1 Ch 01 - Born in the Marvel Ruined

Edward Freire as always went to bed and was waiting for the new day.

Only this new day never came into your world.

His eyes open after a large amount of light explodes in his face.

The place where you are well and like room with head full of light in front.

(Edward) tries to comfort himself.

As you enter the door of light, you are in a white room with a golden chair in the center.

Sense in your mind wanders for a long time that time itself loses its meaning.

Once again the eyes open, but now they are golden.

"This thing is too much for a human to get ... (Edward) because what I learned is not the same as me.

"Maybe a new world might be my new beginning" (Edward).

The golden light shines and the room is empty again.


[Marvel Universe]

In 1980, the world was not so alone in the universe

A cosmic being called Galactus decided to feast on the vital essence of planet Earth.

Asters were not found with their earthly force consumed by despair.

Luck was always a gift from the human race, and this time it was no different.

A wave of energy involved the big one and pushed it away.

The Earth suffered the life of nature and the great cities cease to exist.

A third of life was gone and the rest would fight to survive.


One-dimensional portals called Kimera were opened on Earth. They were like dungeons of table games, when a stone of energy is not removed in 6 months, an explosion causes the shaft to remain fully connected to Earth. Where a mutant race is running.

The Mutants can leave the Portal of the Dungeon and any of the possible resources to avoid the synchronization of the energy of the stone.

When a stone is captured, it releases a seed of power that makes it normal.

The human race has overcome the difficulties and successes of the music machines to survive the mutants and the radiation released after the explosion of the dungeon that permeates the place.

The years have passed and we are in 1990 in a hospital in New York where a baby's crying can be heard.

The rebirth of the living being that lived beyond rhythm.

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