
part 10

"Good heavens!"

The couple who had been enjoying each other's company on the bed jumped up in alarm, frantically grabbing at the sheets to shield their nudity from Jason's unwelcome intrusion.

Despite the briefness of the moment, Jason's sharp eyes had already taken in every detail of the bed's lascivious tableau.

The woman, Annie, possessed alabaster skin, curves that begged to be touched, and lips that were undeniably pouty and inviting.

Meanwhile, the man, with his chocolate-brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a powerful build that was accentuated by the menacing black mamba tattoo coiling around his bicep, was definitely not the cultured and debonair James Wesley.

The weight of the situation sent a shockwave through Jason's mind, rendering him immobile and dazed.

"Jason! What brings you here?" cried Annie, huddled beneath the sheets in a pitiful attempt to cover herself up.

Jason's expression was a mixture of confusion and disappointment. He had not anticipated this outcome when he had set out to investigate. The situation was too complicated for him to process in a single moment.

Annie attempted to offer an explanation, but her words fell on deaf ears. Jason couldn't find it in himself to believe anything she had to say.

They had been caught in the act, and no amount of pleading or justification could change that. The situation was what it was, and Jason had to come to terms with it.

He let out a heavy sigh, his eyes conveying a sense of hopelessness and defeat. There was nothing he could do to change what had already happened.

Jason's mind raced as he listened to Annie's desperate plea for him to keep the affair a secret. His moral compass told him that he should do the right thing and expose the truth, but the thought of ruining Wesley's life made him hesitate.

"Stop your blabbering, woman," he snapped at Annie, his grip on the pistol tightening. "Money can't buy silence in this situation."

Annie's face twisted in fear as she begged for mercy. But before Jason could respond, he heard a rustling sound from the bed.

Turning his attention to the source of the noise, Jason saw the man on the bed reach for something under the pillow. In an instant, he realized that he was in grave danger.

Reacting swiftly, Jason raised his Glock and fired a single shot.

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the room as the bullet found its mark, piercing the man's hand and causing him to cry out in agony.

The man's hand was now covered in blood, and he was writhing in pain. Jason remained vigilant, knowing that the situation could escalate at any moment.

[Ding! Injuring the fitness trainer gets 50 villain points, current progress: 515/3000]

Jason pulled out his cellphone and dialed Wesley's number, his voice cool and collected. As the call connected, Wesley's voice rang through the speaker.


"Hey! It's me."


"It's me, can't you hear my voice?"

"Shit! Jason!"

"Hehehe... You guessed it right, then guess again, why did I call you."

Wesley was clearly puzzled but he managed to answer correctly. Jason gave him 15 minutes to get back home, promising a gift upon arrival.

Satisfied with his plan, Jason hung up the phone and turned to face the two figures on the bed. "Alright, now we wait for Wesley to return.

Jason!" Annie suddenly exclaimed, letting go of the duvet, which slipped off her body, revealing her bare skin. Jason looked at her with a complicated expression and asked, "What do you mean?"

Annie slowly walked towards Jason barefoot and said, "Let me go, and I will be your mistress. I'll serve you well."

She showed a seductive smile and began to play with her hair.

"When we first met, you wanted to sleep with me, didn't you? You thought you were hiding it well, but I knew."

Jason held the pistol to Annie's head without showing any emotion, "I think you misunderstood."

"I heard a myth that Jason's prowess in bed is a widely-circulated phrase in the New York underground world? I mean, with that kind of reputation, you must be a real stud muffin!"

Annie's seductive smile widened as she stuck out her flexible tongue and provocatively placed the muzzle of the silencer into her mouth. Jason's hand trembled slightly, fighting the urge to pull the trigger.

Suddenly, Annie pulled the gun out of her mouth and pointed it at Jason, her expression changing to one of cold calculation. "Tonight, a man broke into the room and wanted to r**e me," she began, her voice low and menacing. "You just found out, and then you shot him in the hand."

Jason had a smile on his face as he placed his finger back on the trigger.

There was a faint click, which made Annie jump back a few steps.

"Annie," Jason said, his tone serious, "as the rumors suggest, I am a professional green hat wholesaler. But do you know why?"

That's because the grass always looks greener on the other side," Jason explained. "I come from a poor family, and I've had to work hard to get everything I have. I've had to take from others to make it in this world."

Annie still didn't understand, so she twirled a lock of her long hair and asked, "But I'm Wesley's wife. Don't you want to take from me?"

"You're misunderstanding me," Jason replied. "I'm a predator, not a scavenger. I don't want what's already been claimed."

Annie was taken aback by Jason's words and lashed out, "Fuck you!"

But Jason remained calm, pointing his gun at her and warning, "Get back in bed. I don't want to hurt you until Wesley comes back, but don't push me."

Annie glared at him before sitting back on the bed, covering her body with the quilt once again. Jason chuckled and said, "I forgot to mention, although I don't eat garbage, it's still okay to take a look."

Annie kicked the quilt angrily in response.

"Don't be too pessimistic. Maybe Wesley, the good old man, will forgive you," Jason added with a smirk.

Annie, with a dark face, responded by sticking out her middle finger at him

After seven or eight minutes, the sound of an engine grew louder and closer.

Jason went to the master bedroom window to check, and saw a black Audi speeding towards them.

With a harsh braking sound, the Audi stopped on the lawn in front of the villa. Wesley, wearing a high-end black suit, got out of the car and glanced at the camera that had been shot through by the bullet. He took out the key and pushed open the door with a livid face.

"Jason, I came alone. I didn't inform the gang members. You must not hurt Annie," Wesley said as he entered the house.

"Ok. If you don't mind, come up," Jason replied.

Wesley raised his hands high and walked slowly to the second floor.

Jason was holding a gun and leaning against the wall outside the master bedroom with a sincere smile on his face.

Just as Wesley was about to speak, he saw Annie in the bedroom, crying openly.

Thinking of Jason's reputation in the underground world, Wesley's strength left him, and he stayed silent for several seconds before recovering.

He was short of breath, the veins on his forehead jumping wildly as he roared, "Jason, you son of a bitch, what have you done!"

Jason quickly waved his hand and said innocently, "Wesley, I didn't do anything. You should find the man inside. He did everything."

"What man?" Wesley took a few steps forward and finally saw the unconscious man lying on the bed, bleeding heavily

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