
Klaue's Wacky Luck!

I started putting my jigsaw puzzle together smoothly. Things I've achieved in the two months since I woke up in January 2010 would take anyone here years and years to pull off 10% of them.

Having an AI gives you an overpowering advantage over others in an unimaginable way that is not even funny anymore.

Tony Stark's quest for true artificial intelligence had him ending up with Ultron, and his 'Just A Rather Very Intelligent System (J.A.R.V.I.S.)' was already running most of his company's operations, so no wonder he was ahead of everyone technology-wise, and funds-wise.

He easily funds the Avengers and designs super expensive toys for them like he's making his new neighbors a cherry pie.

And Ordis is way ahead of everyone, and his capabilities are just getting better and better since the ship is almost at 70% efficiency.

His processing power and the things he can pull up have exploded exponentially.

But for now, I am trying to build everything in a semi-natural way to not draw preying eyes, and the challenge is satisfying.

But you know what else can give you an advantage in this world on top of an AI?

It's having access to one of the most versatile and strongest substances on earth.

You guessed it right.

Vibranium, the metal, has infinite potential and makes graphene look like iron ore.

The advantage Wakanda has over the world from having a mountain of this stuff is evident.

They are the most "advanced" nation on the planet.

They had literally created wonders and achieved space travel before even the outside world, as they call it, started the industrial revolution, and Wakanda was known as the legend of Eldorado, which is really the name of their capital city.

But my target is not Wakanda; it's another unsavory person.

The underground black market arms dealer extraordinaire, Ulysses Klaue.

Klause was used by the Wakandan prince N'Jobu to steal Vibranium from under their noses, but Klause decided to do it in a fiery way, and he blew up the border tribes of Wakanda, killing thousands.

Which led Wakanda to paint him as the devil who must be slain at all costs.

They always feel violated when someone finds them sitting on a mountain of that stuff.

They squirmer both in shame and greed.

you can't out-greed Gollum in this situation, it's like they meet someone who can beat them at their craft, which is another thing that made them angry.

And the opportunist that I am will use this situation to its full extent.

After Ordis did some tracking and breadcrumb seeding, I finally got the hidden location of Klaue.

Today is the day to take this body on a test drive. Since I came to his world, I've been tip-toeing around, making sure I don't open a door too fast and cause the building to crumble, or walking with too much force that wherever I go, my footsteps leave craters.

It's both easy and hard.

The world for some like me is literally made of paper tissue.

I learned how to fly through.

It took time, because I didn't have enough power for the organ that allows flight.

So I did a lot of sunbathing in Long Beach, and after two months of it, I was able to float, fly, and reach supersonic speeds.

which is how I made my way to where I am right now.

On the coast of South africa, I am donning my black skin suit, dark power armor, and blackout mask and flying low above an oil tanker's graveyard.

which I've learned is indeed Ulysses Klaue's base of operations.

Flying low, I couldn't get my eyes to detect the X-ray passing through objects that far, all I get is blurry fog.

But thanks to Ordis, I got him to get me around the situation inside.

The footage from onboard the suspected tanker is, as I expected, full of mercenaries going around loading and unloading weapons and missiles and others were drinking and smoking, and some are fornicating.

And I am here to purge the unclean and raise their nests.

I want to make my entry fast, and there are a lot of ships with weapons and mercenaries; I am not certain which one held Ulysses and his stuff, but I know how to find which Hive held the queen.

"Ordis, call our unsuspecting benefactor," I ordered.

"At your command," Ordis chirped.

Tonight, I am not here to play games of discretion.

I am here to let it all out if Ulysses decides to take the wrong path.

*phone ringing*

"Uuugh? What time is this? Couldn't you wait for a few more hours?" Ulysses spat from behind the phone while grumbling under his breath.

"Who is this?" he finally asked.

"It's never too late to do business, right, Mr. Ulysses?" I answered, my voice distorted.

"I am in no mood for games; who are you?" He cried angrily.

"Why so serious? You home? "Can you let me in?" I said it sarcastically.

"It's cold out here."

"Huh?" he said as he hung up. Suddenly, the scene down there became chaotic and full of movement, but they failed to see me in contrast with the dark sky, so they kept looking around for me.

After toying with them a little and making sure everyone was weaponized and ready.

To at least call it a fair fight, right?

I then descended on them.

All they saw was a dark figure making a crater on the ground and then heading inside the ship in a blur.

I let them shoot at my after-image.

I scanned the inside of the ship looking for Ulyess, and I knew where he was hiding.

a huge steel vault that is big and fortified.

It's where he sleeps like a dragon on his treasure.

a place where he keeps the things he values the most in life.

his life and Vibranium.

