
Chapter 19

Ethan looked at Widowmaker for a few moments as the woman was thinking that he might not help her due to his silence.

"Well, if you truly want to change then I will like to help you." Ethan said to her with a nod.

"Really?" Widowmaker said in surprise as she looked at him.

"Really. But you have to let Amelie come out and let me talk to her about this. I think you can see what happens when she is in control?" Ethan said to her.

"If that can help me then sure." Widowmaker said as she closed her eyes.

Her body sagged for a few seconds before she suddenly jolted awake and looked around the room frantically. Then she laid her eyes on him and then jumped on him and gave you a bear hug as he hugged her and rubbed her back.

"Amelie?" Ethan called out as he grabbed her soldiers and looked at him.

"E-Ethan." Amelie said in a vulnerable tone and face.

"Did you see what I talked about with Widowmaker?" Ethan asked her as he looked at her eyes.

"Yes. Are... Are you sure about this?" Amelie asked him skeptically.

"If that can help her them it is a good bet. But still, how do you think she came to be Amelie, when it was you who had been brainwashed?" Ethan asked her as he looked at her.

Amelie looked confused at the question and thought about it without being able to make heads or tails about it before she looked at him.

"I-I don't know. She just suddenly appeared in my mind." Amelie said to him in confusion.

"I think it's because you wanted to reject you actions. You obviously were horrified of the things you had done. So as a way of coping with it, you blamed it all on the persona of Widowmaker, and maybe, because you rejected those actions, thoughts and emotions as not being part of yourself, but as another person, it might have inadvertently caused her to be born." Ethan said as he explained it as best as he could.

"O-Oh." Amelie said in surprise at hearing him.

"But the resurfacing of your emotions has allowed her to know that what she has done is bad and I want to help her as well." Ethan said to her with a nod.

"W-Well, if you want to. You helped me and so, if you want to help her as well then I won't stop you." Amelie said to him in an unsure tone.

"Good to know. I'll just have to ask Maestro about this again." Ethan said to her as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You have to report everything huh." Amelie said in a tone of pity.

He remembered how the man had slammed him into the ground like he was nothing and he felt a shiver go through him at that thought.

"Yeah. He also has the resources for it. I just have to make sure that he sees that I am a valuable asset to him." Ethan said to her as she frowned a bit but nodded nonetheless.

He just hoped that the man knew how to take care of this as split personality is something that he has no experience about.

Time skip

"So, we are actually doing this?" Widowmaker asked as she is now in control.

She has put on make-up to hide her skin colour as she is dressed in a pretty dress as she and Ethan are in the city with her wearing a large hat as well.

"Yes we are. This seems to be a good way for you to experience the normal things." Ethan said to her with a nod.

"Ok. Then, please lead the way." Widowmaker said to him as she looked at him.

"[Don't make him nervous okay.]" Amelie said from inside her mind as Widowmaker groaned but stayed shut.

"[Fine.]" Widowmaker said back to her in her mind.

After that the two of them started to explore the city as they went to various shops, clothing stores, parks, restaurants and many other places. All this time Ethan has been keeping an eye on her as he realised that she is enjoying this if the smile he would see on her face is anything to go by.

"So, how has this day been?" Ethan asked as the two of them were taking a ride of the giant wheel.

"It is pretty different from what I had experienced up until now. When I walked around and ate all of things, it was different from it all. The joy that I got from killing, I could get them with such simple things." Widowmaker said as she looked at the city.

"Yes. I suppose you are starting to understand that killing isn't the only thing in the world." Ethan said with a nod and a smile.

"Indeed. Still, thank you for actually trying to help me. I don't think that many would actually do something like that. Especially for someone like me." Widowmaker said to him as she gave a small smile to him.

"It was fine." Ethan said with a nod and a smile as well.

After that she looked outside the window at the bustling city and at the sights in front of her.

'So this is what it feels like to be a human. I must say, it's not bad at all.' Widowmaker thought to herself as she smiled at the sight.

Ethan meanwhile kept his eyes on her as he surveyed her reaction as he decided to enjoy the short ride as well. Soon the ride ended and the two went to have dinner in a restaurant as they gave their orders and sat in their seats, waiting for their food.

"It feels nice to eat in a restaurant, not having to think about being attacked and being able to relax." Widowmaker said as she looked around her.

"Yeah. Well, the food here is supposed to be very good so I hope that it will be to your liking." Ethan said as he looked at the menu.

"Thank you. I'm sure it will be fine." Widowmaker said to him as she felt a light blush on her cheeks.

Though it was not noticed by him as she had put on make-up. Their food came and the two enjoyed their lunch, she was also aware of the stares that the two were getting, mostly on her due to how beautiful she is as the men around her were looking at her.

But she disregarded them as she wanted to enjoy the time outside and the two were finally done with the dinner. After that they left the city in a car and went back to the house. After which the two separated to take a bath for themselves.

While she was in the bath, Widowmaker remembered how the day had went and about how he had treated her. He treated her with care and would ask her if she was alright and wanted anything. To her personality, who was used to being treated as a weapon, this was new and heartwarming for her a she felt a warmth from him.

She felt the water drip down her body as she showered and held her body as she remembered the day today. She let out a sigh as she let the water flow done her body.

'He treated me as a living being instead of a weapon.' Widowmaker thought to herself as a small smile appeared on her face.

In the mindscape, Amelie watched as Widowmaker showered as she remembered the events of the day as she couldn't help but blush at how he had treated her. She wondered how it would've felt if she were the one to be treated like that.