why are you staring at me like a loser," Rudra said.

Scott gets angry. Then Rudra read his mind and felt disgusted. This bastard thinking about Rudra taking Jean from him.

"I don't have enough time to waste time on unnecessary things like you," Rudra said

Rudra released his pressure on Scott. Scott few on his knees.

"Know your place you pathetic fool, you are not even worthy to get beaten by me, Go and drink some milk Kiddo," I said to him.

Scott didn't like this not only did Rudra able to use a laser with his eyes and he was strong than him and had a beautiful girlfriend. But He can't do anything.

"Scott, are you okay," Jean asked him and Scott cooled after hearing her. He still had someone to love.

'Wow, he looks so badass,' Kitty thought and blushed at him and become a Fangirl to Rudra.

"So, what will you do with the children?" Professor asked

"Professor, I won't do anything with them, I will give freedom to them and a place to live happily without worry about Danger"

"Haha hahaha, Don't make me laugh, such a place doesn't exist in this world" Scott laughs at my dream. Then Jean looked at him and he became quiet.

'Buddy, I will kill this bitch, if he crosses the line again,' Regis said to me.

"Then I think it is okay, to leave kids to that kid," Logan said and surprised everyone.

"Teacher" Scott shocked at him

"Bub, He had enough power to back up his words and had friends. And I don't sense evil in his eyes, I can only see the determination in his eyes" Logan said.

From his words, I can confirm that Xavier didn't mindfuck his people but I will read his mind, it's better to be safe than sorry.

"Why do you do so much for them?" Professor Xavier, still surprised at logan, asked me.

"For a promise"

"A promise?" asks a surprised Rouge.

"Yes, a promise made by myself, to create a better community and place for innocent people. So I can atone for my mistakes" They saw sadness in my eyes.

Listening to my words, Professor Xavier with a smile on his face tells me:

"You're a good person" making everyone in the place agree.

"No, I'm not, I'm just trying to become a better person than before" I denied this statement.

'Buddy, you are a tsundere, Rudra' Regis said and I ignored him.

"But you should know not everyone is INNOCENT," Xavier said

"Old Geezer, I have a different meaning for the 'INNOCENT' word, to me innocent means not those who do nothing and watches others fail, fall and die. To me innocent are those whose life is going to get destroyed because of fate or luck even If they didn't do anything." They were surprised to hear this.

For example, Spiderman is Innocent because his life was destroyed because of fucking writers. And I live save people like him and mutants. I will change Spiderman in the future.

I activated my Sharingan and read Xavier Memories. Now I can find answers to my questions.

After reading his memories I can say, Xavier is bad, some good, and reliable, he's not perfect but I'm sure he isn't the worst.

He's the type of person, who will do anything for the greater good. I mean what Xavier CONSIDERS to be the greater good, and denying everyone else.

But isn't he an fucking Idiot?

Do others have to suffer? No problem it's for the greater good. Do children have to be tortured and/ or killed? Do it for the greater good.

He knows about Hydra but didn't do anything, because he is afraid that Hydra will do something to the public image of mutants. So he let Hydra do what they wanted.

But again I don't have the right to play the victim here. But his mistakes are more than mine. I want to torture him in my illusion world. But he had Jean under him. She saw him as her father figure if something happens to him she will go crazy.

Artoria read my face and understood my anger.

"Rudra, let's take things slowly without rushing," Artoria said after understanding the situation.

I nodded at her. She had more experience than him.

"I apologize, but if it's any consolation, I can't read beyond your surface thoughts young boy Robert, your mind is quite the maze... I think Robert had brain issues…" Charles.

"Professor!" Jean hissed at him for reading a young boy's mind.

"Don't worry Jean, Professor must have reasons to do so," Scott said

Laura and Sarah felt shocked and worried about him.

"Don't call me with that name, I left that name. And I don't have any brain problems" Rocky said.

"Rocky, tell the truth, did you feel to kill or destroy anything, recently, " I said to him. I know Sentry had a Dark personality from what I know.

He hesitated first to tell. Then he said.

"Sometimes I felt angry and I heard an evil voice," he said

"Hey, why didn't you say to us," Sarah said

Rocky didn't see Laura and Sarah's eyes. He doesn't want to worry them.

"Sarah, Don't worry everything will be alright," I said.

"Xavier, I will come to meet you in the future. But now I can't send Rocky with you" he will try to suppress sentry powers.

I think I should train a sentry myself.

Xavier didn't like it but he agreed.

"Sarah, can you give them your phone number," I said and she agreed.

"Logan gave your number, to her," Anna said

"Why" Logan didn't understand this. But Anna pushed him.

'She is your family' Anna and Kitty thought.

Logan and Sarah exchanged the numbers.

"Old man, I want to say a few words, a king or leader who can't protect their people don't have any right to ask for help or question them," Artoria said to Xavier.

Xavier felt shocked. He knows about his choices but he can't change his path after coming this far.

Then they are leaving the place.

Laura looks at Logan who was leaving and said.

"Take care, Dad"

Logan upon hearing her words freezes, he can not able to move forward.

"Bub, I always wanted things to go well but... if you call me like that is bad for my heart" he never had kids.

then he looks at Rocky and growls.

"Boy, take care of her or we will have a chat later," he said and left.

Rocky left Logan looking scary. Sarah said and patted his head.

"Don't worry, let's go" she said.

"Damn it, we felt boring to act like animals," Tom said and Jerry and Regis agreed with him.

Then Regis created a portal to our house, then everyone started to move.

"Hey, buddy, you look Cool and badass today."

Then we went to our and I received the rewards.

I got something Powerful Skill has reward this time.