
Marvel's Red Winter

The Red Room, birthplace of Natalia Romanoff and many others. It is also the place where others had gone to be produced as the greatest assassins that the world has ever seen. One such individual was part of a secret project made by Hydra to replicate the Super Soldier Serum. It was meant to enhance the human ability to adapt, no living test subject could survive. Only a newborn babe could survive the procedure, and survived he did. This is how the world's most deadliest human being was born, this is how the Red Winter lived...

HectorX · Phim ảnh
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5 Chs


Hey there, I'm here to go ahead and let you know a few things before I finish up on Chapter 2. Some of which are questions asked in the first Chapter, and others are just general information.

//What is the MC's name?\\

Sadly, I can't tell you guys his name yet. It is more or less a surprise as well as a very important plot point. That said I can reveal his first name rather than his full name. Know that his first name is not his real name, only a fake name so that nobody knows who he is. The name that he will be called by is David, other than that you'll just have to wait and see what his full name is.

//Why do you call him Red Winter rather than Red Hood\\

This one is moreso because of what he's affiliated with. He doesn't call himself Red Hood because the name hasn't come to him yet. He will later I promise, just give it time. Red Winter is more or less a title and symbol of fear. You should have a good idea on what are him this way by reading the Synopsis.

//What are the MC's powers?\\

Now this one is simple but OP if given time to grow. Red Winter has the ability to adapt, his body will adapt to anything just not physically. If he gets punched by someone say Thor, then his body will compensate and adapt to the damage dealt to him. So that if was ever hit by Thor again, his body will respond accordingly to either not even feeling the hit, or automatically move out of the way. This also gives him Superhuman attributes like a certain degree of strength, speed, stamina, and durability. The durability part though is tricky, for bullets that aren't armor piercing won't pierce his skin. Anything above that however is fair game if he survives long enough to adapt.

//Who is the love interest for the MC?\\

That's a complicated question that I'm still trying to figure out. I could use help on this from you guys. Know that he is straight, so he won't fall for another man. Also know that this is the MCU timeline with only a few additions that does not involve Marvel characters of any kind. You'll see what I mean later. That being the case, could you give me an idea on who would best fit in a relationship with Red Winter? Like a name and why you think that they would fit for him.

//Will the MC ever stop killing?\\


//Will he change certain events in the timeline that could get the TVA involved?\\

That question is both rhetorical and not. I can't say much since I already have it planned for him to get involved with them. What I xan say without spoiling anything, the TVA are already occupied with something else, something that will get Loki to have to get Red Winter's help.

//Is the MC a reincarnated person?\\

No he is not, the person who made him what he is today however is. Are they still living? Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, you'll just have to read and find out.

[Other than those questions, ask here if there is one that you want an answer to. Know that if it will spoil any future events then I will let you know and apologize for not being able to answer. Be on the lookout for the next chapter, and see you soon!]