When I knew where to head, I just jumped with full force and shredded my way down in the vault's direction.

All the guards did was panic and shoot at me, but I ignored them.

Now I am really testing my full extent of power.

It's really underwhelming how little resistance there is from everything; even metal crumbled like tinfoil upon my touch.

I doubt they will even have an idea what hit them.

When I reached the vault, I found a group of mercenaries standing there, waiting to repel whoever was attacking.

"You guys really want to do this?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.

as they let out a hail of bullets my way.

They may be on the right since I invaded their den of sin, but they are also on the wrong for shooting first and asking questions later.

So I just launched myself at them.


I looked down at my hand. The soldier I was supposed to punch became pulp, and his guts painted the wall.

"Oops," I said to them in a distorted voice to their horrified eyes.

They shook in their place for a little and started shooting again.

"Sigh, these guys really aren't the brightest spoons in the jar, aren't they?"

I shrugged and launched myself at the others, karate-shopping them into mush.

They put up very little resistance.

It's not like they can do much.

When I finished, I tore the vault's door locks with two shots of my heat vision. and I removed it from its hinges.

When I entered, I found Ulysses with two of his men, pointing guns at the door, expecting an army.

but only I entered.

"You shouldn't have hung up on me; we could've talked it out like businessmen to businessmen."

Ulysses, upon setting his eyes on me, had no words; what he's seeing right now is the last of his expectations.

Me Clad in black armor, black cape, and the scariest Gigerisc mask.

With wide, scared eyes, two of his guards started shooting again.

Goddammit, these guys have only bullets in their vocabulary.

*ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping...*

They emptied their magazine, and I didn't even flinch an inch; I just stood there and stared at them while shaking my head.

"They really have no manners, ain't that right, Ulysses?" I asked sarcastically.

Now Ulysses knows what kind of situation he is in and has started trying other strategies.

"Heh, yes, yes, you're right, they have no manners," he said as he glared at his men and asked them to stand down.

"Hey, take a seat; let's talk business," he said sheepishly.

I just stood there and looked at him with the cold gaze of my blacked-out mask, which is sending his men into cardiac arrest as we speak.

He then looked at me with his sheepish demeanor all gone, knowing I wouldn't flatter his BS.

"Are you here to take me to Wakanda?" he asked, with a serious, somber tone.

"No, I am not with Wakanda; don't worry, but I am here to see the goods, and by the goods, I mean the goods," as I nod my head toward the wall sending him a hint.

Now Ulysses is like a stuck rabbit; he has no way to run away from this situation and has one option, which is to do what I say.

"You're here for this?" He said with a bitter tone as he pressed a button and a vault opened with countless glass containers full of purple-glowing metal.

I went and started checking the holdings.

"You know, it came at a great cost; it's worth billions," he said while scratching his neck.

"Great cost? huh, You mean all the innocent border tribe people?" I scuffed sarcastically.

you wouldn't expect me to pay a thief, right?

"Ordis, bleed his accounts bone dry," I called for Ordis to transfer all his money to our bank accounts while his eyes darted around, having no idea where this Ordis is.

"Hi, get your men to carry this for me to the top of the barge, would you? If they value their lives, of course," I said as I dropped my duffle bag for them to put all the Vibranium in.

I stood there watching it all transpire menacingly as I crossed my arms in front of my chest, all while Ulysses was glaring at me his gaze full of anger.

"If only looks could kill," I said, laughing, feeling euphoric through the current power trip I am on.

'Well, my looks could kill though' I thought to myself.

"Who are you exactly?" he asked again, in genuine fear and hatred.

"If I wanted you to know who I am, I wouldn't wear a mask, dumbass." I waved a hand in front of my face in a 'you can't see me' manner.

When the grunts loaded all the Vibranuim, I asked them to move in and cut through the wrecked inside of the ship and calm any would-be happy trigger.

We reached the top of the ship, I then slapped a nerve jammer on his neck, rendering him a vegetable. He was aware, but all his senses and motor functions were cut off.

The grunts tried to shoot me, but I just caved their faces in with a punch and a backhand slap.

Unbeknownst to them, my transport ship came down; I loaded the Vibranuim and Ulysses on it and sent them off to the ship, and I told Ordis to put Ulysses into suspended animation until we needed him.

I can clearly hear the other grunts finally getting some real firepower on their hands in the form of high-caliber bullets and RPGs, thinking they are dealing with Iron Man. I just punched down inside the ship where they are holding the big Ka-boom stuff.

Reaching the missile storage place, I can't help but grin, knowing what I am about to do.

Moments later, all hell broke loose.

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